require 'stringio' require 'tempfile' require 'test/unit' require 'rdoc/options' require 'rdoc/parser/ruby' require 'rdoc/stats' class TestRdocParserRuby < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @tempfile = @filename = @tempfile.path util_toplevel @options = @options.quiet = true @stats = 0 end def teardown @tempfile.close end def test_look_for_directives_in_commented util_parser "" comment = "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment section = @top_level.current_section assert_equal nil, section.title assert_equal nil, section.comment assert_equal "# how to make a section:\n# # :section: new section\n", comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_enddoc util_parser "" assert_throws :enddoc do @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :enddoc:\n" end end def test_look_for_directives_in_main util_parser "" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :main: new main page\n" assert_equal 'new main page', @options.main_page end def test_look_for_directives_in_method util_parser "" comment = "# :method: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :method: my_method\n", comment comment = "# :singleton-method: my_method\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :singleton-method: my_method\n", comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_startdoc util_parser "" @top_level.stop_doc assert !@top_level.document_self assert !@top_level.document_children assert !@top_level.force_documentation @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :startdoc:\n" assert @top_level.document_self assert @top_level.document_children assert @top_level.force_documentation end def test_look_for_directives_in_stopdoc util_parser "" assert @top_level.document_self assert @top_level.document_children @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :stopdoc:\n" assert !@top_level.document_self assert !@top_level.document_children end def test_look_for_directives_in_section util_parser "" comment = "# :section: new section\n# woo stuff\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment section = @top_level.current_section assert_equal 'new section', section.title assert_equal "# woo stuff\n", section.comment assert_equal '', comment end def test_look_for_directives_in_title util_parser "" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, "# :title: new title\n" assert_equal 'new title', @options.title end def test_look_for_directives_in_unhandled util_parser "" comment = "# :unhandled: \n# :title: hi\n" @parser.look_for_directives_in @top_level, comment assert_equal "# :unhandled: \n", comment assert_equal 'hi', @options.title end def test_parse_class comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser 'class Foo; end' tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_class @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name assert_equal comment, foo.comment end def test_parse_class_nested_superclass foo = 'Foo' foo.parent = @top_level util_parser "class Bar < Super\nend" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_class foo, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, '' bar = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Super', bar.superclass end def test_parse_comment content = <<-EOF class Foo ## # :method: my_method # my method comment end EOF klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :method: foo\n# my method\n" util_parser "\n" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_comment klass, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal comment, foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal '', foo.params assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal "\n", foo.text assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_meta_method klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal comment, foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal '', foo.params assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal 'add_my_method :foo', foo.text assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 0, 'add_my_method', 'add_my_method'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 13, nil, ' '), tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 14, nil, ':foo'), tk(:COMMA, 1, 18, nil, ','), tk(:SPACE, 1, 19, nil, ' '), tk(:SYMBOL, 1, 20, nil, ':bar'), tk(:NL, 1, 24, nil, "\n"), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_meta_method_name klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'woo_hoo!', assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_singleton klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :singleton-method:\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method' assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_singleton_name klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# :singleton-method: woo_hoo!\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method :foo, :bar\nadd_my_method :baz" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'woo_hoo!', assert_equal true, foo.singleton, 'singleton method' assert_equal "##\n# my method\n", foo.comment end def test_parse_meta_method_string_name klass = 'Foo' comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "add_my_method 'foo'" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_meta_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal comment, foo.comment end def test_parse_method klass = 'Foo' klass.parent = @top_level comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "def foo() :bar end" tk = @parser.get_tk @parser.parse_method klass, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, tk, comment foo = klass.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal comment, foo.comment assert_equal [], foo.aliases assert_equal nil, foo.block_params assert_equal nil, foo.call_seq assert_equal nil, foo.is_alias_for assert_equal nil, foo.viewer assert_equal true, foo.document_children assert_equal true, foo.document_self assert_equal '()', foo.params assert_equal false, foo.done_documenting assert_equal false, foo.dont_rename_initialize assert_equal false, foo.force_documentation assert_equal klass, foo.parent assert_equal false, foo.singleton assert_equal :public, foo.visibility assert_equal 'def foo', foo.text assert_equal klass.current_section, foo.section stream = [ tk(:COMMENT, 1, 1, nil, "# File #{@top_level.file_absolute_name}, line 1"), RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NEWLINE_TOKEN, tk(:SPACE, 1, 1, nil, ''), tk(:DEF, 1, 0, 'def', 'def'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 3, nil, ' '), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 4, 'foo', 'foo'), tk(:LPAREN, 1, 7, nil, '('), tk(:RPAREN, 1, 8, nil, ')'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 9, nil, ' '), tk(:COLON, 1, 10, nil, ':'), tk(:IDENTIFIER, 1, 11, 'bar', 'bar'), tk(:SPACE, 1, 14, nil, ' '), tk(:END, 1, 15, 'end', 'end'), ] assert_equal stream, foo.token_stream end def test_parse_statements_class_nested comment = "##\n# my method\n" util_parser "module Foo\n#{comment}class Bar\nend\nend" @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.modules.first assert_equal 'Foo', foo.full_name, 'module Foo' bar = foo.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo::Bar', bar.full_name, 'class Foo::Bar' assert_equal comment, bar.comment end def test_parse_statements_identifier_meta_method content = <<-EOF class Foo ## # this is my method add_my_method :foo end EOF util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', end def test_parse_statements_identifier_alias_method content = "class Foo def foo() end; alias_method :foo2, :foo end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo2 = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.last assert_equal 'foo2', assert_equal 'foo', end def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr content = "class Foo; attr :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal 'R', end def test_parse_statements_identifier_attr_accessor content = "class Foo; attr_accessor :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal 'RW', end def test_parse_statements_identifier_extra_accessors @options.extra_accessors = /^my_accessor$/ content = "class Foo; my_accessor :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.attributes.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal '?', end def test_parse_statements_identifier_include content = "class Foo; include Bar; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first assert_equal 'Foo', assert_equal 1, foo.includes.length end def test_parse_statements_identifier_module_function content = "module Foo def foo() end; module_function :foo; end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo, s_foo = @top_level.modules.first.method_list assert_equal 'foo',, 'instance method name' assert_equal :private, foo.visibility, 'instance method visibility' assert_equal false, foo.singleton, 'instance method singleton' assert_equal 'foo',, 'module function name' assert_equal :public, s_foo.visibility, 'module function visibility' assert_equal true, s_foo.singleton, 'module function singleton' end def test_parse_statements_identifier_private content = "class Foo private; def foo() end end" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' foo = @top_level.classes.first.method_list.first assert_equal 'foo', assert_equal :private, foo.visibility end def test_parse_statements_identifier_require content = "require 'bar'" util_parser content @parser.parse_statements @top_level, RDoc::Parser::Ruby::NORMAL, nil, '' assert_equal 1, @top_level.requires.length end def tk(klass, line, char, name, text) klass = RDoc::RubyToken.const_get "Tk#{klass.to_s.upcase}" token = if klass.instance_method(:initialize).arity == 2 then raise ArgumentError, "name not used for #{klass}" unless name.nil? line, char else line, char, name end token.set_text text token end def util_parser(content) @parser = @top_level, @filename, content, @options, @stats end def util_toplevel RDoc::TopLevel.reset @top_level = @filename end end