require 'test/unit' class TestBignum < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @verbose = $VERBOSE $VERBOSE = nil @fmax = Float::MAX.to_i @fmax2 = @fmax * 2 @big = (1 << 63) - 1 end def teardown $VERBOSE = @verbose end def fact(n) return 1 if n == 0 f = 1 while n>0 f *= n n -= 1 end return f end def test_bignum $x = fact(40) assert_equal($x, $x) assert_equal($x, fact(40)) assert_operator($x, :<, $x+2) assert_operator($x, :>, $x-2) assert_equal(815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000, $x) assert_not_equal(815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001, $x) assert_equal(815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000001, $x+1) assert_equal(335367096786357081410764800000, $x/fact(20)) $x = -$x assert_equal(-815915283247897734345611269596115894272000000000, $x) assert_equal(2-(2**32), -(2**32-2)) assert_equal(2**32 - 5, (2**32-3)-2) for i in 1000..1014 assert_equal(2 ** i, 1 << i) end n1 = 1 << 1000 for i in 1000..1014 assert_equal(n1, 1 << i) n1 *= 2 end n2=n1 for i in 1..10 n1 = n1 / 2 n2 = n2 >> 1 assert_equal(n1, n2) end for i in 4000..4096 n1 = 1 << i; assert_equal(n1-1, (n1**2-1) / (n1+1)) end end def test_calc b = 10**80 a = b * 9 + 7 assert_equal(7, a.modulo(b)) assert_equal(-b + 7, a.modulo(-b)) assert_equal(b + -7, (-a).modulo(b)) assert_equal(-7, (-a).modulo(-b)) assert_equal(7, a.remainder(b)) assert_equal(7, a.remainder(-b)) assert_equal(-7, (-a).remainder(b)) assert_equal(-7, (-a).remainder(-b)) assert_equal(10000000000000000000100000000000000000000, 10**40+10**20) assert_equal(100000000000000000000, 10**40/10**20) a = 677330545177305025495135714080 b = 14269972710765292560 assert_equal(0, a % b) assert_equal(0, -a % b) end def shift_test(a) b = a / (2 ** 32) c = a >> 32 assert_equal(b, c) b = a * (2 ** 32) c = a << 32 assert_equal(b, c) end def test_shift shift_test(-4518325415524767873) shift_test(-0xfffffffffffffffff) end def test_to_s assert_equal("fvvvvvvvvvvvv" ,18446744073709551615.to_s(32), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("g000000000000" ,18446744073709551616.to_s(32), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("3w5e11264sgsf" ,18446744073709551615.to_s(36), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("3w5e11264sgsg" ,18446744073709551616.to_s(36), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("nd075ib45k86f" ,18446744073709551615.to_s(31), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("nd075ib45k86g" ,18446744073709551616.to_s(31), "[ruby-core:10686]") assert_equal("1777777777777777777777" ,18446744073709551615.to_s(8)) assert_equal("-1777777777777777777777" ,-18446744073709551615.to_s(8)) end b = 2**64 b *= b until Bignum === b T_ZERO = b.coerce(0).first T_ONE = b.coerce(1).first T_MONE = b.coerce(-1).first T31 = b.coerce(2**31).first # 2147483648 T31P = b.coerce(T31 - 1).first # 2147483647 T32 = b.coerce(2**32).first # 4294967296 T32P = b.coerce(T32 - 1).first # 4294967295 T64 = b.coerce(2**64).first # 18446744073709551616 T64P = b.coerce(T64 - 1).first # 18446744073709551615 T1024 = b.coerce(2**1024).first T1024P = b.coerce(T1024 - 1).first def test_prepare assert_instance_of(Bignum, T_ZERO) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T_ONE) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T_MONE) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T31) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T31P) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T32) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T32P) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T64) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T64P) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T1024) assert_instance_of(Bignum, T1024P) end def test_big_2comp assert_equal("-4294967296", (~T32P).to_s) assert_equal("..f00000000", "%x" % -T32) end def test_int2inum assert_equal([T31P], [T31P].pack("I").unpack("I")) assert_equal([T31P], [T31P].pack("i").unpack("i")) end def test_quad_pack assert_equal([ 1], [ 1].pack("q").unpack("q")) assert_equal([- 1], [- 1].pack("q").unpack("q")) assert_equal([ T31P], [ T31P].pack("q").unpack("q")) assert_equal([-T31P], [-T31P].pack("q").unpack("q")) assert_equal([ T64P], [ T64P].pack("Q").unpack("Q")) assert_equal([ 0], [ T64 ].pack("Q").unpack("Q")) end def test_str_to_inum assert_equal(1, " +1".to_i) assert_equal(-1, " -1".to_i) assert_equal(0, "++1".to_i) assert_equal(73, "111".oct) assert_equal(273, "0x111".oct) assert_equal(7, "0b111".oct) assert_equal(73, "0o111".oct) assert_equal(111, "0d111".oct) assert_equal(73, "0111".oct) assert_equal(111, Integer("111")) assert_equal(13, "111".to_i(3)) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { "111".to_i(37) } assert_equal(1333, "111".to_i(36)) assert_equal(1057, "111".to_i(32)) assert_equal(0, "00a".to_i) assert_equal(1, Integer("1 ")) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer("1_") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer("1__") } assert_raise(ArgumentError) { Integer("1_0 x") } assert_equal(T31P, "1111111111111111111111111111111".to_i(2)) assert_equal(0_2, '0_2'.to_i) assert_equal(00_2, '00_2'.to_i) assert_equal(00_02, '00_02'.to_i) end def test_to_s2 assert_raise(ArgumentError) { T31P.to_s(37) } assert_equal("9" * 32768, (10**32768-1).to_s) assert_raise(RangeError) { Process.wait(1, T64P) } assert_equal("0", T_ZERO.to_s) assert_equal("1", T_ONE.to_s) end def test_to_f assert_nothing_raised { T31P.to_f.to_i } assert_raise(FloatDomainError) { (1024**1024).to_f.to_i } assert_equal(1, (2**50000).to_f.infinite?) assert_equal(-1, (-(2**50000)).to_f.infinite?) end def test_cmp assert_operator(T31P, :>, 1) assert_operator(T31P, :<, 2147483648.0) assert_operator(T31P, :<, T64P) assert_operator(T64P, :>, T31P) assert_raise(ArgumentError) { T31P < "foo" } assert_operator(T64, :<, (1.0/0.0)) assert_not_operator(T64, :>, (1.0/0.0)) end def test_eq assert_not_equal(T31P, 1) assert_equal(T31P, 2147483647.0) assert_not_equal(T31P, "foo") assert_not_equal(2**77889, (1.0/0.0), '[ruby-core:31603]') end def test_eql assert_send([T31P, :eql?, T31P]) end def test_convert assert_equal([255], [T_MONE].pack("C").unpack("C")) assert_equal([0], [T32].pack("C").unpack("C")) assert_raise(RangeError) { 0.to_s(T32) } end def test_sub assert_equal(-T31, T32 - (T32 + T31)) x = 2**100 assert_equal(1, (x+2) - (x+1)) assert_equal(-1, (x+1) - (x+2)) assert_equal(0, (2**100) - (2.0**100)) o = def o.coerce(x); [x, 2**100+2]; end assert_equal(-1, (2**100+1) - o) assert_equal(-1, T_ONE - 2) end def test_plus assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32P + 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 + "foo" } assert_equal(1267651809154049016125877911552, (2**100) + (2**80)) assert_equal(1267651809154049016125877911552, (2**80) + (2**100)) assert_equal(2**101, (2**100) + (2.0**100)) o = def o.coerce(x); [x, 2**80]; end assert_equal(1267651809154049016125877911552, (2**100) + o) end def test_minus assert_equal(T32P.to_f, T32 - 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 - "foo" } end def test_mul assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32 * 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 * "foo" } o = def o.coerce(x); [x, 2**100]; end assert_equal(2**180, (2**80) * o) end def test_mul_balance assert_equal(3**7000, (3**5000) * (3**2000)) end def test_divrem assert_equal(0, T32 / T64) end def test_divide bug5490 = '[ruby-core:40429]' assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError, bug5490) {T1024./(0)} assert_equal(Float::INFINITY, T1024./(0.0), bug5490) end def test_div assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32 / 1.0) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 / "foo" } assert_equal(0x20000000, 0x40000001.div(2.0), "[ruby-dev:34553]") bug5490 = '[ruby-core:40429]' assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError, bug5490) {T1024.div(0)} assert_raise(ZeroDivisionError, bug5490) {T1024.div(0.0)} end def test_idiv assert_equal(715827882, 1073741824.div(Rational(3,2)), ' [ruby-dev:34066]') end def test_modulo assert_raise(TypeError) { T32 % "foo" } end def test_remainder assert_equal(0, T32.remainder(1)) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.remainder("foo") } end def test_divmod assert_equal([T32, 0], T32.divmod(1)) assert_equal([2, 0], T32.divmod(T31)) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.divmod("foo") } end def test_quo assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(1)) assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(1.0)) assert_equal(T32.to_f, T32.quo(T_ONE)) assert_raise(TypeError) { T32.quo("foo") } assert_equal(1024**1024, (1024**1024).quo(1)) assert_equal(1024**1024, (1024**1024).quo(1.0)) assert_equal(1024**1024*2, (1024**1024*2).quo(1)) inf = 1 / 0.0; nan = inf / inf assert_send([(1024**1024*2).quo(nan), :nan?]) end def test_pow assert_equal(1.0, T32 ** 0.0) assert_equal(1.0 / T32, T32 ** -1) assert_equal(1, (T32 ** T32).infinite?) assert_equal(1, (T32 ** (2**30-1)).infinite?) ### rational changes the behavior of Bignum#** #assert_raise(TypeError) { T32**"foo" } assert_raise(TypeError, ArgumentError) { T32**"foo" } feature3429 = '[ruby-core:30735]' assert_instance_of(Bignum, (2 ** 7830457), feature3429) end def test_and assert_equal(0, T32 & 1) assert_equal(-T32, (-T32) & (-T31)) assert_equal(0, T32 & T64) end def test_or assert_equal(T32 + 1, T32 | 1) assert_equal(T32 + T31, T32 | T31) assert_equal(-T31, (-T32) | (-T31)) assert_equal(T64 + T32, T32 | T64) end def test_xor assert_equal(T32 + 1, T32 ^ 1) assert_equal(T32 + T31, T32 ^ T31) assert_equal(T31, (-T32) ^ (-T31)) assert_equal(T64 + T32, T32 ^ T64) end class DummyNumeric < Numeric def to_int 1 end end def test_and_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { T1024 & 1.5 } end def test_and_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 & Rational(3, 2) } end def test_and_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 & } end def test_or_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { T1024 | 1.5 } end def test_or_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 | Rational(3, 2) } end def test_or_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 | } end def test_xor_with_float assert_raise(TypeError) { T1024 ^ 1.5 } end def test_xor_with_rational assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 ^ Rational(3, 2) } end def test_xor_with_nonintegral_numeric assert_raise(TypeError, "#1792") { T1024 ^ } end def test_shift2 assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) << 1) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) << -1) assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) << 1.0) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) << -1.0) assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) << T_ONE) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) << T_MONE) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) >> 1) assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) >> -1) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) >> 1.0) assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) >> -1.0) assert_equal(2**31, (2**32) >> T_ONE) assert_equal(2**33, (2**32) >> T_MONE) assert_equal( 0, (2**32) >> (2**32)) assert_equal(-1, -(2**32) >> (2**32)) assert_equal( 0, (2**32) >> 128) assert_equal(-1, -(2**32) >> 128) assert_equal( 0, (2**31) >> 32) assert_equal(-1, -(2**31) >> 32) end def test_aref assert_equal(0, (2**32)[0]) assert_equal(0, (2**32)[2**32]) assert_equal(0, (2**32)[-(2**32)]) assert_equal(0, (2**32)[T_ZERO]) assert_equal(0, (-(2**64))[0]) assert_equal(1, (-2**256)[256]) end def test_hash assert_nothing_raised { T31P.hash } end def test_coerce assert_equal([T64P, T31P], T31P.coerce(T64P)) assert_raise(TypeError) { T31P.coerce(nil) } end def test_abs assert_equal(T31P, (-T31P).abs) end def test_size assert_kind_of(Integer, T31P.size) end def test_odd assert_equal(true, (2**32+1).odd?) assert_equal(false, (2**32).odd?) end def test_even assert_equal(false, (2**32+1).even?) assert_equal(true, (2**32).even?) end def assert_interrupt time = start_flag = false end_flag = false thread = do start_flag = true yield end_flag = true end Thread.pass until start_flag thread.raise thread.join rescue nil time = - time assert_equal([true, false], [start_flag, end_flag]) assert_operator(time, :<, 10) end def test_interrupt assert_interrupt {(65536 ** 65536).to_s} end def test_too_big_to_s if (big = 2**31-1).is_a?(Fixnum) return end e = assert_raise(RangeError) {(1 << big).to_s} assert_match(/too big to convert/, e.message) end def test_fix_fdiv assert_not_equal(0, 1.fdiv(@fmax2)) assert_in_delta(0.5, 1.fdiv(@fmax2) * @fmax, 0.01) end def test_big_fdiv assert_equal(1, @big.fdiv(@big)) assert_not_equal(0, @big.fdiv(@fmax2)) assert_not_equal(0, @fmax2.fdiv(@big)) assert_not_equal(0, @fmax2.fdiv(@fmax2)) assert_in_delta(0.5, @fmax.fdiv(@fmax2), 0.01) assert_in_delta(1.0, @fmax2.fdiv(@fmax2), 0.01) end def test_float_fdiv b = 1E+300.to_i assert_equal(b, (b ** 2).fdiv(b)) assert_send([@big.fdiv(0.0 / 0.0), :nan?]) assert_in_delta(1E+300, (10**500).fdiv(1E+200), 1E+285) end def test_obj_fdiv o = def o.coerce(x); [x, 2**100]; end assert_equal((2**200).to_f, (2**300).fdiv(o)) end def test_singleton_method # this test assumes 32bit/64bit platform assert_raise(TypeError) { a = 1 << 64; def; end } end end