require 'test/unit' require 'tmpdir' require 'rake' require_relative 'capture_stdout' class TestFileList < Test::Unit::TestCase FileList = Rake::FileList include CaptureStdout def setup @oldwd = Dir.pwd @tmpwd = Dir.mktmpdir Dir.chdir(@tmpwd) create_test_data end def teardown # FileList.select_default_ignore_patterns FileUtils.rm_rf("testdata") Dir.chdir(@oldwd) FileUtils.rm_rf(@tmpwd) end def test_delgating_methods_do_not_include_to_a_or_to_ary assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?("to_a"), "should not include to_a" assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?(:to_a), "should not include to_a" assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?("to_ary"), "should not include to_ary" assert ! FileList::DELEGATING_METHODS.include?(:to_ary), "should not include to_ary" end def test_create fl = assert_equal 0, fl.size end def test_create_with_args fl ="testdata/*.c", "x") assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c", "testdata/x.c", "testdata/xyz.c", "x"].sort, fl.sort end def test_create_with_block fl = { |f| f.include("x") } assert_equal ["x"], fl.resolve end def test_create_with_brackets fl = FileList["testdata/*.c", "x"] assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c", "testdata/x.c", "testdata/xyz.c", "x"].sort, fl.sort end def test_create_with_brackets_and_filelist fl = FileList[FileList["testdata/*.c", "x"]] assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c", "testdata/x.c", "testdata/xyz.c", "x"].sort, fl.sort end def test_include_with_another_array fl =["x", "y", "z"]) assert_equal ["x", "y", "z"].sort, fl.sort end def test_include_with_another_filelist fl =["testdata/*.c", "x"]) assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c", "testdata/x.c", "testdata/xyz.c", "x"].sort, fl.sort end def test_append fl = fl << "a.rb" << "b.rb" assert_equal ['a.rb', 'b.rb'], fl end def test_add_many fl = fl.include %w(a d c) fl.include('x', 'y') assert_equal ['a', 'd', 'c', 'x', 'y'], fl assert_equal ['a', 'd', 'c', 'x', 'y'], fl.resolve end def test_add_return f = g = f << "x" assert_equal f.object_id, g.object_id h = f.include("y") assert_equal f.object_id, h.object_id end def test_match fl = fl.include(File.expand_path('../test*.rb', __FILE__)) assert fl.include?(__FILE__) assert fl.size > 3 fl.each { |fn| assert_match(/\.rb$/, fn) } end def test_add_matching fl = fl << "" fl.include(File.dirname(__FILE__)+"/*.rb") assert_equal "", fl[0] assert fl.size > 2 assert fl.include?(__FILE__) end def test_multiple_patterns create_test_data fl = fl.include('*.c', '*xist*') assert_equal [], fl fl.include('testdata/*.c', 'testdata/*xist*') assert_equal [ 'testdata/x.c', 'testdata/xyz.c', 'testdata/abc.c', 'testdata/existing' ].sort, fl.sort end def test_square_bracket_pattern fl = fl.include("testdata/abc.[ch]") assert fl.size == 2 assert fl.include?("testdata/abc.c") assert fl.include?("testdata/abc.h") end def test_curly_bracket_pattern fl = fl.include("testdata/abc.{c,h}") assert fl.size == 2 assert fl.include?("testdata/abc.c") assert fl.include?("testdata/abc.h") end def test_reject fl = fl.include %w(testdata/x.c testdata/abc.c testdata/xyz.c testdata/existing) fl.reject! { |fn| fn =~ %r{/x} } assert_equal [ 'testdata/abc.c', 'testdata/existing' ], fl end def test_exclude fl = FileList['testdata/x.c', 'testdata/abc.c', 'testdata/xyz.c', 'testdata/existing'] fl.each { |fn| touch fn, :verbose => false } x = fl.exclude(%r{/x.+\.}) assert_equal FileList, x.class assert_equal %w(testdata/x.c testdata/abc.c testdata/existing), fl assert_equal fl.object_id, x.object_id fl.exclude('testdata/*.c') assert_equal ['testdata/existing'], fl fl.exclude('testdata/existing') assert_equal [], fl end def test_excluding_via_block fl = FileList['testdata/a.c', 'testdata/b.c', 'testdata/xyz.c'] fl.exclude { |fn| fn.pathmap('%n') == 'xyz' } assert fl.exclude?("xyz.c"), "Should exclude xyz.c" assert_equal ['testdata/a.c', 'testdata/b.c'], fl end def test_exclude_return_on_create fl = FileList['testdata/*'].exclude(/.*\.[hcx]$/) assert_equal ['testdata/existing', 'testdata/cfiles'].sort, fl.sort assert_equal FileList, fl.class end def test_exclude_with_string_return_on_create fl = FileList['testdata/*'].exclude('testdata/abc.c') assert_equal %w(testdata/existing testdata/cfiles testdata/x.c testdata/abc.h testdata/abc.x testdata/xyz.c).sort, fl.sort assert_equal FileList, fl.class end def test_default_exclude fl = fl.clear_exclude fl.include("**/*~", "**/*.bak", "**/core") assert fl.member?("testdata/core"), "Should include core" assert fl.member?("testdata/x.bak"), "Should include .bak files" end def test_unique fl = fl << "x.c" << "a.c" << "b.rb" << "a.c" assert_equal ['x.c', 'a.c', 'b.rb', 'a.c'], fl fl.uniq! assert_equal ['x.c', 'a.c', 'b.rb'], fl end def test_to_string fl = fl << "" << "" assert_equal "", fl.to_s assert_equal "", "#{fl}" end def test_to_array fl = FileList['', ''] assert_equal ['', ''], fl.to_a assert_equal Array, fl.to_a.class assert_equal ['', ''], fl.to_ary assert_equal Array, fl.to_ary.class end def test_to_s_pending fl = FileList['testdata/abc.*'] result = fl.to_s assert_match(%r{testdata/abc\.c}, result) assert_match(%r{testdata/abc\.h}, result) assert_match(%r{testdata/abc\.x}, result) assert_match(%r{(testdata/abc\..\b ?){2}}, result) end def test_inspect_pending fl = FileList['testdata/abc.*'] result = fl.inspect assert_match(%r{"testdata/abc\.c"}, result) assert_match(%r{"testdata/abc\.h"}, result) assert_match(%r{"testdata/abc\.x"}, result) assert_match(%r|^\[("testdata/abc\..", ){2}"testdata/abc\.."\]$|, result) end def test_sub fl = FileList["testdata/*.c"] f2 = fl.sub(/\.c$/, ".o") assert_equal FileList, f2.class assert_equal ["testdata/abc.o", "testdata/x.o", "testdata/xyz.o"].sort, f2.sort f3 = fl.gsub(/\.c$/, ".o") assert_equal FileList, f3.class assert_equal ["testdata/abc.o", "testdata/x.o", "testdata/xyz.o"].sort, f3.sort end def test_claim_to_be_a_kind_of_array fl = FileList['testdata/*.c'] assert fl.is_a?(Array) assert fl.kind_of?(Array) end def test_claim_to_be_a_kind_of_filelist fl = FileList['testdata/*.c'] assert fl.is_a?(FileList) assert fl.kind_of?(FileList) end def test_claim_to_be_a_filelist_instance fl = FileList['testdata/*.c'] assert fl.instance_of?(FileList) end def test_dont_claim_to_be_an_array_instance fl = FileList['testdata/*.c'] assert ! fl.instance_of?(Array) end def test_sub! f = "x/a.c" fl = FileList[f, "x/b.c"] res = fl.sub!(/\.c$/, ".o") assert_equal ["x/a.o", "x/b.o"].sort, fl.sort assert_equal "x/a.c", f assert_equal fl.object_id, res.object_id end def test_sub_with_block fl = FileList["src/org/onestepback/", "src/org/onestepback/"] # The block version doesn't work the way I want it to ... # f2 = fl.sub(%r{^src/(.*)\.java$}) { |x| "classes/" + $1 + ".class" } f2 = fl.sub(%r{^src/(.*)\.java$}, "classes/\\1.class") assert_equal [ "classes/org/onestepback/a.class", "classes/org/onestepback/b.class" ].sort, f2.sort end def test_string_ext assert_equal "", "one.two".ext("net") assert_equal "", "one.two".ext(".net") assert_equal "", "one".ext("net") assert_equal "", "one".ext(".net") assert_equal "", "one.two.c".ext(".net") assert_equal "one/", "one/two.c".ext(".net") assert_equal "one.x/", "one.x/two.c".ext(".net") assert_equal "one.x/", "one.x/two".ext(".net") assert_equal "", "".ext("net") assert_equal "", ".onerc".ext("net") assert_equal ".a/", ".a/.onerc".ext("net") assert_equal "one", "one.two".ext('') assert_equal "one", "one.two".ext assert_equal ".one", ".one.two".ext assert_equal ".one", ".one".ext assert_equal ".", ".".ext("c") assert_equal "..", "..".ext("c") # These only need to work in windows if assert_equal "one.x\\", "one.x\\two.c".ext(".net") assert_equal "one.x\\", "one.x\\two".ext(".net") end end def test_filelist_ext assert_equal FileList['one.c', '.one.c'], FileList['', '.one'].ext('c') end def test_gsub create_test_data fl = FileList["testdata/*.c"] f2 = fl.gsub(/a/, "A") assert_equal ["testdAtA/Abc.c", "testdAtA/x.c", "testdAtA/xyz.c"].sort, f2.sort end def test_gsub! create_test_data f = FileList["testdata/*.c"] f.gsub!(/a/, "A") assert_equal ["testdAtA/Abc.c", "testdAtA/x.c", "testdAtA/xyz.c"].sort, f.sort end def test_egrep_with_output files = FileList[File.expand_path('../test*.rb', __FILE__)] the_line_number = __LINE__ + 1 out = capture_stdout do files.egrep(/PUGH/) end assert_match(/:#{the_line_number}:/, out) end def test_egrep_with_block files = FileList[File.expand_path('../test*.rb', __FILE__)] found = false the_line_number = __LINE__ + 1 files.egrep(/XYZZY/) do |fn, ln, line | assert_equal __FILE__, fn assert_equal the_line_number, ln assert_match(/files\.egrep/, line) found = true end assert found, "should have found a matching line" end def test_existing fl = FileList['testdata/abc.c', 'testdata/notthere.c'] assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c"], fl.existing assert fl.existing.is_a?(FileList) end def test_existing! fl = FileList['testdata/abc.c', 'testdata/notthere.c'] result = fl.existing! assert_equal ["testdata/abc.c"], fl assert_equal fl.object_id, result.object_id end def test_ignore_special f = FileList['testdata/*'] assert ! f.include?("testdata/CVS"), "Should not contain CVS" assert ! f.include?("testdata/.svn"), "Should not contain .svn" assert ! f.include?("testdata/.dummy"), "Should not contain dot files" assert ! f.include?("testdata/x.bak"), "Should not contain .bak files" assert ! f.include?("testdata/x~"), "Should not contain ~ files" assert ! f.include?("testdata/core"), "Should not contain core files" end def test_clear_ignore_patterns f = FileList['testdata/*', 'testdata/.svn'] f.clear_exclude assert f.include?("testdata/abc.c") assert f.include?("testdata/xyz.c") assert f.include?("testdata/CVS") assert f.include?("testdata/.svn") assert f.include?("testdata/x.bak") assert f.include?("testdata/x~") end def test_exclude_with_alternate_file_seps fl = assert fl.exclude?("x/CVS/y") assert fl.exclude?("x\\CVS\\y") assert fl.exclude?("x/.svn/y") assert fl.exclude?("x\\.svn\\y") assert fl.exclude?("x/core") assert fl.exclude?("x\\core") end def test_add_default_exclude_list fl = fl.exclude(/~\d+$/) assert fl.exclude?("x/CVS/y") assert fl.exclude?("x\\CVS\\y") assert fl.exclude?("x/.svn/y") assert fl.exclude?("x\\.svn\\y") assert fl.exclude?("x/core") assert fl.exclude?("x\\core") assert fl.exclude?("x/abc~1") end def test_basic_array_functions f = FileList['b', 'c', 'a'] assert_equal 'b', f.first assert_equal 'b', f[0] assert_equal 'a', f.last assert_equal 'a', f[2] assert_equal 'a', f[-1] assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], f.sort f.sort! assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], f end def test_flatten assert_equal ['a', 'testdata/x.c', 'testdata/xyz.c', 'testdata/abc.c'].sort, ['a', FileList['testdata/*.c']].flatten.sort end def test_clone_and_dup a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c'] c = a.clone d = a.dup a << 'd' assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'], a assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], c assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c'], d end def test_dup_and_clone_replicate_taint a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c'] a.taint c = a.clone d = a.dup assert c.tainted?, "Clone should be tainted" assert d.tainted?, "Dup should be tainted" end def test_duped_items_will_thaw a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c'] a.freeze d = a.dup d << 'more' assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'more'], d end def test_cloned_items_stay_frozen a = FileList['a', 'b', 'c'] a.freeze c = a.clone assert_raise(TypeError, RuntimeError) do c << 'more' end end def test_array_comparisons fl = FileList['b', 'b'] a = ['b', 'a'] b = ['b', 'b'] c = ['b', 'c'] assert_equal( 1, fl <=> a ) assert_equal( 0, fl <=> b ) assert_equal( -1, fl <=> c ) assert_equal( -1, a <=> fl ) assert_equal( 0, b <=> fl ) assert_equal( 1, c <=> fl ) end def test_array_equality a = FileList['a', 'b'] b = ['a', 'b'] assert a == b assert b == a # assert a.eql?(b) # assert b.eql?(a) assert ! a.equal?(b) assert ! b.equal?(a) end def test_enumeration_methods a = FileList['a', 'b'] b = a.collect { |it| it.upcase } assert_equal ['A', 'B'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = { |it| it.upcase } assert_equal ['A', 'B'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.sort assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.sort_by { |it| it } assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.find_all { |it| it == 'b'} assert_equal ['b'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = { |it| it.size == 1 } assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.reject { |it| it == 'b' } assert_equal ['a'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.grep(/./) assert_equal ['a', 'b'], b assert_equal FileList, b.class b = a.partition { |it| it == 'b' } assert_equal [['b'], ['a']], b assert_equal Array, b.class assert_equal FileList, b[0].class assert_equal FileList, b[1].class b =['x', 'y']).to_a assert_equal [['a', 'x'], ['b', 'y']], b assert_equal Array, b.class assert_equal Array, b[0].class assert_equal Array, b[1].class end def test_array_operators a = ['a', 'b'] b = ['c', 'd'] f = FileList['x', 'y'] g = FileList['w', 'z'] r = f + g assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'w', 'z'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class r = a + g assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'w', 'z'], r assert_equal Array, r.class r = f + b assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'c', 'd'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class r = FileList['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] - f assert_equal ['w', 'z'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class r = FileList['w', 'x', 'y', 'z'] & f assert_equal ['x', 'y'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class r = f * 2 assert_equal ['x', 'y', 'x', 'y'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class r = f * ',' assert_equal 'x,y', r assert_equal String, r.class r = f | ['a', 'x'] assert_equal ['a', 'x', 'y'].sort, r.sort assert_equal FileList, r.class end def test_other_array_returning_methods f = FileList['a', nil, 'b'] r = f.compact assert_equal ['a', 'b'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class f = FileList['a', 'b'] r = f.concat(['x', 'y']) assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'x', 'y'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class f = FileList['a', ['b', 'c'], FileList['d', 'e']] r = f.flatten assert_equal ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class f = FileList['a', 'b', 'a'] r = f.uniq assert_equal ['a', 'b'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class f = FileList['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] r = f.values_at(1,3) assert_equal ['b', 'd'], r assert_equal FileList, r.class end def test_file_utils_can_use_filelists cfiles = FileList['testdata/*.c'] cp cfiles, @cdir, :verbose => false assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'abc.c')) assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'xyz.c')) assert File.exist?(File.join(@cdir, 'x.c')) end def create_test_data verbose(false) do mkdir "testdata" unless File.exist? "testdata" mkdir "testdata/CVS" rescue nil mkdir "testdata/.svn" rescue nil @cdir = "testdata/cfiles" mkdir @cdir rescue nil touch "testdata/.dummy" touch "testdata/x.bak" touch "testdata/x~" touch "testdata/core" touch "testdata/x.c" touch "testdata/xyz.c" touch "testdata/abc.c" touch "testdata/abc.h" touch "testdata/abc.x" touch "testdata/existing" end end end