require 'test/unit' class TestLambdaParameters < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_exact_parameter assert_raise(ArgumentError){(1..3).each(&lambda{})} end def test_call_simple assert_equal(1, lambda{|a| a}.call(1)) assert_equal([1,2], lambda{|a, b| [a,b]}.call(1,2)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { lambda{|a|}.call(1,2) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { lambda{|a|}.call() } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { lambda{}.call(1) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { lambda{|a, b|}.call(1,2,3) } assert_equal(1, ->(a){ a }.call(1)) assert_equal([1,2], ->(a,b){ [a,b] }.call(1,2)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ->(a){ }.call(1,2) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ->(a){ }.call() } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ->(){ }.call(1) } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { ->(a,b){ }.call(1,2,3) } end def test_lambda_as_iterator a = 0 2.times(&->(_){ a += 1 }) assert_equal(a, 2) assert_raise(ArgumentError) {1.times(&->(){ a += 1 })} end def test_call_rest_args assert_equal([1,2], ->(*a){ a }.call(1,2)) assert_equal([1,2,[]], ->(a,b,*c){ [a,b,c] }.call(1,2)) assert_raise(ArgumentError){ ->(a,*b){ }.call() } end def test_call_opt_args assert_equal([1,2,3,4], ->(a,b,c=3,d=4){ [a,b,c,d] }.call(1,2)) assert_equal([1,2,3,4], ->(a,b,c=0,d=4){ [a,b,c,d] }.call(1,2,3)) assert_raise(ArgumentError){ ->(a,b=1){ }.call() } assert_raise(ArgumentError){ ->(a,b=1){ }.call(1,2,3) } end def test_call_rest_and_opt assert_equal([1,2,3,[]], ->(a,b=2,c=3,*d){ [a,b,c,d] }.call(1)) assert_equal([1,2,3,[]], ->(a,b=0,c=3,*d){ [a,b,c,d] }.call(1,2)) assert_equal([1,2,3,[4,5,6]], ->(a,b=0,c=0,*d){ [a,b,c,d] }.call(1,2,3,4,5,6)) assert_raise(ArgumentError){ ->(a,b=1,*c){ }.call() } end def test_call_with_block f = ->(a,b,c=3,*d,&e){ [a,b,c,d, + [a,b,c])] } assert_equal([1,2,3,[],6],,2){|z| z.inject{|s,x| s+x} } ) assert_equal(nil, ->(&b){ b }.call) foo { puts "bogus block " } assert_equal(1, ->(&b){ }.call { 1 }) b = nil assert_equal(1, ->(&b){ }.call { 1 }) assert_nil(b) end def foo assert_equal(nil, ->(&b){ b }.call) end def test_in_basic_object bug5966 = '[ruby-core:42349]' called = false {->() {called = true}.()} assert_equal(true, called, bug5966) end def test_location_on_error bug6151 = '[ruby-core:43314]' called = 0 line, f = __LINE__, lambda do called += 1 true end e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do end assert_send([e.backtrace.first, :start_with?, "#{__FILE__}:#{line}:"], bug6151) assert_equal(0, called) e = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do 42.times(&f) end assert_send([e.backtrace.first, :start_with?, "#{__FILE__}:#{line}:"], bug6151) assert_equal(0, called) end def return_in_current(val) 1.tap &->(*) {return 0} val end def yield_block yield end def return_in_callee(val) yield_block &->(*) {return 0} val end def test_return feature8693 = '[ruby-core:56193] [Feature #8693]' assert_equal(42, return_in_current(42), feature8693) assert_equal(42, return_in_callee(42), feature8693) end def test_do_lambda_source_location exp_lineno = __LINE__ + 3 lmd = ->(x, y, z) do # end file, lineno = lmd.source_location assert_match(/^#{ Regexp.quote(__FILE__) }$/, file) assert_equal(exp_lineno, lineno, "must be at the beginning of the block") end def test_brace_lambda_source_location exp_lineno = __LINE__ + 3 lmd = ->(x, y, z) { # } file, lineno = lmd.source_location assert_match(/^#{ Regexp.quote(__FILE__) }$/, file) assert_equal(exp_lineno, lineno, "must be at the beginning of the block") end end