# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestObjectSpace < Test::Unit::TestCase def self.deftest_id2ref(obj) /:(\d+)/ =~ caller[0] file = $` line = $1.to_i code = <<"End" define_method("test_id2ref_#{line}") {\ o = ObjectSpace._id2ref(obj.object_id);\ assert_same(obj, o, "didn't round trip: \#{obj.inspect}");\ } End eval code, binding, file, line end deftest_id2ref(-0x4000000000000001) deftest_id2ref(-0x4000000000000000) deftest_id2ref(-0x40000001) deftest_id2ref(-0x40000000) deftest_id2ref(-1) deftest_id2ref(0) deftest_id2ref(1) deftest_id2ref(0x3fffffff) deftest_id2ref(0x40000000) deftest_id2ref(0x3fffffffffffffff) deftest_id2ref(0x4000000000000000) deftest_id2ref(:a) deftest_id2ref(:abcdefghijilkjl) deftest_id2ref(:==) deftest_id2ref(Object.new) deftest_id2ref(self) deftest_id2ref(true) deftest_id2ref(false) deftest_id2ref(nil) def test_id2ref_liveness assert_normal_exit <<-EOS ids = [] 10.times{ 1_000.times{ ids << 'hello'.object_id } objs = ids.map{|id| begin ObjectSpace._id2ref(id) rescue RangeError nil end } GC.start objs.each{|e| e.inspect} } EOS end def test_id2ref_invalid_argument msg = /no implicit conversion/ assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref(nil)} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref(false)} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref(true)} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref(:a)} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref("0")} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, msg) {ObjectSpace._id2ref(Object.new)} end def test_id2ref_invalid_symbol_id # RB_STATIC_SYM_P checks for static symbols by checking that the bottom # 8 bits of the object is equal to RUBY_SYMBOL_FLAG, so we need to make # sure that the bottom 8 bits remain unchanged. msg = /is not symbol id value/ assert_raise_with_message(RangeError, msg) { ObjectSpace._id2ref(:a.object_id + 256) } end def test_count_objects h = {} ObjectSpace.count_objects(h) assert_kind_of(Hash, h) assert_empty(h.keys.delete_if {|x| x.is_a?(Symbol) || x.is_a?(Integer) }) assert_empty(h.values.delete_if {|x| x.is_a?(Integer) }) h = ObjectSpace.count_objects assert_kind_of(Hash, h) assert_empty(h.keys.delete_if {|x| x.is_a?(Symbol) || x.is_a?(Integer) }) assert_empty(h.values.delete_if {|x| x.is_a?(Integer) }) assert_raise(TypeError) { ObjectSpace.count_objects(1) } h0 = {:T_FOO=>1000} h = ObjectSpace.count_objects(h0) assert_same(h0, h) assert_equal(0, h0[:T_FOO]) end def test_finalizer assert_in_out_err(["-e", <<-END], "", %w(:ok :ok :ok :ok), []) a = [] ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(a) { p :ok } b = a.dup ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(a) { p :ok } !b END assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ObjectSpace.define_finalizer([], Object.new) } code = proc do |priv| <<-"CODE" fin = Object.new class << fin #{priv}def call(id) puts "finalized" end end ObjectSpace.define_finalizer([], fin) CODE end assert_in_out_err([], code[""], ["finalized"]) assert_in_out_err([], code["private "], ["finalized"]) c = EnvUtil.labeled_class("C\u{3042}").new o = Object.new assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /C\u{3042}/) { ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(o, c) } end def test_finalizer_with_super assert_in_out_err(["-e", <<-END], "", %w(:ok), []) class A def foo end end class B < A def foo 1.times { super } end end class C module M end FINALIZER = proc do M.module_eval(__FILE__, "", __LINE__) do end end def define_finalizer ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(self, FINALIZER) end end class D def foo B.new.foo end end C::M.singleton_class.send :define_method, :module_eval do |src, id, line| end GC.stress = true 10.times do C.new.define_finalizer D.new.foo end p :ok END end def test_exception_in_finalizer assert_in_out_err([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", [], /finalizing \(RuntimeError\)/) begin; ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(Object.new) {raise "finalizing"} end; end def test_finalizer_thread_raise GC.disable fzer = proc do |id| sleep 0.2 end 2.times do o = Object.new ObjectSpace.define_finalizer(o, fzer) end my_error = Class.new(RuntimeError) begin main_th = Thread.current Thread.new do sleep 0.1 main_th.raise(my_error) end GC.start puts "After GC" sleep(10) assert(false) rescue my_error end ensure GC.enable end def test_each_object klass = Class.new new_obj = klass.new found = [] count = ObjectSpace.each_object(klass) do |obj| found << obj end assert_equal(1, count) assert_equal(1, found.size) assert_same(new_obj, found[0]) end def test_each_object_enumerator klass = Class.new new_obj = klass.new found = [] counter = ObjectSpace.each_object(klass) assert_equal(1, counter.each {|obj| found << obj}) assert_equal(1, found.size) assert_same(new_obj, found[0]) end def test_each_object_no_garbage assert_separately([], <<-End) GC.disable eval('begin; 1.times{}; rescue; ensure; end') arys = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Array){|ary| arys << ary } GC.enable arys.each{|ary| begin assert_equal(String, ary.inspect.class) # should not cause SEGV rescue RuntimeError # rescue "can't modify frozen File" error. end } End end def test_each_object_recursive_key assert_normal_exit(<<-'end;', '[ruby-core:66742] [Bug #10579]') h = {["foo"]=>nil} p Thread.current[:__recursive_key__] end; end def test_each_object_singleton_class assert_separately([], <<-End) class C class << self $c = self end end exist = false ObjectSpace.each_object(Class){|o| exist = true if $c == o } assert(exist, 'Bug #11360') End klass = Class.new instance = klass.new sclass = instance.singleton_class meta = klass.singleton_class assert_kind_of(meta, sclass) assert_include(ObjectSpace.each_object(meta).to_a, sclass) end def test_each_object_with_allocation assert_normal_exit(<<-End) list = [] ObjectSpace.each_object { |o| list << Object.new } End end end