# coding: US-ASCII # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'stringio' class TestParse < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def test_error_line assert_syntax_error('------,,', /\n\z/, 'Message to pipe should end with a newline') assert_syntax_error("{hello\n world}", /hello/) end def test_else_without_rescue assert_syntax_error(<<-END, %r"(:#{__LINE__+2}:|#{__LINE__+2} \|.+?\n.+?\^~.+?;) else without rescue"o, [__FILE__, __LINE__+1]) begin else 42 end END end def test_alias_backref assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /can't make alias/) do begin; alias $foo $1 end; end end def test_command_call t = Object.new def t.foo(x); x; end a = false b = c = d = true assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a &&= t.foo 42 b &&= t.foo 42 c &&= t.foo nil d &&= t.foo false END end assert_equal([false, 42, nil, false], [a, b, c, d]) a = 3 assert_nothing_raised { eval("a &= t.foo 5") } assert_equal(1, a) a = [nil, nil, true, true] assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a[0] ||= t.foo 42 a[1] &&= t.foo 42 a[2] ||= t.foo 42 a[3] &&= t.foo 42 END end assert_equal([42, nil, true, 42], a) o = Object.new class << o attr_accessor :foo, :bar, :Foo, :Bar, :baz, :qux end o.foo = o.Foo = o::baz = nil o.bar = o.Bar = o::qux = 1 assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 o.foo ||= t.foo 42 o.bar &&= t.foo 42 o.Foo ||= t.foo 42 o.Bar &&= t.foo 42 o::baz ||= t.foo 42 o::qux &&= t.foo 42 END end assert_equal([42, 42], [o.foo, o.bar]) assert_equal([42, 42], [o.Foo, o.Bar]) assert_equal([42, 42], [o::baz, o::qux]) assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /Can't set variable/) do begin; $1 ||= t.foo 42 end; end def t.bar(x); x + yield; end a = b = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = t.bar "foo" do "bar" end.gsub "ob", "OB" b = t.bar "foo" do "bar" end::gsub "ob", "OB" END end assert_equal("foOBar", a) assert_equal("foOBar", b) a = nil assert_nothing_raised do t.instance_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = bar "foo" do "bar" end END end assert_equal("foobar", a) a = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = t::bar "foo" do "bar" end END end assert_equal("foobar", a) def t.baz(*r) @baz = r + (block_given? ? [yield] : []) end assert_nothing_raised do t.instance_eval "baz (1), 2" end assert_equal([1, 2], t.instance_eval { @baz }) end def test_mlhs_node c = Class.new class << c attr_accessor :foo, :bar, :Foo, :Bar FOO = BAR = nil end assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 c::foo, c::bar = 1, 2 c.Foo, c.Bar = 1, 2 c::FOO, c::BAR = 1, 2 END end assert_equal([1, 2], [c::foo, c::bar]) assert_equal([1, 2], [c.Foo, c.Bar]) assert_equal([1, 2], [c::FOO, c::BAR]) end def test_dynamic_constant_assignment assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /dynamic constant/) do begin; def foo self::FOO, self::BAR = 1, 2 ::FOO, ::BAR = 1, 2 end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /Can't set variable/) do begin; $1, $2 = 1, 2 end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /dynamic constant/) do begin; def foo ::FOO = 1 end end; end c = Class.new c.freeze assert_valid_syntax("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") do begin; c::FOO &= 1 ::FOO &= 1 end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /Can't set variable/) do begin; $1 &= 1 end; end end def test_class_module assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /must be CONSTANT/) do begin; class foo; end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /in method body/) do begin; def foo class Foo; end module Bar; end end end; end assert_valid_syntax("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") do begin; class Foo 1; end end; end end def test_op_name o = Object.new def o.>(x); x; end def o./(x); x; end assert_nothing_raised do o.instance_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 undef >, / END end end def test_arg o = Object.new class << o attr_accessor :foo, :bar, :Foo, :Bar, :baz, :qux end o.foo = o.Foo = o::baz = nil o.bar = o.Bar = o::qux = 1 assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 o.foo ||= 42 o.bar &&= 42 o.Foo ||= 42 o.Bar &&= 42 o::baz ||= 42 o::qux &&= 42 END end assert_equal([42, 42], [o.foo, o.bar]) assert_equal([42, 42], [o.Foo, o.Bar]) assert_equal([42, 42], [o::baz, o::qux]) a = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = -2.0 ** 2 END end assert_equal(-4.0, a) end def test_block_variable o = Object.new def o.foo(*r); yield(*r); end a = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 o.foo 1 do|; a| a = 42 end END end assert_nil(a) end def test_bad_arg assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /cannot be a constant/) do begin; def foo(FOO); end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /cannot be an instance variable/) do begin; def foo(@foo); end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /cannot be a global variable/) do begin; def foo($foo); end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /cannot be a class variable/) do begin; def foo(@@foo); end end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /cannot be an instance variable/) do begin; o.foo {|; @a| @a = 42 } end; end end def test_do_lambda a = b = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = -> do b = 42 end END end a.call assert_equal(42, b) end def test_block_call_colon2 o = Object.new def o.foo(x); x + yield; end a = b = nil assert_nothing_raised do o.instance_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = foo 1 do 42 end.to_s b = foo 1 do 42 end::to_s END end assert_equal("43", a) assert_equal("43", b) end def test_call_method a = b = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = proc {|x| x + "bar" }.("foo") b = proc {|x| x + "bar" }::("foo") END end assert_equal("foobar", a) assert_equal("foobar", b) end def test_xstring assert_raise(Errno::ENOENT) do eval("``") end end def test_words assert_equal([], %W( )) assert_syntax_error('%w[abc', /unterminated list/) end def test_dstr @@foo = 1 assert_equal("foo 1 bar", "foo #@@foo bar") "1" =~ /(.)/ assert_equal("foo 1 bar", "foo #$1 bar") assert_equal('foo #@1 bar', eval('"foo #@1 bar"')) end def test_dstr_disallowed_variable bug8375 = '[ruby-core:54885] [Bug #8375]' %w[@ @. @@ @@1 @@. $ $%].each do |src| src = '#'+src+' ' str = assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, "#{bug8375} #{src.dump}") do break eval('"'+src+'"') end assert_equal(src, str, bug8375) end end def test_dsym assert_nothing_raised { eval(':""') } end def assert_disallowed_variable(type, noname, invalid) noname.each do |name| assert_syntax_error("proc{a = #{name} }", "'#{noname[0]}' without identifiers is not allowed as #{type} variable name") end invalid.each do |name| assert_syntax_error("proc {a = #{name} }", "'#{name}' is not allowed as #{type} variable name") end end def test_disallowed_instance_variable assert_disallowed_variable("an instance", %w[@ @.], %w[]) end def test_disallowed_class_variable assert_disallowed_variable("a class", %w[@@ @@.], %w[@@1]) end def test_disallowed_gloal_variable assert_disallowed_variable("a global", %w[$], %w[$%]) end def test_arg2 o = Object.new assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def o.foo(a=42,*r,z,&b); b.call(r.inject(a*1000+z*100, :+)); end END end assert_equal(-1405, o.foo(1,2,3,4) {|x| -x }) assert_equal(-1302, o.foo(1,2,3) {|x| -x }) assert_equal(-1200, o.foo(1,2) {|x| -x }) assert_equal(-42100, o.foo(1) {|x| -x }) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { o.foo() } o = Object.new assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def o.foo(a=42,z,&b); b.call(a*1000+z*100); end END end assert_equal(-1200, o.foo(1,2) {|x| -x } ) assert_equal(-42100, o.foo(1) {|x| -x } ) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { o.foo() } o = Object.new assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def o.foo(*r,z,&b); b.call(r.inject(z*100, :+)); end END end assert_equal(-303, o.foo(1,2,3) {|x| -x } ) assert_equal(-201, o.foo(1,2) {|x| -x } ) assert_equal(-100, o.foo(1) {|x| -x } ) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { o.foo() } end def test_duplicate_argument assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", '') do begin; 1.times {|&b?| } end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /duplicated argument/) do begin; 1.times {|a, a|} end; end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /duplicated argument/) do begin; def foo(a, a); end end; end end def test_define_singleton_error msg = /singleton method for literals/ assert_parse_error(%q[def ("foo").foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def (1).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ((1;1)).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ((;1)).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ((1+1;1)).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ((%s();1)).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ((%w();1)).foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def ("#{42}").foo; end], msg) assert_parse_error(%q[def (:"#{42}").foo; end], msg) end def test_flip_flop all_assertions_foreach(nil, ['(cond1..cond2)', true], ['((cond1..cond2))', true], # '(;;;cond1..cond2)', # don't care '(1; cond1..cond2)', '(%s(); cond1..cond2)', '(%w(); cond1..cond2)', '(1; (2; (3; 4; cond1..cond2)))', '(1+1; cond1..cond2)', ) do |code, pass| code = code.sub("cond1", "n==4").sub("cond2", "n==5") if pass assert_equal([4,5], eval("(1..9).select {|n| true if #{code}}")) else assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /bad value for range/, code) { verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil # disable "warning: possibly useless use of a literal in void context" begin eval("[4].each {|n| true if #{code}}") ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end } end end end def test_op_asgn1_with_block t = Object.new a = [] blk = proc {|x| a << x } # Prevent an "assigned but unused variable" warning _ = blk def t.[](_) yield(:aref) nil end def t.[]=(_, _) yield(:aset) end def t.dummy(_) end assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /block arg given in index/) begin; t[42, &blk] ||= 42 end; assert_syntax_error("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", /block arg given in index/) begin; t[42, &blk] ||= t.dummy 42 # command_asgn test end; end def test_backquote t = Object.new assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 def t.`(x); "foo" + x + "bar"; end END end a = b = c = nil assert_nothing_raised do eval <<-END, nil, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 a = t.` "zzz" 1.times {|;z| t.` ("zzz") } END t.instance_eval <<-END, __FILE__, __LINE__+1 b = `zzz` c = %x(ccc) END end assert_equal("foozzzbar", a) assert_equal("foozzzbar", b) assert_equal("foocccbar", c) end def test_carrige_return assert_equal(2, eval("1 +\r\n1")) end def test_string mesg = 'from the backslash through the invalid char' e = assert_syntax_error('"\xg1"', /hex escape/) assert_equal(' ^~'"\n", e.message.lines.last, mesg) e = assert_syntax_error('"\u{1234"', 'unterminated Unicode escape') assert_equal(' ^'"\n", e.message.lines.last, mesg) e = assert_syntax_error('"\u{xxxx}"', 'invalid Unicode escape') assert_equal(' ^'"\n", e.message.lines.last, mesg) e = assert_syntax_error('"\u{xxxx', 'Unicode escape') assert_pattern_list([ /.*: invalid Unicode escape\n.*\n/, / \^/, /\n/, /.*: unterminated Unicode escape\n.*\n/, / \^/, /\n/, /.*: unterminated string.*\n.*\n/, / \^\n/, ], e.message) e = assert_syntax_error('"\M1"', /escape character syntax/) assert_equal(' ^~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last, mesg) e = assert_syntax_error('"\C1"', /escape character syntax/) assert_equal(' ^~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last, mesg) src = '"\xD0\u{90'"\n""000000000000000000000000" assert_syntax_error(src, /:#{__LINE__}: unterminated/o) assert_syntax_error('"\u{100000000}"', /invalid Unicode escape/) assert_equal("", eval('"\u{}"')) assert_equal("", eval('"\u{ }"')) assert_equal("\x81", eval('"\C-\M-a"')) assert_equal("\177", eval('"\c?"')) assert_warning(/use \\C-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x00", eval('"\C- "'))} assert_warning(/use \\M-\\s/) {assert_equal("\xa0", eval('"\M- "'))} assert_warning(/use \\M-\\C-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x80", eval('"\M-\C- "'))} assert_warning(/use \\C-\\M-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x80", eval('"\C-\M- "'))} assert_warning(/use \\t/) {assert_equal("\x09", eval("\"\\C-\t\""))} assert_warning(/use \\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("\"\\M-\t\""))} assert_warning(/use \\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("\"\\M-\\C-\t\""))} assert_warning(/use \\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("\"\\C-\\M-\t\""))} assert_syntax_error("\"\\C-\x01\"", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("\"\\M-\x01\"", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("\"\\M-\\C-\x01\"", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("\"\\C-\\M-\x01\"", 'Invalid escape character syntax') e = assert_syntax_error('"\c\u0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error('"\c\U0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error('"\C-\u0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error('"\C-\U0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error('"\M-\u0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error('"\M-\U0000"', 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal(' ^~~~~'"\n", e.message.lines.last) e = assert_syntax_error(%["\\C-\u3042"], 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_match(/^\s \^(?# \\ ) ~(?# C ) ~(?# - ) ~+(?# U+3042 )$/x, e.message.lines.last) assert_not_include(e.message, "invalid multibyte char") end def test_question assert_syntax_error('?', /incomplete/) assert_syntax_error('? ', /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error("?\n", /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error("?\t", /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error("?\v", /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error("?\r", /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error("?\f", /unexpected/) assert_syntax_error(" ?a\x8a".force_encoding("utf-8"), /invalid multibyte/) assert_equal("\u{1234}", eval("?\u{1234}")) assert_equal("\u{1234}", eval('?\u{1234}')) assert_equal("\u{1234}", eval('?\u1234')) assert_syntax_error('?\u{41 42}', 'Multiple codepoints at single character literal') e = assert_syntax_error('"#{?\u123}"', 'invalid Unicode escape') assert_not_match(/end-of-input/, e.message) assert_warning(/use ?\\C-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x00", eval('?\C- '))} assert_warning(/use ?\\M-\\s/) {assert_equal("\xa0", eval('?\M- '))} assert_warning(/use ?\\M-\\C-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x80", eval('?\M-\C- '))} assert_warning(/use ?\\C-\\M-\\s/) {assert_equal("\x80", eval('?\C-\M- '))} assert_warning(/use ?\\t/) {assert_equal("\x09", eval("?\\C-\t"))} assert_warning(/use ?\\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("?\\M-\t"))} assert_warning(/use ?\\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("?\\M-\\C-\t"))} assert_warning(/use ?\\M-\\t/) {assert_equal("\x89", eval("?\\C-\\M-\t"))} assert_syntax_error("?\\C-\x01", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("?\\M-\x01", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("?\\M-\\C-\x01", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_syntax_error("?\\C-\\M-\x01", 'Invalid escape character syntax') assert_equal("\xff", eval("# encoding: ascii-8bit\n""?\\\xFF")) end def test_percent assert_equal(:foo, eval('%s(foo)')) assert_syntax_error('%s', /unterminated quoted string/) assert_syntax_error('%ss', /unknown type/) assert_syntax_error('%z()', /unknown type/) assert_syntax_error("%\u3042", /unknown type/) assert_syntax_error("%q\u3042", /unknown type/) assert_syntax_error("%", /unterminated quoted string/) end def test_symbol bug = '[ruby-dev:41447]' sym = "foo\0bar".to_sym assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug) do assert_equal(sym, eval(":'foo\0bar'")) end assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug) do assert_equal(sym, eval(':"foo\u0000bar"')) end assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, bug) do assert_equal(sym, eval(':"foo\u{0}bar"')) end assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError) do assert_equal(:foobar, eval(':"foo\u{}bar"')) assert_equal(:foobar, eval(':"foo\u{ }bar"')) end assert_syntax_error(':@@', /is not allowed/) assert_syntax_error(':@@1', /is not allowed/) assert_syntax_error(':@', /is not allowed/) assert_syntax_error(':@1', /is not allowed/) assert_syntax_error(':$01234', /is not allowed/) end def test_parse_string assert_syntax_error("/\n", /unterminated/) end def test_here_document x = nil assert_syntax_error("<\)/ =~ ''")} a = "\u{3042}" assert_warning('') {eval("#{a} = 1; /(?<#{a}>)/ =~ ''")} end def test_named_capture_in_block all_assertions_foreach(nil, '(/(?.*)/)', '(;/(?.*)/)', '(%s();/(?.*)/)', '(%w();/(?.*)/)', '(1; (2; 3; (4; /(?.*)/)))', '(1+1; /(?.*)/)', '/#{""}(?.*)/', ) do |code, pass| token = Random.bytes(4).unpack1("H*") if pass assert_equal(token, eval("#{code} =~ #{token.dump}; a")) else verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil # disable "warning: possibly useless use of a literal in void context" begin assert_nil(eval("#{code} =~ #{token.dump}; defined?(a)"), code) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end end end end def test_rescue_in_command_assignment bug = '[ruby-core:75621] [Bug #12402]' all_assertions(bug) do |a| a.for("lhs = arg") do v = bug v = raise(bug) rescue "ok" assert_equal("ok", v) end a.for("lhs op_asgn arg") do v = 0 v += raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal(1, v) end a.for("lhs[] op_asgn arg") do v = [0] v[0] += raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal([1], v) end a.for("lhs.m op_asgn arg") do k = Struct.new(:m) v = k.new(0) v.m += raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs::m op_asgn arg") do k = Struct.new(:m) v = k.new(0) v::m += raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs.C op_asgn arg") do k = Struct.new(:C) v = k.new(0) v.C += raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs::C op_asgn arg") do v = Class.new v::C ||= raise(bug) rescue 1 assert_equal(1, v::C) end a.for("lhs = command") do v = bug v = raise bug rescue "ok" assert_equal("ok", v) end a.for("lhs op_asgn command") do v = 0 v += raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal(1, v) end a.for("lhs[] op_asgn command") do v = [0] v[0] += raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal([1], v) end a.for("lhs.m op_asgn command") do k = Struct.new(:m) v = k.new(0) v.m += raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs::m op_asgn command") do k = Struct.new(:m) v = k.new(0) v::m += raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs.C op_asgn command") do k = Struct.new(:C) v = k.new(0) v.C += raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal(k.new(1), v) end a.for("lhs::C op_asgn command") do v = Class.new v::C ||= raise bug rescue 1 assert_equal(1, v::C) end end end def test_yyerror_at_eol assert_syntax_error(" 0b", /\^/) assert_syntax_error(" 0b\n", /\^/) end def test_unclosed_unicode_escape_at_eol_bug_19750 assert_separately([], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; assert_syntax_error("/\\u", /too short escape sequence/) assert_syntax_error("/\\u{", /unterminated regexp meets end of file/) assert_syntax_error("/\\u{\\n", /invalid Unicode list/) assert_syntax_error("/a#\\u{\\n/", /invalid Unicode list/) re = eval("/a#\\u{\n$/x") assert_match(re, 'a') assert_not_match(re, 'a#') re = eval("/a#\\u\n$/x") assert_match(re, 'a') assert_not_match(re, 'a#') end; end def test_error_def_in_argument assert_separately([], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}") begin; assert_syntax_error("def f r:def d; def f 0end", /unexpected/) end; assert_syntax_error("def\nf(000)end", /(^|\| ) \^~~/) assert_syntax_error("def\nf(&0)end", /(^|\| ) \^/) end def test_method_location_in_rescue bug = '[ruby-core:79388] [Bug #13181]' obj, line = Object.new, __LINE__+1 def obj.location # raise rescue caller_locations(1, 1)[0] end assert_equal(line, obj.location.lineno, bug) end def test_negative_line_number bug = '[ruby-core:80920] [Bug #13523]' obj = Object.new obj.instance_eval("def t(e = false);raise if e; __LINE__;end", "test", -100) assert_equal(-100, obj.t, bug) assert_equal(-100, obj.method(:t).source_location[1], bug) e = assert_raise(RuntimeError) {obj.t(true)} assert_equal(-100, e.backtrace_locations.first.lineno, bug) end def test_file_in_indented_heredoc name = '[ruby-core:80987] [Bug #13540]' # long enough to be shared assert_equal(name+"\n", eval("#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}", nil, name)) begin; <<~HEREDOC #{__FILE__} HEREDOC end; end def test_heredoc_interpolation var = 1 v1 = <<~HEREDOC something #{"/#{var}"} HEREDOC v2 = <<~HEREDOC something #{_other = "/#{var}"} HEREDOC v3 = <<~HEREDOC something #{("/#{var}")} HEREDOC assert_equal "something\n/1\n", v1 assert_equal "something\n/1\n", v2 assert_equal "something\n/1\n", v3 assert_equal v1, v2 assert_equal v2, v3 assert_equal v1, v3 end def test_heredoc_unterminated_interpolation code = <<~'HEREDOC' <{"same #{w.inspect} warning should be just once\n#{w.message}"}) end [ "x = begin return; rescue; end", "x = begin return; rescue; return; else end", ].each do |code| assert_valid_syntax(code) end end def eval_separately(code) Class.new.class_eval(code) end def assert_raise_separately(error, message, code) assert_raise_with_message(error, message) do eval_separately(code) end end def assert_ractor_shareable(obj) assert Ractor.shareable?(obj), ->{"Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} to be ractor shareable"} end def assert_not_ractor_shareable(obj) assert !Ractor.shareable?(obj), ->{"Expected #{mu_pp(obj)} not to be ractor shareable"} end def test_shareable_constant_value_invalid assert_warning(/invalid value/) do assert_valid_syntax("# shareable_constant_value: invalid-option", verbose: true) end end def test_shareable_constant_value_ignored assert_warning(/ignored/) do assert_valid_syntax("nil # shareable_constant_value: true", verbose: true) end end def test_shareable_constant_value_simple obj = [['unsharable_value']] a, b, c = eval_separately("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything A = [[1]] # shareable_constant_value: none B = [[2]] # shareable_constant_value: literal C = [["shareable", "constant#{nil}"]] D = A [A, B, C] end; assert_ractor_shareable(a) assert_not_ractor_shareable(b) assert_ractor_shareable(c) assert_equal([1], a[0]) assert_ractor_shareable(a[0]) a, obj = eval_separately(<<~'end;') # shareable_constant_value: experimental_copy obj = [["unshareable"]] A = obj [A, obj] end; assert_ractor_shareable(a) assert_not_ractor_shareable(obj) assert_equal obj, a assert !obj.equal?(a) bug_20339 = '[ruby-core:117186] [Bug #20339]' bug_20341 = '[ruby-core:117197] [Bug #20341]' a, b = eval_separately(<<~'end;') # shareable_constant_value: literal foo = 1 bar = 2 A = { foo => bar } B = [foo, bar] [A, B] end; assert_ractor_shareable(a) assert_ractor_shareable(b) assert_equal([1], a.keys, bug_20339) assert_equal([2], a.values, bug_20339) assert_equal(1, b[0], bug_20341) assert_equal(2, b[1], bug_20341) end def test_shareable_constant_value_nested a, b = eval_separately("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: none class X # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything var = [[1]] A = var end B = [] [X::A, B] end; assert_ractor_shareable(a) assert_not_ractor_shareable(b) assert_equal([1], a[0]) assert_ractor_shareable(a[0]) end def test_shareable_constant_value_unshareable_literal assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to C/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal C = ["Not " + "shareable"] end; assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to B::C/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal B = Class.new B::C = ["Not " + "shareable"] end; assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; assert_raise_with_message(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to ::C/) do # shareable_constant_value: literal ::C = ["Not " + "shareable"] end end; assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; assert_raise_with_message(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to ::B::C/) do # shareable_constant_value: literal ::B = Class.new ::B::C = ["Not " + "shareable"] end end; assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; assert_raise_with_message(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to ::C/) do # shareable_constant_value: literal ::C ||= ["Not " + "shareable"] end end; assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to B::C/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal B = Class.new B::C ||= ["Not " + "shareable"] end; assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; assert_raise_with_message(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to ::B::C/) do # shareable_constant_value: literal ::B = Class.new ::B::C ||= ["Not " + "shareable"] end end; assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable object to ...::C/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal B = Class.new def self.expr; B; end expr::C ||= ["Not " + "shareable"] end; end def test_shareable_constant_value_nonliteral assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal var = [:not_frozen] C = var end; assert_raise_separately(Ractor::IsolationError, /unshareable/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: literal D = begin [] end end; end def test_shareable_constant_value_unfrozen assert_raise_separately(Ractor::Error, /does not freeze object correctly/, "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; # shareable_constant_value: experimental_everything o = Object.new def o.freeze; self; end C = [o] end; end def test_if_after_class assert_valid_syntax('module if true; Object end::Kernel; end') assert_valid_syntax('module while true; break Object end::Kernel; end') assert_valid_syntax('class if true; Object end::Kernel; end') assert_valid_syntax('class while true; break Object end::Kernel; end') end def test_escaped_space assert_syntax_error('x = \ 42', /escaped space/) end def test_label expected = {:foo => 1} code = '{"foo": 1}' assert_valid_syntax(code) assert_equal(expected, eval(code)) code = '{foo: 1}' assert_valid_syntax(code) assert_equal(expected, eval(code)) class << (obj = Object.new) attr_reader :arg def set(arg) @arg = arg end end assert_valid_syntax(code = "#{<<~"do;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") do; obj.set foo: 1 end; assert_equal(expected, eval(code)) assert_equal(expected, obj.arg) assert_valid_syntax(code = "#{<<~"do;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") do; obj.set "foo": 1 end; assert_equal(expected, eval(code)) assert_equal(expected, obj.arg) end def test_ungettable_gvar assert_syntax_error('$01234', /not allowed/) assert_syntax_error('"#$01234"', /not allowed/) end =begin def test_past_scope_variable assert_warning(/past scope/) {catch {|tag| eval("BEGIN{throw tag}; tap {a = 1}; a")}} end =end def assert_parse(code) assert_kind_of(RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree::Node, RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(code)) end def assert_parse_error(code, message) assert_raise_with_message(SyntaxError, message) do $VERBOSE, verbose_bak = nil, $VERBOSE begin RubyVM::AbstractSyntaxTree.parse(code) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end end end end