require 'test/unit' require_relative 'envutil' # to supress warnings for future calls of Module#refine EnvUtil.suppress_warning do { refine(Object) {} } end class TestRefinement < Test::Unit::TestCase class Foo def x return "Foo#x" end def y return "Foo#y" end def a return "Foo#a" end def call_x return x end end module FooExt refine Foo do def x return "FooExt#x" end def y return "FooExt#y " + super end def z return "FooExt#z" end def a return "FooExt#a" end end end module FooExt2 refine Foo do def x return "FooExt2#x" end def y return "FooExt2#y " + super end def z return "FooExt2#z" end end end class FooSub < Foo def x return "FooSub#x" end def y return "FooSub#y " + super end end eval <<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING using TestRefinement::FooExt class TestRefinement::FooExtClient def self.invoke_x_on(foo) return foo.x end def self.invoke_y_on(foo) return foo.y end def self.invoke_z_on(foo) return foo.z end def self.send_z_on(foo) return foo.send(:z) end def self.method_z(foo) return foo.method(:z) end def self.invoke_call_x_on(foo) return foo.call_x end end EOF eval <<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING using TestRefinement::FooExt using TestRefinement::FooExt2 class TestRefinement::FooExtClient2 def self.invoke_y_on(foo) return foo.y end def self.invoke_a_on(foo) return foo.a end end EOF def test_override foo = assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) assert_equal("FooExt#x", FooExtClient.invoke_x_on(foo)) assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) end def test_super foo = assert_equal("Foo#y", foo.y) assert_equal("FooExt#y Foo#y", FooExtClient.invoke_y_on(foo)) assert_equal("Foo#y", foo.y) end def test_super_not_chained foo = assert_equal("Foo#y", foo.y) assert_equal("FooExt2#y Foo#y", FooExtClient2.invoke_y_on(foo)) assert_equal("Foo#y", foo.y) end def test_using_same_class_refinements foo = assert_equal("Foo#a", foo.a) assert_equal("FooExt#a", FooExtClient2.invoke_a_on(foo)) assert_equal("Foo#a", foo.a) end def test_new_method foo = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { foo.z } assert_equal("FooExt#z", FooExtClient.invoke_z_on(foo)) assert_raise(NoMethodError) { foo.z } end module RespondTo class Super def foo end end class Sub < Super end module M refine Sub do def foo end end end end def test_send_should_not_use_refinements foo = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { foo.send(:z) } assert_raise(NoMethodError) { FooExtClient.send_z_on(foo) } assert_raise(NoMethodError) { foo.send(:z) } assert_equal(true, end def test_method_should_not_use_refinements foo = assert_raise(NameError) { foo.method(:z) } assert_raise(NameError) { FooExtClient.method_z(foo) } assert_raise(NameError) { foo.method(:z) } end def test_no_local_rebinding foo = assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.call_x) assert_equal("Foo#x", FooExtClient.invoke_call_x_on(foo)) assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.call_x) end def test_subclass_is_prior sub = assert_equal("FooSub#x", sub.x) assert_equal("FooSub#x", FooExtClient.invoke_x_on(sub)) assert_equal("FooSub#x", sub.x) end def test_super_in_subclass sub = assert_equal("FooSub#y Foo#y", sub.y) # not "FooSub#y FooExt#y Foo#y" assert_equal("FooSub#y Foo#y", FooExtClient.invoke_y_on(sub)) assert_equal("FooSub#y Foo#y", sub.y) end def test_new_method_on_subclass sub = assert_raise(NoMethodError) { sub.z } assert_equal("FooExt#z", FooExtClient.invoke_z_on(sub)) assert_raise(NoMethodError) { sub.z } end def test_module_eval foo = assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) assert_equal("Foo#x", FooExt.module_eval { foo.x }) assert_equal("Foo#x", FooExt.module_eval("foo.x")) assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) end def test_instance_eval_without_refinement foo = ext_client = assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) assert_equal("Foo#x", ext_client.instance_eval { foo.x }) assert_equal("Foo#x", foo.x) end module FixnumSlashExt refine Fixnum do def /(other) quo(other) end end end def test_override_builtin_method assert_equal(0, 1 / 2) assert_equal(Rational(1, 2), eval_using(FixnumSlashExt, "1 / 2")) assert_equal(0, 1 / 2) end module FixnumPlusExt refine Fixnum do def self.method_added(*args); end def +(other) "overriden" end end end def test_override_builtin_method_with_method_added assert_equal(3, 1 + 2) assert_equal("overriden", eval_using(FixnumPlusExt, "1 + 2")) assert_equal(3, 1 + 2) end def test_return_value_of_refine mod = nil result = nil m = { result = refine(Object) { mod = self } } assert_equal mod, result end module RefineSameClass REFINEMENT1 = refine(Fixnum) { def foo; return "foo" end } REFINEMENT2 = refine(Fixnum) { def bar; return "bar" end } REFINEMENT3 = refine(String) { def baz; return "baz" end } end def test_refine_same_class_twice assert_equal("foo", eval_using(RefineSameClass, "")) assert_equal("bar", eval_using(RefineSameClass, "")) assert_equal(RefineSameClass::REFINEMENT1, RefineSameClass::REFINEMENT2) assert_not_equal(RefineSameClass::REFINEMENT1, RefineSameClass::REFINEMENT3) end module FixnumFooExt refine Fixnum do def foo; "foo"; end end end def test_respond_to_should_not_use_refinements assert_equal(false, 1.respond_to?(:foo)) assert_equal(false, eval_using(FixnumFooExt, "1.respond_to?(:foo)")) end module StringCmpExt refine String do def <=>(other) return 0 end end end module ArrayEachExt refine Array do def each super do |i| yield 2 * i end end end end def test_builtin_method_no_local_rebinding assert_equal(false, eval_using(StringCmpExt, '"1" >= "2"')) assert_equal(1, eval_using(ArrayEachExt, "[1, 2, 3].min")) end module RefinePrependedClass module M1 def foo super << :m1 end end class C prepend M1 def foo [:c] end end module M2 refine C do def foo super << :m2 end end end end def test_refine_prepended_class x = eval_using(RefinePrependedClass::M2, "") assert_equal([:c, :m1, :m2], x) end def test_refine_module m1 = assert_raise(TypeError) do { refine m1 do def foo :m2 end end } end end def test_refine_neither_class_nor_module assert_raise(TypeError) do { refine do end } end assert_raise(TypeError) do { refine 123 do end } end assert_raise(TypeError) do { refine "foo" do end } end end def test_refine_in_class assert_raise(NoMethodError) do { refine Fixnum do def foo "c" end end } end end def test_main_using assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(:C :M), /Refinements are experimental/) class C def foo :C end end module M refine C do def foo :M end end end c = p using M p INPUT end def test_main_using_is_private assert_raise(NoMethodError) do eval("self.using", TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end end def test_no_kernel_using assert_raise(NoMethodError) do using end end def test_no_module_using assert_raise(NoMethodError) do { using } end end class UsingClass end def test_module_using_class c = assert_raise(TypeError) do eval("using TestRefinement::UsingClass", TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end end def test_refine_without_block c1 = e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) { do refine c1 end } assert_equal("no block given", e.message) end module Inspect module M Fixnum = refine(Fixnum) {} end end def test_inspect assert_equal("#", Inspect::M::Fixnum.inspect) end def test_using_method_cache assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(:M1 :M2), /Refinements are experimental/) class C def foo "original" end end module M1 refine C do def foo :M1 end end end module M2 refine C do def foo :M2 end end end c = using M1 p using M2 p INPUT end module RedefineRefinedMethod class C def foo "original" end end module M refine C do def foo "refined" end end end class C def foo "redefined" end end end def test_redefine_refined_method x = eval_using(RedefineRefinedMethod::M, "") assert_equal("refined", x) end module StringExt refine String do def foo "foo" end end end module RefineScoping refine String do def foo "foo" end def RefineScoping.call_in_refine_block "".foo end end def self.call_outside_refine_block "".foo end end def test_refine_scoping assert_equal("foo", RefineScoping.call_in_refine_block) assert_raise(NoMethodError) do RefineScoping.call_outside_refine_block end end module StringRecursiveLength refine String do def recursive_length if empty? 0 else self[1..-1].recursive_length + 1 end end end end def test_refine_recursion x = eval_using(StringRecursiveLength, "'foo'.recursive_length") assert_equal(3, x) end module ToJSON refine Integer do def to_json; to_s; end end refine Array do def to_json; "[" + map { |i| i.to_json }.join(",") + "]" end end refine Hash do def to_json; "{" + map { |k, v| k.to_s.dump + ":" + v.to_json }.join(",") + "}" end end end def test_refine_mutual_recursion x = eval_using(ToJSON, "[{1=>2}, {3=>4}].to_json") assert_equal('[{"1":2},{"3":4}]', x) end def test_refine_with_proc assert_raise(ArgumentError) do { refine(String, & {}) } end end def test_using_in_module assert_raise(RuntimeError) do eval(<<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) $main = self module M end module M2 $main.send(:using, M) end EOF end end def test_using_in_method assert_raise(RuntimeError) do eval(<<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING) $main = self module M end def call_using_in_method $main.send(:using, M) end call_using_in_method EOF end end module IncludeIntoRefinement class C def bar return "C#bar" end def baz return "C#baz" end end module Mixin def foo return "Mixin#foo" end def bar return super << " Mixin#bar" end def baz return super << " Mixin#baz" end end module M refine C do include Mixin def baz return super << " M#baz" end end end end eval <<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING using TestRefinement::IncludeIntoRefinement::M module TestRefinement::IncludeIntoRefinement::User def self.invoke_foo_on(x) end def self.invoke_bar_on(x) end def self.invoke_baz_on(x) x.baz end end EOF def test_include_into_refinement x = assert_equal("Mixin#foo", IncludeIntoRefinement::User.invoke_foo_on(x)) assert_equal("C#bar Mixin#bar", IncludeIntoRefinement::User.invoke_bar_on(x)) assert_equal("C#baz Mixin#baz M#baz", IncludeIntoRefinement::User.invoke_baz_on(x)) end module PrependIntoRefinement class C def bar return "C#bar" end def baz return "C#baz" end end module Mixin def foo return "Mixin#foo" end def bar return super << " Mixin#bar" end def baz return super << " Mixin#baz" end end module M refine C do prepend Mixin def baz return super << " M#baz" end end end end eval <<-EOF, TOPLEVEL_BINDING using TestRefinement::PrependIntoRefinement::M module TestRefinement::PrependIntoRefinement::User def self.invoke_foo_on(x) end def self.invoke_bar_on(x) end def self.invoke_baz_on(x) x.baz end end EOF def test_prepend_into_refinement x = assert_equal("Mixin#foo", PrependIntoRefinement::User.invoke_foo_on(x)) assert_equal("C#bar Mixin#bar", PrependIntoRefinement::User.invoke_bar_on(x)) assert_equal("C#baz M#baz Mixin#baz", PrependIntoRefinement::User.invoke_baz_on(x)) end module PrependAfterRefine class C def foo "original" end end module M refine C do def foo "refined" end def bar "refined" end end end module Mixin def foo "mixin" end def bar "mixin" end end class C prepend Mixin end end def test_prepend_after_refine x = eval_using(PrependAfterRefine::M, "") assert_equal("refined", x) assert_equal("mixin", y = eval_using(PrependAfterRefine::M, "") assert_equal("refined", y) assert_equal("mixin", end module SuperInBlock class C def foo(*args) [:foo, *args] end end module R refine C do def foo(*args) tap do return super(:ref, *args) end end end end end def test_super_in_block bug7925 = '[ruby-core:52750] [Bug #7925]' x = eval_using(SuperInBlock::R, "TestRefinement::{bug7925.dump})") assert_equal([:foo, :ref, bug7925], x, bug7925) end def test_case_dispatch_is_aware_of_refinements assert_in_out_err([], <<-RUBY, ["refinement used"], []) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." module RefineSymbol refine Symbol do def ===(other) true end end end using RefineSymbol case :a when :b puts "refinement used" else puts "refinement not used" end RUBY end def test_instance_methods bug8881 = '[ruby-core:57080] [Bug #8881]' assert_not_include(Foo.instance_methods(false), :z, bug8881) assert_not_include(FooSub.instance_methods(true), :z, bug8881) end def test_method_defined assert_not_send([Foo, :method_defined?, :z]) assert_not_send([FooSub, :method_defined?, :z]) end def test_undef_refined_method bug8966 = '[ruby-core:57466] [Bug #8966]' assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["NameError"], [], bug8966) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." module Foo refine Object do def foo puts "foo" end end end using Foo class Object begin undef foo rescue Exception => e p e.class end end INPUT assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["NameError"], [], bug8966) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." module Foo refine Object do def foo puts "foo" end end end # without `using Foo' class Object begin undef foo rescue Exception => e p e.class end end INPUT end def test_refine_undefed_method_and_call assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["NoMethodError"], []) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." class Foo def foo end undef foo end module FooExt refine Foo do def foo end end end begin rescue => e p e.class end INPUT end def test_refine_undefed_method_and_send assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["NoMethodError"], []) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." class Foo def foo end undef foo end module FooExt refine Foo do def foo end end end begin rescue => e p e.class end INPUT end def test_adding_private_method bug9452 = '[ruby-core:60111] [Bug #9452]' assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["Success!", "NoMethodError"], [], bug9452) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." module R refine Object do def m puts "Success!" end private(:m) end end using R m 42.m rescue p($!.class) INPUT end def test_making_private_method_public bug9452 = '[ruby-core:60111] [Bug #9452]' assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, ["Success!", "Success!"], [], bug9452) $VERBOSE = nil #to suppress warning "Refinements are experimental, ..." class Object private def m end end module R refine Object do def m puts "Success!" end end end using R m 42.m INPUT end def test_change_refined_new_method_visibility assert_separately([''], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10706 = '[ruby-core:67387] [Bug #10706]' module RefinementBug refine Object do def foo end end end assert_raise(NameError, bug10706) {private(:foo)} end; end def test_alias_refined_method assert_separately([''], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10731 = '[ruby-core:67523] [Bug #10731]' class C end module RefinementBug refine C do def foo end def bar end end end assert_raise(NameError, bug10731) do class C alias foo bar end end end; end def test_refined_method_defined assert_separately([], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10753 = '[ruby-core:67656] [Bug #10753]' c = do def refined_public; end def refined_protected; end def refined_private; end public :refined_public protected :refined_protected private :refined_private end m = do refine(c) do def refined_public; end def refined_protected; end def refined_private; end public :refined_public protected :refined_protected private :refined_private end end using m assert_equal(true, c.public_method_defined?(:refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.public_method_defined?(:refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.public_method_defined?(:refined_private), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.protected_method_defined?(:refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(true, c.protected_method_defined?(:refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.protected_method_defined?(:refined_private), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.private_method_defined?(:refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.private_method_defined?(:refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(true, c.private_method_defined?(:refined_private), bug10753) end; end def test_undefined_refined_method_defined assert_separately([], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10753 = '[ruby-core:67656] [Bug #10753]' c = m = do refine(c) do def undefined_refined_public; end def undefined_refined_protected; end def undefined_refined_private; end public :undefined_refined_public protected :undefined_refined_protected private :undefined_refined_private end end using m assert_equal(false, c.public_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.public_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.public_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_private), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.protected_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.protected_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.protected_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_private), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.private_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_public), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.private_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_protected), bug10753) assert_equal(false, c.private_method_defined?(:undefined_refined_private), bug10753) end; end def test_remove_refined_method assert_separately([], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10765 = '[ruby-core:67722] [Bug #10765]' class C def foo "C#foo" end end module RefinementBug refine C do def foo "RefinementBug#foo" end end end using RefinementBug class C remove_method :foo end assert_equal("RefinementBug#foo",, bug10765) end; end def test_remove_undefined_refined_method assert_separately([], <<-"end;") $VERBOSE = nil bug10765 = '[ruby-core:67722] [Bug #10765]' class C end module RefinementBug refine C do def foo end end end using RefinementBug assert_raise(NameError, bug10765) { class C remove_method :foo end } end; end module NotIncludeSuperclassMethod class X def foo end end class Y < X end module Bar refine Y do def foo end end end end def test_instance_methods_not_include_superclass_method bug10826 = '[ruby-dev:48854] [Bug #10826]' assert_not_include(NotIncludeSuperclassMethod::Y.instance_methods(false), :foo, bug10826) assert_include(NotIncludeSuperclassMethod::Y.instance_methods(true), :foo, bug10826) end private def eval_using(mod, s) eval("using #{mod}; #{s}", TOPLEVEL_BINDING) end end