# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' EnvUtil.suppress_warning {require 'continuation'} class TestHash < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_hash x = @cls[1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6] y = @cls[1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6] # y = {1, 2, 2, 4, 3, 6} # 1.9 doesn't support assert_equal(2, x[1]) assert(begin for k,v in y raise if k*2 != v end true rescue false end) assert_equal(3, x.length) assert_send([x, :has_key?, 1]) assert_send([x, :has_value?, 4]) assert_equal([4,6], x.values_at(2,3)) assert_equal({1=>2, 2=>4, 3=>6}, x) z = y.keys.join(":") assert_equal("1:2:3", z) z = y.values.join(":") assert_equal("2:4:6", z) assert_equal(x, y) y.shift assert_equal(2, y.length) z = [1,2] y[z] = 256 assert_equal(256, y[z]) x = Hash.new(0) x[1] = 1 assert_equal(1, x[1]) assert_equal(0, x[2]) x = Hash.new([]) assert_equal([], x[22]) assert_same(x[22], x[22]) x = Hash.new{[]} assert_equal([], x[22]) assert_not_same(x[22], x[22]) x = Hash.new{|h,kk| z = kk; h[kk] = kk*2} z = 0 assert_equal(44, x[22]) assert_equal(22, z) z = 0 assert_equal(44, x[22]) assert_equal(0, z) x.default = 5 assert_equal(5, x[23]) x = Hash.new def x.default(k) $z = k self[k] = k*2 end $z = 0 assert_equal(44, x[22]) assert_equal(22, $z) $z = 0 assert_equal(44, x[22]) assert_equal(0, $z) end # From rubicon def setup @cls ||= Hash @h = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three', self => 'self', true => 'true', nil => 'nil', 'nil' => nil ] end def teardown end def test_clear_initialize_copy h = @cls[1=>2] h.instance_eval {initialize_copy({})} assert_empty(h) end def test_self_initialize_copy h = @cls[1=>2] h.instance_eval {initialize_copy(h)} assert_equal(2, h[1]) end def test_s_AREF_from_hash h = @cls["a" => 100, "b" => 200] assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) h = @cls.[]("a" => 100, "b" => 200) assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) h = @cls[Hash.new(42)] assert_nil(h['a']) h = @cls[Hash.new {42}] assert_nil(h['a']) end def test_s_AREF_from_list h = @cls["a", 100, "b", 200] assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) end def test_s_AREF_from_pairs h = @cls[[["a", 100], ["b", 200]]] assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) h = @cls[[["a", 100], ["b"], ["c", 300]]] assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_equal(nil, h['b']) assert_equal(300, h['c']) assert_raise(ArgumentError) do @cls[[["a", 100], "b", ["c", 300]]] end end def test_s_AREF_duplicated_key alist = [["a", 100], ["b", 200], ["a", 300], ["a", 400]] h = @cls[alist] assert_equal(2, h.size) assert_equal(400, h['a']) assert_equal(200, h['b']) assert_nil(h['c']) assert_equal(nil, h.key('300')) end def test_s_AREF_frozen_key_id key = "a".freeze h = @cls[key, 100] assert_equal(100, h['a']) assert_same(key, *h.keys) end def test_s_AREF_key_tampering key = "a".dup h = @cls[key, 100] key.upcase! assert_equal(100, h['a']) end def test_s_new h = @cls.new assert_instance_of(@cls, h) assert_nil(h.default) assert_nil(h['spurious']) h = @cls.new('default') assert_instance_of(@cls, h) assert_equal('default', h.default) assert_equal('default', h['spurious']) end def test_st_literal_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], "", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", rss: true) begin; 1_000_000.times do # >8 element hashes are ST allocated rather than AR allocated {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9} end end; end def test_try_convert assert_equal({1=>2}, Hash.try_convert({1=>2})) assert_equal(nil, Hash.try_convert("1=>2")) o = Object.new def o.to_hash; {3=>4} end assert_equal({3=>4}, Hash.try_convert(o)) end def test_AREF # '[]' t = Time.now h = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', 3 => 'three', self => 'self', t => 'time', nil => 'nil', 'nil' => nil ] assert_equal('one', h[1]) assert_equal('two', h[2]) assert_equal('three', h[3]) assert_equal('self', h[self]) assert_equal('time', h[t]) assert_equal('nil', h[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) assert_equal(nil, h['koala']) h1 = h.dup h1.default = :default assert_equal('one', h1[1]) assert_equal('two', h1[2]) assert_equal('three', h1[3]) assert_equal('self', h1[self]) assert_equal('time', h1[t]) assert_equal('nil', h1[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h1['nil']) assert_equal(:default, h1['koala']) end def test_ASET # '[]=' t = Time.now h = @cls.new h[1] = 'one' h[2] = 'two' h[3] = 'three' h[self] = 'self' h[t] = 'time' h[nil] = 'nil' h['nil'] = nil assert_equal('one', h[1]) assert_equal('two', h[2]) assert_equal('three', h[3]) assert_equal('self', h[self]) assert_equal('time', h[t]) assert_equal('nil', h[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) assert_equal(nil, h['koala']) h[1] = 1 h[nil] = 99 h['nil'] = nil z = [1,2] h[z] = 256 assert_equal(1, h[1]) assert_equal('two', h[2]) assert_equal('three', h[3]) assert_equal('self', h[self]) assert_equal('time', h[t]) assert_equal(99, h[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) assert_equal(nil, h['koala']) assert_equal(256, h[z]) end def test_EQUAL # '==' h1 = @cls[ "a" => 1, "c" => 2 ] h2 = @cls[ "a" => 1, "c" => 2, 7 => 35 ] h3 = @cls[ "a" => 1, "c" => 2, 7 => 35 ] h4 = @cls[ ] assert_equal(h1, h1) assert_equal(h2, h2) assert_equal(h3, h3) assert_equal(h4, h4) assert_not_equal(h1, h2) assert_equal(h2, h3) assert_not_equal(h3, h4) end def test_clear assert_operator(@h.size, :>, 0) @h.clear assert_equal(0, @h.size) assert_nil(@h[1]) end def test_clone for frozen in [ false, true ] a = @h.clone a.freeze if frozen b = a.clone assert_equal(a, b) assert_not_same(a, b) assert_equal(a.frozen?, b.frozen?) end end def test_default assert_nil(@h.default) h = @cls.new(:xyzzy) assert_equal(:xyzzy, h.default) end def test_default= assert_nil(@h.default) @h.default = :xyzzy assert_equal(:xyzzy, @h.default) end def test_delete h1 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two', true => 'true' ] h2 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => 'two' ] h3 = @cls[ 2 => 'two' ] assert_equal('true', h1.delete(true)) assert_equal(h2, h1) assert_equal('one', h1.delete(1)) assert_equal(h3, h1) assert_equal('two', h1.delete(2)) assert_equal(@cls[], h1) assert_nil(h1.delete(99)) assert_equal(@cls[], h1) assert_equal('default 99', h1.delete(99) {|i| "default #{i}" }) end def test_delete_if base = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h1 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true' ] h2 = @cls[ 2 => false, 'cat' => 99 ] h3 = @cls[ 2 => false ] h = base.dup assert_equal(h, h.delete_if { false }) assert_equal(@cls[], h.delete_if { true }) h = base.dup assert_equal(h1, h.delete_if {|k,v| k.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h1, h) h = base.dup assert_equal(h2, h.delete_if {|k,v| v.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h2, h) h = base.dup assert_equal(h3, h.delete_if {|k,v| v }) assert_equal(h3, h) h = base.dup n = 0 h.delete_if {|*a| n += 1 assert_equal(2, a.size) assert_equal(base[a[0]], a[1]) h.shift true } assert_equal(base.size, n) h = base.dup assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.delete_if do h.freeze true end end assert_equal(base.dup, h) h = base.dup assert_same h, h.delete_if {h.assoc(nil); true} assert_empty h end def test_keep_if h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, h.keep_if {|k, v| k + v >= 7 }) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal({1=>2,3=>4,5=>6}, h.keep_if{true}) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.keep_if do h.freeze false end end assert_equal(@cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6], h) end def test_compact h = @cls[a: 1, b: nil, c: false, d: true, e: nil] assert_equal({a: 1, c: false, d: true}, h.compact) assert_equal({a: 1, b: nil, c: false, d: true, e: nil}, h) assert_same(h, h.compact!) assert_equal({a: 1, c: false, d: true}, h) assert_nil(h.compact!) end def test_dup for frozen in [ false, true ] a = @h.dup a.freeze if frozen b = a.dup assert_equal(a, b) assert_not_same(a, b) assert_equal(false, b.frozen?) end end def test_dup_equality h = @cls['k' => 'v'] assert_equal(h, h.dup) h1 = @cls[h => 1] assert_equal(h1, h1.dup) h[1] = 2 h1.rehash assert_equal(h1, h1.dup) end def test_each count = 0 @cls[].each { |k, v| count + 1 } assert_equal(0, count) h = @h h.each do |k, v| assert_equal(v, h.delete(k)) end assert_equal(@cls[], h) h = @cls[] h[1] = 1 h[2] = 2 assert_equal([[1,1],[2,2]], h.each.to_a) end def test_each_key count = 0 @cls[].each_key { |k| count + 1 } assert_equal(0, count) h = @h h.each_key do |k| h.delete(k) end assert_equal(@cls[], h) end def test_each_pair count = 0 @cls[].each_pair { |k, v| count + 1 } assert_equal(0, count) h = @h h.each_pair do |k, v| assert_equal(v, h.delete(k)) end assert_equal(@cls[], h) end def test_each_value res = [] @cls[].each_value { |v| res << v } assert_equal(0, [].length) @h.each_value { |v| res << v } assert_equal(0, [].length) expected = [] @h.each { |k, v| expected << v } assert_equal([], expected - res) assert_equal([], res - expected) end def test_empty? assert_empty(@cls[]) assert_not_empty(@h) end def test_fetch assert_equal('gumbygumby', @h.fetch('gumby') {|k| k * 2 }) assert_equal('pokey', @h.fetch('gumby', 'pokey')) assert_equal('one', @h.fetch(1)) assert_equal(nil, @h.fetch('nil')) assert_equal('nil', @h.fetch(nil)) end def test_fetch_error assert_raise(KeyError) { @cls[].fetch(1) } assert_raise(KeyError) { @h.fetch('gumby') } e = assert_raise(KeyError) { @h.fetch('gumby'*20) } assert_match(/key not found: "gumbygumby/, e.message) assert_match(/\.\.\.\z/, e.message) assert_same(@h, e.receiver) assert_equal('gumby'*20, e.key) end def test_key2? assert_not_send([@cls[], :key?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :key?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :key?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :key?, 1]) assert_not_send([@h, :key?, 'gumby']) end def test_value? assert_not_send([@cls[], :value?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :value?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :value?, 'one']) assert_send([@h, :value?, nil]) assert_not_send([@h, :value?, 'gumby']) end def test_include? assert_not_send([@cls[], :include?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :include?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :include?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :include?, 1]) assert_not_send([@h, :include?, 'gumby']) end def test_key assert_equal(1, @h.key('one')) assert_equal(nil, @h.key('nil')) assert_equal('nil', @h.key(nil)) assert_equal(nil, @h.key('gumby')) assert_equal(nil, @cls[].key('gumby')) end def test_values_at res = @h.values_at('dog', 'cat', 'horse') assert_equal(3, res.length) assert_equal([nil, nil, nil], res) res = @h.values_at assert_equal(0, res.length) res = @h.values_at(3, 2, 1, nil) assert_equal 4, res.length assert_equal %w( three two one nil ), res res = @h.values_at(3, 99, 1, nil) assert_equal 4, res.length assert_equal ['three', nil, 'one', 'nil'], res end def test_fetch_values res = @h.fetch_values assert_equal(0, res.length) res = @h.fetch_values(3, 2, 1, nil) assert_equal(4, res.length) assert_equal %w( three two one nil ), res e = assert_raise KeyError do @h.fetch_values(3, 'invalid') end assert_same(@h, e.receiver) assert_equal('invalid', e.key) res = @h.fetch_values(3, 'invalid') { |k| k.upcase } assert_equal %w( three INVALID ), res end def test_invert h = @h.invert assert_equal(1, h['one']) assert_equal(true, h['true']) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) h.each do |k, v| assert_send([@h, :key?, v]) # not true in general, but works here end h = @cls[ 'a' => 1, 'b' => 2, 'c' => 1].invert assert_equal(2, h.length) assert_include(%w[a c], h[1]) assert_equal('b', h[2]) end def test_key? assert_not_send([@cls[], :key?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :key?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :key?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :key?, 1]) assert_not_send([@h, :key?, 'gumby']) end def test_keys assert_equal([], @cls[].keys) keys = @h.keys expected = [] @h.each { |k, v| expected << k } assert_equal([], keys - expected) assert_equal([], expected - keys) end def test_length assert_equal(0, @cls[].length) assert_equal(7, @h.length) end def test_member? assert_not_send([@cls[], :member?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :member?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :member?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :member?, 1]) assert_not_send([@h, :member?, 'gumby']) end def hash_hint hv hv & 0xff end def test_rehash a = [ "a", "b" ] c = [ "c", "d" ] h = @cls[ a => 100, c => 300 ] assert_equal(100, h[a]) hv = a.hash begin a[0] << "z" end while hash_hint(a.hash) == hash_hint(hv) assert_nil(h[a]) h.rehash assert_equal(100, h[a]) end def test_reject assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6].reject {|k, v| k + v < 7 }) base = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h1 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true' ] h2 = @cls[ 2 => false, 'cat' => 99 ] h3 = @cls[ 2 => false ] h = base.dup assert_equal(h, h.reject { false }) assert_equal(@cls[], h.reject { true }) h = base.dup assert_equal(h1, h.reject {|k,v| k.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h2, h.reject {|k,v| v.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h3, h.reject {|k,v| v }) assert_equal(base, h) h.instance_variable_set(:@foo, :foo) h.default = 42 h = EnvUtil.suppress_warning {h.reject {false}} assert_instance_of(Hash, h) assert_nil(h.default) assert_not_send([h, :instance_variable_defined?, :@foo]) end def test_reject_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 expected = {}.compare_by_identity expected[str1] = 1 expected[str2] = 2 h2 = h.reject{|k,| k != 'str'} assert_equal(expected, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.reject{true} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h2 = h.reject{true} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.reject{|k,| k != 'str'} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) end def test_reject! base = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h1 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', 2 => false, true => 'true' ] h2 = @cls[ 2 => false, 'cat' => 99 ] h3 = @cls[ 2 => false ] h = base.dup assert_equal(nil, h.reject! { false }) assert_equal(@cls[], h.reject! { true }) h = base.dup assert_equal(h1, h.reject! {|k,v| k.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h1, h) h = base.dup assert_equal(h2, h.reject! {|k,v| v.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h2, h) h = base.dup assert_equal(h3, h.reject! {|k,v| v }) assert_equal(h3, h) h = base.dup assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.reject! do h.freeze true end end assert_equal(base.dup, h) end def test_replace h = @cls[ 1 => 2, 3 => 4 ] h1 = h.replace(@cls[ 9 => 8, 7 => 6 ]) assert_equal(h, h1) assert_equal(8, h[9]) assert_equal(6, h[7]) assert_nil(h[1]) assert_nil(h[2]) end def test_replace_bug9230 h = @cls[] h.replace(@cls[]) assert_empty h h = @cls[] h.replace(@cls[].compare_by_identity) assert_predicate(h, :compare_by_identity?) end def test_shift h = @h.dup @h.length.times { k, v = h.shift assert_send([@h, :key?, k]) assert_equal(@h[k], v) } assert_equal(0, h.length) end def test_size assert_equal(0, @cls[].length) assert_equal(7, @h.length) end def test_sort h = @cls[].sort assert_equal([], h) h = @cls[ 1 => 1, 2 => 1 ].sort assert_equal([[1,1], [2,1]], h) h = @cls[ 'cat' => 'feline', 'ass' => 'asinine', 'bee' => 'beeline' ] h1 = h.sort assert_equal([ %w(ass asinine), %w(bee beeline), %w(cat feline)], h1) end def test_store t = Time.now h = @cls.new h.store(1, 'one') h.store(2, 'two') h.store(3, 'three') h.store(self, 'self') h.store(t, 'time') h.store(nil, 'nil') h.store('nil', nil) assert_equal('one', h[1]) assert_equal('two', h[2]) assert_equal('three', h[3]) assert_equal('self', h[self]) assert_equal('time', h[t]) assert_equal('nil', h[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) assert_equal(nil, h['koala']) h.store(1, 1) h.store(nil, 99) h.store('nil', nil) assert_equal(1, h[1]) assert_equal('two', h[2]) assert_equal('three', h[3]) assert_equal('self', h[self]) assert_equal('time', h[t]) assert_equal(99, h[nil]) assert_equal(nil, h['nil']) assert_equal(nil, h['koala']) end def test_to_a assert_equal([], @cls[].to_a) assert_equal([[1,2]], @cls[ 1=>2 ].to_a) a = @cls[ 1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6 ].to_a assert_equal([1,2], a.delete([1,2])) assert_equal([3,4], a.delete([3,4])) assert_equal([5,6], a.delete([5,6])) assert_equal(0, a.length) end def test_to_hash h = @h.to_hash assert_equal(@h, h) assert_instance_of(@cls, h) end def test_to_h h = @h.to_h assert_equal(@h, h) assert_instance_of(Hash, h) end def test_to_h_instance_variable @h.instance_variable_set(:@x, 42) h = @h.to_h if @cls == Hash assert_equal(42, h.instance_variable_get(:@x)) else assert_not_send([h, :instance_variable_defined?, :@x]) end end def test_to_h_default_value @h.default = :foo h = @h.to_h assert_equal(:foo, h.default) end def test_to_h_default_proc @h.default_proc = ->(_,k) {"nope#{k}"} h = @h.to_h assert_equal("nope42", h[42]) end def test_to_h_block h = @h.to_h {|k, v| [k.to_s, v.to_s]} assert_equal({ "1"=>"one", "2"=>"two", "3"=>"three", to_s=>"self", "true"=>"true", ""=>"nil", "nil"=>"" }, h) assert_instance_of(Hash, h) end def test_to_s h = @cls[ 1 => 2, "cat" => "dog", 1.5 => :fred ] assert_equal(h.inspect, h.to_s) assert_deprecated_warning { $, = ":" } assert_equal(h.inspect, h.to_s) h = @cls[] assert_equal(h.inspect, h.to_s) ensure $, = nil end def test_update h1 = @cls[ 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4 ] h2 = @cls[ 2 => 'two', 4 => 'four' ] ha = @cls[ 1 => 2, 2 => 'two', 3 => 4, 4 => 'four' ] hb = @cls[ 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4, 4 => 'four' ] assert_equal(ha, h1.update(h2)) assert_equal(ha, h1) h1 = @cls[ 1 => 2, 2 => 3, 3 => 4 ] h2 = @cls[ 2 => 'two', 4 => 'four' ] assert_equal(hb, h2.update(h1)) assert_equal(hb, h2) end def test_value2? assert_not_send([@cls[], :value?, 1]) assert_not_send([@cls[], :value?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :value?, nil]) assert_send([@h, :value?, 'one']) assert_not_send([@h, :value?, 'gumby']) end def test_values assert_equal([], @cls[].values) vals = @h.values expected = [] @h.each { |k, v| expected << v } assert_equal([], vals - expected) assert_equal([], expected - vals) end def test_create assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, @cls[[[1,2],[3,4]]]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @cls[0, 1, 2] } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { @cls[[[0, 1], 2]] } bug5406 = '[ruby-core:39945]' assert_raise(ArgumentError, bug5406) { @cls[[[1, 2], [3, 4, 5]]] } assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, @cls[1,2,3,4]) o = Object.new def o.to_hash() {1=>2} end assert_equal({1=>2}, @cls[o], "[ruby-dev:34555]") end def test_rehash2 h = @cls[1 => 2, 3 => 4] assert_equal(h.dup, h.rehash) assert_raise(RuntimeError) { h.each { h.rehash } } assert_equal({}, @cls[].rehash) end def test_fetch2 assert_equal(:bar, assert_warning(/block supersedes default value argument/) {@h.fetch(0, :foo) { :bar }}) end def test_default_proc h = @cls.new {|hh, k| hh + k + "baz" } assert_equal("foobarbaz", h.default_proc.call("foo", "bar")) assert_nil(h.default_proc = nil) assert_nil(h.default_proc) h.default_proc = ->(_,_){ true } assert_equal(true, h[:nope]) h = @cls[] assert_nil(h.default_proc) end def test_shift2 h = @cls.new {|hh, k| :foo } h[1] = 2 assert_equal([1, 2], h.shift) assert_nil(h.shift) assert_nil(h.shift) h = @cls.new(:foo) h[1] = 2 assert_equal([1, 2], h.shift) assert_nil(h.shift) assert_nil(h.shift) h =@cls[1=>2] h.each { assert_equal([1, 2], h.shift) } end def test_shift_none h = @cls.new {|hh, k| "foo"} def h.default(k = nil) super.upcase end assert_nil(h.shift) end def test_shift_for_empty_hash # [ruby-dev:51159] h = @cls[] 100.times{|n| while h.size < n k = Random.rand 0..1<<30 h[k] = 1 end 0 while h.shift assert_equal({}, h) } end def test_reject_bang2 assert_equal({1=>2}, @cls[1=>2,3=>4].reject! {|k, v| k + v == 7 }) assert_nil(@cls[1=>2,3=>4].reject! {|k, v| k == 5 }) assert_nil(@cls[].reject! { }) end def test_select assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6].select {|k, v| k + v >= 7 }) base = @cls[ 1 => 'one', '2' => false, true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h1 = @cls[ '2' => false, 'cat' => 99 ] h2 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', true => 'true' ] h3 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h = base.dup assert_equal(h, h.select { true }) assert_equal(@cls[], h.select { false }) h = base.dup assert_equal(h1, h.select {|k,v| k.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h2, h.select {|k,v| v.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h3, h.select {|k,v| v }) assert_equal(base, h) h.instance_variable_set(:@foo, :foo) h.default = 42 h = h.select {true} assert_instance_of(Hash, h) assert_nil(h.default) assert_not_send([h, :instance_variable_defined?, :@foo]) end def test_select_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 expected = {}.compare_by_identity expected[str1] = 1 expected[str2] = 2 h2 = h.select{|k,| k == 'str'} assert_equal(expected, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.select{false} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h2 = h.select{false} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.select{|k,| k == 'str'} assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) end def test_select! h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal(h, h.select! {|k, v| k + v >= 7 }) assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, h) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal(nil, h.select!{true}) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.select! do h.freeze false end end assert_equal(@cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6], h) end def test_slice h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, h.slice(1, 3)) assert_equal({}, h.slice(7)) assert_equal({}, h.slice) assert_equal({}, {}.slice) end def test_slice_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 sliced = h.slice(str1, str2) expected = {}.compare_by_identity expected[str1] = 1 expected[str2] = 2 assert_equal(expected, sliced) assert_equal(true, sliced.compare_by_identity?) sliced = h.slice assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, sliced) assert_equal(true, sliced.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity sliced= h.slice assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, sliced) assert_equal(true, sliced.compare_by_identity?) sliced = h.slice(str1, str2) assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, sliced) assert_equal(true, sliced.compare_by_identity?) end def test_except h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal({5=>6}, h.except(1, 3)) assert_equal({1=>2,3=>4,5=>6}, h.except(7)) assert_equal({1=>2,3=>4,5=>6}, h.except) assert_equal({}, {}.except) end def test_except_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 excepted = h.except(str1, str2) assert_equal({1=>2,3=>4,5=>6}.compare_by_identity, excepted) assert_equal(true, excepted.compare_by_identity?) excepted = h.except assert_equal(h, excepted) assert_equal(true, excepted.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity excepted = h.except assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, excepted) assert_equal(true, excepted.compare_by_identity?) excepted = h.except(str1, str2) assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, excepted) assert_equal(true, excepted.compare_by_identity?) end def test_filter assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6].filter {|k, v| k + v >= 7 }) base = @cls[ 1 => 'one', '2' => false, true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h1 = @cls[ '2' => false, 'cat' => 99 ] h2 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', true => 'true' ] h3 = @cls[ 1 => 'one', true => 'true', 'cat' => 99 ] h = base.dup assert_equal(h, h.filter { true }) assert_equal(@cls[], h.filter { false }) h = base.dup assert_equal(h1, h.filter {|k,v| k.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h2, h.filter {|k,v| v.instance_of?(String) }) assert_equal(h3, h.filter {|k,v| v }) assert_equal(base, h) h.instance_variable_set(:@foo, :foo) h.default = 42 h = h.filter {true} assert_instance_of(Hash, h) assert_nil(h.default) assert_not_send([h, :instance_variable_defined?, :@foo]) end def test_filter! h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal(h, h.filter! {|k, v| k + v >= 7 }) assert_equal({3=>4,5=>6}, h) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_equal(nil, h.filter!{true}) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.filter! do h.freeze false end end assert_equal(@cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6], h) end def test_clear2 assert_equal({}, @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6].clear) h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.each { h.clear } assert_equal({}, h) end def test_replace2 h1 = @cls.new { :foo } h2 = @cls.new h2.replace h1 assert_equal(:foo, h2[0]) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { h2.replace() } assert_raise(TypeError) { h2.replace(1) } h2.freeze assert_raise(ArgumentError) { h2.replace() } assert_raise(FrozenError) { h2.replace(h1) } assert_raise(FrozenError) { h2.replace(42) } end def test_size2 assert_equal(0, @cls[].size) end def test_equal2 assert_not_equal(0, @cls[]) o = Object.new o.instance_variable_set(:@cls, @cls) def o.to_hash; @cls[]; end def o.==(x); true; end assert_equal({}, o) o.singleton_class.remove_method(:==) def o.==(x); false; end assert_not_equal({}, o) h1 = @cls[1=>2]; h2 = @cls[3=>4] assert_not_equal(h1, h2) h1 = @cls[1=>2]; h2 = @cls[1=>4] assert_not_equal(h1, h2) end def test_eql assert_not_send([@cls[], :eql?, 0]) o = Object.new o.instance_variable_set(:@cls, @cls) def o.to_hash; @cls[]; end def o.eql?(x); true; end assert_send([@cls[], :eql?, o]) o.singleton_class.remove_method(:eql?) def o.eql?(x); false; end assert_not_send([@cls[], :eql?, o]) end def test_hash2 assert_kind_of(Integer, @cls[].hash) h = @cls[1=>2] h.shift assert_equal({}.hash, h.hash, '[ruby-core:38650]') bug9231 = '[ruby-core:58993] [Bug #9231]' assert_not_equal(0, @cls[].hash, bug9231) end def test_update2 h1 = @cls[1=>2, 3=>4] h2 = {1=>3, 5=>7} h1.update(h2) {|k, v1, v2| k + v1 + v2 } assert_equal({1=>6, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1) end def test_update3 h1 = @cls[1=>2, 3=>4] h1.update() assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, h1) h2 = {1=>3, 5=>7} h3 = {1=>1, 2=>4} h1.update(h2, h3) assert_equal({1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1) end def test_update4 h1 = @cls[1=>2, 3=>4] h1.update(){|k, v1, v2| k + v1 + v2 } assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, h1) h2 = {1=>3, 5=>7} h3 = {1=>1, 2=>4} h1.update(h2, h3){|k, v1, v2| k + v1 + v2 } assert_equal({1=>8, 2=>4, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1) end def test_update5 h = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.update({a: 10, b: 20}){ |key, v1, v2| key == :b && h.freeze; v2 } end assert_equal(@cls[a: 10, b: 2, c: 3], h) h = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.update({a: 10, b: 20}){ |key, v1, v2| key == :b && h.freeze; v2 } end assert_equal(@cls[a: 10, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10], h) end def test_update_on_identhash key = +'a' i = @cls[].compare_by_identity i[key] = 0 h = @cls[].update(i) key.upcase! assert_equal(0, h.fetch('a')) end def test_merge h1 = @cls[1=>2, 3=>4] h2 = {1=>3, 5=>7} h3 = {1=>1, 2=>4} assert_equal({1=>2, 3=>4}, h1.merge()) assert_equal({1=>3, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1.merge(h2)) assert_equal({1=>6, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1.merge(h2) {|k, v1, v2| k + v1 + v2 }) assert_equal({1=>1, 2=>4, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1.merge(h2, h3)) assert_equal({1=>8, 2=>4, 3=>4, 5=>7}, h1.merge(h2, h3) {|k, v1, v2| k + v1 + v2 }) end def test_merge_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 expected = h.dup expected[7] = 8 h2 = h.merge(7=>8) assert_equal(expected, h2) assert_predicate(h2, :compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.merge({}) assert_equal(h, h2) assert_predicate(h2, :compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h1 = @cls[7=>8] h1.compare_by_identity h2 = h.merge(7=>8) assert_equal(h1, h2) assert_predicate(h2, :compare_by_identity?) h2 = h.merge({}) assert_equal(h, h2) assert_predicate(h2, :compare_by_identity?) end def test_merge! h = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.merge!({a: 10, b: 20}){ |key, v1, v2| key == :b && h.freeze; v2 } end assert_equal(@cls[a: 10, b: 2, c: 3], h) h = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10] assert_raise(FrozenError) do h.merge!({a: 10, b: 20}){ |key, v1, v2| key == :b && h.freeze; v2 } end assert_equal(@cls[a: 10, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10], h) end def test_assoc assert_equal([3,4], @cls[1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6].assoc(3)) assert_nil(@cls[1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6].assoc(4)) assert_equal([1.0,1], @cls[1.0=>1].assoc(1)) end def test_assoc_compare_by_identity h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h["a"] = 1 h["a".dup] = 2 assert_equal(["a",1], h.assoc("a")) end def test_rassoc assert_equal([3,4], @cls[1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6].rassoc(4)) assert_nil({1=>2, 3=>4, 5=>6}.rassoc(3)) end def test_flatten assert_equal([[1], [2]], @cls[[1] => [2]].flatten) a = @cls[1=> "one", 2 => [2,"two"], 3 => [3, ["three"]]] assert_equal([1, "one", 2, [2, "two"], 3, [3, ["three"]]], a.flatten) assert_equal([[1, "one"], [2, [2, "two"]], [3, [3, ["three"]]]], a.flatten(0)) assert_equal([1, "one", 2, [2, "two"], 3, [3, ["three"]]], a.flatten(1)) assert_equal([1, "one", 2, 2, "two", 3, 3, ["three"]], a.flatten(2)) assert_equal([1, "one", 2, 2, "two", 3, 3, "three"], a.flatten(3)) assert_equal([1, "one", 2, 2, "two", 3, 3, "three"], a.flatten(-1)) assert_raise(TypeError){ a.flatten(nil) } end def test_flatten_arity a = @cls[1=> "one", 2 => [2,"two"], 3 => [3, ["three"]]] assert_raise(ArgumentError){ a.flatten(1, 2) } end def test_callcc omit 'requires callcc support' unless respond_to?(:callcc) h = @cls[1=>2] c = nil f = false h.each { callcc {|c2| c = c2 } } unless f f = true c.call end assert_raise(RuntimeError) { h.each { h.rehash } } h = @cls[1=>2] c = nil assert_raise(RuntimeError) do h.each { callcc {|c2| c = c2 } } h.clear c.call end end def test_callcc_iter_level omit 'requires callcc support' unless respond_to?(:callcc) bug9105 = '[ruby-dev:47803] [Bug #9105]' h = @cls[1=>2, 3=>4] c = nil f = false h.each {callcc {|c2| c = c2}} unless f f = true c.call end assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug9105) do h.each {|i, j| h.delete(i); assert_not_equal(false, i, bug9105) } end end def test_callcc_escape omit 'requires callcc support' unless respond_to?(:callcc) bug9105 = '[ruby-dev:47803] [Bug #9105]' assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug9105) do h=@cls[] cnt=0 c = callcc {|cc|cc} h[cnt] = true h.each{|i| cnt+=1 c.call if cnt == 1 } end end def test_callcc_reenter omit 'requires callcc support' unless respond_to?(:callcc) bug9105 = '[ruby-dev:47803] [Bug #9105]' assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug9105) do h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4] c = nil f = false h.each { |i| callcc {|c2| c = c2 } unless c h.delete(1) if f } unless f f = true c.call end end end def test_threaded_iter_level bug9105 = '[ruby-dev:47807] [Bug #9105]' h = @cls[1=>2] 2.times.map { f = false th = Thread.start {h.each {f = true; sleep}} Thread.pass until f Thread.pass until th.stop? th }.each {|th| th.run; th.join} assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError, bug9105) do h[5] = 6 end assert_equal(6, h[5], bug9105) end def test_compare_by_identity a = "foo" assert_not_predicate(@cls[], :compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[a => "bar"] assert_not_predicate(h, :compare_by_identity?) h.compare_by_identity assert_predicate(h, :compare_by_identity?) #assert_equal("bar", h[a]) assert_nil(h["foo"]) bug8703 = '[ruby-core:56256] [Bug #8703] copied identhash' h.clear assert_predicate(h.dup, :compare_by_identity?, bug8703) end def test_compare_by_identy_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], "", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", "[Bug #20145]", rss: true) begin; h = { 1 => 2 }.compare_by_identity 1_000_000.times do h.select { false } end end; end def test_same_key bug9646 = '[ruby-dev:48047] [Bug #9646] Infinite loop at Hash#each' h = @cls[a=[], 1] a << 1 h[[]] = 2 a.clear cnt = 0 r = h.each{ break nil if (cnt+=1) > 100 } assert_not_nil(r,bug9646) end class ObjWithHash def initialize(value, hash) @value = value @hash = hash end attr_reader :value, :hash def eql?(other) @value == other.value end end def test_hash_hash assert_equal({0=>2,11=>1}.hash, @cls[11=>1,0=>2].hash) o1 = ObjWithHash.new(0,1) o2 = ObjWithHash.new(11,1) assert_equal({o1=>1,o2=>2}.hash, @cls[o2=>2,o1=>1].hash) end def test_hash_bignum_hash x = 2<<(32-3)-1 assert_equal({x=>1}.hash, @cls[x=>1].hash) x = 2<<(64-3)-1 assert_equal({x=>1}.hash, @cls[x=>1].hash) o = Object.new def o.hash; 2 << 100; end assert_equal({o=>1}.hash, @cls[o=>1].hash) end def test_hash_popped assert_nothing_raised { eval("a = 1; @cls[a => a]; a") } end def test_recursive_key h = @cls[] assert_nothing_raised { h[h] = :foo } h.rehash assert_equal(:foo, h[h]) end def test_inverse_hash feature4262 = '[ruby-core:34334]' [@cls[1=>2], @cls[123=>"abc"]].each do |h| assert_not_equal(h.hash, h.invert.hash, feature4262) end end def test_recursive_hash_value_struct bug9151 = '[ruby-core:58567] [Bug #9151]' s = Struct.new(:x) {def hash; [x,""].hash; end} a = s.new b = s.new a.x = b b.x = a assert_nothing_raised(SystemStackError, bug9151) {a.hash} assert_nothing_raised(SystemStackError, bug9151) {b.hash} h = @cls[] h[[a,"hello"]] = 1 assert_equal(1, h.size) h[[b,"world"]] = 2 assert_equal(2, h.size) obj = Object.new h = @cls[a => obj] assert_same(obj, h[b]) end def test_recursive_hash_value_array h = @cls[] h[[[1]]] = 1 assert_equal(1, h.size) h[[[2]]] = 1 assert_equal(2, h.size) a = [] a << a h = @cls[] h[[a, 1]] = 1 assert_equal(1, h.size) h[[a, 2]] = 2 assert_equal(2, h.size) h[[a, a]] = 3 assert_equal(3, h.size) obj = Object.new h = @cls[a => obj] assert_same(obj, h[[[a]]]) end def test_recursive_hash_value_array_hash h = @cls[] rec = [h] h[:x] = rec obj = Object.new h2 = {rec => obj} [h, {x: rec}].each do |k| k = [k] assert_same(obj, h2[k], ->{k.inspect}) end end def test_recursive_hash_value_hash_array h = @cls[] rec = [h] h[:x] = rec obj = Object.new h2 = {h => obj} [rec, [h]].each do |k| k = {x: k} assert_same(obj, h2[k], ->{k.inspect}) end end def test_dig h = @cls[a: @cls[b: [1, 2, 3]], c: 4] assert_equal(1, h.dig(:a, :b, 0)) assert_nil(h.dig(:b, 1)) assert_raise(TypeError) {h.dig(:c, 1)} o = Object.new def o.dig(*args) {dug: args} end h[:d] = o assert_equal({dug: [:foo, :bar]}, h.dig(:d, :foo, :bar)) end def test_dig_with_respond_to bug12030 = '[ruby-core:73556] [Bug #12030]' o = Object.new def o.respond_to?(*args) super end assert_raise(TypeError, bug12030) {@cls[foo: o].dig(:foo, :foo)} end def test_cmp h1 = @cls[a:1, b:2] h2 = @cls[a:1, b:2, c:3] assert_operator(h1, :<=, h1) assert_operator(h1, :<=, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :<=, h1) assert_operator(h2, :<=, h2) assert_operator(h1, :>=, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :>=, h2) assert_operator(h2, :>=, h1) assert_operator(h2, :>=, h2) assert_not_operator(h1, :<, h1) assert_operator(h1, :<, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :<, h1) assert_not_operator(h2, :<, h2) assert_not_operator(h1, :>, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :>, h2) assert_operator(h2, :>, h1) assert_not_operator(h2, :>, h2) end def test_cmp_samekeys h1 = @cls[a:1] h2 = @cls[a:2] assert_operator(h1, :<=, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :<=, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :<=, h1) assert_operator(h2, :<=, h2) assert_operator(h1, :>=, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :>=, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :>=, h1) assert_operator(h2, :>=, h2) assert_not_operator(h1, :<, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :<, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :<, h1) assert_not_operator(h2, :<, h2) assert_not_operator(h1, :>, h1) assert_not_operator(h1, :>, h2) assert_not_operator(h2, :>, h1) assert_not_operator(h2, :>, h2) end def test_to_proc h = @cls[ 1 => 10, 2 => 20, 3 => 30, ] assert_equal([10, 20, 30], [1, 2, 3].map(&h)) assert_predicate(h.to_proc, :lambda?) end def test_transform_keys x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] y = x.transform_keys {|k| :"#{k}!" } assert_equal({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, x) assert_equal({a!: 1, b!: 2, c!: 3}, y) enum = x.transform_keys assert_equal(x.size, enum.size) assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) y = x.transform_keys.with_index {|k, i| "#{k}.#{i}" } assert_equal(%w(a.0 b.1 c.2), y.keys) assert_equal({A: 1, B: 2, c: 3}, x.transform_keys({a: :A, b: :B, d: :D})) assert_equal({A: 1, B: 2, "c" => 3}, x.transform_keys({a: :A, b: :B, d: :D}, &:to_s)) end def test_transform_keys_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 h2 = h.transform_keys(&:itself) assert_equal(Hash[h.to_a], h2) assert_equal(false, h2.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h2 = h.transform_keys(&:itself) assert_equal({}, h2) assert_equal(false, h2.compare_by_identity?) end def test_transform_keys_bang x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] y = x.transform_keys! {|k| :"#{k}!" } assert_equal({a!: 1, b!: 2, c!: 3}, x) assert_same(x, y) enum = x.transform_keys! assert_equal(x.size, enum.size) assert_instance_of(Enumerator, enum) x.transform_keys!.with_index {|k, i| "#{k}.#{i}" } assert_equal(%w(a!.0 b!.1 c!.2), x.keys) x = @cls[1 => :a, -1 => :b] x.transform_keys! {|k| -k } assert_equal([-1, :a, 1, :b], x.flatten) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] x.transform_keys! { |k| k == :b && break } assert_equal({false => 1, b: 2, c: 3}, x) x = @cls[true => :a, false => :b] x.transform_keys! {|k| !k } assert_equal([false, :a, true, :b], x.flatten) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] x.transform_keys!({a: :A, b: :B, d: :D}) assert_equal({A: 1, B: 2, c: 3}, x) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] x.transform_keys!({a: :A, b: :B, d: :D}, &:to_s) assert_equal({A: 1, B: 2, "c" => 3}, x) end def test_transform_values x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] x.default = 42 y = x.transform_values {|v| v ** 2 } assert_equal([1, 4, 9], y.values_at(:a, :b, :c)) assert_not_same(x, y) assert_nil(y.default) x.default_proc = proc {|h, k| k} y = x.transform_values {|v| v ** 2 } assert_nil(y.default_proc) assert_nil(y.default) y = x.transform_values.with_index {|v, i| "#{v}.#{i}" } assert_equal(%w(1.0 2.1 3.2), y.values_at(:a, :b, :c)) end def test_transform_values_on_identhash h = @cls[1=>2,3=>4,5=>6] h.compare_by_identity str1 = +'str' str2 = +'str' h[str1] = 1 h[str2] = 2 h2 = h.transform_values(&:itself) assert_equal(h, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) h = @cls[] h.compare_by_identity h2 = h.transform_values(&:itself) assert_equal({}.compare_by_identity, h2) assert_equal(true, h2.compare_by_identity?) end def test_transform_values_bang x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] y = x.transform_values! {|v| v ** 2 } assert_equal([1, 4, 9], y.values_at(:a, :b, :c)) assert_same(x, y) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] x.transform_values! { |v| v == 2 && break } assert_equal({a: false, b: 2, c: 3}, x) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3] y = x.transform_values!.with_index {|v, i| "#{v}.#{i}" } assert_equal(%w(1.0 2.1 3.2), y.values_at(:a, :b, :c)) x = @cls[a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10] assert_raise(FrozenError) do x.transform_values!() do |v| x.freeze if v == 2 v.succ end end assert_equal(@cls[a: 2, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9, j: 10], x) end def hrec h, n, &b if n > 0 h.each{hrec(h, n-1, &b)} else yield end end def test_huge_iter_level nrec = 200 h = @cls[a: 1] hrec(h, nrec){} h[:c] = 3 assert_equal(3, h[:c]) h = @cls[a: 1] h.freeze # set hidden attribute for a frozen object hrec(h, nrec){} assert_equal(1, h.size) h = @cls[a: 1] assert_raise(RuntimeError){ hrec(h, nrec){ h[:c] = 3 } } rescue SystemStackError # ignore end # Previously this test would fail because rb_hash inside opt_aref would look # at the current method name def test_hash_recursion_independent_of_mid o = Class.new do def hash(h, k) h[k] end def any_other_name(h, k) h[k] end end.new rec = []; rec << rec h = @cls[] h[rec] = 1 assert o.hash(h, rec) assert o.any_other_name(h, rec) end class TestSubHash < TestHash class SubHash < Hash end def setup @cls = SubHash super end end end class TestHashOnly < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_bad_initialize_copy h = Class.new(Hash) { def initialize_copy(h) super(Object.new) end }.new assert_raise(TypeError) { h.dup } end def test_dup_will_not_rehash assert_hash_does_not_rehash(&:dup) end def assert_hash_does_not_rehash obj = Object.new class << obj attr_accessor :hash_calls def hash @hash_calls += 1 super end end obj.hash_calls = 0 hash = {obj => 42} assert_equal(1, obj.hash_calls) yield hash assert_equal(1, obj.hash_calls) end def test_select_reject_will_not_rehash assert_hash_does_not_rehash do |hash| hash.select { true } end assert_hash_does_not_rehash do |hash| hash.reject { false } end end def test_st_literal_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], "", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", rss: true) begin; 1_000_000.times do # >8 element hashes are ST allocated rather than AR allocated {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9} end end; end def test_compare_by_id_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], "", <<~RUBY, rss: true) 1_000_000.times do {a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8}.compare_by_identity end RUBY end def test_try_convert assert_equal({1=>2}, Hash.try_convert({1=>2})) assert_equal(nil, Hash.try_convert("1=>2")) o = Object.new def o.to_hash; {3=>4} end assert_equal({3=>4}, Hash.try_convert(o)) end def test_AREF_fstring_key # warmup ObjectSpace.count_objects ObjectSpace.count_objects h = {"abc" => 1} before = ObjectSpace.count_objects[:T_STRING] 5.times{ h["abc"] } assert_equal before, ObjectSpace.count_objects[:T_STRING] end def test_AREF_fstring_key_default_proc assert_separately(['--disable-frozen-string-literal'], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; h = Hash.new do |h, k| k.frozen? end str = "foo" refute str.frozen? refute h[str] refute h["foo"] end; end def test_ASET_fstring_key a, b = {}, {} assert_equal 1, a["abc"] = 1 assert_equal 1, b["abc"] = 1 assert_same a.keys[0], b.keys[0] end def test_ASET_fstring_non_literal_key underscore = "_" non_literal_strings = Proc.new{ ["abc#{underscore}def", "abc" * 5, "abc" + "def", "" << "ghi" << "jkl"] } a, b = {}, {} non_literal_strings.call.each do |string| assert_equal 1, a[string] = 1 end non_literal_strings.call.each do |string| assert_equal 1, b[string] = 1 end [a.keys, b.keys].transpose.each do |key_a, key_b| assert_same key_a, key_b end end def test_hash_aset_fstring_identity h = {}.compare_by_identity h['abc'] = 1 h['abc'] = 2 assert_equal 2, h.size, '[ruby-core:78783] [Bug #12855]' end def test_hash_aref_fstring_identity h = {}.compare_by_identity h['abc'] = 1 assert_nil h['abc'], '[ruby-core:78783] [Bug #12855]' end def test_NEWHASH_fstring_key a = {"ABC" => :t} b = {"ABC" => :t} assert_same a.keys[0], b.keys[0] assert_same "ABC".freeze, a.keys[0] var = +'ABC' c = { var => :t } assert_same "ABC".freeze, c.keys[0] end def test_rehash_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], <<~PREP, <<~CODE, rss: true) ar_hash = 1.times.map { |i| [i, i] }.to_h st_hash = 10.times.map { |i| [i, i] }.to_h code = proc do ar_hash.rehash st_hash.rehash end 1_000.times(&code) PREP 1_000_000.times(&code) CODE end def test_replace_bug15358 h1 = {} h2 = {a:1,b:2,c:3,d:4,e:5} h2.replace(h1) GC.start assert(true) end def test_replace_st_with_ar # ST hash h1 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7, h: 8, i: 9 } # AR hash h2 = { a: 1, b: 2, c: 3, d: 4, e: 5, f: 6, g: 7 } # Replace ST hash with AR hash h1.replace(h2) assert_equal(h2, h1) end def test_nil_to_h h = nil.to_h assert_equal({}, h) assert_nil(h.default) assert_nil(h.default_proc) end def test_initialize_wrong_arguments assert_raise(ArgumentError) do Hash.new(0) { } end end def test_replace_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], "#{<<-"begin;"}", "#{<<-'end;'}", rss: true) h = ("aa".."zz").each_with_index.to_h 10_000.times {h.dup} begin; 500_000.times {h.dup.replace(h)} end; end def hash_iter_recursion(h, level) return if level == 0 h.each_key {} h.each_value { hash_iter_recursion(h, level - 1) } end def test_iterlevel_in_ivar_bug19589 h = { a: nil } hash_iter_recursion(h, 200) assert true end def test_exception_in_rehash_memory_leak bug9187 = '[ruby-core:58728] [Bug #9187]' prepare = <<-EOS class Foo def initialize @raise = false end def hash raise if @raise @raise = true return 0 end end h = {Foo.new => true} EOS code = <<-EOS 10_0000.times do h.rehash rescue nil end GC.start EOS assert_no_memory_leak([], prepare, code, bug9187) end def test_memory_size_after_delete require 'objspace' h = {} 1000.times {|i| h[i] = true} big = ObjectSpace.memsize_of(h) 1000.times {|i| h.delete(i)} assert_operator ObjectSpace.memsize_of(h), :<, big/10 end def test_wrapper bug9381 = '[ruby-core:59638] [Bug #9381]' wrapper = Class.new do def initialize(obj) @obj = obj end def hash @obj.hash end def eql?(other) @obj.eql?(other) end end bad = [ 5, true, false, nil, 0.0, 1.72723e-77, :foo, "dsym_#{self.object_id.to_s(16)}_#{Time.now.to_i.to_s(16)}".to_sym, "str", ].select do |x| hash = {x => bug9381} hash[wrapper.new(x)] != bug9381 end assert_empty(bad, bug9381) end def assert_hash_random(obj, dump = obj.inspect) a = [obj.hash.to_s] 3.times { assert_in_out_err(["-e", "print (#{dump}).hash"], "") do |r, e| a += r assert_equal([], e) end } assert_not_equal([obj.hash.to_s], a.uniq) assert_operator(a.uniq.size, :>, 2, proc {a.inspect}) end def test_string_hash_random assert_hash_random('abc') end def test_symbol_hash_random assert_hash_random(:-) assert_hash_random(:foo) assert_hash_random("dsym_#{self.object_id.to_s(16)}_#{Time.now.to_i.to_s(16)}".to_sym) end def test_integer_hash_random assert_hash_random(0) assert_hash_random(+1) assert_hash_random(-1) assert_hash_random(+(1<<100)) assert_hash_random(-(1<<100)) end def test_float_hash_random assert_hash_random(0.0) assert_hash_random(+1.0) assert_hash_random(-1.0) assert_hash_random(1.72723e-77) assert_hash_random(Float::INFINITY, "Float::INFINITY") end def test_label_syntax feature4935 = '[ruby-core:37553] [Feature #4935]' x = 'world' hash = assert_nothing_raised(SyntaxError, feature4935) do break eval(%q({foo: 1, "foo-bar": 2, "hello-#{x}": 3, 'hello-#{x}': 4, 'bar': {}})) end assert_equal({:foo => 1, :'foo-bar' => 2, :'hello-world' => 3, :'hello-#{x}' => 4, :bar => {}}, hash, feature4935) x = x end def test_broken_hash_value bug14218 = '[ruby-core:84395] [Bug #14218]' assert_equal(0, 1_000_000.times.count{a=Object.new.hash; b=Object.new.hash; a < 0 && b < 0 && a + b > 0}, bug14218) assert_equal(0, 1_000_000.times.count{a=Object.new.hash; b=Object.new.hash; 0 + a + b != 0 + b + a}, bug14218) end def test_reserved_hash_val s = Struct.new(:hash) h = {} keys = [*0..8] keys.each {|i| h[s.new(i)]=true} msg = proc {h.inspect} assert_equal(keys, h.keys.map(&:hash), msg) end ruby2_keywords def get_flagged_hash(*args) args.last end def check_flagged_hash(k: :NG) k end def test_ruby2_keywords_hash? flagged_hash = get_flagged_hash(k: 1) assert_equal(true, Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(flagged_hash)) assert_equal(false, Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?({})) assert_raise(TypeError) { Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(1) } end def test_ruby2_keywords_hash hash = {k: 1} assert_equal(false, Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(hash)) hash = Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash(hash) assert_equal(true, Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash?(hash)) assert_equal(1, check_flagged_hash(*[hash])) assert_raise(TypeError) { Hash.ruby2_keywords_hash(1) } end def ar2st_object class << (obj = Object.new) attr_reader :h end obj.instance_variable_set(:@h, {}) def obj.hash 10.times{|i| @h[i] = i} 0 end def obj.inspect 'test' end def obj.eql? other other.class == Object end obj end def test_ar2st_insert obj = ar2st_object h = obj.h h[obj] = true assert_equal '{0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6, 7=>7, 8=>8, 9=>9, test=>true}', h.inspect end def test_ar2st_delete obj = ar2st_object h = obj.h obj2 = Object.new def obj2.hash 0 end h[obj2] = true h.delete obj assert_equal '{0=>0, 1=>1, 2=>2, 3=>3, 4=>4, 5=>5, 6=>6, 7=>7, 8=>8, 9=>9}', h.inspect end def test_ar2st_lookup obj = ar2st_object h = obj.h obj2 = Object.new def obj2.hash 0 end h[obj2] = true assert_equal true, h[obj] end def test_bug_12706 assert_raise(ArgumentError) do {a: 1}.each(&->(k, v) {}) end end def test_any_hash_fixable 20.times do assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; require "delegate" typename = DelegateClass(String) hash = { "Int" => true, "Float" => true, "String" => true, "Boolean" => true, "WidgetFilter" => true, "WidgetAggregation" => true, "WidgetEdge" => true, "WidgetSortOrder" => true, "WidgetGrouping" => true, } hash.each_key do |key| assert_send([hash, :key?, typename.new(key)]) end end; end end def test_compare_by_identity_during_iteration h = { 1 => 1 } h.each do assert_raise(RuntimeError, "compare_by_identity during iteration") do h.compare_by_identity end end end def test_ar_hash_to_st_hash assert_normal_exit("#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", 'https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/20050#note-5') begin; srand(0) class Foo def to_a [] end def hash $h.delete($h.keys.sample) if rand < 0.1 to_a.hash end end 1000.times do $h = {} (0..10).each {|i| $h[Foo.new] ||= {} } end end; end end