# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' experimental, Warning[:experimental] = Warning[:experimental], false # suppress "warning: Pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!" eval "\n#{<<~'END_of_GUARD'}", binding, __FILE__, __LINE__ class TestPatternMatching < Test::Unit::TestCase class C class << self attr_accessor :keys end def initialize(obj) @obj = obj end def deconstruct @obj end def deconstruct_keys(keys) C.keys = keys @obj end end def test_basic assert_block do case 0 in 0 true else false end end assert_block do case 0 in 1 false else true end end assert_raise(NoMatchingPatternError) do case 0 in 1 false end end begin o = [0] case o in 1 false end rescue => e assert_match o.inspect, e.message end assert_block do begin true ensure case 0 in 0 false end end end assert_block do begin true ensure case 0 in 1 else false end end end assert_raise(NoMatchingPatternError) do begin ensure case 0 in 1 end end end assert_block do # suppress "warning: Pattern matching is experimental, and the behavior may change in future versions of Ruby!" experimental, Warning[:experimental] = Warning[:experimental], false eval(%q{ case true in a a end }) ensure Warning[:experimental] = experimental end assert_block do tap do |a| tap do case true in a a end end end end assert_raise(NoMatchingPatternError) do o = BasicObject.new def o.match case 0 in 1 end end o.match end end def test_modifier assert_block do case 0 in a if a == 0 true end end assert_block do case 0 in a if a != 0 else true end end assert_block do case 0 in a unless a != 0 true end end assert_block do case 0 in a unless a == 0 else true end end end def test_as_pattern assert_block do case 0 in 0 => a a == 0 end end end def test_alternative_pattern assert_block do [0, 1].all? do |i| case i in 0 | 1 true end end end assert_block do case 0 in _ | _a true end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in a | 0 end }, /illegal variable in alternative pattern/) end def test_var_pattern # NODE_DASGN_CURR assert_block do case 0 in a a == 0 end end # NODE_DASGN b = 0 assert_block do case 1 in b b == 1 end end # NODE_LASGN case 0 in c assert_equal(0, c) else flunk end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in ^a end }, /no such local variable/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in a, a end }, /duplicated variable name/) assert_block do case [0, 1, 2, 3] in _, _, _a, _a true end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in a, {a:} end }, /duplicated variable name/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in a, {"a":} end }, /duplicated variable name/) assert_block do case [0, "1"] in a, "#{case 1; in a; a; end}" true end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case [0, "1"] in a, "#{case 1; in a; a; end}", a end }, /duplicated variable name/) assert_block do case 0 in a assert_equal(0, a) true in a flunk end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ 0 => [a, a] }, /duplicated variable name/) end def test_literal_value_pattern assert_block do case [nil, self, true, false] in [nil, self, true, false] true end end assert_block do case [0d170, 0D170, 0xaa, 0xAa, 0xAA, 0Xaa, 0XAa, 0XaA, 0252, 0o252, 0O252] in [0d170, 0D170, 0xaa, 0xAa, 0xAA, 0Xaa, 0XAa, 0XaA, 0252, 0o252, 0O252] true end case [0b10101010, 0B10101010, 12r, 12.3r, 1i, 12.3ri] in [0b10101010, 0B10101010, 12r, 12.3r, 1i, 12.3ri] true end end assert_block do x = 'x' case ['a', 'a', x] in ['a', "a", "#{x}"] true end end assert_block do case ["a\n"] in [<(i) { i == 0 } true end end assert_block do case [%(a), %q(a), %Q(a), %w(a), %W(a), %i(a), %I(a), %s(a), %x(echo a), %(), %q(), %Q(), %w(), %W(), %i(), %I(), %s(), 'a'] in [%(a), %q(a), %Q(a), %w(a), %W(a), %i(a), %I(a), %s(a), %x(echo a), %(), %q(), %Q(), %w(), %W(), %i(), %I(), %s(), %r(a)] true end end assert_block do case [__FILE__, __LINE__ + 1, __ENCODING__] in [__FILE__, __LINE__, __ENCODING__] true end end end def test_constant_value_pattern assert_block do case 0 in Integer true end end assert_block do case 0 in Object::Integer true end end assert_block do case 0 in ::Object::Integer true end end end def test_pin_operator_value_pattern assert_block do a = /a/ case 'abc' in ^a true end end assert_block do case [0, 0] in a, ^a a == 0 end end assert_block do @a = /a/ case 'abc' in ^@a true end end assert_block do @@TestPatternMatching = /a/ case 'abc' in ^@@TestPatternMatching true end end assert_block do $TestPatternMatching = /a/ case 'abc' in ^$TestPatternMatching true end end end def test_pin_operator_expr_pattern assert_block do case 'abc' in ^(/a/) true end end assert_block do case {name: '2.6', released_at: Time.new(2018, 12, 25)} in {released_at: ^(Time.new(2010)..Time.new(2020))} true end end assert_block do case 0 in ^(0+0) true end end end def test_array_pattern assert_block do [[0], C.new([0])].all? do |i| case i in 0,; true end end end assert_block do [[0, 1], C.new([0, 1])].all? do |i| case i in 0,; true end end end assert_block do [[], C.new([])].all? do |i| case i in 0,; else true end end end assert_block do [[0, 1], C.new([0, 1])].all? do |i| case i in 0, 1 true end end end assert_block do [[0], C.new([0])].all? do |i| case i in 0, 1 else true end end end assert_block do [[], C.new([])].all? do |i| case i in *a a == [] end end end assert_block do [[0], C.new([0])].all? do |i| case i in *a a == [0] end end end assert_block do [[0], C.new([0])].all? do |i| case i in *a, 0, 1 raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning else true end end end assert_block do [[0, 1], C.new([0, 1])].all? do |i| case i in *a, 0, 1 a == [] end end end assert_block do [[0, 1, 2], C.new([0, 1, 2])].all? do |i| case i in *a, 1, 2 a == [0] end end end assert_block do [[], C.new([])].all? do |i| case i in *; true end end end assert_block do [[0], C.new([0])].all? do |i| case i in *, 0, 1 else true end end end assert_block do [[0, 1], C.new([0, 1])].all? do |i| case i in *, 0, 1 true end end end assert_block do [[0, 1, 2], C.new([0, 1, 2])].all? do |i| case i in *, 1, 2 true end end end assert_block do case C.new([0]) in C(0) true end end assert_block do case C.new([0]) in Array(0) else true end end assert_block do case C.new([]) in C() true end end assert_block do case C.new([]) in Array() else true end end assert_block do case C.new([0]) in C[0] true end end assert_block do case C.new([0]) in Array[0] else true end end assert_block do case C.new([]) in C[] true end end assert_block do case C.new([]) in Array[] else true end end assert_block do case [] in [] true end end assert_block do case C.new([]) in [] true end end assert_block do case [0] in [0] true end end assert_block do case C.new([0]) in [0] true end end assert_block do case [0] in [0,] true end end assert_block do case [0, 1] in [0,] true end end assert_block do case [] in [0, *a] raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning else true end end assert_block do case [0] in [0, *a] a == [] end end assert_block do case [0] in [0, *a, 1] raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning else true end end assert_block do case [0, 1] in [0, *a, 1] a == [] end end assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in [0, *a, 2] a == [1] end end assert_block do case [] in [0, *] else true end end assert_block do case [0] in [0, *] true end end assert_block do case [0, 1] in [0, *] true end end assert_block do case [] in [0, *a] raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning else true end end assert_block do case [0] in [0, *a] a == [] end end assert_block do case [0, 1] in [0, *a] a == [1] end end assert_block do case [0] in [0, *, 1] else true end end assert_block do case [0, 1] in [0, *, 1] true end end end def test_find_pattern [0, 1, 2] => [*, 1 => a, *] assert_equal(1, a) [0, 1, 2] => [*a, 1 => b, *c] assert_equal([0], a) assert_equal(1, b) assert_equal([2], c) assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in [*, 9, *] false else true end end assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in [*, Integer, String, *] false else true end end [0, 1, 2] => [*a, 1 => b, 2 => c, *d] assert_equal([0], a) assert_equal(1, b) assert_equal(2, c) assert_equal([], d) case [0, 1, 2] in *, 1 => a, *; assert_equal(1, a) end assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in String(*, 1, *) false in Array(*, 1, *) true end end assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in String[*, 1, *] false in Array[*, 1, *] true end end # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/17534 assert_block do case [0, 1, 2] in x x = x # avoid a warning "assigned but unused variable - x" true in [*, 2, *] false end end end def test_hash_pattern assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0 else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0 true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0 true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0, b: 1 else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0, b: 1 true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1, c: 2}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1, c: 2})].all? do |i| case i in a: 0, b: 1 true end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in a: raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in a: a == 0 end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in a: a == 0 end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in "a": 0 true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in "a":; a == 0 end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in **a a == {} end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in **a a == {a: 0} end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in **; true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in **; true end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in a:, **b raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning raise b # suppress "unused variable: b" warning else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in a:, **b a == 0 && b == {} end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in a:, **b a == 0 && b == {b: 1} end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in **nil true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in **nil else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in a:, **nil assert_equal(0, a) true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in a:, **nil assert_equal(0, a) else true end end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0}) in C(a: 0) true end end assert_block do case {a: 0} in C(a: 0) else true end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0}) in C[a: 0] true end end assert_block do case {a: 0} in C[a: 0] else true end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in {a: 0} else true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in {a: 0} true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0, b: 1}, C.new({a: 0, b: 1})].all? do |i| case i in {a: 0} true end end end assert_block do [{}, C.new({})].all? do |i| case i in {} true end end end assert_block do [{a: 0}, C.new({a: 0})].all? do |i| case i in {} else true end end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case _ in a:, a: end }, /duplicated key name/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case _ in a?: end }, /key must be valid as local variables/) assert_block do case {a?: true} in a?: true true end end assert_block do case {a: 0, b: 1} in {a: 1,} false in {a:,} _a = a true end end assert_block do case {a: 0} in {a: 1 } false in {a: 2} false in a: {b:}, c: _b = b p c in {a: } _a = a true end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case _ in "a-b": end }, /key must be valid as local variables/) assert_block do case {"a-b": true} in "a-b": true true end end assert_syntax_error(%q{ case _ in "#{a}": a end }, /symbol literal with interpolation is not allowed/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case _ in "#{a}": end }, /symbol literal with interpolation is not allowed/) end def test_paren assert_block do case 0 in (0) true end end end def test_nomatchingpatternerror assert_equal(StandardError, NoMatchingPatternError.superclass) end def test_invalid_syntax assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in a, b: end }, /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in [a:] end }, /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in {a} end }, /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error(%q{ case 0 in {0 => a} end }, /unexpected/) end ################################################################ class CTypeError def deconstruct nil end def deconstruct_keys(keys) nil end end def test_deconstruct assert_raise(TypeError) do case CTypeError.new in [] end end end def test_deconstruct_keys assert_raise(TypeError) do case CTypeError.new in {} end end assert_block do case {} in {} C.keys == nil end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) in {a: 0, b:} assert_equal(0, b) C.keys == [:a, :b] end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) in {a: 0, b:, **} assert_equal(0, b) C.keys == [:a, :b] end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) in {a: 0, b:, **r} assert_equal(0, b) assert_equal({c: 0}, r) C.keys == nil end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) in {**} C.keys == [] end end assert_block do case C.new({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}) in {**r} assert_equal({a: 0, b: 0, c: 0}, r) C.keys == nil end end end ################################################################ class CDeconstructCache def initialize(v) @v = v end def deconstruct @v.shift end end def test_deconstruct_cache assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0]]) in [1] in [0] true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0, 1]]) in [1,] in [0,] true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[[0]]]) in [[1]] in [[*a]] a == [0] end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0]]) in [x] if x > 0 in [0] true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0]]) in [] in [1] | [0] true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0]]) in [1] => _ in [0] => _ true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0]]) in C[0] in CDeconstructCache[0] true end end assert_block do case [CDeconstructCache.new([[0], [1]])] in [[1]] false in [[1]] true end end assert_block do case CDeconstructCache.new([[0, :a, 1]]) in [*, String => x, *] false in [*, Symbol => x, *] x == :a end end end ################################################################ class TestPatternMatchingRefinements < Test::Unit::TestCase class C1 def deconstruct [:C1] end end class C2 end module M refine Array do def deconstruct [0] end end refine Hash do def deconstruct_keys(_) {a: 0} end end refine C2.singleton_class do def ===(obj) obj.kind_of?(C1) end end end using M def test_refinements assert_block do case [] in [0] true end end assert_block do case {} in {a: 0} true end end assert_block do case C1.new in C2(:C1) true end end end end ################################################################ def test_struct assert_block do s = Struct.new(:a, :b) case s[0, 1] in 0, 1 true end end s = Struct.new(:a, :b, keyword_init: true) assert_block do case s[a: 0, b: 1] in **r r == {a: 0, b: 1} end end assert_block do s = Struct.new(:a, :b, keyword_init: true) case s[a: 0, b: 1] in a:, b: a == 0 && b == 1 end end assert_block do s = Struct.new(:a, :b, keyword_init: true) case s[a: 0, b: 1] in a:, c: raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning raise c # suppress "unused variable: c" warning flunk in a:, b:, c: flunk in b: b == 1 end end end ################################################################ def test_one_line 1 => a assert_equal 1, a assert_raise(NoMatchingPatternError) do {a: 1} => {a: 0} end [1, 2] => a, b assert_equal 1, a assert_equal 2, b {a: 1} => a: assert_equal 1, a assert_equal true, (1 in 1) assert_equal false, (1 in 2) end def assert_experimental_warning(code) w = Warning[:experimental] Warning[:experimental] = false assert_warn('') {eval(code)} Warning[:experimental] = true assert_warn(/is experimental/) {eval(code)} ensure Warning[:experimental] = w end def test_experimental_warning assert_experimental_warning("case [0]; in [*, 0, *]; end") end ################################################################ def test_single_pattern_error_value_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: 1 === 0 does not return true") do 0 => 1 end end def test_single_pattern_error_array_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[]: Hash === [] does not return true") do [] => Hash[] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: 0 does not respond to #deconstruct") do 0 => [] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0]: [0] length mismatch (given 1, expected 0)") do [0] => [] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[]: [] length mismatch (given 0, expected 1+)") do [] => [_, *] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0, 0]: 1 === 0 does not return true") do [0, 0] => [0, 1] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0, 0]: 1 === 0 does not return true") do [0, 0] => [*, 0, 1] end end def test_single_pattern_error_find_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[]: Hash === [] does not return true") do [] => Hash[*, _, *] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: 0 does not respond to #deconstruct") do 0 => [*, _, *] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[]: [] length mismatch (given 0, expected 1+)") do [] => [*, _, *] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0]: [0] does not match to find pattern") do [0] => [*, 1, *] end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0]: [0] does not match to find pattern") do [0] => [*, {a:}, *] raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning end end def test_single_pattern_error_hash_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "{}: Array === {} does not return true") do {} => Array[a:] raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: 0 does not respond to #deconstruct_keys") do 0 => {a:} raise a # suppress "unused variable: a" warning end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternKeyError, "{:a=>0}: key not found: :aa") do {a: 0} => {aa:} raise aa # suppress "unused variable: aa" warning rescue NoMatchingPatternKeyError => e assert_equal({a: 0}, e.matchee) assert_equal(:aa, e.key) raise e end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternKeyError, "{:a=>{:b=>0}}: key not found: :bb") do {a: {b: 0}} => {a: {bb:}} raise bb # suppress "unused variable: bb" warning rescue NoMatchingPatternKeyError => e assert_equal({b: 0}, e.matchee) assert_equal(:bb, e.key) raise e end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "{:a=>0}: 1 === 0 does not return true") do {a: 0} => {a: 1} end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "{:a=>0}: {:a=>0} is not empty") do {a: 0} => {} end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[{:a=>0}]: rest of {:a=>0} is not empty") do [{a: 0}] => [{**nil}] end end def test_single_pattern_error_as_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "[0]: 1 === 0 does not return true") do case [0] in [1] => _ end end end def test_single_pattern_error_alternative_pattern assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: 2 === 0 does not return true") do 0 => 1 | 2 end end def test_single_pattern_error_guard_clause assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: guard clause does not return true") do case 0 in _ if false end end assert_raise_with_message(NoMatchingPatternError, "0: guard clause does not return true") do case 0 in _ unless true end end end end END_of_GUARD Warning[:experimental] = experimental