module RubyRunner include FileUtils # Run a shell Ruby command with command line options (using the # default test options). Output is captured in @out and @err def ruby(*option_list) run_ruby(@ruby_options + option_list) end # Run a command line rake with the give rake options. Default # command line ruby options are included. Output is captured in # @out and @err def rake(*rake_options) run_ruby @ruby_options + [@rake_exec] + rake_options end # Low level ruby command runner ... def run_ruby(option_list) puts "COMMAND: [#{RUBY} #{option_list.join ' '}]" if @verbose Open3.popen3(RUBY, *option_list) {|inn, out, err, wait| inn.close @exit = wait ? wait.value : $? @out = @err = } puts "OUTPUT: [#{@out}]" if @verbose puts "ERROR: [#{@err}]" if @verbose puts "EXIT: [#{@exit.inspect}]" if @verbose puts "PWD: [#{Dir.pwd}]" if @verbose end end