# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'helper' class TestRDocGeneratorDarkfish < RDoc::TestCase def setup super @lib_dir = "#{@pwd}/lib" $LOAD_PATH.unshift @lib_dir # ensure we load from this RDoc @options = RDoc::Options.new @options.option_parser = OptionParser.new @tmpdir = File.join Dir.tmpdir, "test_rdoc_generator_darkfish_#{$$}" FileUtils.mkdir_p @tmpdir Dir.chdir @tmpdir @options.op_dir = @tmpdir @options.generator = RDoc::Generator::Darkfish $LOAD_PATH.each do |path| darkfish_dir = File.join path, 'rdoc/generator/template/darkfish/' next unless File.directory? darkfish_dir @options.template_dir = darkfish_dir break end @rdoc.options = @options @g = @options.generator.new @store, @options @rdoc.generator = @g @top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' @top_level.parser = RDoc::Parser::Ruby @klass = @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Klass' @alias_constant = RDoc::Constant.new 'A', nil, '' @alias_constant.record_location @top_level @top_level.add_constant @alias_constant @klass.add_module_alias @klass, @klass.name, @alias_constant, @top_level @meth = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method' @meth_bang = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method!' @meth_with_html_tag_yield = RDoc::AnyMethod.new nil, 'method_with_html_tag_yield' @meth_with_html_tag_yield.block_params = '%<>, yield_arg' @attr = RDoc::Attr.new nil, 'attr', 'RW', '' @klass.add_method @meth @klass.add_method @meth_bang @klass.add_method @meth_with_html_tag_yield @klass.add_attribute @attr @ignored = @top_level.add_class RDoc::NormalClass, 'Ignored' @ignored.ignore @store.complete :private @object = @store.find_class_or_module 'Object' @klass_alias = @store.find_class_or_module 'Klass::A' end def teardown super $LOAD_PATH.shift Dir.chdir @pwd FileUtils.rm_rf @tmpdir end def test_generate top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' top_level.add_class @klass.class, @klass.name @g.generate assert_file 'index.html' assert_file 'Object.html' assert_file 'table_of_contents.html' assert_file 'js/search_index.js' assert_hard_link 'css/rdoc.css' assert_hard_link 'css/fonts.css' assert_hard_link 'fonts/SourceCodePro-Bold.ttf' assert_hard_link 'fonts/SourceCodePro-Regular.ttf' encoding = Regexp.escape Encoding::UTF_8.name assert_match %r%%, File.read('index.html') assert_match %r%%, File.read('Object.html') refute_match(/Ignored/, File.read('index.html')) end def test_generate_dry_run @g.dry_run = true top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' top_level.add_class @klass.class, @klass.name @g.generate refute_file 'index.html' refute_file 'Object.html' end def test_generate_static FileUtils.mkdir_p 'dir/images' FileUtils.touch 'dir/images/image.png' FileUtils.mkdir_p 'file' FileUtils.touch 'file/file.txt' @options.static_path = [ File.expand_path('dir'), File.expand_path('file/file.txt'), ] @g.generate assert_file 'images/image.png' assert_file 'file.txt' end def test_generate_static_dry_run FileUtils.mkdir 'static' FileUtils.touch 'static/image.png' @options.static_path = [File.expand_path('static')] @g.dry_run = true @g.generate refute_file 'image.png' end def test_install_rdoc_static_file src = Pathname File.expand_path(__FILE__, @pwd) dst = File.join @tmpdir, File.basename(src) options = {} @g.install_rdoc_static_file src, dst, options assert_file dst begin assert_hard_link dst rescue MiniTest::Assertion return # hard links are not supported, no further tests needed end @g.install_rdoc_static_file src, dst, options assert_hard_link dst end def test_install_rdoc_static_file_missing src = Pathname(__FILE__) + 'nonexistent' dst = File.join @tmpdir, File.basename(src) options = {} @g.install_rdoc_static_file src, dst, options refute_file dst end def test_setup @g.setup assert_equal [@klass_alias, @ignored, @klass, @object], @g.classes.sort_by { |klass| klass.full_name } assert_equal [@top_level], @g.files assert_equal [@meth, @meth, @meth_bang, @meth_bang, @meth_with_html_tag_yield, @meth_with_html_tag_yield], @g.methods assert_equal [@klass_alias, @klass, @object], @g.modsort end def test_template_for classpage = Pathname.new @options.template_dir + 'class.rhtml' template = @g.send(:template_for, classpage, true, RDoc::ERBIO) assert_kind_of RDoc::ERBIO, template assert_same template, @g.send(:template_for, classpage) end def test_template_for_dry_run classpage = Pathname.new @options.template_dir + 'class.rhtml' template = @g.send(:template_for, classpage, true, ERB) assert_kind_of ERB, template assert_same template, @g.send(:template_for, classpage) end def test_template_for_partial partial = Pathname.new @options.template_dir + '_sidebar_classes.rhtml' template = @g.send(:template_for, partial, false, RDoc::ERBPartial) assert_kind_of RDoc::ERBPartial, template assert_same template, @g.send(:template_for, partial) end def test_generated_method_with_html_tag_yield top_level = @store.add_file 'file.rb' top_level.add_class @klass.class, @klass.name @g.generate path = File.join @tmpdir, 'A.html' f = open(path) internal_file = f.read method_name_index = internal_file.index('method_with_html_tag_yield') last_of_method_name_index = method_name_index + internal_file[method_name_index..-1].index('
') - 1 method_name = internal_file[method_name_index..last_of_method_name_index] f.close assert_includes method_name, '{ |%<<script>alert("atui")</script>>, yield_arg| ... }' end def test_template_stylesheets css = Tempfile.create(%W'hoge .css', Dir.mktmpdir('tmp', '.')) File.write(css, '') base = File.basename(css) refute_file(base) @options.template_stylesheets << css @g.generate assert_file base assert_include File.read('index.html'), %Q[href="./#{base}"] end ## # Asserts that +filename+ has a link count greater than 1 if hard links to # @tmpdir are supported. def assert_hard_link filename assert_file filename src = @g.template_dir + '_head.rhtml' dst = File.join @tmpdir, 'hardlinktest' begin FileUtils.ln src, dst nlink = File.stat(dst).nlink if File.identical? src, dst FileUtils.rm dst return if nlink == 1 rescue SystemCallError return end assert_operator File.stat(filename).nlink, :>, 1, "#{filename} is not hard-linked" end end