# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'optparse' class TestOptionParser < Test::Unit::TestCase def setup @opt = OptionParser.new @flag = self.class # cannot set by option end class DummyOutput < String alias write concat end def assert_no_error(*args) $stderr, stderr = DummyOutput.new, $stderr assert_nothing_raised(*args) {return yield} ensure stderr, $stderr = $stderr, stderr $!.backtrace.delete_if {|e| /\A#{Regexp.quote(__FILE__)}:#{__LINE__-2}/o =~ e} if $! assert_empty(stderr) end alias no_error assert_no_error def test_permute assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"- foo bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"- foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"-- foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo - bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"foo - bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"foo -- bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo --help bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"foo -- --help bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) end def test_order assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo bar", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"- foo bar", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"- foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo bar", no_error {@opt.permute!(%w"-- foo bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo - bar", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"foo - bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo -- bar", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"foo -- bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) assert_equal(%w"foo -- --help bar", no_error {@opt.order!(%w"foo -- --help bar")}) assert_equal(self.class, @flag) end def test_regexp return unless defined?(@reopt) assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.parse!(%w"--regexp=/foo/")}) assert_equal(/foo/, @reopt) assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.parse!(%w"--regexp=/foo/i")}) assert_equal(/foo/i, @reopt) assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.parse!(%w"--regexp=/foo/n")}) assert_equal(/foo/n, @reopt) assert_equal(%w"", no_error {@opt.parse!(%W"--regexp=/\u{3042}/s")}) assert_equal(Encoding::Windows_31J, @reopt.encoding) assert_equal("\x82\xa0".force_encoding(Encoding::Windows_31J), @reopt.source) end def test_into @opt.def_option "-h", "--host=HOST", "hostname" @opt.def_option "-p", "--port=PORT", "port", Integer @opt.def_option "-v", "--verbose" do @verbose = true end @opt.def_option "-q", "--quiet" do @quiet = true end @opt.def_option "-o", "--option [OPT]" do |opt| @option = opt end result = {} @opt.parse %w(--host localhost --port 8000 -v), into: result assert_equal({host: "localhost", port: 8000, verbose: true}, result) assert_equal(true, @verbose) result = {} @opt.parse %w(--option -q), into: result assert_equal({quiet: true, option: nil}, result) result = {} @opt.parse %w(--option OPTION -v), into: result assert_equal({verbose: true, option: "OPTION"}, result) end def test_require_exact @opt.def_option('-F', '--zrs=IRS', 'zrs') %w(--zrs --zr --z -zfoo -z -F -Ffoo).each do |arg| result = {} @opt.parse([arg, 'foo'], into: result) assert_equal({zrs: 'foo'}, result) end @opt.require_exact = true [%w(--zrs foo), %w(--zrs=foo), %w(-F foo), %w(-Ffoo)].each do |args| result = {} @opt.parse(args, into: result) assert_equal({zrs: 'foo'}, result) end assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(--zr foo))} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(--z foo))} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-zrs foo))} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-zr foo))} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-z foo))} @opt.def_option('-f', '--[no-]foo', 'foo') {|arg| @foo = arg} @opt.parse(%w[-f]) assert_equal(true, @foo) @opt.parse(%w[--foo]) assert_equal(true, @foo) @opt.parse(%w[--no-foo]) assert_equal(false, @foo) end def test_exact_option @opt.def_option('-F', '--zrs=IRS', 'zrs') %w(--zrs --zr --z -zfoo -z -F -Ffoo).each do |arg| result = {} @opt.parse([arg, 'foo'], into: result) assert_equal({zrs: 'foo'}, result) end [%w(--zrs foo), %w(--zrs=foo), %w(-F foo), %w(-Ffoo)].each do |args| result = {} @opt.parse(args, into: result, exact: true) assert_equal({zrs: 'foo'}, result) end assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(--zr foo), exact: true)} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(--z foo), exact: true)} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-zrs foo), exact: true)} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-zr foo), exact: true)} assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-z foo), exact: true)} @opt.def_option('-f', '--[no-]foo', 'foo') {|arg| @foo = arg} @opt.parse(%w[-f], exact: true) assert_equal(true, @foo) @opt.parse(%w[--foo], exact: true) assert_equal(true, @foo) @opt.parse(%w[--no-foo], exact: true) assert_equal(false, @foo) end def test_raise_unknown @opt.def_option('--my-foo [ARG]') {|arg| @foo = arg} assert @opt.raise_unknown @opt.raise_unknown = false assert_equal(%w[--my-bar], @opt.parse(%w[--my-foo --my-bar])) assert_nil(@foo) assert_equal(%w[--my-bar], @opt.parse(%w[--my-foo x --my-bar])) assert_equal("x", @foo) end def test_nonopt_pattern @opt.def_option(/^[^-]/) do |arg| assert(false, "Never gets called") end e = assert_raise(OptionParser::InvalidOption) {@opt.parse(%w(-t))} assert_equal(["-t"], e.args) end def test_help_pager require 'tmpdir' Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| File.open(File.join(dir, "options.rb"), "w") do |f| f.puts "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}" begin; stdout = STDOUT.dup def stdout.tty?; true; end Object.__send__(:remove_const, :STDOUT) STDOUT = stdout ARGV.options do |opt| end; 100.times {|i| f.puts " opt.on('--opt-#{i}') {}"} f.puts "#{<<~"begin;"}\n#{<<~'end;'}" begin; opt.parse! end end; end optparse = $".find {|path| path.end_with?("/optparse.rb")} args = ["-r#{optparse}", "options.rb", "--help"] cmd = File.join(dir, "pager.cmd") if RbConfig::CONFIG["EXECUTABLE_EXTS"]&.include?(".cmd") command = "@echo off" else # if File.executable?("/bin/sh") # TruffleRuby just calls `posix_spawnp` and no fallback to `/bin/sh`. command = "#!/bin/sh\n" end [ [{"RUBY_PAGER"=>cmd, "PAGER"=>"echo ng"}, "Executing RUBY_PAGER"], [{"RUBY_PAGER"=>nil, "PAGER"=>cmd}, "Executing PAGER"], ].each do |env, expected| File.write(cmd, "#{command}\n" "echo #{expected}\n", perm: 0o700) assert_in_out_err([env, *args], "", [expected], chdir: dir) end end end end