require 'rdoc/test_case' class TestRDocTomDoc < RDoc::TestCase def setup super @top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' @TD = RDoc::TomDoc @td = end def mu_pp obj s = '' s = PP.pp obj, s s = s.force_encoding Encoding.default_external if defined? Encoding s.chomp end def test_class_add_post_processor RDoc::TomDoc.add_post_processor pp = __FILE__, [] text = "# Public: Do some stuff\n" comment = text, nil comment.format = 'tomdoc' parent = pp.handle comment, parent method = parent.add_method, 'm') assert_equal 'Public', method.section.title assert_equal "# Do some stuff\n", comment.text end def test_class_signature c = comment <<-COMMENT Signature method_(args) here - something COMMENT c.format = 'tomdoc' signature = @TD.signature c assert_equal "method_(args)\n", signature end def test_class_signature_no_space c = comment <<-COMMENT Signature method_(args) here - something COMMENT c.format = 'tomdoc' signature = @TD.signature c assert_equal "method_(args)\n", signature expected = doc( head(3, 'Signature'), list(:NOTE, item(%w[here], para('something')))) expected.file = @top_level assert_equal expected, c.parse end def test_class_signature_none c = comment '' c.format = 'tomdoc' assert_nil @TD.signature c end def test_class_rdoc c = comment <<-COMMENT === Signature method_(args) here - something COMMENT c.format = 'rdoc' signature = @TD.signature c assert_nil signature end def test_class_signature_two_space c = comment <<-COMMENT Signature method_(args) here - something COMMENT c.format = 'tomdoc' signature = @TD.signature c assert_equal "method_(args)\n", signature expected = doc( head(3, 'Signature'), list(:NOTE, item(%w[here], para('something')))) expected.file = @top_level assert_equal expected, c.parse end def test_parse_paragraph text = "Public: Do some stuff\n" expected ='Do some stuff')) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_arguments text = <<-TEXT Create new Arg object. name - name of argument description - arguments description TEXT expected = doc( para('Create new Arg object.'), blank_line, list(:NOTE, item(%w[name], para('name of argument')), item(%w[description], para('arguments description')))) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_arguments_multiline text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff foo - A comment goes here and is more than one line TEXT expected = doc( para('Do some stuff'), blank_line, list(:NOTE, item(%w[foo], para('A comment goes here', 'and is more than one line')))) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_arguments_nested text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff foo - A comment goes here :bar - bar documentation TEXT expected = doc( para('Do some stuff'), blank_line, list(:NOTE, item(%w[foo], para('A comment goes here'), list(:NOTE, item(%w[:bar], para('bar documentation')))))) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_examples text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff Examples 1 + 1 TEXT code = verb("1 + 1\n") code.format = :ruby expected = doc( para('Do some stuff'), blank_line, head(3, 'Examples'), blank_line, code) document = @TD.parse(text) assert_equal expected, document assert end def test_parse_examples_signature text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff Examples 1 + 1 Signature foo(args) TEXT code1 = verb("1 + 1\n") code1.format = :ruby code2 = verb("foo(args)\n") expected = doc( para('Do some stuff'), blank_line, head(3, 'Examples'), blank_line, code1, head(3, 'Signature'), blank_line, code2) document = @TD.parse text assert_equal expected, document end def test_parse_returns text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff Returns a thing TEXT expected ='Do some stuff'),,'Returns a thing')) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_returns_multiline text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff Returns a thing that is multiline TEXT expected ='Do some stuff'),,'Returns a thing', 'that is multiline')) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_parse_signature text = <<-TEXT Do some stuff Signature some_method(args) TEXT expected ='Do some stuff'),,, 'Signature'),,"some_method(args)\n")) assert_equal expected, @TD.parse(text) end def test_tokenize_paragraph @td.tokenize "Public: Do some stuff\n" expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_arguments @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Create new Arg object. name - name of argument description - arguments description TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Create new Arg object.", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 22, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:NOTE, "name", 0, 2], [:TEXT, "name of argument", 14, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 30, 2], [:NOTE, "description", 0, 3], [:TEXT, "arguments description", 14, 3], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 35, 3], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_arguments_multiline @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Do some stuff foo - A comment goes here and is more than one line TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:NOTE, "foo", 0, 2], [:TEXT, "A comment goes here", 6, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 25, 2], [:TEXT, "and is more than one line", 2, 3], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 27, 3], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_arguments_nested @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Do some stuff foo - A comment goes here :bar - bar documentation TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:NOTE, "foo", 0, 2], [:TEXT, "A comment goes here", 6, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 25, 2], [:NOTE, ":bar", 6, 3], [:TEXT, "bar documentation", 13, 3], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 30, 3], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_examples @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Do some stuff Examples 1 + 1 TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:HEADER, 3, 0, 2], [:TEXT, "Examples", 0, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 8, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 3], [:TEXT, "1 + 1", 2, 4], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 7, 4], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_returns @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Do some stuff Returns a thing TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:TEXT, "Returns a thing", 0, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 15, 2], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end def test_tokenize_returns_multiline @td.tokenize <<-TEXT Do some stuff Returns a thing that is multiline TEXT expected = [ [:TEXT, "Do some stuff", 0, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 13, 0], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 0, 1], [:TEXT, "Returns a thing", 0, 2], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 15, 2], [:TEXT, "that is multiline", 2, 3], [:NEWLINE, "\n", 19, 3], ] assert_equal expected, @td.tokens end end