# frozen_string_literal: false require 'rdoc/test_case' class TestRDocI18nText < RDoc::TestCase def test_multiple_paragraphs paragraph1 = <<-PARAGRAPH.strip RDoc produces HTML and command-line documentation for Ruby projects. RDoc includes the +rdoc+ and +ri+ tools for generating and displaying documentation from the command-line. PARAGRAPH paragraph2 = <<-PARAGRAPH.strip This command generates documentation for all the Ruby and C source files in and below the current directory. These will be stored in a documentation tree starting in the subdirectory +doc+. PARAGRAPH raw = <<-RAW #{paragraph1} #{paragraph2} RAW expected = [ { :type => :paragraph, :paragraph => paragraph1, :line_no => 1, }, { :type => :paragraph, :paragraph => paragraph2, :line_no => 5, }, ] assert_equal expected, extract_messages(raw) end def test_translate_multiple_paragraphs paragraph1 = <<-PARAGRAPH.strip Paragraph 1. PARAGRAPH paragraph2 = <<-PARAGRAPH.strip Paragraph 2. PARAGRAPH raw = <<-RAW #{paragraph1} #{paragraph2} RAW expected = <<-TRANSLATED Paragraphe 1. Paragraphe 2. TRANSLATED assert_equal expected, translate(raw) end def test_translate_not_translated_message nonexistent_paragraph = <<-PARAGRAPH.strip Nonexistent paragraph. PARAGRAPH raw = <<-RAW #{nonexistent_paragraph} RAW expected = <<-TRANSLATED #{nonexistent_paragraph} TRANSLATED assert_equal expected, translate(raw) end def test_translate_keep_empty_lines raw = <<-RAW Paragraph 1. Paragraph 2. RAW expected = <<-TRANSLATED Paragraphe 1. Paragraphe 2. TRANSLATED assert_equal expected, translate(raw) end private def extract_messages(raw) text = RDoc::I18n::Text.new(raw) messages = [] text.extract_messages do |message| messages << message end messages end def locale locale = RDoc::I18n::Locale.new('fr') messages = locale.instance_variable_get(:@messages) messages['markdown'] = 'markdown (markdown in fr)' messages['Hello'] = 'Bonjour (Hello in fr)' messages['Paragraph 1.'] = 'Paragraphe 1.' messages['Paragraph 2.'] = 'Paragraphe 2.' locale end def translate(raw) text = RDoc::I18n::Text.new(raw) text.translate(locale) end end