# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "rss-testcase" require "rss/maker" module RSS class TestSetupMakerAtomEntry < TestCase def setup t = Time.iso8601("2000-01-01T12:00:05+00:00") class << t alias_method(:to_s, :iso8601) end @dc_elems = { :title => "hoge", :description => " XML is placing increasingly heavy loads on the existing technical infrastructure of the Internet.", :creator => "Rael Dornfest (mailto:rael@oreilly.com)", :subject => "XML", :publisher => "The O'Reilly Network", :contributor => "hogehoge", :type => "fugafuga", :format => "hohoho", :identifier => "fufufu", :source => "barbar", :language => "ja", :relation => "cococo", :rights => "Copyright (c) 2000 O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.", :date => t, } end def test_setup_maker_entry(with_dc=true) authors = [ { :name => "Bob", :uri => "http://example.com/~bob/", :email => "bob@example.com", }, { :name => "Alice", :uri => "http://example.com/~alice/", :email => "alice@example.com", }, ] categories = [ { :term => "music", :label => "Music", }, { :term => "book", :scheme => "http://example.com/category/book/", :label => "Book", }, ] contributors = [ { :name => "Chris", :email => "chris@example.com", }, { :name => "Eva", :uri => "http://example.com/~eva/", }, ] id = "urn:uuid:8b105336-7e20-45fc-bb78-37fb3e1db25a" link = "http://hoge.com" published = Time.now - 60 * 3600 rights = "Copyrights (c) 2007 Alice and Bob" description = "fugafugafugafuga" title = "fugafuga" updated = Time.now feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| maker.items.new_item do |item| authors.each do |author_info| item.authors.new_author do |author| author_info.each do |key, value| author.__send__("#{key}=", value) end end end categories.each do |category_info| item.categories.new_category do |category| category_info.each do |key, value| category.__send__("#{key}=", value) end end end contributors.each do |contributor_info| item.contributors.new_contributor do |contributor| contributor_info.each do |key, value| contributor.__send__("#{key}=", value) end end end item.id = id item.link = link item.published = published item.rights = rights item.description = description item.title = title item.updated = updated if with_dc @dc_elems.each do |var, value| if var == :date item.new_dc_date(value) else item.__send__("dc_#{var}=", value) end end end end end assert_not_nil(feed) new_feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| feed.setup_maker(maker) end assert_not_nil(new_feed) new_authors = new_feed.authors.collect do |author| { :name => author.name.content, :uri => author.uri.content, :email => author.email.content, } end assert_equal(authors, new_authors) new_categories = new_feed.categories.collect do |category| { :term => category.term, :scheme => category.scheme, :label => category.label, }.reject {|key, value| value.nil?} end assert_equal(categories, new_categories) new_contributors = new_feed.contributors.collect do |contributor| info = {} info[:name] = contributor.name.content info[:uri] = contributor.uri.content if contributor.uri info[:email] = contributor.email.content if contributor.email info end assert_equal(contributors, new_contributors) assert_equal(id, new_feed.id.content) assert_equal(link, new_feed.link.href) assert_equal(published, new_feed.published.content) assert_equal(rights, new_feed.rights.content) assert_equal(description, new_feed.summary.content) assert_equal(title, new_feed.title.content) assert_equal(updated, new_feed.updated.content) if with_dc @dc_elems.each do |var, value| if var == :date assert_equal([updated, value], new_feed.dc_dates.collect {|date| date.value}) else assert_equal(value, new_feed.__send__("dc_#{var}")) end end end assert_equal(1, new_feed.items.size) end def test_setup_maker_entry_without_dc test_setup_maker_entry(false) end def test_setup_maker_items(for_backward_compatibility=false) title = "TITLE" link = "http://hoge.com/" description = "text hoge fuga" updated = Time.now item_size = 5 feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| setup_dummy_channel_atom(maker) item_size.times do |i| maker.items.new_item do |item| item.title = "#{title}#{i}" item.link = "#{link}#{i}" item.description = "#{description}#{i}" item.updated = updated + i * 60 end end end new_feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| feed.items.each do |item| if for_backward_compatibility item.setup_maker(maker) else item.setup_maker(maker.items) end end feed.items.clear feed.setup_maker(maker) end assert_equal(1, new_feed.items.size) new_feed.items[0..1].each_with_index do |item, i| assert_equal("#{title}#{i}", item.title.content) assert_equal("#{link}#{i}", item.link.href) assert_equal("#{description}#{i}", item.summary.content) assert_equal(updated + i * 60, item.updated.content) end end def test_setup_maker_items_sort title = "TITLE" link = "http://hoge.com/" summary = "text hoge fuga" updated = Time.now feed_size = 5 feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| setup_dummy_channel_atom(maker) feed_size.times do |i| entry_class = RSS::Atom::Entry entry = entry_class.new entry.title = entry_class::Title.new(:content => "#{title}#{i}") entry.links << entry_class::Link.new(:href => "#{link}#{i}") entry.summary = entry_class::Summary.new(:content => "#{summary}#{i}") entry.updated = entry_class::Updated.new(:content => updated + i * 60) entry.setup_maker(maker.items) end maker.items.do_sort = false end assert_equal(1, feed.items.size) assert_equal("#{title}0", feed.title.content) assert_equal("#{link}0", feed.link.href) assert_equal("#{summary}0", feed.summary.content) feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| setup_dummy_channel_atom(maker) feed_size.times do |i| entry_class = RSS::Atom::Entry entry = entry_class.new entry.title = entry_class::Title.new(:content => "#{title}#{i}") entry.links << entry_class::Link.new(:href => "#{link}#{i}") entry.summary = entry_class::Summary.new(:content => "#{summary}#{i}") entry.updated = entry_class::Updated.new(:content => updated + i * 60) entry.setup_maker(maker.items) end maker.items.do_sort = true end assert_equal(1, feed.items.size) assert_equal("#{title}#{feed_size - 1}", feed.title.content) assert_equal("#{link}#{feed_size - 1}", feed.link.href) assert_equal("#{summary}#{feed_size - 1}", feed.summary.content) end def test_setup_maker_items_backward_compatibility test_setup_maker_items(true) end def test_setup_maker encoding = "EUC-JP" standalone = true href = 'a.xsl' type = 'text/xsl' title = 'sample' media = 'printer' charset = 'UTF-8' alternate = 'yes' feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| maker.encoding = encoding maker.standalone = standalone maker.xml_stylesheets.new_xml_stylesheet do |xss| xss.href = href xss.type = type xss.title = title xss.media = media xss.charset = charset xss.alternate = alternate end setup_dummy_channel_atom(maker) setup_dummy_item_atom(maker) end assert_not_nil(feed) new_feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| feed.setup_maker(maker) end assert_equal(["atom", "1.0", "entry"], new_feed.feed_info) assert_equal(encoding, new_feed.encoding) assert_equal(standalone, new_feed.standalone) xss = new_feed.xml_stylesheets.first assert_equal(1, new_feed.xml_stylesheets.size) assert_equal(href, xss.href) assert_equal(type, xss.type) assert_equal(title, xss.title) assert_equal(media, xss.media) assert_equal(charset, xss.charset) assert_equal(alternate, xss.alternate) end def test_setup_maker_full encoding = "EUC-JP" standalone = true href = 'a.xsl' type = 'text/xsl' title = 'sample' media = 'printer' charset = 'UTF-8' alternate = 'yes' channel_about = "http://hoge.com" channel_title = "fugafuga" channel_link = "http://hoge.com" channel_description = "fugafugafugafuga" channel_author = "Bob" image_url = "http://hoge.com/hoge.png" item_title = "TITLE" item_link = "http://hoge.com/" item_description = "text hoge fuga" entry_size = 5 feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| maker.encoding = encoding maker.standalone = standalone maker.xml_stylesheets.new_xml_stylesheet do |xss| xss.href = href xss.type = type xss.title = title xss.media = media xss.charset = charset xss.alternate = alternate end maker.channel.about = channel_about maker.channel.title = channel_title maker.channel.link = channel_link maker.channel.description = channel_description maker.channel.author = channel_author @dc_elems.each do |var, value| maker.channel.__send__("dc_#{var}=", value) end maker.image.url = image_url entry_size.times do |i| maker.items.new_item do |item| item.title = "#{item_title}#{i}" item.link = "#{item_link}#{i}" item.description = "#{item_description}#{i}" @dc_elems.each do |var, value| item.__send__("dc_#{var}=", value) end end end end new_feed = RSS::Maker.make("atom:entry") do |maker| feed.setup_maker(maker) end assert_equal(["atom", "1.0", "entry"], new_feed.feed_info) assert_equal(encoding, new_feed.encoding) assert_equal(standalone, new_feed.standalone) xss = new_feed.xml_stylesheets.first assert_equal(1, new_feed.xml_stylesheets.size) assert_equal(href, xss.href) assert_equal(type, xss.type) assert_equal(title, xss.title) assert_equal(media, xss.media) assert_equal(charset, xss.charset) assert_equal(alternate, xss.alternate) assert_equal("#{item_title}0", new_feed.title.content) assert_equal("#{item_link}0", new_feed.link.href) assert_equal("#{item_description}0", new_feed.summary.content) @dc_elems.each do |var, value| assert_equal(value, new_feed.__send__("dc_#{var}")) end assert_equal(1, new_feed.items.size) end end end