class CSSPool::CSS::Parser token CHARSET_SYM IMPORT_SYM STRING SEMI IDENT S COMMA LBRACE RBRACE STAR HASH token LSQUARE RSQUARE EQUAL INCLUDES DASHMATCH LPAREN RPAREN FUNCTION GREATER PLUS token SLASH NUMBER MINUS LENGTH PERCENTAGE ANGLE TIME FREQ URI token IMPORTANT_SYM MEDIA_SYM NOT ONLY AND NTH_PSEUDO_CLASS token DOCUMENT_QUERY_SYM FUNCTION_NO_QUOTE token TILDE token PREFIXMATCH SUFFIXMATCH SUBSTRINGMATCH token NOT_PSEUDO_CLASS token KEYFRAMES_SYM token MATCHES_PSEUDO_CLASS token NAMESPACE_SYM token MOZ_PSEUDO_ELEMENT token RESOLUTION token COLON token SUPPORTS_SYM token OR token VARIABLE_NAME token CALC_SYM token FONTFACE_SYM token UNICODE_RANGE token RATIO rule document : { @handler.start_document } stylesheet { @handler.end_document } ; stylesheet : charset stylesheet | import stylesheet | namespace stylesheet | charset | import | namespace | body | ; charset : CHARSET_SYM STRING SEMI { @handler.charset interpret_string(val[1]), {} } ; import : IMPORT_SYM import_location medium SEMI { @handler.import_style val[2], val[1] } | IMPORT_SYM import_location SEMI { @handler.import_style [], val[1] } ; import_location : import_location S | STRING { result = interpret_string val.first } | URI { result = interpret_uri val.first } ; namespace : NAMESPACE_SYM ident import_location SEMI { @handler.namespace val[1], val[2] } | NAMESPACE_SYM import_location SEMI { @handler.namespace nil, val[1] } ; medium : medium COMMA IDENT { result = val[0] <<[2]) } | IDENT { result = [[0])] } ; media_query_list : media_query { result =[ val[0] ]) } | media_query_list COMMA media_query { result = val[0] << val[2] } | { result = } ; media_query : optional_only_or_not media_type optional_and_exprs { result =[0], val[1], val[2]) } | media_expr optional_and_exprs { result =, val[0], val[1]) } ; optional_only_or_not : ONLY { result = :only } | NOT { result = :not } | { result = nil } ; media_type : IDENT { result =[0]) } ; media_expr : LPAREN optional_space IDENT optional_space RPAREN { result =[2]) } | LPAREN optional_space IDENT optional_space COLON optional_space expr RPAREN { result =[2], val[6][0]) } ; optional_space : S { result = val[0] } | { result = nil } ; optional_and_exprs : optional_and_exprs AND media_expr { result = val[0] << val[2] } | { result = [] } ; resolution : RESOLUTION { unit = val.first.gsub(/[\s\d.]/, '') number = numeric(val.first) result =, unit) } ; body : ruleset body | conditional_rule body | keyframes_rule body | fontface_rule body | ruleset | conditional_rule | keyframes_rule | fontface_rule ; conditional_rule : media | document_query | supports ; body_in_media : body | empty_ruleset ; media : start_media body_in_media RBRACE { @handler.end_media val.first } ; start_media : MEDIA_SYM media_query_list LBRACE { result = val[1] @handler.start_media result } ; document_query : start_document_query body RBRACE { @handler.end_document_query(before_pos(val), after_pos(val)) } | start_document_query RBRACE { @handler.end_document_query(before_pos(val), after_pos(val)) } ; start_document_query : start_document_query_pos url_match_fns LBRACE { @handler.start_document_query(val[1], after_pos(val)) } ; start_document_query_pos : DOCUMENT_QUERY_SYM { @handler.node_start_pos = before_pos(val) } ; url_match_fns : url_match_fn COMMA url_match_fns { result = [val[0], val[2]].flatten } | url_match_fn { result = val } ; url_match_fn : function_no_quote | function | uri ; supports : start_supports body RBRACE { @handler.end_supports } | start_supports RBRACE { @handler.end_supports } ; start_supports : SUPPORTS_SYM supports_condition_root LBRACE { @handler.start_supports val[1] } ; supports_condition_root : supports_negation { result = val.join('') } | supports_conjunction_or_disjunction { result = val.join('') } | supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } ; supports_condition : supports_negation { result = val.join('') } | supports_conjunction_or_disjunction { result = val.join('') } | supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } ; supports_condition_in_parens : LPAREN supports_condition RPAREN { result = val.join('') } | supports_declaration_condition { result = val.join('') } ; supports_negation : NOT supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } ; supports_conjunction_or_disjunction : supports_conjunction | supports_disjunction ; supports_conjunction : supports_condition_in_parens AND supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } | supports_conjunction_or_disjunction AND supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } ; supports_disjunction : supports_condition_in_parens OR supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } | supports_conjunction_or_disjunction OR supports_condition_in_parens { result = val.join('') } ; supports_declaration_condition : LPAREN declaration_internal RPAREN { result = val.join('') } | LPAREN S declaration_internal RPAREN { result = val.join('') } ; keyframes_rule : start_keyframes_rule keyframes_blocks RBRACE | start_keyframes_rule RBRACE ; start_keyframes_rule : KEYFRAMES_SYM IDENT LBRACE { @handler.start_keyframes_rule val[1] } ; keyframes_blocks : keyframes_block keyframes_blocks | keyframes_block ; keyframes_block : start_keyframes_block declarations RBRACE { @handler.end_keyframes_block } | start_keyframes_block RBRACE { @handler.end_keyframes_block } ; start_keyframes_block : keyframes_selectors LBRACE { @handler.start_keyframes_block val[0] } ; keyframes_selectors | keyframes_selector COMMA keyframes_selectors { result = val[0] + ', ' + val[2] } | keyframes_selector ; keyframes_selector : IDENT | PERCENTAGE { result = val[0].strip } ; fontface_rule : start_fontface_rule declarations RBRACE { @handler.end_fontface_rule } | start_fontface_rule RBRACE { @handler.end_fontface_rule } ; start_fontface_rule : FONTFACE_SYM LBRACE { @handler.start_fontface_rule } ; ruleset : start_selector declarations RBRACE { @handler.end_selector val.first } | start_selector RBRACE { @handler.end_selector val.first } ; empty_ruleset : optional_space { start = @handler.start_selector([]) @handler.end_selector(start) } ; start_selector : S start_selector { result = val.last } | selectors LBRACE { @handler.start_selector val.first } ; selectors : selector COMMA selectors { sel =, {}) result = [sel].concat(val[2]) } | selector { result = [, {})] } ; selector : simple_selector combinator selector { val.flatten! val[2].combinator = val.delete_at 1 result = val } | simple_selector ; combinator : S { result = :s } | GREATER { result = :> } | PLUS { result = :+ } | TILDE { result = :~ } ; simple_selector : element_name hcap { selector = val.first selector.additional_selectors = val.last result = [selector] } | element_name { result = val } | hcap { ss = nil, nil ss.additional_selectors = val.flatten result = [ss] } ; simple_selectors : simple_selector COMMA simple_selectors { result = [val[0], val[2]].flatten } | simple_selector ; ident_with_namespace : IDENT { result = [interpret_identifier(val[0]), nil] } | IDENT '|' IDENT { result = [interpret_identifier(val[2]), interpret_identifier(val[0])] } | '|' IDENT { result = [interpret_identifier(val[1]), nil] } | STAR '|' IDENT { result = [interpret_identifier(val[2]), '*'] } ; element_name : ident_with_namespace { result = val.first[0], nil, val.first[1] } | STAR { result = val.first } | '|' STAR { result = val[1] } | STAR '|' STAR { result = val[2], nil, val[0] } | IDENT '|' STAR { result = val[2], nil, interpret_identifier(val[0]) } ; hcap : hash { result = val } | class { result = val } | attrib { result = val } | pseudo { result = val } | hash hcap { result = val.flatten } | class hcap { result = val.flatten } | attrib hcap { result = val.flatten } | pseudo hcap { result = val.flatten } ; hash : HASH { result = interpret_identifier val.first.sub(/^#/, '') } class : '.' IDENT { result = interpret_identifier val.last } ; attrib : LSQUARE ident_with_namespace EQUAL IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::EQUALS, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace EQUAL STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::EQUALS, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace INCLUDES STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::INCLUDES, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace INCLUDES IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::INCLUDES, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace DASHMATCH IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::DASHMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace DASHMATCH STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::DASHMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace PREFIXMATCH IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::PREFIXMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace PREFIXMATCH STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::PREFIXMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace SUFFIXMATCH IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::SUFFIXMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace SUFFIXMATCH STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::SUFFIXMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace SUBSTRINGMATCH IDENT RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_identifier(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::SUBSTRINGMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace SUBSTRINGMATCH STRING RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], interpret_string(val[3]), Selectors::Attribute::SUBSTRINGMATCH, val[1][1] ) } | LSQUARE ident_with_namespace RSQUARE { result = val[1][0], nil, Selectors::Attribute::SET, val[1][1] ) } ; pseudo : COLON IDENT { result = Selectors::pseudo interpret_identifier(val[1]) } | COLON COLON IDENT { result = interpret_identifier(val[2]) ) } | COLON FUNCTION RPAREN { result = interpret_identifier(val[1].sub(/\($/, '')), '' ) } | COLON FUNCTION IDENT RPAREN { result = interpret_identifier(val[1].sub(/\($/, '')), interpret_identifier(val[2]) ) } | COLON NOT_PSEUDO_CLASS simple_selector RPAREN { result = 'not', val[2].first.to_s ) } | COLON NTH_PSEUDO_CLASS { result = interpret_identifier(val[1].sub(/\(.*/, '')), interpret_identifier(val[1].sub(/.*\(/, '').sub(/\).*/, '')) ) } | COLON MATCHES_PSEUDO_CLASS simple_selectors RPAREN { result = val[1].split('(').first.strip, val[2].join(', ') ) } | COLON MOZ_PSEUDO_ELEMENT optional_space any_number_of_idents optional_space RPAREN { result = interpret_identifier(val[1].sub(/\($/, '')) ) } | COLON COLON MOZ_PSEUDO_ELEMENT optional_space any_number_of_idents optional_space RPAREN { result = interpret_identifier(val[2].sub(/\($/, '')) ) } ; any_number_of_idents : | multiple_idents ; multiple_idents : IDENT | IDENT COMMA multiple_idents ; # declarations can be separated by one *or more* semicolons. semi-colons at the start or end of a ruleset are also allowed one_or_more_semis : SEMI | SEMI one_or_more_semis ; declarations : declaration one_or_more_semis declarations | one_or_more_semis declarations | declaration one_or_more_semis | declaration | one_or_more_semis ; declaration : declaration_internal { val.first } ; declaration_internal : property COLON expr prio { result =, val[2], val[3]) } | property COLON S expr prio { result =, val[3], val[4]) } | property S COLON expr prio { result =, val[3], val[4]) } | property S COLON S expr prio { result =, val[4], val[5]) } ; prio : IMPORTANT_SYM { result = true } | { result = false } ; property : IDENT { result = interpret_identifier val[0] } | STAR IDENT { result = interpret_identifier val.join } | VARIABLE_NAME { result = interpret_identifier val[0] } ; operator : COMMA | SLASH | EQUAL ; expr : term operator expr { result = [val.first, val.last].flatten val.last.first.operator = val[1] } | term expr { result = val.flatten } | term { result = val } ; term : ident | ratio | numeric | string | uri | hexcolor | calc | function | resolution | VARIABLE_NAME | uranges ; function : function S { result = val.first } | FUNCTION expr RPAREN { name = interpret_identifier val.first.sub(/\($/, '') if name == 'rgb' result =*val[1]) else result = name, val[1] end } | FUNCTION RPAREN { name = interpret_identifier val.first.sub(/\($/, '') result = name } ; function_no_quote : function_no_quote S { result = val.first } | FUNCTION_NO_QUOTE { parts = val.first.split('(') name = interpret_identifier parts.first result =, []) } ; uranges : UNICODE_RANGE COMMA uranges | UNICODE_RANGE ; calc : CALC_SYM calc_sum RPAREN optional_space { result ='(').first, val[1]) } ; # plus and minus are supposed to have whitespace around them, per, but the numbers are eating trailing whitespace, so we inject it back in calc_sum : calc_product | calc_product PLUS calc_sum { val.insert(1, ' '); result = val.join('') } | calc_product MINUS calc_sum { val.insert(1, ' '); result = val.join('') } ; calc_product : calc_value | calc_value optional_space STAR calc_value { result = val.join('') } | calc_value optional_space SLASH calc_value { result = val.join('') } ; calc_value : numeric { result = val.join('') } | function { result = val.join('') } # for var() variable references | LPAREN calc_sum RPAREN { result = val.join('') } ; hexcolor : hexcolor S { result = val.first } | HASH { result = val.first.sub(/^#/, '') } ; uri : uri S { result = val.first } | URI { result = interpret_uri val.first } ; string : string S { result = val.first } | STRING { result = interpret_string val.first } ; numeric : unary_operator numeric { result = val[1] val[1].unary_operator = val.first } | NUMBER { result = numeric val.first } | PERCENTAGE { result = numeric(val.first), nil, '%' } | LENGTH { unit = val.first.gsub(/[\s\d.]/, '') result = numeric(val.first), nil, unit } | ANGLE { unit = val.first.gsub(/[\s\d.]/, '') result = numeric(val.first), nil, unit } | TIME { unit = val.first.gsub(/[\s\d.]/, '') result = numeric(val.first), nil, unit } | FREQ { unit = val.first.gsub(/[\s\d.]/, '') result = numeric(val.first), nil, unit } ; ratio : RATIO { result =[0], val[1]) } ; unary_operator : MINUS { result = :minus } | PLUS { result = :plus } ; ident : ident S { result = val.first } | IDENT { result = interpret_identifier val.first } ; ---- inner def numeric thing thing = thing.gsub(/[^\d.]/, '') Integer(thing) rescue Float(thing) end def interpret_identifier s interpret_escapes s end def interpret_uri s interpret_escapes s.match(/^url\((.*)\)$/mui)[1].strip.match(/^(['"]?)((?:\\.|.)*)\1$/mu)[2] end def interpret_string_no_quote s interpret_escapes s.match(/^(.*)\)$/mu)[1].strip.match(/^(['"]?)((?:\\.|.)*)\1$/mu)[2] end def interpret_string s interpret_escapes s.match(/^(['"])((?:\\.|.)*)\1$/mu)[2] end def interpret_escapes s token_exp = /\\(?:([0-9a-fA-F]{1,6}(?:\r\n|\s)?)|(.))/mu return s.gsub(token_exp) do |escape_sequence| if !$1.nil? code = $1.chomp.to_i 16 code = 0xFFFD if code > 0x10FFFF next [code].pack('U') end next '' if $2 == "\n" next $2 end end # override racc's on_error so we can have context in our error messages def on_error(t, val, vstack) errcontext = (@ss.pre_match[-10..-1] || @ss.pre_match) + @ss.matched + @ss.post_match[0..9] line_number = @ss.pre_match.lines.count raise ParseError, sprintf("parse error on value %s (%s) " + "on line %s around \"%s\"", val.inspect, token_to_str(t) || '?', line_number, errcontext) end def before_pos(val) # don't include leading whitespace return current_pos - val.last.length + val.last[/\A\s*/].size end def after_pos(val) # don't include trailing whitespace return current_pos - val.last[/\s*\z/].size end # charpos will work with multibyte strings but is not available until ruby 2 def current_pos @ss.respond_to?('charpos') ? @ss.charpos : @ss.pos end