# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestClass < Test::Unit::TestCase # ------------------ # Various test classes # ------------------ class ClassOne attr :num_args @@subs = [] def initialize(*args) @num_args = args.size @args = args end def [](n) @args[n] end def ClassOne.inherited(klass) @@subs.push klass end def subs @@subs end end class ClassTwo < ClassOne end class ClassThree < ClassOne end class ClassFour < ClassThree end # ------------------ # Start of tests # ------------------ def test_s_inherited assert_equal([ClassTwo, ClassThree, ClassFour], ClassOne.new.subs) end def test_s_new c = Class.new assert_same(Class, c.class) assert_same(Object, c.superclass) c = Class.new(Integer) assert_same(Class, c.class) assert_same(Integer, c.superclass) end def test_00_new_basic a = ClassOne.new assert_equal(ClassOne, a.class) assert_equal(0, a.num_args) a = ClassOne.new(1, 2, 3) assert_equal(3, a.num_args) assert_equal(1, a[0]) end def test_01_new_inherited a = ClassTwo.new assert_equal(ClassTwo, a.class) assert_equal(0, a.num_args) a = ClassTwo.new(1, 2, 3) assert_equal(3, a.num_args) assert_equal(1, a[0]) end def test_superclass assert_equal(ClassOne, ClassTwo.superclass) assert_equal(Object, ClassTwo.superclass.superclass) assert_equal(BasicObject, ClassTwo.superclass.superclass.superclass) end def test_class_cmp assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.new <= 1 } assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.new >= 1 } assert_nil(Class.new <=> 1) end def test_class_initialize assert_raise(TypeError) do Class.new.instance_eval { initialize } end end def test_instantiate_singleton_class c = class << Object.new; self; end assert_raise(TypeError) { c.new } end def test_superclass_of_basicobject assert_equal(nil, BasicObject.superclass) end def test_module_function c = Class.new assert_raise(TypeError) do Module.instance_method(:module_function).bind(c).call(:foo) end end def test_extend_object c = Class.new assert_raise(TypeError) do Module.instance_method(:extend_object).bind(c).call(Object.new) end end def test_append_features c = Class.new assert_raise(TypeError) do Module.instance_method(:append_features).bind(c).call(Module.new) end end def test_prepend_features c = Class.new assert_raise(TypeError) do Module.instance_method(:prepend_features).bind(c).call(Module.new) end end def test_module_specific_methods assert_empty(Class.private_instance_methods(true) & [:module_function, :extend_object, :append_features, :prepend_features]) end def test_visibility_inside_method assert_warn(/calling private without arguments inside a method may not have the intended effect/, '[ruby-core:79751]') do Class.new do def self.foo private end foo end end assert_warn(/calling protected without arguments inside a method may not have the intended effect/, '[ruby-core:79751]') do Class.new do def self.foo protected end foo end end assert_warn(/calling public without arguments inside a method may not have the intended effect/, '[ruby-core:79751]') do Class.new do def self.foo public end foo end end assert_warn(/calling private without arguments inside a method may not have the intended effect/, '[ruby-core:79751]') do Class.new do class << self alias priv private end def self.foo priv end foo end end end def test_method_redefinition feature2155 = '[ruby-dev:39400]' line = __LINE__+4 stderr = EnvUtil.verbose_warning do Class.new do def foo; end def foo; end end end assert_match(/:#{line}: warning: method redefined; discarding old foo/, stderr) assert_match(/:#{line-1}: warning: previous definition of foo/, stderr, feature2155) assert_warning '' do Class.new do def foo; end alias bar foo def foo; end end end assert_warning '' do Class.new do def foo; end alias bar foo alias bar foo end end line = __LINE__+4 stderr = EnvUtil.verbose_warning do Class.new do define_method(:foo) do end def foo; end end end assert_match(/:#{line}: warning: method redefined; discarding old foo/, stderr) assert_match(/:#{line-1}: warning: previous definition of foo/, stderr, feature2155) assert_warning '' do Class.new do define_method(:foo) do end alias bar foo alias bar foo end end assert_warning '' do Class.new do def foo; end undef foo end end end def test_check_inheritable assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.new(Object.new) } o = Object.new c = class << o; self; end assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.new(c) } assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.new(Class) } assert_raise(TypeError) { eval("class Foo < Class; end") } m = "M\u{1f5ff}" o = Class.new {break eval("class #{m}; self; end.new")} assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{m}/) {Class.new(o)} end def test_initialize_copy c = Class.new assert_raise(TypeError) { c.instance_eval { initialize_copy(1) } } o = Object.new c = class << o; self; end assert_raise(TypeError) { c.dup } assert_raise(TypeError) { BasicObject.dup } end def test_singleton_class assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.extend(Module.new) } assert_raise(TypeError) { 1.0.extend(Module.new) } assert_raise(TypeError) { (2.0**1000).extend(Module.new) } assert_raise(TypeError) { :foo.extend(Module.new) } assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, %w(:foo :foo true true), []) module Foo; def foo; :foo; end; end false.extend(Foo) true.extend(Foo) p false.foo p true.foo p FalseClass.include?(Foo) p TrueClass.include?(Foo) INPUT end def test_uninitialized assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.allocate.new } assert_raise(TypeError) { Class.allocate.superclass } bug6863 = '[ruby-core:47148]' assert_raise(TypeError, bug6863) { Class.new(Class.allocate) } allocator = Class.instance_method(:allocate) assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /prohibited/) { allocator.bind(Rational).call } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /prohibited/) { allocator.bind_call(Rational) } end def test_nonascii_name c = eval("class ::C\u{df}; self; end") assert_equal("C\u{df}", c.name, '[ruby-core:24600]') c = eval("class C\u{df}; self; end") assert_equal("TestClass::C\u{df}", c.name, '[ruby-core:24600]') end def test_invalid_next_from_class_definition assert_syntax_error("class C; next; end", /Invalid next/) end def test_invalid_break_from_class_definition assert_syntax_error("class C; break; end", /Invalid break/) end def test_invalid_redo_from_class_definition assert_syntax_error("class C; redo; end", /Invalid redo/) end def test_invalid_retry_from_class_definition assert_syntax_error("class C; retry; end", /Invalid retry/) end def test_invalid_return_from_class_definition assert_syntax_error("class C; return; end", /Invalid return/) end def test_invalid_yield_from_class_definition assert_raise(SyntaxError) { EnvUtil.suppress_warning {eval("class C; yield; end")} } end def test_clone original = Class.new { def foo return super() end } mod = Module.new { def foo return "mod#foo" end } copy = original.clone copy.send(:include, mod) assert_equal("mod#foo", copy.new.foo) end def test_nested_class_removal assert_normal_exit('File.__send__(:remove_const, :Stat); at_exit{File.stat(".")}; GC.start') end class PrivateClass end private_constant :PrivateClass def test_redefine_private_class assert_raise(NameError) do eval("class ::TestClass::PrivateClass; end") end eval <<-END class ::TestClass class PrivateClass def foo; 42; end end end END assert_equal(42, PrivateClass.new.foo) end StrClone = String.clone Class.new(StrClone) def test_cloned_class bug5274 = StrClone.new("[ruby-dev:44460]") assert_equal(bug5274, Marshal.load(Marshal.dump(bug5274))) end def test_cannot_reinitialize_class_with_initialize_copy # [ruby-core:50869] assert_in_out_err([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", ["Object"], []) begin; class Class def initialize_copy(*); super; end end class A; end class B; end A.send(:initialize_copy, Class.new(B)) rescue nil p A.superclass end; end class CloneTest def foo; TEST; end end CloneTest1 = CloneTest.clone CloneTest2 = CloneTest.clone class CloneTest1 TEST = :C1 end class CloneTest2 TEST = :C2 end def test_constant_access_from_method_in_cloned_class assert_equal :C1, CloneTest1.new.foo, '[Bug #15877]' assert_equal :C2, CloneTest2.new.foo, '[Bug #15877]' end def test_invalid_superclass assert_raise(TypeError) do eval <<-'end;' class C < nil end end; end assert_raise(TypeError) do eval <<-'end;' class C < false end end; end assert_raise(TypeError) do eval <<-'end;' class C < true end end; end assert_raise(TypeError) do eval <<-'end;' class C < 0 end end; end assert_raise(TypeError) do eval <<-'end;' class C < "" end end; end m = Module.new n = "M\u{1f5ff}" c = m.module_eval "class #{n}; new; end" assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{n}/) { eval <<-"end;" class C < c end end; } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{n}/) { Class.new(c) } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{n}/) { m.module_eval "class #{n} < Class.new; end" } end define_method :test_invalid_reset_superclass do class A; end class SuperclassCannotBeReset < A end assert_equal A, SuperclassCannotBeReset.superclass assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /superclass mismatch/) { class SuperclassCannotBeReset < String end } assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /superclass mismatch/, "[ruby-core:75446]") { class SuperclassCannotBeReset < Object end } assert_equal A, SuperclassCannotBeReset.superclass end def test_cloned_singleton_method_added bug5283 = '[ruby-dev:44477]' added = [] c = Class.new c.singleton_class.class_eval do define_method(:singleton_method_added) {|mid| added << [self, mid]} def foo; :foo; end end added.clear d = c.clone assert_empty(added.grep(->(k) {c == k[0]}), bug5283) assert_equal(:foo, d.foo) end def test_clone_singleton_class_exists klass = Class.new do def self.bar; :bar; end end o = klass.new o.singleton_class clone = o.clone assert_empty(o.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(clone.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(o.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(clone.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) end def test_clone_when_singleton_class_of_singleton_class_exists klass = Class.new do def self.bar; :bar; end end o = klass.new o.singleton_class.singleton_class clone = o.clone assert_empty(o.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(clone.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(o.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(clone.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) end def test_clone_when_method_exists_on_singleton_class_of_singleton_class klass = Class.new do def self.bar; :bar; end end o = klass.new o.singleton_class.singleton_class.define_method(:s2_method) { :s2 } clone = o.clone assert_empty(o.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_empty(clone.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_equal(:s2, o.singleton_class.s2_method) assert_equal(:s2, clone.singleton_class.s2_method) assert_equal([:s2_method], o.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) assert_equal([:s2_method], clone.singleton_class.singleton_class.instance_methods(false)) end def test_singleton_class_p feature7609 = '[ruby-core:51087] [Feature #7609]' assert_predicate(self.singleton_class, :singleton_class?, feature7609) assert_not_predicate(self.class, :singleton_class?, feature7609) end def test_freeze_to_s assert_nothing_raised("[ruby-core:41858] [Bug #5828]") { Class.new.freeze.clone.to_s } end def test_singleton_class_of_frozen_object obj = Object.new c = obj.singleton_class obj.freeze assert_raise_with_message(FrozenError, /frozen object/) { c.class_eval {def f; end} } end def test_singleton_class_message c = Class.new.freeze assert_raise_with_message(FrozenError, /frozen Class/) { def c.f; end } end def test_singleton_class_should_has_own_namespace # CONST in singleton class objs = [] $i = 0 2.times{ objs << obj = Object.new class << obj CONST = ($i += 1) def foo CONST end end } assert_equal(1, objs[0].foo, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(2, objs[1].foo, '[Bug #10943]') # CONST in block in singleton class objs = [] $i = 0 2.times{ objs << obj = Object.new class << obj 1.times{ CONST = ($i += 1) } def foo [nil].map{ CONST } end end } assert_equal([1], objs[0].foo, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal([2], objs[1].foo, '[Bug #10943]') # class def in singleton class objs = [] $xs = [] $i = 0 2.times{ objs << obj = Object.new class << obj CONST = ($i += 1) class X $xs << self CONST = ($i += 1) def foo CONST end end def x X end end } assert_not_equal($xs[0], $xs[1], '[Bug #10943]') assert_not_equal(objs[0].x, objs[1].x, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(2, $xs[0]::CONST, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(2, $xs[0].new.foo, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(4, $xs[1]::CONST, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(4, $xs[1].new.foo, '[Bug #10943]') # class def in block in singleton class objs = [] $xs = [] $i = 0 2.times{ objs << obj = Object.new class << obj 1.times{ CONST = ($i += 1) } 1.times{ class X $xs << self CONST = ($i += 1) def foo CONST end end def x X end } end } assert_not_equal($xs[0], $xs[1], '[Bug #10943]') assert_not_equal(objs[0].x, objs[1].x, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(2, $xs[0]::CONST, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(2, $xs[0].new.foo, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(4, $xs[1]::CONST, '[Bug #10943]') assert_equal(4, $xs[1].new.foo, '[Bug #10943]') # method def in singleton class ms = [] ps = $test_singleton_class_shared_cref_ps = [] 2.times{ ms << Module.new do class << self $test_singleton_class_shared_cref_ps << Proc.new{ def xyzzy self end } end end } ps.each{|p| p.call} # define xyzzy methods for each singleton classes ms.each{|m| assert_equal(m, m.xyzzy, "Bug #10871") } end def test_namescope_error_message m = Module.new o = m.module_eval "class A\u{3042}; self; end.new" assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /A\u{3042}/) { o::Foo } end def test_redefinition_mismatch m = Module.new m.module_eval "A = 1", __FILE__, line = __LINE__ e = assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /is not a class/) { m.module_eval "class A; end" } assert_include(e.message, "#{__FILE__}:#{line}: previous definition") n = "M\u{1f5ff}" m.module_eval "#{n} = 42", __FILE__, line = __LINE__ e = assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /#{n} is not a class/) { m.module_eval "class #{n}; end" } assert_include(e.message, "#{__FILE__}:#{line}: previous definition") assert_separately([], "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~"end;"}") begin; Date = (class C\u{1f5ff}; self; end).new assert_raise_with_message(TypeError, /C\u{1f5ff}/) { require 'date' } end; end def test_should_not_expose_singleton_class_without_metaclass assert_normal_exit "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", '[Bug #11740]' begin; klass = Class.new(Array) # The metaclass of +klass+ should handle #bla since it should inherit methods from meta:meta:Array def (Array.singleton_class).bla; :bla; end hidden = ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).find { |c| klass.is_a? c and c.inspect.include? klass.inspect } raise unless hidden.nil? end; assert_normal_exit "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", '[Bug #11740]' begin; klass = Class.new(Array) klass.singleton_class # The metaclass of +klass+ should handle #bla since it should inherit methods from meta:meta:Array def (Array.singleton_class).bla; :bla; end hidden = ObjectSpace.each_object(Class).find { |c| klass.is_a? c and c.inspect.include? klass.inspect } raise if hidden.nil? end; end def test_assign_frozen_class_to_const c = Class.new.freeze assert_same(c, Module.new.module_eval("self::Foo = c")) c = Class.new.freeze assert_same(c, Module.new.const_set(:Foo, c)) end def test_descendants c = Class.new sc = Class.new(c) ssc = Class.new(sc) [c, sc, ssc].each do |k| k.include Module.new k.new.define_singleton_method(:force_singleton_class){} end assert_equal([sc, ssc], c.descendants) assert_equal([ssc], sc.descendants) assert_equal([], ssc.descendants) object_descendants = Object.descendants assert_include(object_descendants, c) assert_include(object_descendants, sc) assert_include(object_descendants, ssc) end def test_descendants_gc c = Class.new 100000.times { Class.new(c) } assert(c.descendants.size <= 100000) end def test_descendants_gc_stress 10000.times do c = Class.new 100.times { Class.new(c) } assert(c.descendants.size <= 100) end end def test_classext_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], <<-PREP, <<-CODE, rss: true) code = proc { Class.new } 1_000.times(&code) PREP 3_000_000.times(&code) CODE end end