# -*- tab-width: 2 -*- vim: ts=2 require 'my-assertions' module TestRSSMixin include RSS XMLDECL_VERSION = "1.0" XMLDECL_ENCODING = "UTF-8" XMLDECL_STANDALONE = "no" RDF_ABOUT = "http://www.xml.com/xml/news.rss" RDF_RESOURCE = "http://xml.com/universal/images/xml_tiny.gif" TITLE_VALUE = "XML.com" LINK_VALUE = "http://xml.com/pub" URL_VALUE = "http://xml.com/universal/images/xml_tiny.gif" NAME_VALUE = "hogehoge" DESCRIPTION_VALUE = " XML.com features a rich mix of information and services for the XML community. " RESOURCES = [ "http://xml.com/pub/2000/08/09/xslt/xslt.html", "http://xml.com/pub/2000/08/09/rdfdb/index.html", ] private def make_xmldecl(v=XMLDECL_VERSION, e=XMLDECL_ENCODING, s=XMLDECL_STANDALONE) rv = "" rv end def make_RDF(content=nil, xmlns=[]) <<-EORSS #{make_xmldecl} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EORSS end def make_channel(content=nil) <<-EOC #{TITLE_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{DESCRIPTION_VALUE} #{RESOURCES.collect do |res| '' end.join("\n")} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOC end def make_image(content=nil) <<-EOI #{TITLE_VALUE} #{URL_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOI end def make_item(content=nil) <<-EOI #{TITLE_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{DESCRIPTION_VALUE} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOI end def make_textinput(content=nil) <<-EOT #{TITLE_VALUE} #{DESCRIPTION_VALUE} #{NAME_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOT end def make_Rss2(content=nil, xmlns=[]) <<-EORSS #{make_xmldecl} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EORSS end def make_channel2(content=nil) <<-EOC #{TITLE_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{DESCRIPTION_VALUE} #{RDF_RESOURCE} #{TITLE_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{RESOURCES.collect do |res| '' + res + '' end.join("\n")} #{RDF_RESOURCE} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOC end def make_item2(content=nil) <<-EOI #{TITLE_VALUE} #{LINK_VALUE} #{DESCRIPTION_VALUE} #{block_given? ? yield : content} EOI end end