# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' require_relative 'marshaltestlib' class TestMarshal < Test::Unit::TestCase include MarshalTestLib def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def encode(o) Marshal.dump(o) end def decode(s) Marshal.load(s) end def fact(n) return 1 if n == 0 f = 1 while n>0 f *= n n -= 1 end return f end def test_marshal a = [1, 2, 3, 2**32, 2**64, [4,5,"foo"], {1=>"bar"}, 2.5, fact(30)] assert_equal a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) [[1,2,3,4], [81, 2, 118, 3146]].each { |w,x,y,z| obj = (x.to_f + y.to_f / z.to_f) * Math.exp(w.to_f / (x.to_f + y.to_f / z.to_f)) assert_equal obj, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(obj)) } bug3659 = '[ruby-dev:41936]' [1.0, 10.0, 100.0, 110.0].each {|x| assert_equal(x, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(x)), bug3659) } end def test_marshal_integers a = [] [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2].each do |i| 0.upto(65).map do |exp| a << 2**exp + i end end assert_equal a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) a = [2**32, []]*2 assert_equal a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) a = [2**32, 2**32, []]*2 assert_equal a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) end def test_marshal_small_bignum_backref assert_equal [2**32, 2**32], Marshal.load("\x04\b[\al+\b\x00\x00\x00\x00\x01\x00@\x06") end StrClone = String.clone def test_marshal_cloned_class assert_instance_of(StrClone, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(StrClone.new("abc")))) end def test_inconsistent_struct TestMarshal.const_set :StructOrNot, Struct.new(:a) s = Marshal.dump(StructOrNot.new(1)) TestMarshal.instance_eval { remove_const :StructOrNot } TestMarshal.const_set :StructOrNot, Class.new assert_raise(TypeError, "[ruby-dev:31709]") { Marshal.load(s) } ensure TestMarshal.instance_eval { remove_const :StructOrNot } end def test_struct_invalid_members TestMarshal.const_set :StructInvalidMembers, Struct.new(:a) assert_raise(TypeError, "[ruby-dev:31759]") { Marshal.load("\004\bIc&TestMarshal::StructInvalidMembers\006:\020__members__\"\bfoo") TestMarshal::StructInvalidMembers.members } ensure TestMarshal.instance_eval { remove_const :StructInvalidMembers } end def test_load_range_as_struct assert_raise(TypeError, 'GH-6832') do # Can be obtained with: # $ ruby -e 'Range = Struct.new(:a, :b, :c); p Marshal.dump(Range.new(nil, nil, nil))' Marshal.load("\x04\bS:\nRange\b:\x06a0:\x06b0:\x06c0") end end class C def initialize(str) @str = str end attr_reader :str def _dump(limit) @str end def self._load(s) new(s) end end def test_too_long_string data = Marshal.dump(C.new("a".force_encoding("ascii-8bit"))) data[-2, 1] = "\003\377\377\377" assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, "marshal data too short", "[ruby-dev:32054]") { Marshal.load(data) } end def test_userdef_encoding s1 = "\xa4\xa4".force_encoding("euc-jp") o1 = C.new(s1) m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = Marshal.load(m) s2 = o2.str assert_equal(s1, s2) end def test_pipe o1 = C.new("a" * 10000) IO.pipe do |r, w| th = Thread.new {Marshal.dump(o1, w)} o2 = Marshal.load(r) th.join assert_equal(o1.str, o2.str) end IO.pipe do |r, w| th = Thread.new {Marshal.dump(o1, w, 2)} o2 = Marshal.load(r) th.join assert_equal(o1.str, o2.str) end assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.dump("foo", Object.new) } assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(Object.new) } end def test_limit assert_equal([[[]]], Marshal.load(Marshal.dump([[[]]], 3))) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Marshal.dump([[[]]], 2) } assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, '[ruby-core:24100]') { Marshal.dump("\u3042", 1) } end def test_userdef_invalid o = C.new(nil) assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.dump(o) } end def test_class o = class << Object.new; self; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.dump(o) } assert_equal(Object, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(Object))) assert_equal(Enumerable, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(Enumerable))) end class C2 def initialize(ary) @ary = ary end def _dump(s) @ary.clear "foo" end end def test_modify_array_during_dump a = [] o = C2.new(a) a << o << nil assert_raise(RuntimeError) { Marshal.dump(a) } end def test_change_class_name self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) if self.class.const_defined?(:C3) eval("class C3; def _dump(s); 'foo'; end; end") m = Marshal.dump(C3.new) assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(m) } self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) eval("C3 = nil") assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(m) } ensure self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) if self.class.const_defined?(:C3) end def test_change_struct self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) if self.class.const_defined?(:C3) eval("C3 = Struct.new(:foo, :bar)") m = Marshal.dump(C3.new("FOO", "BAR")) self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) eval("C3 = Struct.new(:foo)") assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(m) } self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) eval("C3 = Struct.new(:foo, :baz)") assert_raise(TypeError) { Marshal.load(m) } ensure self.class.__send__(:remove_const, :C3) if self.class.const_defined?(:C3) end class C4 def initialize(gc) @gc = gc end def _dump(s) GC.start if @gc "foo" end end def test_gc assert_nothing_raised do Marshal.dump((0..1000).map {|x| C4.new(x % 50 == 25) }) end end def test_symbol2 [:ruby, :"\u{7d05}\u{7389}"].each do |sym| assert_equal(sym, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(sym)), '[ruby-core:24788]') end bug2548 = '[ruby-core:27375]' ary = [:$1, nil] assert_equal(ary, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(ary)), bug2548) end def test_symlink assert_include(Marshal.dump([:a, :a]), ';') end def test_symlink_in_ivar bug10991 = '[ruby-core:68587] [Bug #10991]' sym = Marshal.load("\x04\x08" + "I" ":\x0bKernel" + ("\x06" + ("I" ":\x07@a" + ("\x06" ":\x07@b" "e;\x0""o:\x0bObject""\x0")) + "0")) assert_equal(:Kernel, sym, bug10991) end ClassUTF8 = eval("class R\u{e9}sum\u{e9}; self; end") iso_8859_1 = Encoding::ISO_8859_1 structISO8859_1 = Struct.new("r\xe9sum\xe9".force_encoding(iso_8859_1).intern) const_set("R\xe9sum\xe9".force_encoding(iso_8859_1), structISO8859_1) structISO8859_1.name StructISO8859_1 = structISO8859_1 classISO8859_1 = Class.new do attr_accessor "r\xe9sum\xe9".force_encoding(iso_8859_1) eval("def initialize(x) @r\xe9sum\xe9 = x; end".force_encoding(iso_8859_1)) end const_set("R\xe9sum\xe92".force_encoding(iso_8859_1), classISO8859_1) classISO8859_1.name ClassISO8859_1 = classISO8859_1 def test_class_nonascii a = ClassUTF8.new assert_instance_of(ClassUTF8, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)), '[ruby-core:24790]') bug1932 = '[ruby-core:24882]' a = StructISO8859_1.new(10) assert_nothing_raised(bug1932) do assert_equal(a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)), bug1932) end a.__send__("#{StructISO8859_1.members[0]}=", a) assert_nothing_raised(bug1932) do assert_equal(a, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)), bug1932) end a = ClassISO8859_1.new(10) assert_nothing_raised(bug1932) do b = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) assert_equal(ClassISO8859_1, b.class, bug1932) assert_equal(a.instance_variables, b.instance_variables, bug1932) a.instance_variables.each do |i| assert_equal(a.instance_variable_get(i), b.instance_variable_get(i), bug1932) end end a.__send__(a.methods(true).grep(/=\z/)[0], a) assert_nothing_raised(bug1932) do b = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(a)) assert_equal(ClassISO8859_1, b.class, bug1932) assert_equal(a.instance_variables, b.instance_variables, bug1932) assert_equal(b, b.instance_variable_get(a.instance_variables[0]), bug1932) end end def test_regexp2 assert_equal(/\\u/, Marshal.load("\004\b/\b\\\\u\000")) assert_equal(/u/, Marshal.load("\004\b/\a\\u\000")) assert_equal(/u/, Marshal.load("\004\bI/\a\\u\000\006:\016@encoding\"\vEUC-JP")) bug2109 = '[ruby-core:25625]' a = "\x82\xa0".force_encoding(Encoding::Windows_31J) b = "\x82\xa2".force_encoding(Encoding::Windows_31J) c = [/#{a}/, /#{b}/] assert_equal(c, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(c)), bug2109) assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, '[ruby-dev:40386]') do re = Tempfile.create("marshal_regexp") do |f| f.binmode.write("\x04\bI/\x00\x00\x06:\rencoding\"\rUS-ASCII") f.rewind re2 = Marshal.load(f) re2 end assert_equal(//, re) end end class DumpTest def marshal_dump @@block.call(:marshal_dump) end def dump_each(&block) @@block = block Marshal.dump(self) end end class LoadTest def marshal_dump nil end def marshal_load(obj) @@block.call(:marshal_load) end def self.load_each(m, &block) @@block = block Marshal.load(m) end end def test_context_switch o = DumpTest.new e = o.enum_for(:dump_each) assert_equal(:marshal_dump, e.next) GC.start assert(true, '[ruby-dev:39425]') assert_raise(StopIteration) {e.next} o = LoadTest.new m = Marshal.dump(o) e = LoadTest.enum_for(:load_each, m) assert_equal(:marshal_load, e.next) GC.start assert(true, '[ruby-dev:39425]') assert_raise(StopIteration) {e.next} end def test_dump_buffer bug2390 = '[ruby-dev:39744]' w = "" def w.write(str) self << str.to_s end Marshal.dump(Object.new, w) assert_not_empty(w, bug2390) end class C5 def marshal_dump "foo" end def marshal_load(foo) @foo = foo end def initialize(x) @x = x end end def test_marshal_dump c = C5.new("bar") s = Marshal.dump(c) d = Marshal.load(s) assert_equal("foo", d.instance_variable_get(:@foo)) assert_equal(false, d.instance_variable_defined?(:@x)) end class C6 def initialize @stdin = STDIN end attr_reader :stdin def marshal_dump 1 end def marshal_load(x) @stdin = STDIN end end def test_marshal_dump_extra_iv o = C6.new m = nil assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-dev:21475] [ruby-dev:39845]") { m = Marshal.dump(o) } o2 = Marshal.load(m) assert_equal(STDIN, o2.stdin) end def test_marshal_string_encoding o1 = ["foo".force_encoding("EUC-JP")] + [ "bar" ] * 2 m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = Marshal.load(m) assert_equal(o1, o2, "[ruby-dev:40388]") end def test_marshal_regexp_encoding o1 = [Regexp.new("r1".force_encoding("EUC-JP"))] + ["r2"] * 2 m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = Marshal.load(m) assert_equal(o1, o2, "[ruby-dev:40416]") end def test_marshal_encoding_encoding o1 = [Encoding.find("EUC-JP")] + ["r2"] * 2 m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = Marshal.load(m) assert_equal(o1, o2) end def test_marshal_symbol_ascii8bit bug6209 = '[ruby-core:43762]' o1 = "\xff".force_encoding("ASCII-8BIT").intern m = Marshal.dump(o1) o2 = nil assert_nothing_raised(EncodingError, bug6209) {o2 = Marshal.load(m)} assert_equal(o1, o2, bug6209) end class PrivateClass def initialize(foo) @foo = foo end attr_reader :foo end private_constant :PrivateClass def test_marshal_private_class o1 = PrivateClass.new("test") o2 = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(o1)) assert_equal(o1.class, o2.class) assert_equal(o1.foo, o2.foo) end def test_marshal_complex assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\fComplex[\x05")} assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\fComplex[\x06i\x00")} assert_equal(Complex(1, 2), Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\fComplex[\ai\x06i\a")) assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\fComplex[\bi\x00i\x00i\x00")} end def test_marshal_rational assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\rRational[\x05")} assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\rRational[\x06i\x00")} assert_equal(Rational(1, 2), Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\rRational[\ai\x06i\a")) assert_raise(ArgumentError){Marshal.load("\x04\bU:\rRational[\bi\x00i\x00i\x00")} end def test_marshal_flonum_reference bug7348 = '[ruby-core:49323]' e = [] ary = [ [2.0, e], [e] ] assert_equal(ary, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(ary)), bug7348) end class TestClass end module TestModule end class Bug7627 < Struct.new(:bar) attr_accessor :foo def marshal_dump; 'dump'; end # fake dump data def marshal_load(*); end # do nothing end def test_marshal_dump_struct_ivar bug7627 = '[ruby-core:51163]' obj = Bug7627.new obj.foo = '[Bug #7627]' dump = Marshal.dump(obj) loaded = Marshal.load(dump) assert_equal(obj, loaded, bug7627) assert_nil(loaded.foo, bug7627) end class LoadData attr_reader :data def initialize(data) @data = data end alias marshal_dump data alias marshal_load initialize end class Bug8276 < LoadData def initialize(*) super freeze end alias marshal_load initialize end class FrozenData < LoadData def marshal_load(data) super data.instance_variables.each do |iv| instance_variable_set(iv, data.instance_variable_get(iv)) end freeze end end def test_marshal_dump_excess_encoding bug8276 = '[ruby-core:54334] [Bug #8276]' t = Bug8276.new(bug8276) s = Marshal.dump(t) assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug8276) {s = Marshal.load(s)} assert_equal(t.data, s.data, bug8276) end def test_marshal_dump_ivar s = "data with ivar" s.instance_variable_set(:@t, 42) t = Bug8276.new(s) s = Marshal.dump(t) assert_raise(FrozenError) {Marshal.load(s)} end def test_marshal_load_ivar s = "data with ivar" s.instance_variable_set(:@t, 42) hook = ->(v) { if LoadData === v assert_send([v, :instance_variable_defined?, :@t], v.class.name) assert_equal(42, v.instance_variable_get(:@t), v.class.name) end v } [LoadData, FrozenData].each do |klass| t = klass.new(s) d = Marshal.dump(t) v = assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError) {break Marshal.load(d, hook)} assert_send([v, :instance_variable_defined?, :@t], klass.name) assert_equal(42, v.instance_variable_get(:@t), klass.name) end end def test_class_ivar assert_raise(TypeError) {Marshal.load("\x04\x08Ic\x1bTestMarshal::TestClass\x06:\x0e@ivar_bug\"\x08bug")} assert_raise(TypeError) {Marshal.load("\x04\x08IM\x1bTestMarshal::TestClass\x06:\x0e@ivar_bug\"\x08bug")} assert_not_operator(TestClass, :instance_variable_defined?, :@bug) end def test_module_ivar assert_raise(TypeError) {Marshal.load("\x04\x08Im\x1cTestMarshal::TestModule\x06:\x0e@ivar_bug\"\x08bug")} assert_raise(TypeError) {Marshal.load("\x04\x08IM\x1cTestMarshal::TestModule\x06:\x0e@ivar_bug\"\x08bug")} assert_not_operator(TestModule, :instance_variable_defined?, :@bug) end class TestForRespondToFalse def respond_to?(a, priv = false) false end end def test_marshal_respond_to_arity assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError, '[Bug #7722]') do Marshal.dump(TestForRespondToFalse.new) end end def test_packed_string packed = ["foo"].pack("p") bare = "".force_encoding(Encoding::ASCII_8BIT) << packed assert_equal(Marshal.dump(bare), Marshal.dump(packed)) end class Bug9523 attr_reader :cc def marshal_dump callcc {|c| @cc = c } nil end def marshal_load(v) end end def test_continuation EnvUtil.suppress_warning {require "continuation"} c = Bug9523.new assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /Marshal\.dump reentered at marshal_dump/) do Marshal.dump(c) GC.start 1000.times {"x"*1000} GC.start c.cc.call end end def test_undumpable_message c = Module.new {break module_eval("class IO\u{26a1} < IO;self;end")} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /IO\u{26a1}/) { Marshal.dump(c.new(0, autoclose: false)) } end def test_undumpable_data c = Module.new {break module_eval("class T\u{23F0 23F3}(v) { v == str ? v.upcase : v })) end def test_marshal_proc_string_encoding string = "foo" payload = Marshal.dump(string) Marshal.load(payload, ->(v) { if v.is_a?(String) assert_equal(string, v) assert_equal(string.encoding, v.encoding) end v }) end def test_marshal_proc_freeze object = { foo: [42, "bar"] } assert_equal object, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(object), :freeze.to_proc) end def test_marshal_load_extended_class_crash assert_separately([], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-"end;"}") begin; assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /undefined/) do Marshal.load("\x04\be:\x0F\x00omparableo:\vObject\x00") end end; end def test_marshal_load_r_prepare_reference_crash crash = "\x04\bI/\x05\x00\x06:\x06E{\x06@\x05T" opt = %w[--disable=gems] assert_separately(opt, <<-RUBY) assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /bad link/) do Marshal.load(#{crash.dump}) end RUBY end MethodMissingWithoutRespondTo = Struct.new(:wrapped_object) do undef respond_to? def method_missing(*args, &block) wrapped_object.public_send(*args, &block) end def respond_to_missing?(name, private = false) wrapped_object.respond_to?(name, false) end end def test_method_missing_without_respond_to bug12353 = "[ruby-core:75377] [Bug #12353]: try method_missing if" \ " respond_to? is undefined" obj = MethodMissingWithoutRespondTo.new("foo") dump = assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError, bug12353) do Marshal.dump(obj) end assert_equal(obj, Marshal.load(dump)) end class Bug12974 def marshal_dump dup end end def test_marshal_dump_recursion assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /same class instance/) do Marshal.dump(Bug12974.new) end end Bug14314 = Struct.new(:foo, keyword_init: true) def test_marshal_keyword_init_struct obj = Bug14314.new(foo: 42) assert_equal obj, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(obj)) end class Bug15968 attr_accessor :bar, :baz def initialize self.bar = Bar.new(self) end class Bar attr_accessor :foo def initialize(foo) self.foo = foo end def marshal_dump if self.foo.baz self.foo.remove_instance_variable(:@baz) else self.foo.baz = :problem end {foo: self.foo} end def marshal_load(data) self.foo = data[:foo] end end end def test_marshal_dump_adding_instance_variable obj = Bug15968.new assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /instance variable added/) do Marshal.dump(obj) end end def test_marshal_dump_removing_instance_variable obj = Bug15968.new obj.baz = :Bug15968 assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, /instance variable removed/) do Marshal.dump(obj) end end ruby2_keywords def ruby2_keywords_hash(*a) a.last end def ruby2_keywords_test(key: 1) key end def test_marshal_with_ruby2_keywords_hash flagged_hash = ruby2_keywords_hash(key: 42) data = Marshal.dump(flagged_hash) hash = Marshal.load(data) assert_equal(42, ruby2_keywords_test(*[hash])) hash2 = Marshal.load(data.sub(/\x06K(?=T\z)/, "\x08KEY")) assert_raise(ArgumentError, /\(given 1, expected 0\)/) { ruby2_keywords_test(*[hash2]) } hash2 = Marshal.load(data.sub(/:\x06K(?=T\z)/, "I\\&\x06:\x0dencoding\"\x0aUTF-7")) assert_raise(ArgumentError, /\(given 1, expected 0\)/) { ruby2_keywords_test(*[hash2]) } end def test_invalid_byte_sequence_symbol data = Marshal.dump(:K) data = data.sub(/:\x06K/, "I\\&\x06:\x0dencoding\"\x0dUTF-16LE") assert_raise(ArgumentError, /UTF-16LE: "\\x4B"/) { Marshal.load(data) } end def exception_test raise end def test_marshal_exception begin exception_test rescue => e e2 = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(e)) assert_equal(e.message, e2.message) assert_equal(e.backtrace, e2.backtrace) assert_nil(e2.backtrace_locations) # temporal end end def nameerror_test unknown_method end def test_marshal_nameerror begin nameerror_test rescue NameError => e e2 = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(e)) assert_equal(e.message.lines.first.chomp, e2.message.lines.first) assert_equal(e.name, e2.name) assert_equal(e.backtrace, e2.backtrace) assert_nil(e2.backtrace_locations) # temporal end end class TestMarshalFreezeProc < Test::Unit::TestCase include MarshalTestLib def encode(o) Marshal.dump(o) end def decode(s) Marshal.load(s, :freeze.to_proc) end end def _test_hash_compared_by_identity(h) h.compare_by_identity h["a" + "0"] = 1 h["a" + "0"] = 2 h = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(h)) assert_predicate(h, :compare_by_identity?) a = h.to_a assert_equal([["a0", 1], ["a0", 2]], a.sort) assert_not_same(a[1][0], a[0][0]) end def test_hash_compared_by_identity _test_hash_compared_by_identity(Hash.new) end def test_hash_default_compared_by_identity _test_hash_compared_by_identity(Hash.new(true)) end class TestMarshalFreeze < Test::Unit::TestCase include MarshalTestLib def encode(o) Marshal.dump(o) end def decode(s) Marshal.load(s, freeze: true) end def test_return_objects_are_frozen source = ["foo", {}, /foo/, 1..2] objects = decode(encode(source)) assert_equal source, objects assert_predicate objects, :frozen? objects.each do |obj| assert_predicate obj, :frozen? end end def test_proc_returned_object_are_not_frozen source = ["foo", {}, /foo/, 1..2] objects = Marshal.load(encode(source), ->(o) { o.dup }, freeze: true) assert_equal source, objects refute_predicate objects, :frozen? objects.each do |obj| refute_predicate obj, :frozen? end end def test_modules_and_classes_are_not_frozen _objects = Marshal.load(encode([Object, Kernel]), freeze: true) refute_predicate Object, :frozen? refute_predicate Kernel, :frozen? end end end