require 'test/unit' require 'random/formatter' module Random::Formatter module FormatterTest def test_random_bytes assert_equal(16, @it.random_bytes.size) assert_equal(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT, @it.random_bytes.encoding) 65.times do |idx| assert_equal(idx, @it.random_bytes(idx).size) end end def test_hex s = @it.hex assert_equal(16 * 2, s.size) assert_match(/\A\h+\z/, s) 33.times do |idx| s = @it.hex(idx) assert_equal(idx * 2, s.size) assert_match(/\A\h*\z/, s) end end def test_hex_encoding assert_equal(Encoding::US_ASCII, @it.hex.encoding) end def test_base64 assert_equal(16, @it.base64.unpack1('m*').size) 17.times do |idx| assert_equal(idx, @it.base64(idx).unpack1('m*').size) end end def test_urlsafe_base64 safe = /[\n+\/]/ 65.times do |idx| assert_not_match(safe, @it.urlsafe_base64(idx)) end # base64 can include unsafe byte assert((0..10000).any? {|idx| safe =~ @it.base64(idx)}, "None of base64(0..10000) is url-safe") end def test_random_number_float 101.times do v = @it.random_number assert_in_range(0.0...1.0, v) end end def test_random_number_float_by_zero 101.times do v = @it.random_number(0) assert_in_range(0.0...1.0, v) end end def test_random_number_int 101.times do |idx| next if v = @it.random_number(idx) assert_in_range(0...idx, v) end end def test_uuid uuid = @it.uuid assert_equal(36, uuid.size) # Check time_hi_and_version and clock_seq_hi_res bits (RFC 4122 4.4) assert_equal('4', uuid[14]) assert_include(%w'8 9 a b', uuid[19]) assert_match(/\A\h{8}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{4}-\h{12}\z/, uuid) end def assert_uuid_v7(**opts) t1 = current_uuid7_time(**opts) uuid = @it.uuid_v7(**opts) t3 = current_uuid7_time(**opts) assert_match(/\A\h{8}-\h{4}-7\h{3}-[89ab]\h{3}-\h{12}\z/, uuid) t2 = get_uuid7_time(uuid, **opts) assert_operator(t1, :<=, t2) assert_operator(t2, :<=, t3) end def test_uuid_v7 assert_uuid_v7 0.upto(12) do |extra_timestamp_bits| assert_uuid_v7 extra_timestamp_bits: extra_timestamp_bits end end # It would be nice to simply use Time#floor here. But that is problematic # due to the difference between decimal vs binary fractions. def current_uuid7_time(extra_timestamp_bits: 0) denominator = (1 << extra_timestamp_bits).to_r Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_REALTIME, :nanosecond) .then {|ns| ((ns / 1_000_000r) * denominator).floor / denominator } .then {|ms| / 1000r, in: "+00:00") } end def get_uuid7_time(uuid, extra_timestamp_bits: 0) denominator = (1 << extra_timestamp_bits) * 1000r extra_chars = extra_timestamp_bits / 4 last_char_bits = extra_timestamp_bits % 4 extra_chars += 1 if last_char_bits != 0 timestamp_re = /\A(\h{8})-(\h{4})-7(\h{#{extra_chars}})/ timestamp_chars = uuid.match(timestamp_re).captures.join timestamp = timestamp_chars.to_i(16) timestamp >>= 4 - last_char_bits unless last_char_bits == 0 timestamp /= denominator timestamp, in: "+00:00" end def test_alphanumeric 65.times do |n| an = @it.alphanumeric(n) assert_match(/\A[0-9a-zA-Z]*\z/, an) assert_equal(n, an.length) end end def test_alphanumeric_chars [ [[*"0".."9"], /\A\d*\z/], [[*"a".."t"], /\A[a-t]*\z/], ["一二三四五六七八九十".chars, /\A[一二三四五六七八九十]*\z/], ].each do |chars, pattern| 10.times do |n| an = @it.alphanumeric(n, chars: chars) assert_match(pattern, an) assert_equal(n, an.length) end end end def assert_in_range(range, result, mesg = nil) assert(range.cover?(result), build_message(mesg, "Expected #{result} to be in #{range}")) end end module NotDefaultTest def test_random_number_not_default msg = "random_number should not be affected by srand" seed = srand(0) x = @it.random_number(1000) 10.times do|i| srand(0) return unless @it.random_number(1000) == x end srand(0) assert_not_equal(x, @it.random_number(1000), msg) ensure srand(seed) if seed end end class TestClassMethods < Test::Unit::TestCase include FormatterTest def setup @it = Random end end class TestInstanceMethods < Test::Unit::TestCase include FormatterTest include NotDefaultTest def setup @it = end end end