# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'rexml/document' module REXMLTests class OrderTesterMF < Test::Unit::TestCase DOC = < Remove this element and figs order differently

Para of text

Remove this and figs order differently

END def initialize n @doc = REXML::Document.new(DOC) @figs = REXML::XPath.match(@doc,'//figure') @names = @figs.collect {|f| f.attributes['src']} super end def test_fig1 assert_equal 'fig1', @figs[0].attributes['src'] end def test_fig2 assert_equal 'fig2', @figs[1].attributes['src'] end def test_fig3 assert_equal 'fig3', @figs[2].attributes['src'] end def test_fig4 assert_equal 'fig4', @figs[3].attributes['src'] end end end