# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' class TestAutoload < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_autoload_so # Date is always available, unless excluded intentionally. assert_in_out_err([], <<-INPUT, [], []) autoload :Date, "date" begin Date; rescue LoadError; end INPUT end def test_non_realpath_in_loadpath require 'tmpdir' tmpdir = Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') tmpdirs = [tmpdir] tmpdirs.unshift(tmpdir + '/foo') Dir.mkdir(tmpdirs[0]) tmpfiles = [tmpdir + '/foo.rb', tmpdir + '/foo/bar.rb'] open(tmpfiles[0] , 'w') do |f| f.puts <<-INPUT $:.unshift(File.expand_path('..', __FILE__)+'/./foo') module Foo autoload :Bar, 'bar' end p Foo::Bar INPUT end open(tmpfiles[1], 'w') do |f| f.puts 'class Foo::Bar; end' end assert_in_out_err([tmpfiles[0]], "", ["Foo::Bar"], []) ensure File.unlink(*tmpfiles) rescue nil if tmpfiles tmpdirs.each {|dir| Dir.rmdir(dir)} end def test_autoload_p bug4565 = '[ruby-core:35679]' require 'tmpdir' Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') {|tmpdir| tmpfile = tmpdir + '/foo.rb' tmpfile2 = tmpdir + '/bar.rb' a = Module.new do autoload :X, tmpfile autoload :Y, tmpfile2 end b = Module.new do include a end assert_equal(true, a.const_defined?(:X)) assert_equal(true, b.const_defined?(:X)) assert_equal(tmpfile, a.autoload?(:X), bug4565) assert_equal(tmpfile, b.autoload?(:X), bug4565) assert_equal(tmpfile, a.autoload?(:X, false)) assert_equal(tmpfile, a.autoload?(:X, nil)) assert_nil(b.autoload?(:X, false)) assert_nil(b.autoload?(:X, nil)) assert_equal(true, a.const_defined?("Y")) assert_equal(true, b.const_defined?("Y")) assert_equal(tmpfile2, a.autoload?("Y")) assert_equal(tmpfile2, b.autoload?("Y")) } end def test_autoload_p_with_static_extensions require 'rbconfig' omit unless RbConfig::CONFIG['EXTSTATIC'] == 'static' begin require 'fcntl.so' rescue LoadError omit('fcntl not included in the build') end assert_separately(['--disable-all'], <<~RUBY) autoload :Fcntl, 'fcntl.so' assert_equal('fcntl.so', autoload?(:Fcntl)) assert(Object.const_defined?(:Fcntl)) assert_equal('constant', defined?(Fcntl), '[Bug #19115]') RUBY end def test_autoload_with_unqualified_file_name # [ruby-core:69206] Object.send(:remove_const, :A) if Object.const_defined?(:A) lp = $LOAD_PATH.dup lf = $LOADED_FEATURES.dup Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') { |tmpdir| $LOAD_PATH << tmpdir Dir.chdir(tmpdir) do eval <<-END class ::Object module A autoload :C, 'test-ruby-core-69206' end end END File.write("test-ruby-core-69206.rb", 'module A; class C; end; end') assert_kind_of Class, ::A::C end } ensure $LOAD_PATH.replace lp $LOADED_FEATURES.replace lf Object.send(:remove_const, :A) if Object.const_defined?(:A) end def test_require_explicit Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'class Object; AutoloadTest = 1; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin assert_nothing_raised do assert(require file.path) assert_equal(1, ::AutoloadTest) end ensure remove_autoload_constant end } end def test_threaded_accessing_constant # Suppress "warning: loading in progress, circular require considered harmful" EnvUtil.default_warning { Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'sleep 0.5; class AutoloadTest; X = 1; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin assert_nothing_raised do t1 = Thread.new { ::AutoloadTest::X } t2 = Thread.new { ::AutoloadTest::X } [t1, t2].each(&:join) end ensure remove_autoload_constant end } } end def test_threaded_accessing_inner_constant # Suppress "warning: loading in progress, circular require considered harmful" EnvUtil.default_warning { Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'class AutoloadTest; sleep 0.5; X = 1; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin assert_nothing_raised do t1 = Thread.new { ::AutoloadTest::X } t2 = Thread.new { ::AutoloadTest::X } [t1, t2].each(&:join) end ensure remove_autoload_constant end } } end def test_nameerror_when_autoload_did_not_define_the_constant verbose_bak, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts '' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin assert_raise(NameError) do AutoloadTest end ensure remove_autoload_constant end } ensure $VERBOSE = verbose_bak end def test_override_autoload Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts '' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin eval %q(class AutoloadTest; end) assert_equal(Class, AutoloadTest.class) ensure remove_autoload_constant end } end def test_override_while_autoloading Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'class AutoloadTest; sleep 0.5; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin # while autoloading... t = Thread.new { AutoloadTest } sleep 0.1 # override it EnvUtil.suppress_warning { eval %q(AutoloadTest = 1) } t.join assert_equal(1, AutoloadTest) ensure remove_autoload_constant end } end def ruby_impl_require Kernel.module_eval do alias old_require require end called_with = [] Kernel.send :define_method, :require do |path| called_with << path old_require path end yield called_with ensure Kernel.module_eval do undef require alias require old_require undef old_require end end def test_require_implemented_in_ruby_is_called ruby_impl_require do |called_with| Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'class AutoloadTest; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin assert(Object::AutoloadTest) ensure remove_autoload_constant end assert_equal [file.path], called_with } end end def test_autoload_while_autoloading ruby_impl_require do |called_with| Tempfile.create(%w(a .rb)) do |a| Tempfile.create(%w(b .rb)) do |b| a.puts "require '#{b.path}'; class AutoloadTest; end" b.puts "class AutoloadTest; module B; end; end" [a, b].each(&:flush) add_autoload(a.path) begin assert(Object::AutoloadTest) ensure remove_autoload_constant end assert_equal [a.path, b.path], called_with end end end end def test_bug_13526 script = File.join(__dir__, 'bug-13526.rb') assert_ruby_status([script], '', '[ruby-core:81016] [Bug #13526]') end def test_autoload_private_constant Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write(tmpdir+"/test-bug-14469.rb", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; class AutoloadTest ZZZ = :ZZZ private_constant :ZZZ end end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[ruby-core:85516] [Bug #14469]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-14469.rb" end assert_raise(NameError, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; end end def test_autoload_deprecate_constant Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write(tmpdir+"/test-bug-14469.rb", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; class AutoloadTest ZZZ = :ZZZ deprecate_constant :ZZZ end end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[ruby-core:85516] [Bug #14469]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-14469.rb" end assert_warning(/ZZZ is deprecated/, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; end end def test_autoload_private_constant_before_autoload Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write(tmpdir+"/test-bug-11055.rb", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; class AutoloadTest ZZZ = :ZZZ end end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[Bug #11055]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-11055.rb" private_constant :ZZZ ZZZ end assert_raise(NameError, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[Bug #11055]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-11055.rb" private_constant :ZZZ end assert_raise(NameError, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; end end def test_autoload_deprecate_constant_before_autoload Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write(tmpdir+"/test-bug-11055.rb", "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; class AutoloadTest ZZZ = :ZZZ end end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[Bug #11055]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-11055.rb" deprecate_constant :ZZZ end assert_warning(/ZZZ is deprecated/, bug) {class AutoloadTest; ZZZ; end} assert_warning(/ZZZ is deprecated/, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") bug = '[Bug #11055]' begin; class AutoloadTest autoload :ZZZ, "test-bug-11055.rb" deprecate_constant :ZZZ end assert_warning(/ZZZ is deprecated/, bug) {AutoloadTest::ZZZ} end; end end def test_autoload_fork EnvUtil.default_warning do Tempfile.create(['autoload', '.rb']) {|file| file.puts 'sleep 0.3; class AutoloadTest; end' file.close add_autoload(file.path) begin thrs = [] 3.times do thrs << Thread.new { AutoloadTest && nil } thrs << Thread.new { fork { AutoloadTest } } end thrs.each(&:join) thrs.each do |th| pid = th.value or next _, status = Process.waitpid2(pid) assert_predicate status, :success? end ensure remove_autoload_constant assert_nil $!, '[ruby-core:86410] [Bug #14634]' end } end end if Process.respond_to?(:fork) def test_autoload_same_file Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write("#{tmpdir}/test-bug-14742.rb", "#{<<~'begin;'}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; module Foo; end module Bar; end end; 3.times do # timing-dependent, needs a few times to hit [Bug #14742] assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-'begin;'}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; autoload :Foo, 'test-bug-14742' autoload :Bar, 'test-bug-14742' t1 = Thread.new do Foo end t2 = Thread.new do Bar end t1.join t2.join bug = '[ruby-core:86935] [Bug #14742]' assert_instance_of Module, t1.value, bug assert_instance_of Module, t2.value, bug end; end end end def test_autoload_same_file_with_raise Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| File.write("#{tmpdir}/test-bug-16177.rb", "#{<<~'begin;'}\n#{<<~'end;'}") begin; raise '[ruby-core:95055] [Bug #16177]' end; assert_raise(RuntimeError, '[ruby-core:95055] [Bug #16177]') do assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-'begin;'}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; autoload :Foo, 'test-bug-16177' autoload :Bar, 'test-bug-16177' t1 = Thread.new do Foo end t2 = Thread.new do Bar end t1.join t2.join end; end end end def test_source_location bug = "Bug16764" Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| path = "#{tmpdir}/test-#{bug}.rb" File.write(path, "C::#{bug} = __FILE__\n") assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-"end;"}") begin; class C; end C.autoload(:Bug16764, #{path.dump}) assert_equal [__FILE__, __LINE__-1], C.const_source_location(#{bug.dump}) assert_equal #{path.dump}, C.const_get(#{bug.dump}) assert_equal [#{path.dump}, 1], C.const_source_location(#{bug.dump}) end; end end def test_source_location_after_require bug = "Bug18624" Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| path = "#{tmpdir}/test-#{bug}.rb" File.write(path, "C::#{bug} = __FILE__\n") assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-"end;"}") begin; class C; end C.autoload(:Bug18624, #{path.dump}) require #{path.dump} assert_equal [#{path.dump}, 1], C.const_source_location(#{bug.dump}) assert_equal #{path.dump}, C.const_get(#{bug.dump}) assert_equal [#{path.dump}, 1], C.const_source_location(#{bug.dump}) end; end end def test_no_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak([], '', "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}", 'many autoloads', timeout: 60) begin; 200000.times do |i| m = Module.new m.instance_eval do autoload :Foo, 'x' autoload :Bar, i.to_s end end end; end def test_autoload_after_failed_and_removed_from_loaded_features Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| autoload_path = File.join(tmpdir, "test-bug-15790.rb") File.write(autoload_path, '') assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], <<-RUBY) $VERBOSE = nil path = #{File.realpath(autoload_path).inspect} autoload :X, path assert_equal(path, Object.autoload?(:X)) assert_raise(NameError){X} assert_nil(Object.autoload?(:X)) assert_equal(false, Object.const_defined?(:X)) $LOADED_FEATURES.delete(path) assert_equal(false, Object.const_defined?(:X)) assert_nil(Object.autoload?(:X)) assert_raise(NameError){X} assert_equal(false, Object.const_defined?(:X)) assert_nil(Object.autoload?(:X)) RUBY end end def add_autoload(path) (@autoload_paths ||= []) << path ::Object.class_eval {autoload(:AutoloadTest, path)} end def remove_autoload_constant $".replace($" - @autoload_paths) ::Object.class_eval {remove_const(:AutoloadTest)} if defined? Object::AutoloadTest TestAutoload.class_eval {remove_const(:AutoloadTest)} if defined? TestAutoload::AutoloadTest end def test_autoload_module_gc Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| autoload_path = File.join(tmpdir, "autoload_module_gc.rb") File.write(autoload_path, "X = 1; Y = 2;") x = Module.new x.autoload :X, "./feature.rb" 1000.times do y = Module.new y.autoload :Y, "./feature.rb" end x = y = nil # Ensure the internal data structures are cleaned up correctly / don't crash: GC.start end end def test_autoload_parallel_race Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| autoload_path = File.join(tmpdir, "autoload_parallel_race.rb") File.write(autoload_path, 'module Foo; end; module Bar; end') assert_separately([], <<-RUBY, timeout: 100) autoload_path = #{File.realpath(autoload_path).inspect} # This should work with no errors or failures. 1000.times do autoload :Foo, autoload_path autoload :Bar, autoload_path t1 = Thread.new {Foo} t2 = Thread.new {Bar} t1.join GC.start # force GC. t2.join Object.send(:remove_const, :Foo) Object.send(:remove_const, :Bar) $LOADED_FEATURES.delete(autoload_path) end RUBY end end def test_autoload_parent_namespace Dir.mktmpdir('autoload') do |tmpdir| autoload_path = File.join(tmpdir, "some_const.rb") File.write(autoload_path, 'class SomeConst; end') assert_separately(%W[-I #{tmpdir}], <<-RUBY) module SomeNamespace autoload :SomeConst, #{File.realpath(autoload_path).inspect} assert_warning(%r{/some_const\.rb to define SomeNamespace::SomeConst but it didn't}) do assert_not_nil SomeConst end end RUBY end end end