# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestRubyLiteral < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_special_const assert_equal 'true', true.inspect assert_instance_of TrueClass, true assert_equal 'false', false.inspect assert_instance_of FalseClass, false assert_equal 'nil', nil.inspect assert_instance_of NilClass, nil assert_equal ':sym', :sym.inspect assert_instance_of Symbol, :sym assert_equal '1234', 1234.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 1234 assert_equal '1234', 1_2_3_4.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 1_2_3_4 assert_equal '18', 0x12.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 0x12 assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0x") } assert_equal '15', 0o17.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 0o17 assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0o") } assert_equal '5', 0b101.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 0b101 assert_raise(SyntaxError) { eval("0b") } assert_equal '123456789012345678901234567890', 123456789012345678901234567890.inspect assert_instance_of Integer, 123456789012345678901234567890 assert_instance_of Float, 1.3 assert_equal '2', eval("0x00+2").inspect end def test_self assert_equal self, self assert_instance_of TestRubyLiteral, self assert_respond_to self, :test_self end def test_string assert_instance_of String, ?a assert_equal "a", ?a assert_instance_of String, ?A assert_equal "A", ?A assert_instance_of String, ?\n assert_equal "\n", ?\n assert_equal " ", ?\ # space assert_equal '', '' assert_equal 'string', 'string' assert_equal 'string string', 'string string' assert_equal ' ', ' ' assert_equal ' ', " " assert_equal "\0", "\0" assert_equal "\1", "\1" assert_equal "3", "\x33" assert_equal "\n", "\n" bug2500 = '[ruby-core:27228]' bug5262 = '[ruby-core:39222]' %w[c C- M-].each do |pre| ["u", %w[u{ }]].each do |open, close| ["?", ['"', '"']].each do |qopen, qclose| str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}5555#{close}#{qclose}" assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug2500} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)} str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}" assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)} str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}".encode("euc-jp") assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)} str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\u201c#{close}#{qclose}".encode("iso-8859-13") assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)} str = "#{qopen}\\#{pre}\\#{open}\xe2\x7f#{close}#{qclose}".force_encoding("utf-8") assert_raise(SyntaxError, "#{bug5262} eval(#{str})") {eval(str)} end end end bug6069 = '[ruby-dev:45278]' assert_equal "\x13", "\c\x33" assert_equal "\x13", "\C-\x33" assert_equal "\xB3", "\M-\x33" assert_equal "\u201c", eval(%["\\\u{201c}"]), bug5262 assert_equal "\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%["\\\u{201c}"].encode("euc-jp")), bug5262 assert_equal "\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%["\\\u{201c}"].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug5262 assert_equal "\\\u201c", eval(%['\\\u{201c}']), bug6069 assert_equal "\\\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%['\\\u{201c}'].encode("euc-jp")), bug6069 assert_equal "\\\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%['\\\u{201c}'].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug6069 assert_equal "\u201c", eval(%[?\\\u{201c}]), bug6069 assert_equal "\u201c".encode("euc-jp"), eval(%[?\\\u{201c}].encode("euc-jp")), bug6069 assert_equal "\u201c".encode("iso-8859-13"), eval(%[?\\\u{201c}].encode("iso-8859-13")), bug6069 assert_equal "ab", eval("?a 'b'") assert_equal "a\nb", eval("< 2} assert_equal({1 => 2}, {1 => 2}) h = {1 => 2} assert_equal 2, h[1] h = {"string" => "literal", "goto" => "hell"} assert_equal h, h assert_equal 2, h.size assert_equal h, h assert_equal "literal", h["string"] end def test_big_array_and_hash_literal assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("[#{(1..1_000_000).map{'x'}.join(", ")}]").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems] assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("[#{(1..1_000_000).to_a.join(", ")}]").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems] assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("{#{(1..1_000_000).map{|n| "#{n} => x"}.join(', ')}}").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems] assert_normal_exit %q{GC.disable=true; x = nil; raise if eval("{#{(1..1_000_000).map{|n| "#{n} => #{n}"}.join(', ')}}").size != 1_000_000}, "", timeout: 300, child_env: %[--disable-gems] end def test_big_hash_literal bug7466 = '[ruby-dev:46658]' h = { 0xFE042 => 0xE5CD, 0xFE043 => 0xE5CD, 0xFE045 => 0xEA94, 0xFE046 => 0xE4E3, 0xFE047 => 0xE4E2, 0xFE048 => 0xEA96, 0xFE049 => 0x3013, 0xFE04A => 0xEB36, 0xFE04B => 0xEB37, 0xFE04C => 0xEB38, 0xFE04D => 0xEB49, 0xFE04E => 0xEB82, 0xFE04F => 0xE4D2, 0xFE050 => 0xEB35, 0xFE051 => 0xEAB9, 0xFE052 => 0xEABA, 0xFE053 => 0xE4D4, 0xFE054 => 0xE4CD, 0xFE055 => 0xEABB, 0xFE056 => 0xEABC, 0xFE057 => 0xEB32, 0xFE058 => 0xEB33, 0xFE059 => 0xEB34, 0xFE05A => 0xEB39, 0xFE05B => 0xEB5A, 0xFE190 => 0xE5A4, 0xFE191 => 0xE5A5, 0xFE192 => 0xEAD0, 0xFE193 => 0xEAD1, 0xFE194 => 0xEB47, 0xFE195 => 0xE509, 0xFE196 => 0xEAA0, 0xFE197 => 0xE50B, 0xFE198 => 0xEAA1, 0xFE199 => 0xEAA2, 0xFE19A => 0x3013, 0xFE19B => 0xE4FC, 0xFE19C => 0xE4FA, 0xFE19D => 0xE4FC, 0xFE19E => 0xE4FA, 0xFE19F => 0xE501, 0xFE1A0 => 0x3013, 0xFE1A1 => 0xE5DD, 0xFE1A2 => 0xEADB, 0xFE1A3 => 0xEAE9, 0xFE1A4 => 0xEB13, 0xFE1A5 => 0xEB14, 0xFE1A6 => 0xEB15, 0xFE1A7 => 0xEB16, 0xFE1A8 => 0xEB17, 0xFE1A9 => 0xEB18, 0xFE1AA => 0xEB19, 0xFE1AB => 0xEB1A, 0xFE1AC => 0xEB44, 0xFE1AD => 0xEB45, 0xFE1AE => 0xE4CB, 0xFE1AF => 0xE5BF, 0xFE1B0 => 0xE50E, 0xFE1B1 => 0xE4EC, 0xFE1B2 => 0xE4EF, 0xFE1B3 => 0xE4F8, 0xFE1B4 => 0x3013, 0xFE1B5 => 0x3013, 0xFE1B6 => 0xEB1C, 0xFE1B9 => 0xEB7E, 0xFE1D3 => 0xEB22, 0xFE7DC => 0xE4D8, 0xFE1D4 => 0xEB23, 0xFE1D5 => 0xEB24, 0xFE1D6 => 0xEB25, 0xFE1CC => 0xEB1F, 0xFE1CD => 0xEB20, 0xFE1CE => 0xE4D9, 0xFE1CF => 0xE48F, 0xFE1C5 => 0xE5C7, 0xFE1C6 => 0xEAEC, 0xFE1CB => 0xEB1E, 0xFE1DA => 0xE4DD, 0xFE1E1 => 0xEB57, 0xFE1E2 => 0xEB58, 0xFE1E3 => 0xE492, 0xFE1C9 => 0xEB1D, 0xFE1D9 => 0xE4D3, 0xFE1DC => 0xE5D4, 0xFE1BA => 0xE4E0, 0xFE1BB => 0xEB76, 0xFE1C8 => 0xE4E0, 0xFE1DD => 0xE5DB, 0xFE1BC => 0xE4DC, 0xFE1D8 => 0xE4DF, 0xFE1BD => 0xE49A, 0xFE1C7 => 0xEB1B, 0xFE1C2 => 0xE5C2, 0xFE1C0 => 0xE5C0, 0xFE1B8 => 0xE4DB, 0xFE1C3 => 0xE470, 0xFE1BE => 0xE4D8, 0xFE1C4 => 0xE4D9, 0xFE1B7 => 0xE4E1, 0xFE1BF => 0xE4DE, 0xFE1C1 => 0xE5C1, 0xFE1CA => 0x3013, 0xFE1D0 => 0xE4E1, 0xFE1D1 => 0xEB21, 0xFE1D2 => 0xE4D7, 0xFE1D7 => 0xE4DA, 0xFE1DB => 0xE4EE, 0xFE1DE => 0xEB3F, 0xFE1DF => 0xEB46, 0xFE1E0 => 0xEB48, 0xFE336 => 0xE4FB, 0xFE320 => 0xE472, 0xFE321 => 0xEB67, 0xFE322 => 0xEACA, 0xFE323 => 0xEAC0, 0xFE324 => 0xE5AE, 0xFE325 => 0xEACB, 0xFE326 => 0xEAC9, 0xFE327 => 0xE5C4, 0xFE328 => 0xEAC1, 0xFE329 => 0xE4E7, 0xFE32A => 0xE4E7, 0xFE32B => 0xEACD, 0xFE32C => 0xEACF, 0xFE32D => 0xEACE, 0xFE32E => 0xEAC7, 0xFE32F => 0xEAC8, 0xFE330 => 0xE471, 0xFE331 => "[Bug #7466]", } k = h.keys assert_equal([129, 0xFE331], [k.size, k.last], bug7466) code = [ "h = {", (1..128).map {|i| "#{i} => 0,"}, (129..140).map {|i| "#{i} => [],"}, "}", ].join assert_separately([], <<-"end;") GC.stress = true #{code} GC.stress = false assert_equal(140, h.size) end; end def test_hash_duplicated_key h = EnvUtil.suppress_warning do eval <<~end # This is a syntax that renders warning at very early stage. # eval used to delay warning, to be suppressible by EnvUtil. {"a" => 100, "b" => 200, "a" => 300, "a" => 400} end end assert_equal(2, h.size) assert_equal(400, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) assert_equal(nil, h.key('300')) end def test_hash_frozen_key_id key = "a".freeze h = {key => 100} assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_same(key, *h.keys) end def test_hash_key_tampering key = "a" h = {key => 100} key.upcase! assert_equal(100, h['a']) end def test_range assert_instance_of Range, (1..2) assert_equal(1..2, 1..2) r = 1..2 assert_equal 1, r.begin assert_equal 2, r.end assert_equal false, r.exclude_end? assert_instance_of Range, (1...3) assert_equal(1...3, 1...3) r = 1...3 assert_equal 1, r.begin assert_equal 3, r.end assert_equal true, r.exclude_end? r = 1+2 .. 3+4 assert_instance_of Range, r assert_equal 3, r.begin assert_equal 7, r.end assert_equal false, r.exclude_end? r = 1+2 ... 3+4 assert_instance_of Range, r assert_equal 3, r.begin assert_equal 7, r.end assert_equal true, r.exclude_end? assert_instance_of Range, 'a'..'c' r = 'a'..'c' assert_equal 'a', r.begin assert_equal 'c', r.end end def test__FILE__ assert_instance_of String, __FILE__ assert_equal __FILE__, __FILE__ assert_equal 'test_literal.rb', File.basename(__FILE__) end def test__LINE__ assert_instance_of Integer, __LINE__ assert_equal __LINE__, __LINE__ end def test_integer head = ['', '0x', '0o', '0b', '0d', '-', '+'] chars = ['0', '1', '_', '9', 'f'] head.each {|h| 4.times {|len| a = [h] len.times { a = a.product(chars).map {|x| x.join('') } } a.each {|s| next if s.empty? begin r1 = Integer(s) rescue ArgumentError r1 = :err end begin r2 = eval(s) rescue NameError, SyntaxError r2 = :err end assert_equal(r1, r2, "Integer(#{s.inspect}) != eval(#{s.inspect})") } } } bug2407 = '[ruby-dev:39798]' head.each {|h| if /^0/ =~ h begin eval("#{h}_") rescue SyntaxError => e assert_match(/numeric literal without digits\Z/, e.message, bug2407) end end } end def test_float head = ['', '-', '+'] chars = ['0', '1', '_', '9', 'f', '.'] head.each {|h| 6.times {|len| a = [h] len.times { a = a.product(chars).map {|x| x.join('') } } a.each {|s| next if s.empty? next if /\.\z/ =~ s next if /\A[-+]?\./ =~ s next if /\A[-+]?0/ =~ s begin r1 = Float(s) rescue ArgumentError r1 = :err end begin r2 = eval(s) rescue NameError, SyntaxError r2 = :err end r2 = :err if Range === r2 assert_equal(r1, r2, "Float(#{s.inspect}) != eval(#{s.inspect})") } } } assert_equal(100.0, 0.0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000100e100) end def test_symbol_list assert_equal([:foo, :bar], %i[foo bar]) assert_equal([:"\"foo"], %i["foo]) x = 10 assert_equal([:foo, :b10], %I[foo b#{x}]) assert_equal([:"\"foo10"], %I["foo#{x}]) assert_ruby_status(["--disable-gems", "--dump=parsetree"], "%I[foo bar]") end end