# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative "test_helper" module Prism class ErrorsTest < TestCase include DSL def test_constant_path_with_invalid_token_after assert_error_messages "A::$b", [ "expected a constant after the `::` operator", "unexpected global variable, expecting end-of-input" ] end def test_module_name_recoverable expected = ModuleNode( [], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:Parent), StatementsNode( [ModuleNode([], Location(), MissingNode(), nil, Location(), :"")] ), Location(), :Parent ) assert_errors expected, "module Parent module end", [ ["unexpected constant path after `module`; class/module name must be CONSTANT", 14..20], ["unexpected 'end', assuming it is closing the parent module definition", 21..24] ] end def test_for_loops_index_missing expected = ForNode( MissingNode(), expression("1..10"), StatementsNode([expression("i")]), Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "for in 1..10\ni\nend", [ ["expected an index after `for`", 0..3] ] end def test_for_loops_only_end expected = ForNode( MissingNode(), MissingNode(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "for end", [ ["expected an index after `for`", 0..3], ["expected an `in` after the index in a `for` statement", 3..3], ["expected a collection after the `in` in a `for` statement", 3..3] ] end def test_pre_execution_missing_brace expected = PreExecutionNode( StatementsNode([expression("1")]), Location(), Location(), Location() ) assert_errors expected, "BEGIN 1 }", [ ["expected a `{` after `BEGIN`", 5..5] ] end def test_pre_execution_context expected = PreExecutionNode( StatementsNode([ CallNode( 0, expression("1"), nil, :+, Location(), nil, ArgumentsNode(0, [MissingNode()]), nil, nil ) ]), Location(), Location(), Location() ) assert_errors expected, "BEGIN { 1 + }", [ ["unexpected '}'; expected an expression after the operator", 12..13], ["unexpected '}', assuming it is closing the parent 'BEGIN' block", 12..13] ] end def test_unterminated_embdoc message = "embedded document meets end of file" assert_error_messages "=begin", [message] assert_error_messages "=begin\n", [message] refute_error_messages "=begin\n=end" refute_error_messages "=begin\n=end\0" refute_error_messages "=begin\n=end\C-d" refute_error_messages "=begin\n=end\C-z" end def test_unterminated_i_list assert_errors expression("%i["), "%i[", [ ["unterminated list; expected a closing delimiter for the `%i`", 0..3] ] end def test_unterminated_w_list assert_errors expression("%w["), "%w[", [ ["unterminated list; expected a closing delimiter for the `%w`", 0..3] ] end def test_unterminated_W_list assert_errors expression("%W["), "%W[", [ ["unterminated list; expected a closing delimiter for the `%W`", 0..3] ] end def test_unterminated_regular_expression assert_errors expression("/hello"), "/hello", [ ["unterminated regexp meets end of file; expected a closing delimiter", 0..1] ] end def test_unterminated_regular_expression_with_heredoc source = "<<-END + /b\nEND\n" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unterminated regexp meets end of file; expected a closing delimiter", 9..10] ] end def test_unterminated_xstring assert_errors expression("`hello"), "`hello", [ ["expected a closing delimiter for the `%x` or backtick string", 0..1] ] end def test_unterminated_interpolated_string expr = expression('"hello') assert_errors expr, '"hello', [ ["unterminated string meets end of file", 6..6] ] assert_equal expr.unescaped, "hello" assert_equal expr.closing, "" end def test_unterminated_string expr = expression("'hello") assert_errors expr, "'hello", [ ["unterminated string meets end of file", 0..1] ] assert_equal expr.unescaped, "hello" assert_equal expr.closing, "" end def test_unterminated_empty_string expr = expression('"') assert_errors expr, '"', [ ["unterminated string meets end of file", 1..1] ] assert_equal expr.unescaped, "" assert_equal expr.closing, "" end def test_incomplete_instance_var_string assert_errors expression('%@#@@#'), '%@#@@#', [ ["'@' without identifiers is not allowed as an instance variable name", 4..5], ["unexpected instance variable, expecting end-of-input", 4..5] ] end def test_unterminated_s_symbol assert_errors expression("%s[abc"), "%s[abc", [ ["unterminated quoted string; expected a closing delimiter for the dynamic symbol", 0..3] ] end def test_unterminated_parenthesized_expression assert_errors expression('(1 + 2'), '(1 + 2', [ ["unexpected end-of-input, assuming it is closing the parent top level context", 6..6], ["expected a matching `)`", 6..6] ] end def test_missing_terminator_in_parentheses assert_error_messages "(0 0)", [ "unexpected integer, expecting end-of-input" ] end def test_unterminated_argument_expression assert_errors expression('a %'), 'a %', [ ["unterminated quoted string meets end of file", 2..3], ["unexpected end-of-input; expected an expression after the operator", 3..3], ["unexpected end-of-input, assuming it is closing the parent top level context", 3..3] ] end def test_unterminated_interpolated_symbol assert_error_messages ":\"#", [ "unterminated symbol; expected a closing delimiter for the interpolated symbol" ] end def test_cr_without_lf_in_percent_expression assert_errors expression("%\r"), "%\r", [ ["unterminated string meets end of file", 2..2], ] end def test_1_2_3 assert_errors expression("(1, 2, 3)"), "(1, 2, 3)", [ ["unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", 2..3], ["unexpected ',', ignoring it", 2..3], ["expected a matching `)`", 2..2], ["unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", 2..3], ["unexpected ',', ignoring it", 2..3], ["unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", 5..6], ["unexpected ',', ignoring it", 5..6], ["unexpected ')', expecting end-of-input", 8..9], ["unexpected ')', ignoring it", 8..9] ] end def test_return_1_2_3 assert_error_messages "return(1, 2, 3)", [ "unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", "unexpected ',', ignoring it", "expected a matching `)`", "unexpected ')', expecting end-of-input", "unexpected ')', ignoring it" ] end def test_return_1 assert_errors expression("return 1,;"), "return 1,;", [ ["expected an argument", 8..9] ] end def test_next_1_2_3 assert_errors expression("next(1, 2, 3)"), "next(1, 2, 3)", [ ["unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", 6..7], ["unexpected ',', ignoring it", 6..7], ["expected a matching `)`", 6..6], ["Invalid next", 0..12], ["unexpected ')', expecting end-of-input", 12..13], ["unexpected ')', ignoring it", 12..13] ] end def test_next_1 assert_errors expression("next 1,;"), "next 1,;", [ ["expected an argument", 6..7], ["Invalid next", 0..7] ] end def test_break_1_2_3 assert_errors expression("break(1, 2, 3)"), "break(1, 2, 3)", [ ["unexpected ',', expecting end-of-input", 7..8], ["unexpected ',', ignoring it", 7..8], ["expected a matching `)`", 7..7], ["Invalid break", 0..13], ["unexpected ')', expecting end-of-input", 13..14], ["unexpected ')', ignoring it", 13..14] ] end def test_break_1 assert_errors expression("break 1,;"), "break 1,;", [ ["expected an argument", 7..8], ["Invalid break", 0..8] ] end def test_argument_forwarding_when_parent_is_not_forwarding assert_errors expression('def a(x, y, z); b(...); end'), 'def a(x, y, z); b(...); end', [ ["unexpected ... when the parent method is not forwarding", 18..21] ] end def test_argument_forwarding_only_effects_its_own_internals assert_errors expression('def a(...); b(...); end; def c(x, y, z); b(...); end'), 'def a(...); b(...); end; def c(x, y, z); b(...); end', [ ["unexpected ... when the parent method is not forwarding", 43..46] ] end def test_top_level_constant_with_downcased_identifier assert_error_messages "::foo", [ "expected a constant after the `::` operator", "unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input" ] end def test_top_level_constant_starting_with_downcased_identifier assert_error_messages "::foo::A", [ "expected a constant after the `::` operator", "unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input" ] end def test_aliasing_global_variable_with_non_global_variable assert_errors expression("alias $a b"), "alias $a b", [ ["invalid argument being passed to `alias`; expected a bare word, symbol, constant, or global variable", 9..10] ] end def test_aliasing_non_global_variable_with_global_variable assert_errors expression("alias a $b"), "alias a $b", [ ["invalid argument being passed to `alias`; expected a bare word, symbol, constant, or global variable", 8..10] ] end def test_aliasing_global_variable_with_global_number_variable assert_errors expression("alias $a $1"), "alias $a $1", [ ["invalid argument being passed to `alias`; can't make alias for the number variables", 9..11] ] end def test_def_with_expression_receiver_and_no_identifier assert_errors expression("def (a); end"), "def (a); end", [ ["expected a `.` or `::` after the receiver in a method definition", 7..7], ["unexpected ';'; expected a method name", 7..8] ] end def test_def_with_multiple_statements_receiver assert_errors expression("def (\na\nb\n).c; end"), "def (\na\nb\n).c; end", [ ["expected a matching `)`", 8..8], ["expected a `.` or `::` after the receiver in a method definition", 8..8], ["expected a delimiter to close the parameters", 9..9], ["unexpected ')', ignoring it", 10..11], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 11..12] ] end def test_def_with_empty_expression_receiver assert_errors expression("def ().a; end"), "def ().a; end", [ ["expected a receiver for the method definition", 4..5] ] end def test_block_beginning_with_brace_and_ending_with_end assert_error_messages "x.each { x end", [ "unexpected 'end', expecting end-of-input", "unexpected 'end', ignoring it", "unexpected end-of-input, assuming it is closing the parent top level context", "expected a block beginning with `{` to end with `}`" ] end def test_double_splat_followed_by_splat_argument expected = CallNode( CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY, nil, nil, :a, Location(), Location(), ArgumentsNode( ArgumentsNodeFlags::CONTAINS_KEYWORDS | ArgumentsNodeFlags::CONTAINS_KEYWORD_SPLAT, [ KeywordHashNode(0, [AssocSplatNode(expression("kwargs"), Location())]), SplatNode(Location(), expression("args")) ] ), Location(), nil ) assert_errors expected, "a(**kwargs, *args)", [ ["unexpected `*` splat argument after a `**` keyword splat argument", 12..17] ] end def test_arguments_after_block expected = CallNode( CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY, nil, nil, :a, Location(), Location(), ArgumentsNode(0, [expression("foo")]), Location(), BlockArgumentNode(expression("block"), Location()) ) assert_errors expected, "a(&block, foo)", [ ["unexpected argument after a block argument", 10..13] ] end def test_arguments_binding_power_for_and assert_error_messages "foo(*bar and baz)", [ "unexpected 'and'; expected a `)` to close the arguments", "unexpected ')', expecting end-of-input", "unexpected ')', ignoring it" ] end def test_splat_argument_after_keyword_argument expected = CallNode( CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY, nil, nil, :a, Location(), Location(), ArgumentsNode(ArgumentsNodeFlags::CONTAINS_KEYWORDS, [ KeywordHashNode(1, [ AssocNode( SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, nil, Location(), Location(), "foo"), expression("bar"), nil ) ]), SplatNode(Location(), expression("args")) ]), Location(), nil ) assert_errors expected, "a(foo: bar, *args)", [ ["unexpected `*` splat argument after a `**` keyword splat argument", 12..17] ] end def test_module_definition_in_method_body expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, nil, StatementsNode([ModuleNode([], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:A), nil, Location(), :A)]), [], Location(), nil, nil, nil, nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo;module A;end;end", [ ["unexpected module definition in method body", 8..14] ] end def test_module_definition_in_method_body_within_block expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, nil, StatementsNode( [CallNode( CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY, nil, nil, :bar, Location(), nil, nil, nil, BlockNode( [], nil, StatementsNode([ModuleNode([], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:Foo), nil, Location(), :Foo)]), Location(), Location() ) )] ), [], Location(), nil, nil, nil, nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, <<~RUBY, [["unexpected module definition in method body", 21..27]] def foo bar do module Foo;end end end RUBY end def test_module_definition_in_method_defs source = <<~RUBY def foo(bar = module A;end);end def foo;rescue;module A;end;end def foo;ensure;module A;end;end RUBY message = "unexpected module definition in method body" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 14..20], [message, 47..53], [message, 79..85], ] end def test_class_definition_in_method_body expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, nil, StatementsNode( [ClassNode( [], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:A), nil, nil, nil, Location(), :A )] ), [], Location(), nil, nil, nil, nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo;class A;end;end", [ ["unexpected class definition in method body", 8..13] ] end def test_class_definition_in_method_defs source = <<~RUBY def foo(bar = class A;end);end def foo;rescue;class A;end;end def foo;ensure;class A;end;end RUBY message = "unexpected class definition in method body" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 14..19], [message, 46..51], [message, 77..82], ] end def test_bad_arguments expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([ RequiredParameterNode(0, :A), RequiredParameterNode(0, :@a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :$A), RequiredParameterNode(0, :@@a), ], [], nil, [], [], nil, nil), nil, [:A, :@a, :$A, :@@a], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(A, @a, $A, @@a);end", [ ["invalid formal argument; formal argument cannot be a constant", 8..9], ["invalid formal argument; formal argument cannot be an instance variable", 11..13], ["invalid formal argument; formal argument cannot be a global variable", 15..17], ["invalid formal argument; formal argument cannot be a class variable", 19..22], ] end if RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0" def test_cannot_assign_to_a_reserved_numbered_parameter expected = BeginNode( Location(), StatementsNode([ LocalVariableWriteNode(:_1, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_2, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_3, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_4, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_5, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_6, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_7, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_8, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_9, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()), LocalVariableWriteNode(:_10, 0, Location(), SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), Location()) ]), nil, nil, nil, Location() ) source = <<~RUBY begin _1=:a;_2=:a;_3=:a;_4=:a;_5=:a _6=:a;_7=:a;_8=:a;_9=:a;_10=:a end RUBY assert_errors expected, source, [ ["_1 is reserved for numbered parameters", 8..10], ["_2 is reserved for numbered parameters", 14..16], ["_3 is reserved for numbered parameters", 20..22], ["_4 is reserved for numbered parameters", 26..28], ["_5 is reserved for numbered parameters", 32..34], ["_6 is reserved for numbered parameters", 40..42], ["_7 is reserved for numbered parameters", 46..48], ["_8 is reserved for numbered parameters", 52..54], ["_9 is reserved for numbered parameters", 58..60], ] end end def test_do_not_allow_trailing_commas_in_method_parameters expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b), RequiredParameterNode(0, :c)], [], nil, [], [], nil, nil ), nil, [:a, :b, :c], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a,b,c,);end", [ ["unexpected `,` in parameters", 13..14] ] end def test_do_not_allow_trailing_commas_in_lambda_parameters expected = LambdaNode( [:a, :b], Location(), Location(), Location(), BlockParametersNode( ParametersNode([RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b)], [], nil, [], [], nil, nil), [], Location(), Location() ), nil ) assert_errors expected, "-> (a, b, ) {}", [ ["unexpected `,` in parameters", 8..9] ] end def test_do_not_allow_multiple_codepoints_in_a_single_character_literal expected = StringNode(StringFlags::FORCED_UTF8_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "\u0001\u0002") assert_errors expected, '?\u{0001 0002}', [ ["invalid Unicode escape sequence; Multiple codepoints at single character literal are disallowed", 9..12] ] end def test_invalid_hex_escape assert_errors expression('"\\xx"'), '"\\xx"', [ ["invalid hex escape sequence", 1..3], ] end def test_do_not_allow_more_than_6_hexadecimal_digits_in_u_Unicode_character_notation expected = StringNode(0, Location(), Location(), Location(), "\u0001") assert_errors expected, '"\u{0000001}"', [ ["invalid Unicode escape sequence; maximum length is 6 digits", 4..11], ] end def test_do_not_allow_characters_other_than_0_9_a_f_and_A_F_in_u_Unicode_character_notation expected = StringNode(0, Location(), Location(), Location(), "\u0000z}") assert_errors expected, '"\u{000z}"', [ ["invalid Unicode escape sequence", 7..7], ["unterminated Unicode escape", 7..7] ] end def test_unterminated_unicode_brackets_should_be_a_syntax_error assert_errors expression('?\\u{3'), '?\\u{3', [ ["unterminated Unicode escape", 1..5], ] end def test_method_parameters_after_block expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [], nil, BlockParameterNode(0, :block, Location(), Location()) ), nil, [:block, :a], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(&block, a)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 16..17] ] end def test_method_with_arguments_after_anonymous_block expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [], nil, BlockParameterNode(0, nil, nil, Location())), nil, [:a], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(&, a)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 11..12] ] end def test_method_parameters_after_arguments_forwarding expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [], ForwardingParameterNode(), nil ), nil, [:a], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(..., a)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 13..14] ] end def test_keywords_parameters_before_required_parameters expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [RequiredKeywordParameterNode(0, :b, Location())], nil, nil ), nil, [:b, :a], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(b:, a)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 12..13] ] end def test_rest_keywords_parameters_before_required_parameters expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [], [RequiredKeywordParameterNode(0, :b, Location())], KeywordRestParameterNode(0, :rest, Location(), Location()), nil ), nil, [:rest, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(**rest, b:)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 16..18] ] end def test_double_arguments_forwarding expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([], [], nil, [ForwardingParameterNode()], [], ForwardingParameterNode(), nil), nil, [], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(..., ...)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 13..16] ] end def test_multiple_error_in_parameters_order expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [RequiredKeywordParameterNode(0, :b, Location())], KeywordRestParameterNode(0, :args, Location(), Location()), nil ), nil, [:args, :a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(**args, a, b:)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 16..17], ["unexpected parameter order", 19..21] ] end def test_switching_to_optional_arguments_twice expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [RequiredKeywordParameterNode(0, :b, Location())], KeywordRestParameterNode(0, :args, Location(), Location()), nil ), nil, [:args, :a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location(), ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(**args, a, b:)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 16..17], ["unexpected parameter order", 19..21] ] end def test_switching_to_named_arguments_twice expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [], [], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [RequiredKeywordParameterNode(0, :b, Location())], KeywordRestParameterNode(0, :args, Location(), Location()), nil ), nil, [:args, :a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location(), ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(**args, a, b:)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 16..17], ["unexpected parameter order", 19..21] ] end def test_returning_to_optional_parameters_multiple_times expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode( [RequiredParameterNode(0, :a)], [ OptionalParameterNode(0, :b, Location(), Location(), IntegerNode(IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL, 1)), OptionalParameterNode(0, :d, Location(), Location(), IntegerNode(IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL, 2)) ], nil, [RequiredParameterNode(0, :c), RequiredParameterNode(0, :e)], [], nil, nil ), nil, [:a, :b, :c, :d, :e], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location(), ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a, b = 1, c, d = 2, e)\nend", [ ["unexpected parameter order", 23..24] ] end def test_case_without_when_clauses_errors_on_else_clause expected = CaseMatchNode( SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), [], ElseNode(Location(), nil, Location()), Location(), Location() ) assert_errors expected, "case :a\nelse\nend", [ ["expected a `when` or `in` clause after `case`", 0..4] ] end def test_case_without_clauses expected = CaseNode( SymbolNode(SymbolFlags::FORCED_US_ASCII_ENCODING, Location(), Location(), nil, "a"), [], nil, Location(), Location() ) assert_errors expected, "case :a\nend", [ ["expected a `when` or `in` clause after `case`", 0..4] ] end def test_setter_method_cannot_be_defined_in_an_endless_method_definition expected = DefNode( :a=, Location(), nil, nil, StatementsNode([IntegerNode(IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL, 42)]), [], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), Location(), nil ) assert_errors expected, "def a=() = 42", [ ["invalid method name; a setter method cannot be defined in an endless method definition", 4..6] ] end def test_do_not_allow_forward_arguments_in_lambda_literals expected = LambdaNode( [], Location(), Location(), Location(), BlockParametersNode(ParametersNode([], [], nil, [], [], ForwardingParameterNode(), nil), [], Location(), Location()), nil ) assert_errors expected, "->(...) {}", [ ["unexpected ... when the parent method is not forwarding", 3..6] ] end def test_do_not_allow_forward_arguments_in_blocks expected = CallNode( CallNodeFlags::IGNORE_VISIBILITY, nil, nil, :a, Location(), nil, nil, nil, BlockNode( [], BlockParametersNode(ParametersNode([], [], nil, [], [], ForwardingParameterNode(), nil), [], Location(), Location()), nil, Location(), Location() ) ) assert_errors expected, "a {|...|}", [ ["unexpected ... when the parent method is not forwarding", 4..7] ] end def test_dont_allow_return_inside_class_body expected = ClassNode( [], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:A), nil, nil, StatementsNode([ReturnNode(0, Location(), nil)]), Location(), :A ) assert_errors expected, "class A; return; end", [ ["Invalid return in class/module body", 9..15] ] end def test_dont_allow_return_inside_module_body expected = ModuleNode( [], Location(), ConstantReadNode(:A), StatementsNode([ReturnNode(0, Location(), nil)]), Location(), :A ) assert_errors expected, "module A; return; end", [ ["Invalid return in class/module body", 10..16] ] end def test_dont_allow_setting_to_back_and_nth_reference expected = BeginNode( Location(), StatementsNode([ GlobalVariableWriteNode(:$+, Location(), NilNode(), Location()), GlobalVariableWriteNode(:$1466, Location(), NilNode(), Location()) ]), nil, nil, nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "begin\n$+ = nil\n$1466 = nil\nend", [ ["Can't set variable $+", 6..8], ["Can't set variable $1466", 15..20] ] end def test_duplicated_parameter_names expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b), RequiredParameterNode(ParameterFlags::REPEATED_PARAMETER, :a)], [], nil, [], [], nil, nil), nil, [:a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a,b,a);end", [ ["duplicated argument name", 12..13] ] expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b)], [], RestParameterNode(ParameterFlags::REPEATED_PARAMETER, :a, Location(), Location()), [], [], nil, nil), nil, [:a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a,b,*a);end", [ ["duplicated argument name", 13..14] ] expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b)], [], nil, [], [], KeywordRestParameterNode(ParameterFlags::REPEATED_PARAMETER, :a, Location(), Location()), nil), nil, [:a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a,b,**a);end", [ ["duplicated argument name", 14..15] ] expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([RequiredParameterNode(0, :a), RequiredParameterNode(0, :b)], [], nil, [], [], nil, BlockParameterNode(ParameterFlags::REPEATED_PARAMETER, :a, Location(), Location())), nil, [:a, :b], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a,b,&a);end", [ ["duplicated argument name", 13..14] ] expected = DefNode( :foo, Location(), nil, ParametersNode([], [OptionalParameterNode(0, :a, Location(), Location(), IntegerNode(IntegerBaseFlags::DECIMAL, 1))], RestParameterNode(0, :c, Location(), Location()), [RequiredParameterNode(0, :b)], [], nil, nil), nil, [:a, :b, :c], Location(), nil, Location(), Location(), nil, Location() ) assert_errors expected, "def foo(a = 1,b,*c);end", [["unexpected parameter `*`", 16..17]] end def test_content_after_unterminated_heredoc receiver = StringNode(0, Location(), Location(), Location(), "") expected = CallNode(0, receiver, Location(), :foo, Location(), nil, nil, nil, nil) assert_errors expected, "<<~FOO.foo\n", [ ["unterminated heredoc; can't find string \"FOO\" anywhere before EOF", 3..6] ] end def test_invalid_message_name assert_equal :"", Prism.parse_statement("+.@foo,+=foo").write_name end def test_invalid_operator_write_fcall source = "foo! += 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..4] ] end def test_invalid_operator_write_dot source = "foo.+= 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 5..6] ] end def test_unterminated_global_variable message = "'$' without identifiers is not allowed as a global variable name" assert_errors expression("$"), "$", [[message, 0..1]] assert_errors expression("$ "), "$ ", [[message, 0..1]] end def test_invalid_global_variable_write assert_errors expression("$',"), "$',", [ ["Can't set variable $'", 0..2], ["unexpected write target", 0..2] ] end def test_invalid_multi_target error_messages = ["unexpected write target"] assert_error_messages "foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo = 1; foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo.bar,", error_messages assert_error_messages "*foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "@foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "@@foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "$foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "$1,", ["Can't set variable $1", *error_messages] assert_error_messages "$+,", ["Can't set variable $+", *error_messages] assert_error_messages "Foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "::Foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "Foo::Foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "Foo::foo,", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo[foo],", error_messages assert_error_messages "(foo, bar)", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo((foo, bar))", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo((*))", error_messages assert_error_messages "foo(((foo, bar), *))", error_messages assert_error_messages "(foo, bar) + 1", error_messages assert_error_messages "(foo, bar) in baz", error_messages end def test_call_with_block_and_write source = "foo {} &&= 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..6], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 7..10] ] end def test_call_with_block_or_write source = "foo {} ||= 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..6], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 7..10] ] end def test_call_with_block_operator_write source = "foo {} += 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..6], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 7..9] ] end def test_index_call_with_block_and_write source = "foo[1] {} &&= 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..9], ["unexpected operator after a call with arguments", 10..13], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 10..13] ] end def test_index_call_with_block_or_write source = "foo[1] {} ||= 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..9], ["unexpected operator after a call with arguments", 10..13], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 10..13] ] end def test_index_call_with_block_operator_write source = "foo[1] {} += 1" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected write target", 0..9], ["unexpected operator after a call with arguments", 10..12], ["unexpected operator after a call with a block", 10..12] ] end if RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0" def test_writing_numbered_parameter assert_error_messages "-> { _1 = 0 }", [ "_1 is reserved for numbered parameters" ] end def test_targeting_numbered_parameter assert_error_messages "-> { _1, = 0 }", [ "_1 is reserved for numbered parameters" ] end def test_defining_numbered_parameter error_messages = ["_1 is reserved for numbered parameters"] assert_error_messages "def _1; end", error_messages assert_error_messages "def self._1; end", error_messages end end def test_double_scope_numbered_parameters source = "-> { _1 + -> { _2 } }" errors = [["numbered parameter is already used in outer block", 15..17]] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors end def test_invalid_number_underscores error_messages = ["invalid underscore placement in number"] assert_error_messages "1__1", error_messages assert_error_messages "0b1__1", error_messages assert_error_messages "0o1__1", error_messages assert_error_messages "01__1", error_messages assert_error_messages "0d1__1", error_messages assert_error_messages "0x1__1", error_messages error_messages = ["trailing '_' in number"] assert_error_messages "1_1_", error_messages assert_error_messages "0b1_1_", error_messages assert_error_messages "0o1_1_", error_messages assert_error_messages "01_1_", error_messages assert_error_messages "0d1_1_", error_messages assert_error_messages "0x1_1_", error_messages end def test_alnum_delimiters error_messages = ["unknown type of %string"] assert_error_messages "%qXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%QXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%wXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%WxfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%iXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%IXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%xXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%rXfooX", error_messages assert_error_messages "%sXfooX", error_messages end def test_begin_at_toplevel source = "def foo; BEGIN {}; end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["BEGIN is permitted only at toplevel", 9..14], ] end if RUBY_VERSION >= "3.0" def test_numbered_parameters_in_block_arguments source = "foo { |_1| }" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["_1 is reserved for numbered parameters", 7..9], ] end end def test_conditional_predicate_closed source = "if 0 0; elsif 0 0; end\nunless 0 0; end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["expected `then` or `;` or '\\n" + "'", 5..6], ["expected `then` or `;` or '\\n" + "'", 16..17], ["expected `then` or `;` or '\\n" + "'", 32..33], ] end def test_parameter_name_ending_with_bang_or_question_mark source = "def foo(x!,y?); end" errors = [ ["unexpected name for a parameter", 8..10], ["unexpected name for a parameter", 11..13] ] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors end def test_class_name source = "class 0.X end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected constant path after `class`; class/module name must be CONSTANT", 6..9], ] end def test_loop_conditional_is_closed source = "while 0 0; foo; end; until 0 0; foo; end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["expected a predicate expression for the `while` statement", 7..7], ["expected a predicate expression for the `until` statement", 28..28], ] end def test_forwarding_arg_after_keyword_rest source = "def f(**,...);end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected parameter order", 9..12] ] end def test_semicolon_after_inheritance_operator source = "class Foo < Bar end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected `end`, expecting ';' or '\\n'", 15..15], ] end def test_shadow_args_in_lambda source = "->a;b{}" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["expected a `do` keyword or a `{` to open the lambda block", 3..3], ["unexpected end-of-input, assuming it is closing the parent top level context", 7..7], ["expected a lambda block beginning with `do` to end with `end`", 7..7] ] end def test_shadow_args_in_block source = "tap{|a;a|}" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["duplicated argument name", 7..8], ] end def test_repeated_parameter_name_in_destructured_params source = "def f(a, (b, (a))); end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["duplicated argument name", 14..15], ] end def test_assign_to_numbered_parameter source = <<~RUBY a in _1 a => _1 1 => a, _1 1 in a, _1 /(?<_1>)/ =~ a RUBY message = "_1 is reserved for numbered parameters" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 5..7], [message, 13..15], [message, 24..26], [message, 35..37], [message, 42..44] ] end def test_symbol_in_keyword_parameter source = "def foo(x:'y':); end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected label terminator, expected a string literal terminator", 12..14] ] end def test_symbol_in_hash source = "{x:'y':}" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected label terminator, expected a string literal terminator", 5..7] ] end def test_while_endless_method source = "while def f = g do end" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["expected a predicate expression for the `while` statement", 22..22], ["unexpected end-of-input, assuming it is closing the parent top level context", 22..22], ["expected an `end` to close the `while` statement", 22..22] ] end def test_match_plus source = <<~RUBY a in b + c a => b + c RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 7..8], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 7..8], ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 18..19], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 18..19] ] end def test_rational_number_with_exponential_portion source = '1e1r; 1e1ri' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input", 3..4], ["unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input", 9..11] ] end def test_check_value_expression source = <<~RUBY 1 => ^(return) while true 1 => ^(break) 1 => ^(next) 1 => ^(redo) 1 => ^(retry) 1 => ^(2 => a) end 1 => ^(if 1; (return) else (return) end) 1 => ^(unless 1; (return) else (return) end) RUBY message = "unexpected void value expression" assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 7..13], [message, 35..40], [message, 51..55], [message, 66..70], ["Invalid retry without rescue", 81..86], [message, 81..86], [message, 97..103], [message, 123..129], [message, 168..174], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_statement source = <<~RUBY if (return) end unless (return) end while (return) end until (return) end case (return) when 1 end class A < (return) end class << (return) end for x in (return) end RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 4..10], [message, 24..30], [message, 43..49], [message, 62..68], [message, 80..86], [message, 110..116], [message, 132..138], [message, 154..160], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_begin_statement source = <<~RUBY x = return 1 x = return, 1 x = 1, return x, y = return x = begin return ensure end x = begin ensure return end x = begin return ensure return end x = begin return; rescue; return end x = begin return; rescue; return; else return end x = begin; return; rescue; retry; end RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 4..12], [message, 17..23], [message, 34..40], [message, 48..54], [message, 65..71], [message, 100..106], [message, 121..127], [message, 156..162], [message, 222..228], [message, 244..250], ] refute_error_messages("x = begin return; rescue; end") refute_error_messages("x = begin return; rescue; return; else end") refute_error_messages("x = begin; rescue; retry; end") refute_error_messages("x = begin 1; rescue; retry; ensure; end") refute_error_messages("x = begin 1; rescue; return; end") end def test_void_value_expression_in_def source = <<~RUBY def (return).x end def x(a = return) end def x(a: return) end RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 5..11], [message, 29..35], [message, 50..56], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_assignment source = <<~RUBY a = return a = 1, return a, b = return, 1 a, b = 1, *return RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 4..10], [message, 18..24], [message, 32..38], [message, 53..59], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_modifier source = <<~RUBY 1 if (return) 1 unless (return) 1 while (return) 1 until (return) (return) => a (return) in a RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 6..12], [message, 24..30], [message, 41..47], [message, 58..64], [message, 67..73], [message, 81..87] ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_expression source = <<~RUBY (return) ? 1 : 1 (return)..1 1..(return) (return)...1 1...(return) (..(return)) (...(return)) ((return)..) ((return)...) RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 1..7], [message, 18..24], [message, 33..39], [message, 42..48], [message, 59..65], [message, 71..77], [message, 85..91], [message, 96..102], [message, 109..115] ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_array source = <<~RUBY [return] [1, return] [ return => 1 ] [ 1 => return ] [ a: return ] [ *return ] [ **return ] RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 1..7], [message, 13..19], [message, 23..29], [message, 44..50], [message, 58..64], [message, 70..76], [message, 83..89], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_hash source = <<~RUBY { return => 1 } { 1 => return } { a: return } { **return } RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 2..8], [message, 23..29], [message, 37..43], [message, 50..56], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_call source = <<~RUBY (return).foo (return).(1) (return)[1] (return)[1] = 2 (return)::foo RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 1..7], [message, 14..20], [message, 27..33], [message, 39..45], [message, 55..61], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_constant_path source = <<~RUBY (return)::A class (return)::A; end RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 1..7], [message, 19..25], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_arguments source = <<~RUBY foo(return) foo(1, return) foo(*return) foo(**return) foo(&return) foo(return => 1) foo(:a => return) foo(a: return) RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 4..10], [message, 19..25], [message, 32..38], [message, 46..52], [message, 59..65], [message, 71..77], [message, 94..100], [message, 109..115], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_unary_call source = <<~RUBY +(return) not return RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 2..8], [message, 14..20], ] end def test_void_value_expression_in_binary_call source = <<~RUBY 1 + (return) (return) + 1 1 and (return) (return) and 1 1 or (return) (return) or 1 RUBY message = 'unexpected void value expression' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ [message, 5..11], [message, 14..20], [message, 42..48], [message, 71..77], ] end def test_trailing_comma_in_calls assert_errors expression("foo 1,"), "foo 1,", [ ["expected an argument", 5..6] ] end def test_argument_after_ellipsis source = 'def foo(...); foo(..., 1); end' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ['unexpected argument after `...`', 23..24] ] end def test_ellipsis_in_no_paren_call source = 'def foo(...); foo 1, ...; end' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ['unexpected `...` in an non-parenthesized call', 21..24] ] end def test_non_assoc_range source = '1....2' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected '.', expecting end-of-input", 4..5], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 4..5] ] end def test_upcase_end_in_def assert_warning_messages "def foo; END { }; end", [ "END in method; use at_exit" ] end def test_warnings_verbosity warning = Prism.parse("def foo; END { }; end").warnings[0] assert_equal "END in method; use at_exit", warning.message assert_equal :default, warning.level warning = Prism.parse("foo /regexp/").warnings[0] assert_equal "ambiguous `/`; wrap regexp in parentheses or add a space after `/` operator", warning.message assert_equal :verbose, warning.level end def test_statement_operators source = <<~RUBY alias x y + 1 alias x y.z BEGIN { bar } + 1 BEGIN { bar }.z END { bar } + 1 END { bar }.z undef x + 1 undef x.z RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 10..11], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 10..11], ["unexpected '.', expecting end-of-input", 23..24], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 23..24], ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 40..41], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 40..41], ["unexpected '.', expecting end-of-input", 57..58], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 57..58], ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 72..73], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 72..73], ["unexpected '.', expecting end-of-input", 87..88], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 87..88], ["unexpected '+', expecting end-of-input", 98..99], ["unexpected '+', ignoring it", 98..99], ["unexpected '.', expecting end-of-input", 109..110], ["unexpected '.', ignoring it", 109..110] ] end def test_statement_at_non_statement source = <<~RUBY foo(alias x y) foo(BEGIN { bar }) foo(END { bar }) foo(undef x) RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ['unexpected an `alias` at a non-statement position', 4..9], ['unexpected a `BEGIN` at a non-statement position', 19..24], ['unexpected an `END` at a non-statement position', 38..41], ['unexpected an `undef` at a non-statement position', 55..60], ] end def test_binary_range_with_left_unary_range source = <<~RUBY ..1.. ...1.. RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected range operator; .. and ... are non-associative and cannot be chained", 3..5], ["unexpected range operator; .. and ... are non-associative and cannot be chained", 10..12], ["unexpected .., expecting end-of-input", 10..12], ["unexpected .., ignoring it", 10..12] ] end def test_circular_param source = <<~RUBY def foo(bar = bar) = 42 def foo(bar: bar) = 42 proc { |foo = foo| } proc { |foo: foo| } RUBY assert_errors( expression(source), source, [ ["circular argument reference - bar", 8..11], ["circular argument reference - bar", 32..35], ["circular argument reference - foo", 55..58], ["circular argument reference - foo", 76..79] ], check_valid_syntax: false, version: "3.3.0" ) refute_error_messages("def foo(bar: bar = 1); end") end def test_command_calls sources = <<~RUBY.lines [a b] {a: b c} ...a b if ...a b; end a b, c d a(b, c d) a(*b c) a(**b c) a(&b c) +a b a + b c a && b c a =~ b c a = b, c d a = *b c a, b = c = d f a ? b c : d e defined? a b ! ! a b def f a = b c; end def f(a = b c); end a = b rescue c d def a = b rescue c d ->a=b c{} ->(a=b c){} case; when a b; end case; in a if a b; end case; in a unless a b; end begin; rescue a b; end begin; rescue a b => c; end RUBY sources.each do |source| refute_valid_syntax(source) assert_false(Prism.parse(source).success?) end end def test_range_and_bin_op sources = <<~RUBY.lines 1..2..3 1..2.. 1.. || 2 1.. & 2 1.. * 2 1.. / 2 1.. % 2 1.. ** 2 RUBY sources.each do |source| refute_valid_syntax(source) assert_false(Prism.parse(source).success?) end end def test_command_call_in source = <<~RUBY foo 1 in a a = foo 2 in b RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected `in` keyword in arguments", 9..10], ["unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input", 9..10], ["unexpected `in` keyword in arguments", 24..25], ["unexpected local variable or method, expecting end-of-input", 24..25] ] end def test_constant_assignment_in_method source = 'def foo();A=1;end' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ['dynamic constant assignment', 10..13] ] end def test_non_assoc_equality source = <<~RUBY 1 == 2 == 3 1 != 2 != 3 1 === 2 === 3 1 =~ 2 =~ 3 1 !~ 2 !~ 3 1 <=> 2 <=> 3 RUBY assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["unexpected '==', expecting end-of-input", 7..9], ["unexpected '==', ignoring it", 7..9], ["unexpected '!=', expecting end-of-input", 19..21], ["unexpected '!=', ignoring it", 19..21], ["unexpected '===', expecting end-of-input", 32..35], ["unexpected '===', ignoring it", 32..35], ["unexpected '=~', expecting end-of-input", 45..47], ["unexpected '=~', ignoring it", 45..47], ["unexpected '!~', expecting end-of-input", 57..59], ["unexpected '!~', ignoring it", 57..59], ["unexpected '<=>', expecting end-of-input", 70..73], ["unexpected '<=>', ignoring it", 70..73] ] end def test_block_arg_and_block source = 'foo(&1) { }' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ["both block arg and actual block given; only one block is allowed", 8..11] ] end def test_forwarding_arg_and_block source = 'def foo(...) = foo(...) { }' assert_errors expression(source), source, [ ['both block arg and actual block given; only one block is allowed', 24..27] ] end def test_it_with_ordinary_parameter source = "proc { || it }" errors = [["`it` is not allowed when an ordinary parameter is defined", 10..12]] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors, check_valid_syntax: RUBY_VERSION >= "3.4.0" end def test_regular_expression_with_unknown_regexp_options source = "/foo/AZaz" errors = [["unknown regexp options - AZaz", 4..9]] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors end def test_interpolated_regular_expression_with_unknown_regexp_options source = "/\#{foo}/AZaz" errors = [["unknown regexp options - AZaz", 7..12]] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors end def test_singleton_method_for_literals source = <<~'RUBY' def (1).g; end def ((a; 1)).foo; end def ((return; 1)).bar; end def (((1))).foo; end def (__FILE__).foo; end def (__ENCODING__).foo; end def (__LINE__).foo; end def ("foo").foo; end def (3.14).foo; end def (3.14i).foo; end def (:foo).foo; end def (:'foo').foo; end def (:'f{o}').foo; end def ('foo').foo; end def ("foo").foo; end def ("#{fo}o").foo; end def (/foo/).foo; end def (/f#{oo}/).foo; end def ([1]).foo; end RUBY errors = [ ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 5..6], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 24..25], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 51..52], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 71..72], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 90..98], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 114..126], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 142..150], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 166..171], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 187..191], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 207..212], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 228..232], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 248..254], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 270..277], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 293..298], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 314..319], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 335..343], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 359..364], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 380..388], ["cannot define singleton method for literals", 404..407] ] assert_errors expression(source), source, errors end def test_assignment_to_literal_in_conditionals source = <<~RUBY if (a = 2); end if ($a = 2); end if (@a = 2); end if (@@a = 2); end if a elsif b = 2; end unless (a = 2); end unless ($a = 2); end unless (@a = 2); end unless (@@a = 2); end while (a = 2); end while ($a = 2); end while (@a = 2); end while (@@a = 2); end until (a = 2); end until ($a = 2); end until (@a = 2); end until (@@a = 2); end foo if a = 2 foo if (a, b = 2) (@foo = 1) ? a : b !(a = 2) not a = 2 RUBY assert_warning_messages source, [ "found '= literal' in conditional, should be ==" ] * source.lines.count end def test_duplicate_pattern_capture source = <<~RUBY case (); in [a, a]; end case (); in [a, *a]; end case (); in {a: a, b: a}; end case (); in {a: a, **a}; end case (); in [a, {a:}]; end case (); in [a, {a: {a: {a: [a]}}}]; end case (); in a => a; end case (); in [A => a, {a: b => a}]; end RUBY assert_error_messages source, Array.new(source.lines.length, "duplicated variable name") refute_error_messages "case (); in [_a, _a]; end" end def test_duplicate_pattern_hash_key assert_error_messages "case (); in {a:, a:}; end", ["duplicated key name", "duplicated variable name"] assert_error_messages "case (); in {a:1, a:2}; end", ["duplicated key name"] refute_error_messages "case (); in [{a:1}, {a:2}]; end" end def test_unexpected_block assert_error_messages "def foo = yield(&:+)", ["block argument should not be given"] end private def assert_errors(expected, source, errors, check_valid_syntax: true, **options) refute_valid_syntax(source) if check_valid_syntax result = Prism.parse(source, **options) node = result.value.statements.body.last assert_equal_nodes(expected, node, compare_location: false) assert_equal(errors, result.errors.map { |e| [e.message, e.location.start_offset..e.location.end_offset] }) end def assert_error_messages(source, errors) refute_valid_syntax(source) result = Prism.parse(source) assert_equal(errors, result.errors.map(&:message)) end def refute_error_messages(source) assert_valid_syntax(source) assert Prism.parse_success?(source), "Expected #{source.inspect} to parse successfully" end def assert_warning_messages(source, warnings) result = Prism.parse(source) assert_equal(warnings, result.warnings.map(&:message)) end def expression(source) Prism.parse(source).value.statements.body.last end end end