# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestNumeric < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_coerce a, b = 1.coerce(2) assert_kind_of(Integer, a) assert_kind_of(Integer, b) a, b = 1.coerce(2.0) assert_equal(Float, a.class) assert_equal(Float, b.class) assert_raise(TypeError) { -Numeric.new } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /can't be coerced into /) {1+:foo} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /can't be coerced into /) {1&:foo} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /can't be coerced into /) {1|:foo} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /can't be coerced into /) {1^:foo} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3042}/) {1+:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3042}/) {1&:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3042}/) {1|:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3042}/) {1^:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:"\\u3042"/) {1+:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:"\\u3042"/) {1&:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:"\\u3042"/) {1|:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:"\\u3042"/) {1^:"\u{3042}"} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3044}/) {1+"\u{3044}".to_sym} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3044}/) {1&"\u{3044}".to_sym} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3044}/) {1|"\u{3044}".to_sym} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /:\u{3044}/) {1^"\u{3044}".to_sym} bug10711 = '[ruby-core:67405] [Bug #10711]' exp = "1.2 can't be coerced into Integer" assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, exp, bug10711) { 1 & 1.2 } end def test_dummynumeric a = Class.new(Numeric) do def coerce(x); nil; end end.new assert_raise(TypeError) { -a } assert_nil(1 <=> a) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1 <= a } a = Class.new(Numeric) do def coerce(x); 1.coerce(x); end end.new assert_equal(2, 1 + a) assert_equal(0, 1 <=> a) assert_operator(1, :<=, a) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def coerce(x); [x, 1]; end end.new assert_equal(-1, -a) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def coerce(x); raise StandardError, "my error"; end end.new assert_raise_with_message(StandardError, "my error") { 1 + a } assert_raise_with_message(StandardError, "my error") { 1 < a } a = Class.new(Numeric) do def coerce(x); :bad_return_value; end end.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "coerce must return [x, y]") { 1 + a } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, "coerce must return [x, y]") { 1 < a } end def test_singleton_method a = Numeric.new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /foo/) { def a.foo; end } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /\u3042/) { eval("def a.\u3042; end") } end def test_dup a = Numeric.new assert_same a, a.dup end def test_clone a = Numeric.new assert_same a, a.clone assert_raise(ArgumentError) {a.clone(freeze: false)} c = EnvUtil.labeled_class("\u{1f4a9}", Numeric) assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /\u{1f4a9}/) do c.new.clone(freeze: false) end end def test_quo a = Numeric.new assert_raise(TypeError) {a.quo(1)} end def test_quo_ruby_core_41575 rat = 84.quo(1) x = Class.new(Numeric) do define_method(:to_r) { rat } end.new assert_equal(2.quo(1), x.quo(42), '[ruby-core:41575]') end def test_divmod =begin x = Class.new(Numeric) do def /(x); 42.0; end def %(x); :mod; end end.new assert_equal(42, x.div(1)) assert_equal(:mod, x.modulo(1)) assert_equal([42, :mod], x.divmod(1)) =end assert_kind_of(Integer, 11.divmod(3.5).first, '[ruby-dev:34006]') end def test_real_p assert_predicate(Numeric.new, :real?) end def test_integer_p assert_not_predicate(Numeric.new, :integer?) end def test_abs a = Class.new(Numeric) do def -@; :ok; end def <(x); true; end end.new assert_equal(:ok, a.abs) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def <(x); false; end end.new assert_equal(a, a.abs) end def test_zero_p a = Class.new(Numeric) do def ==(x); true; end end.new assert_predicate(a, :zero?) end def test_nonzero_p a = Class.new(Numeric) do def zero?; true; end end.new assert_nil(a.nonzero?) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def zero?; false; end end.new assert_equal(a, a.nonzero?) end def test_positive_p a = Class.new(Numeric) do def >(x); true; end end.new assert_predicate(a, :positive?) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def >(x); false; end end.new assert_not_predicate(a, :positive?) end def test_negative_p a = Class.new(Numeric) do def <(x); true; end end.new assert_predicate(a, :negative?) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def <(x); false; end end.new assert_not_predicate(a, :negative?) end def test_to_int a = Class.new(Numeric) do def to_i; :ok; end end.new assert_equal(:ok, a.to_int) end def test_cmp a = Numeric.new assert_equal(0, a <=> a) assert_nil(a <=> :foo) end def test_floor_ceil_round_truncate a = Class.new(Numeric) do def to_f; 1.5; end end.new assert_equal(1, a.floor) assert_equal(2, a.ceil) assert_equal(2, a.round) assert_equal(1, a.truncate) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def to_f; 1.4; end end.new assert_equal(1, a.floor) assert_equal(2, a.ceil) assert_equal(1, a.round) assert_equal(1, a.truncate) a = Class.new(Numeric) do def to_f; -1.5; end end.new assert_equal(-2, a.floor) assert_equal(-1, a.ceil) assert_equal(-2, a.round) assert_equal(-1, a.truncate) end def assert_step(expected, (from, *args), inf: false) kw = args.last.is_a?(Hash) ? args.pop : {} enum = from.step(*args, **kw) size = enum.size xsize = expected.size if inf assert_send [size, :infinite?], "step size: +infinity" assert_send [size, :>, 0], "step size: +infinity" a = [] from.step(*args, **kw) { |x| a << x; break if a.size == xsize } assert_equal expected, a, "step" a = [] enum.each { |x| a << x; break if a.size == xsize } assert_equal expected, a, "step enumerator" else assert_equal expected.size, size, "step size" a = [] from.step(*args, **kw) { |x| a << x } assert_equal expected, a, "step" a = [] enum.each { |x| a << x } assert_equal expected, a, "step enumerator" end end def test_step bignum = RbConfig::LIMITS['FIXNUM_MAX'] + 1 assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.step(10, 1, 0) { } } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.step(10, 1, 0).size } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.step(10, 0) { } } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.step(10, "1") { } } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { 1.step(10, "1").size } assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.step(10, nil) { } } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(10, 0).size } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(10, nil).size } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: 0, to: nil) } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: 0, to: nil).size } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: 0) } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: 0).size } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: nil) } assert_nothing_raised { 1.step(by: nil).size } assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(10)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(10, 2)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(10, by: 2)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(by: 2)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(by: 2, to: nil)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(by: 2, to: 10)) assert_kind_of(Enumerator::ArithmeticSequence, 1.step(by: -1)) bug9811 = '[ruby-dev:48177] [Bug #9811]' assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, foo: nil) {} } assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, foo: nil).size } assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, to: 11) {} } assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, to: 11).size } assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, 1, by: 11) {} } assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug9811) { 1.step(10, 1, by: 11).size } assert_equal(bignum*2+1, (-bignum).step(bignum, 1).size) assert_equal(bignum*2, (-bignum).step(bignum-1, 1).size) assert_equal(10+1, (0.0).step(10.0, 1.0).size) i, bigflo = 1, bignum.to_f i <<= 1 until (bigflo - i).to_i < bignum bigflo -= i >> 1 assert_equal(bigflo.to_i, (0.0).step(bigflo-1.0, 1.0).size) assert_step [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, 10] assert_step [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, to: 10] assert_step [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10], [1, to: 10, by: nil] assert_step [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [1, 10, 2] assert_step [1, 3, 5, 7, 9], [1, to: 10, by: 2] assert_step [10, 8, 6, 4, 2], [10, 1, -2] assert_step [10, 8, 6, 4, 2], [10, to: 1, by: -2] assert_step [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0], [1.0, 10.0, 2.0] assert_step [1.0, 3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 9.0], [1.0, to: 10.0, by: 2.0] assert_step [1], [1, 10, bignum] assert_step [1], [1, to: 10, by: bignum] assert_step [], [2, 1, 3] assert_step [], [-2, -1, -3] assert_step [3, 3, 3, 3], [3, by: 0], inf: true assert_step [3, 3, 3, 3], [3, by: 0, to: 42], inf: true assert_step [10], [10, 1, -bignum] assert_step [], [1, 0, Float::INFINITY] assert_step [], [0, 1, -Float::INFINITY] assert_step [10], [10, to: 1, by: -bignum] assert_step [10, 11, 12, 13], [10], inf: true assert_step [10, 9, 8, 7], [10, by: -1], inf: true assert_step [10, 9, 8, 7], [10, by: -1, to: nil], inf: true assert_step [42, 42, 42, 42], [42, by: 0, to: -Float::INFINITY], inf: true assert_step [42, 42, 42, 42], [42, by: 0, to: 42.5], inf: true assert_step [4.2, 4.2, 4.2, 4.2], [4.2, by: 0.0], inf: true assert_step [4.2, 4.2, 4.2, 4.2], [4.2, by: -0.0], inf: true assert_step [42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 42.0], [42, by: 0.0, to: 44], inf: true assert_step [42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 42.0], [42, by: 0.0, to: 0], inf: true assert_step [42.0, 42.0, 42.0, 42.0], [42, by: -0.0, to: 44], inf: true assert_step [bignum]*4, [bignum, by: 0], inf: true assert_step [bignum]*4, [bignum, by: 0.0], inf: true assert_step [bignum]*4, [bignum, by: 0, to: bignum+1], inf: true assert_step [bignum]*4, [bignum, by: 0, to: 0], inf: true end def test_step_bug15537 assert_step [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, 2.0], [10.0, 1, -2] assert_step [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, 2.0], [10.0, to: 1, by: -2] assert_step [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, 2.0], [10.0, 1, -2] assert_step [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, 2.0], [10, to: 1.0, by: -2] assert_step [10.0, 8.0, 6.0, 4.0, 2.0], [10, 1.0, -2] assert_step [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0], [10, by: -1.0], inf: true assert_step [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0], [10, by: -1.0, to: nil], inf: true assert_step [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0], [10, nil, -1.0], inf: true assert_step [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0], [10.0, by: -1], inf: true assert_step [10.0, 9.0, 8.0, 7.0], [10.0, nil, -1], inf: true end def test_num2long assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 & nil } assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 & 1.0 } assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 & 2147483648.0 } assert_raise(TypeError) { 1 & 9223372036854777856.0 } o = Object.new def o.to_int; 1; end assert_raise(TypeError) { assert_equal(1, 1 & o) } end def test_eql assert_equal(1, 1.0) assert_not_operator(1, :eql?, 1.0) assert_not_operator(1, :eql?, 2) end def test_coerced_remainder assert_separately([], <<-'end;') x = Class.new do def coerce(a) [self, a]; end def %(a) self; end end.new assert_raise(ArgumentError) {1.remainder(x)} end; end def test_comparison_comparable bug12864 = '[ruby-core:77713] [Bug #12864]' myinteger = Class.new do include Comparable def initialize(i) @i = i.to_i end attr_reader :i def <=>(other) @i <=> (other.is_a?(self.class) ? other.i : other) end end all_assertions(bug12864) do |a| [5, 2**62, 2**61].each do |i| a.for("%#x"%i) do m = myinteger.new(i) assert_equal(i, m) assert_equal(m, i) end end end end def test_pow assert_equal(2**3, 2.pow(3)) assert_equal(2**-1, 2.pow(-1)) assert_equal(2**0.5, 2.pow(0.5)) assert_equal((-1)**0.5, -1.pow(0.5)) assert_equal(3**3 % 8, 3.pow(3, 8)) assert_equal(3**3 % -8, 3.pow(3,-8)) assert_equal(3**2 % -2, 3.pow(2,-2)) assert_equal((-3)**3 % 8, -3.pow(3,8)) assert_equal((-3)**3 % -8, -3.pow(3,-8)) assert_equal(5**2 % -8, 5.pow(2,-8)) assert_equal(4481650795473624846969600733813414725093, 2120078484650058507891187874713297895455. pow(5478118174010360425845660566650432540723, 5263488859030795548286226023720904036518)) assert_equal(12, 12.pow(1, 10000000000), '[Bug #14259]') assert_equal(12, 12.pow(1, 10000000001), '[Bug #14259]') assert_equal(12, 12.pow(1, 10000000002), '[Bug #14259]') assert_equal(17298641040, 12.pow(72387894339363242, 243682743764), '[Bug #14259]') end end