# frozen_string_literal: true begin require_relative 'dummyparser' require 'test/unit' ripper_test = true module TestRipper; end rescue LoadError end class TestRipper::ParserEvents < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_event_coverage dispatched = Ripper::PARSER_EVENTS tested = self.class.instance_methods(false).grep(/\Atest_(\w+)/) {$1.intern} assert_empty dispatched-tested end def parse(str, nm = nil, &bl) dp = TestRipper::DummyParser.new(str) dp.hook(*nm, &bl) if nm dp.parse.to_s end def compile_error(str) parse(str, :compile_error) {|e, msg| return msg} end def warning(str) tree = parse(str, :warning) {|e, *args| return args} if block_given? yield tree else assert(false, "warning expected") end end def warn(str) tree = parse(str, :warn) {|e, *args| return args} if block_given? yield tree else assert(false, "warning expected") end end def test_program thru_program = false assert_equal '[void()]', parse('', :on_program) {thru_program = true} assert_equal true, thru_program end def test_stmts_new assert_equal '[void()]', parse('') end def test_stmts_add assert_equal '[ref(nil)]', parse('nil') assert_equal '[ref(nil),ref(nil)]', parse('nil;nil') assert_equal '[ref(nil),ref(nil),ref(nil)]', parse('nil;nil;nil') end def test_void_stmt assert_equal '[void()]', parse('') assert_equal '[void()]', parse('; ;') end def test_var_ref assert_equal '[assign(var_field(a),ref(a))]', parse('a=a') assert_equal '[ref(nil)]', parse('nil') assert_equal '[ref(true)]', parse('true') assert_equal '[vcall(_0)]', parse('_0') assert_equal '[vcall(_1)]', parse('_1') assert_include parse('proc{_1}'), '[ref(_1)]' end def test_vcall assert_equal '[vcall(a)]', parse('a') end def test_BEGIN assert_equal '[BEGIN([void()])]', parse('BEGIN{}') assert_equal '[BEGIN([ref(nil)])]', parse('BEGIN{nil}') end def test_END assert_equal '[END([void()])]', parse('END{}') assert_equal '[END([ref(nil)])]', parse('END{nil}') end def test_alias assert_equal '[alias(symbol_literal(a),symbol_literal(b))]', parse('alias a b') end def test_var_alias assert_equal '[valias($a,$g)]', parse('alias $a $g') end def test_alias_error assert_equal '[aliaserr($1)]', parse('alias $a $1') end def test_arglist assert_equal '[fcall(m,[])]', parse('m()') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1])]', parse('m(1)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,2])]', parse('m(1,2)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[*vcall(r)])]', parse('m(*r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,*vcall(r)])]', parse('m(1,*r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,2,*vcall(r)])]', parse('m(1,2,*r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[&vcall(r)])]', parse('m(&r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,&vcall(r)])]', parse('m(1,&r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,2,&vcall(r)])]', parse('m(1,2,&r)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[*vcall(a),&vcall(b)])]', parse('m(*a,&b)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,*vcall(a),&vcall(b)])]', parse('m(1,*a,&b)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[1,2,*vcall(a),&vcall(b)])]', parse('m(1,2,*a,&b)') end def test_args_add thru_args_add = false parse('m(a)', :on_args_add) {thru_args_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add end def test_args_add_block thru_args_add_block = false parse('m(&b)', :on_args_add_block) {thru_args_add_block = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add_block end def test_args_add_star thru_args_add_star = false parse('m(*a)', :on_args_add_star) {thru_args_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add_star thru_args_add_star = false parse('m(*a, &b)', :on_args_add_star) {thru_args_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add_star end def test_args_new thru_args_new = false parse('m()', :on_args_new) {thru_args_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_new end def test_args_forward [ 'def m(...) n(...) end', 'def m(...) end', 'def m(a, ...) n(1, ...) end', 'def m(...) n(1, ...) end', 'def m(a, ...) n(...) end' ].each do |code| thru_args_forward = false parse(code, :on_args_forward) {thru_args_forward = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_forward, "no args_forward for: #{code}" parse(code, :on_params) {|*, block| assert_nil(block)} end end def test_anonymous_block_forwarding thru_args_add_block = false parse('def b(&); c(&); end', :on_args_add_block) {thru_args_add_block = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add_block assert_match "no anonymous block parameter", compile_error('def b; c(&); end') end def test_anonymous_rest_forwarding [ 'c(*)', 'c(*, *)', ].each do |code| thru_args_add_star = false src = "def b(*); #{code} end" parse(src, :on_args_add_star) {thru_args_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_args_add_star, src src = "def b; #{code} end" assert_match "no anonymous rest parameter", compile_error(src), src end end def test_anonymous_keyword_rest_forwarding [ 'c(**)', 'c(k: 1, **)', 'c(**, k: 1)', ].each do |code| thru_assoc_splat = false src = "def b(**); #{code} end" parse(src, :on_assoc_splat) {thru_assoc_splat = true} assert_equal true, thru_assoc_splat, src src = "def b; #{code} end" assert_match "no anonymous keyword rest parameter", compile_error(src), src end end def test_arg_paren # FIXME end def test_aref assert_equal '[aref(vcall(v),[1])]', parse('v[1]') assert_equal '[aref(vcall(v),[1,2])]', parse('v[1,2]') end def test_assoclist_from_args thru_assoclist_from_args = false parse('{a=>b}', :on_assoclist_from_args) {thru_assoclist_from_args = true} assert_equal true, thru_assoclist_from_args end def test_assocs assert_equal '[fcall(m,[assocs(assoc(1,2))])]', parse('m(1=>2)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[assocs(assoc(1,2),assoc(3,4))])]', parse('m(1=>2,3=>4)') assert_equal '[fcall(m,[3,assocs(assoc(1,2))])]', parse('m(3,1=>2)') end def test_assoc_new thru_assoc_new = false parse('{a=>b}', :on_assoc_new) {thru_assoc_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_assoc_new end def test_assoc_splat thru_assoc_splat = false parse('m(**h)', :on_assoc_splat) {thru_assoc_splat = true} assert_equal true, thru_assoc_splat end def test_aref_field assert_equal '[assign(aref_field(vcall(a),[1]),2)]', parse('a[1]=2') end def test_arg_ambiguous thru_arg_ambiguous = false parse('m //', :on_arg_ambiguous) {thru_arg_ambiguous = true} assert_equal true, thru_arg_ambiguous end def test_operator_ambiguous thru_operator_ambiguous = false token = syntax = nil parse('a=1; a %[]', :on_operator_ambiguous) {|*a| thru_operator_ambiguous = true _, token, syntax = *a } assert_equal true, thru_operator_ambiguous assert_equal :%, token assert_equal "string literal", syntax end def test_array # array literal assert_equal '[array([1,2,3])]', parse('[1,2,3]') assert_equal '[array([abc,def])]', parse('%w[abc def]') assert_equal '[array([abc,def])]', parse('%W[abc def]') end def test_assign # generic assignment assert_equal '[assign(var_field(v),1)]', parse('v=1') end def test_assign_error thru_assign_error = false result = parse('self = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_equal '[assign(assign_error(var_field(self)),1)]', result end def test_assign_error_backref thru_assign_error = false result = parse('$` = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_equal '[assign(assign_error(var_field($`)),1)]', result thru_assign_error = false result = parse('$`, _ = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_equal '[massign([assign_error(var_field($`)),var_field(_)],1)]', result end def test_assign_error_const_qualified thru_assign_error = false result = parse('self::X = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal false, thru_assign_error assert_equal "[assign(const_path_field(ref(self),X),1)]", result thru_assign_error = false result = parse("def m\n self::X = 1\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_include result, "assign_error(const_path_field(ref(self),X))" thru_assign_error = false result = parse("def m\n self::X, a = 1, 2\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_include result, "assign_error(const_path_field(ref(self),X))" end def test_assign_error_const thru_assign_error = false result = parse('X = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal false, thru_assign_error assert_equal "[assign(var_field(X),1)]", result thru_assign_error = false result = parse('X, a = 1, 2', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal false, thru_assign_error assert_include result, "massign([var_field(X),var_field(a)]," result = parse("def m\n X = 1\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_include result, "assign_error(var_field(X))" thru_assign_error = false result = parse("def m\n X, a = 1, 2\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error assert_include result, "assign_error(var_field(X))" end def test_assign_error_const_toplevel thru_assign_error = false parse('::X = 1', :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal false, thru_assign_error parse("def m\n ::X = 1\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error thru_assign_error = false parse("def m\n ::X, a = 1, 2\nend", :on_assign_error) {thru_assign_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_assign_error end def test_bare_assoc_hash thru_bare_assoc_hash = false parse('x[a=>b]', :on_bare_assoc_hash) {thru_bare_assoc_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_bare_assoc_hash thru_bare_assoc_hash = false parse('x[1, a=>b]', :on_bare_assoc_hash) {thru_bare_assoc_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_bare_assoc_hash thru_bare_assoc_hash = false parse('x(a=>b)', :on_bare_assoc_hash) {thru_bare_assoc_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_bare_assoc_hash thru_bare_assoc_hash = false parse('x(1, a=>b)', :on_bare_assoc_hash) {thru_bare_assoc_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_bare_assoc_hash end def test_begin thru_begin = false parse('begin end', :on_begin) {thru_begin = true} assert_equal true, thru_begin end %w"and or + - * / % ** | ^ & <=> > >= < <= == === != =~ !~ << >> && ||".each do |op| define_method("test_binary(#{op})") do thru_binary = false parse("a #{op} b", :on_binary) {thru_binary = true} assert_equal true, thru_binary end end def test_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("def a(&b) end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("def a(x, &b) end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc{|&b|}", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc{|x, &b|}", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc{|&b;y|}", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc{|&b,x;y|}", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc do |&b| end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc do |&b, x| end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc do |&b;y| end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg thru_blockarg = false parse("proc do |&b, x;y| end", :on_blockarg) {thru_blockarg = true} assert_equal true, thru_blockarg end def test_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc{||}", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc{| |}", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc{|x|}", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc{|;y|}", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc{|x;y|}", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc do || end", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc do | | end", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc do |x| end", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc do |;y| end", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var thru_block_var = false parse("proc do |x;y| end", :on_block_var) {thru_block_var = true} assert_equal true, thru_block_var end def test_block_var_add_block # not used end def test_block_var_add_star # not used end def test_bodystmt thru_bodystmt = false parse("class X\nend", :on_bodystmt) {thru_bodystmt = true} assert_equal true, thru_bodystmt end def test_call bug2233 = '[ruby-core:26165]' tree = nil thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised { tree = parse("self.foo", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),.,foo)]", tree thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised { tree = parse("self.foo()", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),.,foo,[])]", tree thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised(bug2233) { tree = parse("foo.()", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(vcall(foo),.,call,[])]", tree thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised { tree = parse("self::foo", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),::,foo)]", tree thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised { tree = parse("self::foo()", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),::,foo,[])]", tree thru_call = false assert_nothing_raised(bug2233) { tree = parse("foo::()", :on_call) {thru_call = true} } assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(vcall(foo),::,call,[])]", tree thru_call = false tree = parse("self&.foo", :on_call) {thru_call = true} assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),&.,foo)]", tree thru_call = false tree = parse("self&.foo()", :on_call) {thru_call = true} assert_equal true, thru_call assert_equal "[call(ref(self),&.,foo,[])]", tree end def test_call_colon2 hook = Module.new do def on_op(op) super("(op: #{op.inspect})") end def on_call(recv, name, *args) super(recv, "(method: #{name})", *args) end def on_ident(name) super("(ident: #{name.inspect})") end end parser = TestRipper::DummyParser.new("a::b").extend(hook) assert_equal '[call(vcall((ident: "a")),(method: (op: "::")),(ident: "b"))]', parser.parse.to_s end def test_excessed_comma thru_excessed_comma = false parse("proc{|x,|}", :on_excessed_comma) {thru_excessed_comma = true} assert_equal true, thru_excessed_comma thru_excessed_comma = false parse("proc{|x,y,|}", :on_excessed_comma) {thru_excessed_comma = true} assert_equal true, thru_excessed_comma thru_excessed_comma = false parse("proc do |x,| end", :on_excessed_comma) {thru_excessed_comma = true} assert_equal true, thru_excessed_comma thru_excessed_comma = false parse("proc do |x,y,| end", :on_excessed_comma) {thru_excessed_comma = true} assert_equal true, thru_excessed_comma end def test_heredoc bug1921 = '[ruby-core:24855]' thru_heredoc_beg = false tree = parse("<""(name, *) {thru[name] = true} thru = {} tree = parse('def foo() = 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true}, thru) assert_equal '[def(foo,[],bodystmt(42))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo() = 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true}, thru) assert_equal '[def(foo,[],bodystmt(rescue_mod(42,0)))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo=() = 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true, on_parse_error: true}, thru) thru = {} tree = parse('def foo=() = 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true, on_parse_error: true}, thru) thru = {} tree = parse('def foo() = p 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true}, thru) assert_equal '[def(foo,[],bodystmt(command(p,[42])))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo() = p 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_def: true}, thru) assert_equal '[def(foo,[],bodystmt(rescue_mod(command(p,[42]),0)))]', tree end def test_defined thru_defined = false parse('defined?(x)', :on_defined) {thru_defined = true} assert_equal true, thru_defined end def test_defs thru_defs = false tree = parse('def foo.bar; end', :on_defs) {thru_defs = true} assert_equal true, thru_defs assert_equal("[defs(vcall(foo),.,bar,[],bodystmt([void()]))]", tree) thru_parse_error = false tree = parse('def foo&.bar; end', :on_parse_error) {thru_parse_error = true} assert_equal(true, thru_parse_error) end def test_endless_defs events = %i[on_defs on_parse_error] thru = nil hook = ->(name, *) {thru[name] = true} thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar() = 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true}, thru) assert_equal '[defs(vcall(foo),.,bar,[],bodystmt(42))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar() = 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true}, thru) assert_equal '[defs(vcall(foo),.,bar,[],bodystmt(rescue_mod(42,0)))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar=() = 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true, on_parse_error: true}, thru) thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar=() = 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true, on_parse_error: true}, thru) thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar() = p 42', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true}, thru) assert_equal '[defs(vcall(foo),.,bar,[],bodystmt(command(p,[42])))]', tree thru = {} tree = parse('def foo.bar() = p 42 rescue 0', events, &hook) assert_equal({on_defs: true}, thru) assert_equal '[defs(vcall(foo),.,bar,[],bodystmt(rescue_mod(command(p,[42]),0)))]', tree end def test_do_block thru_do_block = false parse('proc do end', :on_do_block) {thru_do_block = true} assert_equal true, thru_do_block end def test_dot2 thru_dot2 = false parse('a..b', :on_dot2) {thru_dot2 = true} assert_equal true, thru_dot2 end def test_dot3 thru_dot3 = false parse('a...b', :on_dot3) {thru_dot3 = true} assert_equal true, thru_dot3 end def test_dyna_symbol thru_dyna_symbol = false parse(':"#{foo}"', :on_dyna_symbol) {thru_dyna_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_dyna_symbol thru_dyna_symbol = false parse('{"#{foo}": 1}', :on_dyna_symbol) {thru_dyna_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_dyna_symbol end def test_else thru_else = false parse('if foo; bar else zot end', :on_else) {thru_else = true} assert_equal true, thru_else end def test_elsif thru_elsif = false parse('if foo; bar elsif qux; zot end', :on_elsif) {thru_elsif = true} assert_equal true, thru_elsif end def test_ensure thru_ensure = false parse('begin foo ensure bar end', :on_ensure) {thru_ensure = true} assert_equal true, thru_ensure end def test_fcall thru_fcall = false parse('foo()', :on_fcall) {thru_fcall = true} assert_equal true, thru_fcall end def test_field thru_field = false parse('foo.x = 1', :on_field) {thru_field = true} assert_equal true, thru_field end def test_for thru_for = false parse('for i in foo; end', :on_for) {thru_for = true} assert_equal true, thru_for end def test_hash thru_hash = false parse('{1=>2}', :on_hash) {thru_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_hash thru_hash = false parse('{a: 2}', :on_hash) {thru_hash = true} assert_equal true, thru_hash end def test_if thru_if = false parse('if false; end', :on_if) {thru_if = true} assert_equal true, thru_if end def test_if_mod thru_if_mod = false parse('nil if nil', :on_if_mod) {thru_if_mod = true} assert_equal true, thru_if_mod end def test_ifop thru_ifop = false parse('a ? b : c', :on_ifop) {thru_ifop = true} assert_equal true, thru_ifop end def test_ignored_nl ignored_nl = [] parse("foo # comment\n...\n", :on_ignored_nl) {|_, a| ignored_nl << a} assert_equal ["\n"], ignored_nl end def test_lambda thru_lambda = false parse('->{}', :on_lambda) {thru_lambda = true} assert_equal true, thru_lambda end def test_magic_comment thru_magic_comment = false parse('# -*- bug-5753: ruby-dev:44984 -*-', :on_magic_comment) {|*x|thru_magic_comment = x} assert_equal [:on_magic_comment, "bug_5753", "ruby-dev:44984"], thru_magic_comment end def test_method_add_block thru_method_add_block = false parse('a {}', :on_method_add_block) {thru_method_add_block = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_block thru_method_add_block = false parse('a do end', :on_method_add_block) {thru_method_add_block = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_block end def test_method_add_arg thru_method_add_arg = false parse('a()', :on_method_add_arg) {thru_method_add_arg = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_arg thru_method_add_arg = false parse('a {}', :on_method_add_arg) {thru_method_add_arg = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_arg thru_method_add_arg = false parse('a.b(1)', :on_method_add_arg) {thru_method_add_arg = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_arg thru_method_add_arg = false parse('a::b(1)', :on_method_add_arg) {thru_method_add_arg = true} assert_equal true, thru_method_add_arg end def test_module thru_module = false parse('module A; end', :on_module) {thru_module = true} assert_equal true, thru_module end def test_mrhs_add thru_mrhs_add = false parse('a = a, b', :on_mrhs_add) {thru_mrhs_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_mrhs_add end def test_mrhs_add_star thru_mrhs_add_star = false parse('a = a, *b', :on_mrhs_add_star) {thru_mrhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mrhs_add_star end def test_mrhs_new thru_mrhs_new = false parse('a = *a', :on_mrhs_new) {thru_mrhs_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_mrhs_new end def test_mrhs_new_from_args thru_mrhs_new_from_args = false parse('a = a, b', :on_mrhs_new_from_args) {thru_mrhs_new_from_args = true} assert_equal true, thru_mrhs_new_from_args end def test_next thru_next = false parse('a {next}', :on_next) {thru_next = true} assert_equal true, thru_next end def test_opassign thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a += b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),+=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a -= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),-=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a *= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),*=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a /= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),/=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a %= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),%=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a **= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),**=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a &= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),&=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a |= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),|=,vcall(b))]", tree assert_equal true, thru_opassign thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a <<= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),<<=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a >>= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),>>=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a &&= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),&&=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a ||= b', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(var_field(a),||=,vcall(b))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse('a::X ||= c 1', :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(const_path_field(vcall(a),X),||=,command(c,[1]))]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse("self.foo += 1", :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(field(ref(self),.,foo),+=,1)]", tree thru_opassign = false tree = parse("self&.foo += 1", :on_opassign) {thru_opassign = true} assert_equal true, thru_opassign assert_equal "[opassign(field(ref(self),&.,foo),+=,1)]", tree end def test_opassign_error thru_opassign = [] events = [:on_opassign] parse('$~ ||= 1', events) {|a,*b| thru_opassign << a } assert_equal events, thru_opassign end def test_param_error thru_param_error = false parse('def foo(A) end', :on_param_error) {thru_param_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_param_error thru_param_error = false parse('def foo($a) end', :on_param_error) {thru_param_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_param_error thru_param_error = false parse('def foo(@a) end', :on_param_error) {thru_param_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_param_error thru_param_error = false parse('def foo(@@a) end', :on_param_error) {thru_param_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_param_error end def test_params arg = nil thru_params = false parse('a {||}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|x|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [["x"], nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|*x|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, "*x", nil, nil, nil, nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|x: 1|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, [["x:", "1"]], nil, nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|x:|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, [["x:", false]], nil, nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|**x|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, "**x", nil], arg thru_params = false parse('a {|**nil|}', :on_params) {|_, *v| thru_params = true; arg = v} assert_equal true, thru_params assert_equal [nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, :nil, nil], arg end def test_params_mlhs thru_mlhs = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, b)|}", :on_mlhs_paren) {thru_mlhs = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,b])]") end def test_params_mlhs_add thru_mlhs_add = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, b)|}", :on_mlhs_add) {thru_mlhs_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,b])]") end def test_params_mlhs_add_star thru_mlhs_add_star = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *b)|}", :on_mlhs_add_star) {thru_mlhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_star assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,*b])]") thru_mlhs_add_star = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *b, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_star) {thru_mlhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_star assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,*b,c])]") thru_mlhs_add_star = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_star) {thru_mlhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_star assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,*,c])]") thru_mlhs_add_star = false tree = parse("proc {|(*b, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_star) {thru_mlhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_star assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([*b,c])]") thru_mlhs_add_star = false tree = parse("proc {|(*b)|}", :on_mlhs_add_star) {thru_mlhs_add_star = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_star assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([*b])]") end def test_params_mlhs_add_post thru_mlhs_add_post = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *b)|}", :on_mlhs_add_post) {thru_mlhs_add_post = true} assert_equal false, thru_mlhs_add_post assert_include(tree, "mlhs([a,*b])") thru_mlhs_add_post = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *b, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_post) {thru_mlhs_add_post = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_post assert_include(tree, "mlhs([a,*b,c])") thru_mlhs_add_post = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, *, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_post) {thru_mlhs_add_post = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_post assert_include(tree, "mlhs([a,*,c])") thru_mlhs_add_post = false tree = parse("proc {|(*b, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_post) {thru_mlhs_add_post = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_post assert_include(tree, "mlhs([*b,c])") thru_mlhs_add_post = false tree = parse("proc {|(*, c)|}", :on_mlhs_add_post) {thru_mlhs_add_post = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_add_post assert_include(tree, "mlhs([*,c])") end def test_params_mlhs_new thru_mlhs_new = false tree = parse("proc {|(a, b)|}", :on_mlhs_new) {thru_mlhs_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_mlhs_new assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,b])]") end def test_params_mlhs_paren thru_mlhs_paren = 0 tree = parse("proc {|(a, b)|}", :on_mlhs_paren) {thru_mlhs_paren += 1} assert_equal 1, thru_mlhs_paren assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,b])]") thru_mlhs_paren = 0 tree = parse("proc {|((a, b))|}", :on_mlhs_paren) {thru_mlhs_paren += 1} assert_equal 2, thru_mlhs_paren assert_include(tree, "[mlhs([a,b])]") end def test_paren thru_paren = false parse('()', :on_paren) {thru_paren = true} assert_equal true, thru_paren end def test_parse_error thru_parse_error = false parse('<>', :on_parse_error) {thru_parse_error = true} assert_equal true, thru_parse_error end def test_qwords_add thru_qwords_add = false tree = parse('%w[a]', :on_qwords_add) {thru_qwords_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_qwords_add assert_equal '[array([a])]', tree thru_qwords_add = false tree = parse('%w[ a ]', :on_qwords_add) {thru_qwords_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_qwords_add assert_equal '[array([a])]', tree end def test_qsymbols_add thru_qsymbols_add = false tree = parse('%i[a]', :on_qsymbols_add) {thru_qsymbols_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_qsymbols_add assert_equal '[array([:a])]', tree thru_qsymbols_add = false tree = parse('%i[ a ]', :on_qsymbols_add) {thru_qsymbols_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_qsymbols_add assert_equal '[array([:a])]', tree end def test_symbols_add thru_symbols_add = false tree = parse('%I[a]', :on_symbols_add) {thru_symbols_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbols_add assert_equal '[array([:a])]', tree thru_symbols_add = false tree = parse('%I[ a ]', :on_symbols_add) {thru_symbols_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbols_add assert_equal '[array([:a])]', tree end def test_qwords_new thru_qwords_new = false parse('%w[]', :on_qwords_new) {thru_qwords_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_qwords_new end def test_qsymbols_new thru_qsymbols_new = false parse('%i[]', :on_qsymbols_new) {thru_qsymbols_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_qsymbols_new end def test_symbols_new thru_symbols_new = false parse('%I[]', :on_symbols_new) {thru_symbols_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbols_new end def test_redo thru_redo = false parse('redo', :on_redo) {thru_redo = true} assert_equal true, thru_redo end def test_regexp_add thru_regexp_add = false parse('/foo/', :on_regexp_add) {thru_regexp_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_regexp_add end def test_regexp_literal thru_regexp_literal = false parse('//', :on_regexp_literal) {thru_regexp_literal = true} assert_equal true, thru_regexp_literal end def test_regexp_new thru_regexp_new = false parse('//', :on_regexp_new) {thru_regexp_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_regexp_new end def test_rescue thru_rescue = false parsed = parse('begin; 1; rescue => e; 2; end', :on_rescue) {thru_rescue = true} assert_equal true, thru_rescue assert_match(/1.*rescue/, parsed) assert_match(/rescue\(,var_field\(e\),\[2\]\)/, parsed) end def test_rescue_class thru_rescue = false parsed = parse('begin; 1; rescue RuntimeError => e; 2; end', :on_rescue) {thru_rescue = true} assert_equal true, thru_rescue assert_match(/1.*rescue/, parsed) assert_match(/rescue\(\[ref\(RuntimeError\)\],var_field\(e\),\[2\]\)/, parsed) end def test_rescue_mod thru_rescue_mod = false parsed = parse('1 rescue 2', :on_rescue_mod) {thru_rescue_mod = true} assert_equal true, thru_rescue_mod bug4716 = '[ruby-core:36248]' assert_equal "[rescue_mod(1,2)]", parsed, bug4716 end def test_rest_param thru_rest_param = false parse('def a(*) end', :on_rest_param) {thru_rest_param = true} assert_equal true, thru_rest_param thru_rest_param = false parse('def a(*x) end', :on_rest_param) {thru_rest_param = true} assert_equal true, thru_rest_param end def test_kwrest_param thru_kwrest = false parse('def a(**) end', :on_kwrest_param) {|n, val| thru_kwrest = val} assert_equal nil, thru_kwrest thru_kwrest = false parse('def a(**x) end', :on_kwrest_param) {|n, val| thru_kwrest = val} assert_equal "x", thru_kwrest end def test_nokw_param thru_nokw = false parse('def a(**nil) end', :on_nokw_param) {|n, val| thru_nokw = val} assert_equal nil, thru_nokw end def test_retry thru_retry = false parse('retry', :on_retry) {thru_retry = true} assert_equal true, thru_retry end def test_return thru_return = false parse('return a', :on_return) {thru_return = true} assert_equal true, thru_return end def test_return0 thru_return0 = false parse('return', :on_return0) {thru_return0 = true} assert_equal true, thru_return0 end def test_sclass thru_sclass = false parse('class << a; end', :on_sclass) {thru_sclass = true} assert_equal true, thru_sclass end def test_string_add thru_string_add = false parse('"aa"', :on_string_add) {thru_string_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_add end def test_string_concat thru_string_concat = false parse('"a" "b"', :on_string_concat) {thru_string_concat = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_concat end def test_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('""', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('"a"', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('%[a]', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('\'a\'', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('%', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('%!a!', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('%q!a!', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content thru_string_content = false parse('%Q!a!', :on_string_content) {thru_string_content = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_content end def test_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('"#$a"', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('\'#$a\'', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal false, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('"#@a"', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('\'#@a\'', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal false, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('"#@@a"', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('\'#@@a\'', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal false, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('"#$1"', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_dvar thru_string_dvar = false parse('\'#$1\'', :on_string_dvar) {thru_string_dvar = true} assert_equal false, thru_string_dvar end def test_string_embexpr thru_string_embexpr = false parse('"#{}"', :on_string_embexpr) {thru_string_embexpr = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_embexpr thru_string_embexpr = false parse('\'#{}\'', :on_string_embexpr) {thru_string_embexpr = true} assert_equal false, thru_string_embexpr end def test_string_literal thru_string_literal = false parse('""', :on_string_literal) {thru_string_literal = true} assert_equal true, thru_string_literal end def test_super thru_super = false parse('super()', :on_super) {thru_super = true} assert_equal true, thru_super end def test_symbol thru_symbol = false parse(':a', :on_symbol) {thru_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol thru_symbol = false parse(':$a', :on_symbol) {thru_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol thru_symbol = false parse(':@a', :on_symbol) {thru_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol thru_symbol = false parse(':@@a', :on_symbol) {thru_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol thru_symbol = false parse(':==', :on_symbol) {thru_symbol = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol end def test_symbol_literal thru_symbol_literal = false parse(':a', :on_symbol_literal) {thru_symbol_literal = true} assert_equal true, thru_symbol_literal end def test_top_const_field thru_top_const_field = false parse('::A=1', :on_top_const_field) {thru_top_const_field = true} assert_equal true, thru_top_const_field end def test_top_const_ref thru_top_const_ref = false parse('::A', :on_top_const_ref) {thru_top_const_ref = true} assert_equal true, thru_top_const_ref end def test_unary thru_unary = false parse('not a 1, 2', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('not (a)', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('!a', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('-10', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('-10*2', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('-10.1', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('-10.1*2', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('-a', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('+a', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('~a', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary thru_unary = false parse('not()', :on_unary) {thru_unary = true} assert_equal true, thru_unary end def test_undef thru_undef = false parse('undef a', :on_undef) {thru_undef = true} assert_equal true, thru_undef thru_undef = false parse('undef <=>', :on_undef) {thru_undef = true} assert_equal true, thru_undef thru_undef = false parse('undef a, b', :on_undef) {thru_undef = true} assert_equal true, thru_undef end def test_unless thru_unless = false parse('unless a; end', :on_unless) {thru_unless = true} assert_equal true, thru_unless end def test_unless_mod thru_unless_mod = false parse('nil unless a', :on_unless_mod) {thru_unless_mod = true} assert_equal true, thru_unless_mod end def test_until thru_until = false parse('until a; end', :on_until) {thru_until = true} assert_equal true, thru_until end def test_until_mod thru_until_mod = false parse('nil until a', :on_until_mod) {thru_until_mod = true} assert_equal true, thru_until_mod end def test_var_field thru_var_field = false parse('a = 1', :on_var_field) {thru_var_field = true} assert_equal true, thru_var_field thru_var_field = false parse('a += 1', :on_var_field) {thru_var_field = true} assert_equal true, thru_var_field end def test_when thru_when = false parse('case a when b; end', :on_when) {thru_when = true} assert_equal true, thru_when thru_when = false parse('case when a; end', :on_when) {thru_when = true} assert_equal true, thru_when end def test_while thru_while = false parse('while a; end', :on_while) {thru_while = true} assert_equal true, thru_while end def test_while_mod thru_while_mod = false parse('nil while a', :on_while_mod) {thru_while_mod = true} assert_equal true, thru_while_mod end def test_word_add thru_word_add = false parse('%W[a]', :on_word_add) {thru_word_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_word_add end def test_word_new thru_word_new = false parse('%W[a]', :on_word_new) {thru_word_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_word_new end def test_words_add thru_words_add = false tree = parse('%W[a]', :on_words_add) {thru_words_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_words_add assert_equal '[array([a])]', tree thru_words_add = false tree = parse('%W[ a ]', :on_words_add) {thru_words_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_words_add assert_equal '[array([a])]', tree end def test_words_new thru_words_new = false parse('%W[]', :on_words_new) {thru_words_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_words_new end def test_xstring_add thru_xstring_add = false parse('`x`', :on_xstring_add) {thru_xstring_add = true} assert_equal true, thru_xstring_add end def test_xstring_literal thru_xstring_literal = false parse('``', :on_xstring_literal) {thru_xstring_literal = true} assert_equal true, thru_xstring_literal end def test_xstring_new thru_xstring_new = false parse('``', :on_xstring_new) {thru_xstring_new = true} assert_equal true, thru_xstring_new end def test_yield thru_yield = false parse('yield a', :on_yield) {thru_yield = true} assert_equal true, thru_yield end def test_yield0 thru_yield0 = false parse('yield', :on_yield0) {thru_yield0 = true} assert_equal true, thru_yield0 end def test_zsuper thru_zsuper = false parse('super', :on_zsuper) {thru_zsuper = true} assert_equal true, thru_zsuper end def test_local_variables cmd = 'command(w,[regexp_literal(regexp_add(regexp_new(),25 # ),/)])' div = 'binary(ref(w),/,25)' bug1939 = '[ruby-core:24923]' assert_equal("[#{cmd}]", parse('w /25 # /'), bug1939) assert_equal("[assign(var_field(w),1),#{div}]", parse("w = 1; w /25 # /"), bug1939) assert_equal("[fcall(p,[],&block([w],[#{div}]))]", parse("p{|w|w /25 # /\n}"), bug1939) assert_equal("[def(p,[w],bodystmt([#{div}]))]", parse("def p(w)\nw /25 # /\nend"), bug1939) end def test_block_variables bug4159 = '[ruby-dev:39423]' assert_equal("[fcall(proc,[],&block([],[void()]))]", parse("proc{|;y|}"), bug4159) assert_equal("[fcall(proc,[],&block([],[unary(!,ref(y))]))]", parse("proc{|;y|!y}"), bug4159) end def test_unterminated_regexp assert_equal("unterminated regexp meets end of file", compile_error('/')) end def test_invalid_instance_variable_name assert_equal("'@1' is not allowed as an instance variable name", compile_error('proc{@1}')) assert_equal("'@' without identifiers is not allowed as an instance variable name", compile_error('@%')) assert_equal("'@' without identifiers is not allowed as an instance variable name", compile_error('@')) end def test_invalid_class_variable_name assert_equal("'@@1' is not allowed as a class variable name", compile_error('@@1')) assert_equal("'@@' without identifiers is not allowed as a class variable name", compile_error('@@%')) assert_equal("'@@' without identifiers is not allowed as a class variable name", compile_error('@@')) end def test_invalid_global_variable_name assert_equal("'$%' is not allowed as a global variable name", compile_error('$%')) assert_equal("'$' without identifiers is not allowed as a global variable name", compile_error('$')) end def test_warning_ignored_magic_comment fmt, *args = warning("1; #-*- frozen-string-literal: true -*-") assert_match(/ignored after any tokens/, fmt) assert_equal("frozen_string_literal", args[0]) end def test_warning_invalid_magic_comment fmt, *args = warning("#-*- frozen-string-literal: nottrue -*-") assert_match(/invalid value/, fmt) assert_equal(%w"frozen_string_literal nottrue", args) end def test_warning_duplicated_when_clause fmt, *args = warning(<<~STR) a = 1 case a when 1 when 1 when 2 else end STR assert_match(/duplicated 'when' clause/, fmt) assert_equal([3], args) end def test_warn_duplicated_hash_keys fmt, *args = warn("{ a: 1, a: 2 }") assert_match(/is duplicated and overwritten on line/, fmt) assert_equal([:a, 1], args) end def test_warn_cr_in_middle fmt = nil assert_warn("") {fmt, = warn("\r;")} assert_match(/encountered/, fmt) end def test_warn_mismatched_indentations fmt, tokend, tokbeg, line = assert_warning("") {break warn("if true\n end\n")} assert_match(/mismatched indentations/, fmt) assert_equal(["if", "end", 1], [tokbeg, tokend, line]) result = assert_warning("") { warn("begin\n" " def f() = nil\n" "end\n") {break :ok} } assert_equal(:ok, result) end def test_in thru_in = false parse('case 0; in 0; end', :on_in) {thru_in = true} assert_equal true, thru_in end def test_aryptn thru_aryptn = false parse('case 0; in [0]; end', :on_aryptn) {thru_aryptn = true} assert_equal true, thru_aryptn end def test_fndptn thru_fndptn = false parse('case 0; in [*,0,*]; end', :on_fndptn) {thru_fndptn = true} assert_equal true, thru_fndptn end def test_hshptn thru_hshptn = false parse('case 0; in {a:}; end', :on_hshptn) {thru_hshptn = true} assert_equal true, thru_hshptn end end if ripper_test