# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "rexml_test_utils" require "rexml/light/node" require "rexml/parsers/lightparser" module REXMLTests class LightTester < Test::Unit::TestCase include REXMLTestUtils include REXML::Light def test_parse_large xml_string = fixture_path("documentation.xml") parser = REXML::Parsers::LightParser.new(xml_string) tag, content = parser.parse assert_equal([:document, :text], [tag, content.first]) end # FIXME INCOMPLETE # This is because the light API is not yet ready to be used to produce # trees. =begin def test_add_element doc = Node.new foo = doc.add_element( 'foo' ) assert_equal( "foo", foo.name ) end def test_add_attribute foo = Node.new( "a" ) foo["attr"] = "bar" assert_equal( "bar", foo["attr"] ) end def test_write_document r = make_small_document assert_equal( "", r.to_s ) end def test_add_attribute_under_namespace foo = Node.new("a") foo["attr", "a"] = "1" foo["attr", "b"] = "2" foo["attr"] = "3" assert_equal( '1', foo['attr', 'a'] ) assert_equal( '2', foo['attr', 'b'] ) assert_equal( '3', foo['attr'] ) end def test_change_namespace_of_element foo = Node.new assert_equal( '', foo.namespace ) foo.namespace = 'a' assert_equal( 'a', foo.namespace ) end def test_access_child_elements foo = make_small_document assert_equal( 1, foo.size ) a = foo[0] assert_equal( 2, a.size ) assert_equal( 'b', a[0].name ) assert_equal( 'c', a[1].name ) end def test_itterate_over_children foo = make_small_document ctr = 0 foo[0].each { ctr += 1 } assert_equal( 2, ctr ) end def test_add_text foo = Node.new( "a" ) foo.add_text( "Sean" ) sean = foo[0] assert( sean.node_type == :text ) end def test_add_instruction foo = Node.new( "a" ) foo.add_instruction( "target", "value" ) assert( foo[0].node_type == :processing_instruction ) end def test_add_comment foo = Node.new( "a" ) foo.add_comment( "target", "value" ) assert( foo[0].node_type == :comment ) end def test_get_root foo = Node.new( 'a' ) 10.times { foo = foo.add_element('b') } assert_equals( 'b', foo.name ) assert_equals( 'a', foo.root.name ) end def make_small_document r = Node.new a = r.add_element( "a" ) a.add_element( 'b' ) a.add_element( 'c' ) r end =end end end