require 'test/unit' class TestRubyOptimization < Test::Unit::TestCase BIGNUM_POS_MIN_32 = 1073741824 # 2 ** 30 if BIGNUM_POS_MIN_32.kind_of?(Fixnum) FIXNUM_MAX = 4611686018427387903 # 2 ** 62 - 1 else FIXNUM_MAX = 1073741823 # 2 ** 30 - 1 end BIGNUM_NEG_MAX_32 = -1073741825 # -2 ** 30 - 1 if BIGNUM_NEG_MAX_32.kind_of?(Fixnum) FIXNUM_MIN = -4611686018427387904 # -2 ** 62 else FIXNUM_MIN = -1073741824 # -2 ** 30 end def assert_redefine_method(klass, method, code, msg = nil) assert_separately([], <<-"end;")# do class #{klass} undef #{method} def #{method}(*args) args[0] end end #{code} end; end def test_fixnum_plus a, b = 1, 2 assert_equal 3, a + b assert_instance_of Fixnum, FIXNUM_MAX assert_instance_of Bignum, FIXNUM_MAX + 1 assert_equal 21, 10 + 11 assert_redefine_method('Fixnum', '+', 'assert_equal 11, 10 + 11') end def test_fixnum_minus assert_equal 5, 8 - 3 assert_instance_of Fixnum, FIXNUM_MIN assert_instance_of Bignum, FIXNUM_MIN - 1 assert_equal 5, 8 - 3 assert_redefine_method('Fixnum', '-', 'assert_equal 3, 8 - 3') end def test_fixnum_mul assert_equal 15, 3 * 5 assert_redefine_method('Fixnum', '*', 'assert_equal 5, 3 * 5') end def test_fixnum_div assert_equal 3, 15 / 5 assert_redefine_method('Fixnum', '/', 'assert_equal 5, 15 / 5') end def test_fixnum_mod assert_equal 1, 8 % 7 assert_redefine_method('Fixnum', '%', 'assert_equal 7, 8 % 7') end def test_float_plus assert_equal 4.0, 2.0 + 2.0 assert_redefine_method('Float', '+', 'assert_equal 2.0, 2.0 + 2.0') end def test_float_minus assert_equal 4.0, 2.0 + 2.0 assert_redefine_method('Float', '+', 'assert_equal 2.0, 2.0 + 2.0') end def test_float_mul assert_equal 29.25, 4.5 * 6.5 assert_redefine_method('Float', '*', 'assert_equal 6.5, 4.5 * 6.5') end def test_float_div assert_in_delta 0.63063063063063063, 4.2 / 6.66 assert_redefine_method('Float', '/', 'assert_equal 6.66, 4.2 / 6.66', "[Bug #9238]") end def test_string_length assert_equal 6, "string".length assert_redefine_method('String', 'length', 'assert_nil "string".length') end def test_string_size assert_equal 6, "string".size assert_redefine_method('String', 'size', 'assert_nil "string".size') end def test_string_empty? assert_equal true, "".empty? assert_equal false, "string".empty? assert_redefine_method('String', 'empty?', 'assert_nil "string".empty?') end def test_string_plus assert_equal "", "" + "" assert_equal "x", "x" + "" assert_equal "x", "" + "x" assert_equal "ab", "a" + "b" assert_redefine_method('String', '+', 'assert_equal "b", "a" + "b"') end def test_string_succ assert_equal 'b', 'a'.succ assert_equal 'B', 'A'.succ end def test_string_format assert_equal '2', '%d' % 2 assert_redefine_method('String', '%', 'assert_equal 2, "%d" % 2') end def test_string_freeze assert_equal "foo", "foo".freeze assert_equal "foo".freeze.object_id, "foo".freeze.object_id assert_redefine_method('String', 'freeze', 'assert_nil "foo".freeze') end def test_string_eq_neq %w(== !=).each do |m| assert_redefine_method('String', m, <<-end) assert_equal :b, ("a" #{m} "b").to_sym b = 'b' assert_equal :b, ("a" #{m} b).to_sym assert_equal :b, (b #{m} "b").to_sym end end end def test_string_ltlt assert_equal "", "" << "" assert_equal "x", "x" << "" assert_equal "x", "" << "x" assert_equal "ab", "a" << "b" assert_redefine_method('String', '<<', 'assert_equal "b", "a" << "b"') end def test_array_plus assert_equal [1,2], [1]+[2] assert_redefine_method('Array', '+', 'assert_equal [2], [1]+[2]') end def test_array_minus assert_equal [2], [1,2] - [1] assert_redefine_method('Array', '-', 'assert_equal [1], [1,2]-[1]') end def test_array_length assert_equal 0, [].length assert_equal 3, [1,2,3].length assert_redefine_method('Array', 'length', 'assert_nil([].length); assert_nil([1,2,3].length)') end def test_array_empty? assert_equal true, [].empty? assert_equal false, [1,2,3].empty? assert_redefine_method('Array', 'empty?', 'assert_nil([].empty?); assert_nil([1,2,3].empty?)') end def test_hash_length assert_equal 0, {}.length assert_equal 1, {1=>1}.length assert_redefine_method('Hash', 'length', 'assert_nil({}.length); assert_nil({1=>1}.length)') end def test_hash_empty? assert_equal true, {}.empty? assert_equal false, {1=>1}.empty? assert_redefine_method('Hash', 'empty?', 'assert_nil({}.empty?); assert_nil({1=>1}.empty?)') end def test_hash_aref_with h = { "foo" => 1 } assert_equal 1, h["foo"] assert_redefine_method('Hash', '[]', <<-end) h = { "foo" => 1 } assert_equal "foo", h["foo"] end end def test_hash_aset_with h = {} assert_equal 1, h["foo"] = 1 assert_redefine_method('Hash', '[]=', <<-end) h = {} assert_equal 1, h["foo"] = 1, "assignment always returns value set" assert_nil h["foo"] end end class MyObj def ==(other) true end end def test_eq assert_equal true, nil == nil assert_equal true, 1 == 1 assert_equal true, 'string' == 'string' assert_equal true, 1 == assert_equal false, nil == assert_equal true, == 1 assert_equal true, == nil end def self.tailcall(klass, src, file = nil, path = nil, line = nil) unless file loc, = caller_locations(1, 1) file = loc.path line ||= loc.lineno end"proc {|_|_.class_eval {#{src}}}", file, (path || file), line, tailcall_optimization: true, trace_instruction: false) .eval[klass] end def tailcall(*args) self.class.tailcall(singleton_class, *args) end def test_tailcall bug4082 = '[ruby-core:33289]' option = { tailcall_optimization: true, trace_instruction: false, }<<-EOF, "Bug#4082", bug4082, nil, option).eval class #{self.class}::Tailcall def fact_helper(n, res) if n == 1 res else fact_helper(n - 1, n * res) end end def fact(n) fact_helper(n, 1) end end EOF assert_equal(9131,, bug4082) end def test_tailcall_with_block bug6901 = '[ruby-dev:46065]' option = { tailcall_optimization: true, trace_instruction: false, }<<-EOF, "Bug#6901", bug6901, nil, option).eval def identity(val) val end def delay -> { identity(yield) } end EOF assert_equal(123, delay { 123 }.call, bug6901) end def do_raise raise "should be rescued" end def errinfo $! end def test_tailcall_inhibited_by_rescue bug12082 = '[ruby-core:73871] [Bug #12082]' tailcall(<<-'end;') def to_be_rescued return do_raise 1 + 2 rescue errinfo end end; result = to_be_rescued assert_instance_of(RuntimeError, result, bug12082) assert_equal("should be rescued", result.message, bug12082) end class Bug10557 def [](_) block_given? end def []=(_, _) block_given? end end def test_block_given_aset_aref bug10557 = '[ruby-core:66595]' assert_equal(true,[](nil){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[](0){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[](false){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[](''){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[]=(nil, 1){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[]=(0, 1){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[]=(false, 1){}, bug10557) assert_equal(true,[]=('', 1){}, bug10557) end def test_string_freeze_block assert_separately([], <<-"end;")# do class String undef freeze def freeze block_given? end end assert_equal(true, "block".freeze {}) assert_equal(false, "block".freeze) end; end def test_opt_case_dispatch code = <<-EOF case foo when "foo" then :foo when :sym then :sym when 6 then :fix when 0.1 then :float when 0xffffffffffffffff then :big else :nomatch end EOF check = { 'foo' => :foo, :sym => :sym, 6 => :fix, 0.1 => :float, 0xffffffffffffffff => :big, } iseq = RubyVM::InstructionSequence.compile(code) assert_match %r{\bopt_case_dispatch\b}, iseq.disasm check.each do |foo, expect| assert_equal expect, eval("foo = #{foo.inspect}\n#{code}") end assert_equal :nomatch, eval("foo = :blah\n#{code}") check.each do |foo, _| klass = foo.class.to_s assert_separately([], <<-"end;") # do class #{klass} undef === def ===(*args) false end end foo = #{foo.inspect} ret = #{code} assert_equal :nomatch, ret, foo.inspect end; end end def test_opt_case_dispatch_inf inf = 1.0/0.0 result = case inf when 1 then 1 when 0 then 0 else inf.to_i rescue nil end assert_nil result, '[ruby-dev:49423] [Bug #11804]' end end