# frozen_string_literal: true require 'test/unit' # Test for --jit option class TestJIT < Test::Unit::TestCase JIT_TIMEOUT = 600 # 10min for each... JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX = 'JIT success \(\d+\.\dms\)' SUPPORTED_COMPILERS = [ 'gcc', 'clang', ] # Ensure all supported insns can be compiled. Only basic tests are included. # TODO: ensure --dump=insns includes the expected insn def test_compile_insns skip unless jit_supported? # nop assert_compile_once('nil rescue true', result_inspect: 'nil') # getlocal # setlocal assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') foo = 1 foo RUBY # getblockparam # setblockparam assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: '3', success_count: 2) def foo(&b) a = b b = 2 a.call + 2 end print foo { 1 } RUBY # getblockparamproxy # TODO: support this in mjit_compile # getspecial assert_compile_once('$1', result_inspect: 'nil') # setspecial assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: 'true') true if nil.nil?..nil.nil? RUBY # getinstancevariable # setinstancevariable assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') @foo = 1 @foo RUBY # getclassvariable # setclassvariable assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') @@foo = 1 @@foo RUBY # getconstant # setconstant assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') FOO = 1 FOO RUBY # getglobal # setglobal assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') $foo = 1 $foo RUBY # putnil assert_compile_once('nil', result_inspect: 'nil') # putself assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: 'hello', success_count: 1) proc { print "hello" }.call RUBY # putobject assert_compile_once('0', result_inspect: '0') # putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_0_C_ assert_compile_once('1', result_inspect: '1') # putobject_OP_INT2FIX_O_1_C_ assert_compile_once('2', result_inspect: '2') # putspecialobject # putiseq assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: 'hello', success_count: 2) print proc { def method_definition 'hello' end method_definition }.call RUBY # putstring # concatstrings # tostring assert_compile_once('"a#{}b" + "c"', result_inspect: '"abc"') # freezestring assert_eval_with_jit(<<~'RUBY', stdout: 'true', success_count: 1) # frozen_string_literal: true print proc { "#{true}".frozen? }.call RUBY # toregexp assert_compile_once('/#{true}/ =~ "true"', result_inspect: '0') # intern # newarray # duparray assert_compile_once('[:"#{0}"] + [1,2,3]', result_inspect: '[:"0", 1, 2, 3]') # expandarray assert_compile_once('y = [ true, false, nil ]; x, = y; x', result_inspect: 'true') # concatarray assert_compile_once('["t", "r", *x = "u", "e"].join', result_inspect: '"true"') # splatarray assert_compile_once('[*(1..2)]', result_inspect: '[1, 2]') # newhash assert_compile_once('a = 1; { a: a }', result_inspect: '{:a=>1}') # newrange assert_compile_once('a = 1; 0..a', result_inspect: '0..1') # pop assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '1') a = false b = 1 a || b RUBY # dup assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '3') a = 1 a&.+(2) RUBY # dupn assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: 'true') klass = Class.new klass::X ||= true RUBY # swap # topn assert_compile_once('{}["true"] = true', result_inspect: 'true') # reverse assert_compile_once('q, (w, e), r = 1, [2, 3], 4; e == 3', result_inspect: 'true') # reput # TODO: write test # setn assert_compile_once('[nil][0] = 1', result_inspect: '1') # adjuststack assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: 'true') x = [true] x[0] ||= nil x[0] RUBY # defined assert_compile_once('defined?(a)', result_inspect: 'nil') # checkkeyword assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: 'true', success_count: 1) def test(x: rand) x end print test(x: true) RUBY # tracecoverage # TODO: write test # defineclass # TODO: support this in mjit_compile (low priority) # send assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: '1', success_count: 2) print proc { yield_self { 1 } }.call RUBY # opt_str_freeze # opt_str_uminus assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '"foobar"') 'foo'.freeze + -'bar' RUBY # opt_newarray_max # opt_newarray_min assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '3') a = 1 b = 2 [a, b].max + [a, b].min RUBY # opt_send_without_block assert_compile_once('print', result_inspect: 'nil') # invokesuper assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: '3', success_count: 4) mod = Module.new { def test super + 2 end } klass = Class.new { prepend mod def test 1 end } print klass.new.test RUBY # invokeblock # leave assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: '2', success_count: 2) def foo yield end print foo { 2 } RUBY # throw assert_eval_with_jit(<<~RUBY, stdout: '4', success_count: 2) def test proc do if 1+1 == 1 return 3 else return 4 end 5 end.call end print test RUBY # jump # branchif assert_compile_once(<<~'RUBY', result_inspect: 'nil') a = false 1 + 1 while false RUBY # branchunless assert_compile_once(<<~'RUBY', result_inspect: '1') a = true if a 1 else 2 end RUBY # branchnil assert_compile_once(<<~'RUBY', result_inspect: '3') a = 2 a&.+(1) RUBY # branchiftype assert_compile_once(<<~'RUBY', result_inspect: '"42"') a = '2' "4#{a}" RUBY # getinlinecache # setinlinecache assert_compile_once('Struct', result_inspect: 'Struct') # once assert_compile_once('/#{true}/o =~ "true" && $~.to_a', result_inspect: '["true"]') # checkmatch # opt_case_dispatch assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '"world"') case 'hello' when /hello/ 'world' end RUBY # opt_plus # opt_minus # opt_mult # opt_div # opt_mod assert_compile_once('4 + 2 - ((2 * 3 / 2) % 2)', result_inspect: '5') # opt_eq # opt_neq assert_compile_once('(1 == 1) && (1 != 2)', result_inspect: 'true') # opt_lt # opt_le # opt_gt # opt_ge assert_compile_once('1 < 2 && 1 <= 1 && 2 > 1 && 1 >= 1', result_inspect: 'true') # opt_ltlt assert_compile_once('[1] << 2', result_inspect: '[1, 2]') # opt_aref # opt_aset # opt_aset_with # opt_aref_with assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '8') hash = { '1' => 2 } hash['1'] + hash[1.to_s] + (hash['2'] = 2) + (hash[2.to_s] = 2) RUBY # opt_length # opt_size assert_compile_once(<<~RUBY, result_inspect: '4') array = [1, 2] array.size + array.length RUBY # opt_empty_p assert_compile_once('[].empty?', result_inspect: 'true') # opt_succ assert_compile_once('1.succ', result_inspect: '2') # opt_not assert_compile_once('!!true', result_inspect: 'true') # opt_regexpmatch1 assert_compile_once("/true/ =~ 'true'", result_inspect: '0') # opt_regexpmatch2 assert_compile_once("'true' =~ /true/", result_inspect: '0') # opt_call_c_function # TODO: support this in opt_call_c_function (low priority) end def test_jit_output skip unless jit_supported? out, err = eval_with_jit('5.times { puts "MJIT" }', verbose: 1, min_calls: 5) assert_equal("MJIT\n" * 5, out) assert_match(/^#{JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX}: block in
@-e:1 -> .+_ruby_mjit_p\d+u\d+\.c$/, err) assert_match(/^Successful MJIT finish$/, err) end private # The shortest way to test one proc def assert_compile_once(script, result_inspect:) assert_eval_with_jit("p proc { #{script} }.call", stdout: "#{result_inspect}\n", success_count: 1) end # Shorthand for normal test cases def assert_eval_with_jit(script, stdout: nil, success_count:) out, err = eval_with_jit(script, verbose: 1, min_calls: 1) if jit_supported? actual = err.scan(/^#{JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX}:/).size assert_equal( success_count, actual, "Expected #{success_count} times of JIT success, but succeeded #{actual} times.\n\n"\ "script:\n#{code_block(script)}\nstderr:\n#{code_block(err)}", ) end if stdout assert_equal(stdout, out, "Expected stdout #{out.inspect} to match #{stdout.inspect} with script:\n#{code_block(script)}") end end # Run Ruby script with --jit-wait (Synchronous JIT compilation). # Returns [stdout, stderr] def eval_with_jit(script, verbose: 0, min_calls: 5, timeout: JIT_TIMEOUT) stdout, stderr, status = EnvUtil.invoke_ruby( ['--disable-gems', '--jit-wait', "--jit-verbose=#{verbose}", "--jit-min-calls=#{min_calls}", '-e', script], '', true, true, timeout: timeout, ) assert_equal(true, status.success?, "Failed to run script with JIT:\n#{code_block(script)}\nstdout:\n#{code_block(stdout)}\nstderr:\n#{code_block(stderr)}") [stdout, stderr] end def code_block(code) "```\n#{code}\n```\n\n" end def jit_supported? return @jit_supported if defined?(@jit_supported) # Experimental. If you want to ensure JIT is working with this test, please set this for now. if ENV.key?('RUBY_FORCE_TEST_JIT') return @jit_supported = true end # Very pessimistic check. With this check, we can't ensure JIT is working. begin _, err = eval_with_jit('proc {}.call', verbose: 1, min_calls: 1, timeout: 10) @jit_supported = err.match?(JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX) rescue Timeout::Error $stderr.puts "TestJIT: #jit_supported? check timed out" @jit_supported = false end end end