# frozen_string_literal: true require_relative 'utils' if defined?(OpenSSL) class OpenSSL::TestConfig < OpenSSL::TestCase def setup super file = Tempfile.open("openssl.cnf") file << <<__EOD__ HOME = . [ ca ] default_ca = CA_default [ CA_default ] dir = ./demoCA certs = ./certs __EOD__ file.close @tmpfile = file @it = OpenSSL::Config.new(file.path) end def teardown super @tmpfile.close! end def test_constants assert(defined?(OpenSSL::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE)) config_file = OpenSSL::Config::DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE pend "DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE may return a wrong path on your platforms. [Bug #6830]" unless File.readable?(config_file) assert_nothing_raised do OpenSSL::Config.load(config_file) end end def test_s_parse c = OpenSSL::Config.parse('') assert_equal("[ default ]\n\n", c.to_s) c = OpenSSL::Config.parse(@it.to_s) assert_equal(['CA_default', 'ca', 'default'], c.sections.sort) end def test_s_parse_format c = OpenSSL::Config.parse(<<__EOC__) baz =qx\t # "baz = qx" foo::bar = baz # shortcut section::key format default::bar = baz # ditto a=\t \t # "a = ": trailing spaces are ignored =b # " = b": empty key =c # " = c": empty key (override the above line) d= # "c = ": trailing comment is ignored sq = 'foo''b\\'ar' dq ="foo""''\\"" dq2 = foo""bar esc=a\\r\\n\\b\\tb foo\\bar = foo\\b\\\\ar foo\\bar::foo\\bar = baz [default1 default2]\t\t # space is allowed in section name fo =b ar # space allowed in value [emptysection] [doller ] foo=bar bar = $(foo) baz = 123$(default::bar)456${foo}798 qux = ${baz} quxx = $qux.$qux __EOC__ assert_equal(['default', 'default1 default2', 'doller', 'emptysection', 'foo', 'foo\\bar'], c.sections.sort) assert_equal(['', 'a', 'bar', 'baz', 'd', 'dq', 'dq2', 'esc', 'foo\\bar', 'sq'], c['default'].keys.sort) assert_equal('c', c['default']['']) assert_equal('', c['default']['a']) assert_equal('qx', c['default']['baz']) assert_equal('', c['default']['d']) assert_equal('baz', c['default']['bar']) assert_equal("foob'ar", c['default']['sq']) assert_equal("foo''\"", c['default']['dq']) assert_equal("foobar", c['default']['dq2']) assert_equal("a\r\n\b\tb", c['default']['esc']) assert_equal("foo\b\\ar", c['default']['foo\\bar']) assert_equal('baz', c['foo']['bar']) assert_equal('baz', c['foo\\bar']['foo\\bar']) assert_equal('b ar', c['default1 default2']['fo']) # dolloer assert_equal('bar', c['doller']['foo']) assert_equal('bar', c['doller']['bar']) assert_equal('123baz456bar798', c['doller']['baz']) assert_equal('123baz456bar798', c['doller']['qux']) assert_equal('123baz456bar798.123baz456bar798', c['doller']['quxx']) excn = assert_raise(OpenSSL::ConfigError) do OpenSSL::Config.parse("foo = $bar") end assert_equal("error in line 1: variable has no value", excn.message) excn = assert_raise(OpenSSL::ConfigError) do OpenSSL::Config.parse("foo = $(bar") end assert_equal("error in line 1: no close brace", excn.message) excn = assert_raise(OpenSSL::ConfigError) do OpenSSL::Config.parse("f o =b ar # no space in key") end assert_equal("error in line 1: missing equal sign", excn.message) excn = assert_raise(OpenSSL::ConfigError) do OpenSSL::Config.parse(<<__EOC__) # comment 1 # comments # # comment 2 \t#comment 3 [second ]\t [third # section not terminated __EOC__ end assert_equal("error in line 7: missing close square bracket", excn.message) end def test_s_parse_include in_tmpdir("ossl-config-include-test") do |dir| Dir.mkdir("child") File.write("child/a.conf", <<~__EOC__) [default] file-a = a.conf [sec-a] a = 123 __EOC__ File.write("child/b.cnf", <<~__EOC__) [default] file-b = b.cnf [sec-b] b = 123 __EOC__ File.write("include-child.conf", <<~__EOC__) key_outside_section = value_a .include child __EOC__ include_file = <<~__EOC__ [default] file-main = unnamed [sec-main] main = 123 .include = include-child.conf __EOC__ # Include a file by relative path c1 = OpenSSL::Config.parse(include_file) if c1["sec-main"][".include"] # OpenSSL < 1.1.1 parses '.include =' as a normal assignment pend ".include directive is not supported" end assert_equal(["default", "sec-a", "sec-b", "sec-main"], c1.sections.sort) assert_equal(["file-a", "file-b", "file-main"], c1["default"].keys.sort) assert_equal({"a" => "123"}, c1["sec-a"]) assert_equal({"b" => "123"}, c1["sec-b"]) assert_equal({"main" => "123", "key_outside_section" => "value_a"}, c1["sec-main"]) # Relative paths are from the working directory # Inclusion fails, but the error is ignored silently c2 = Dir.chdir("child") { OpenSSL::Config.parse(include_file) } assert_equal(["default", "sec-main"], c2.sections.sort) end end def test_s_load # alias of new c = OpenSSL::Config.load assert_equal("", c.to_s) assert_equal([], c.sections) # Tempfile.create("openssl.cnf") {|file| file.close c = OpenSSL::Config.load(file.path) assert_equal("[ default ]\n\n", c.to_s) assert_equal(['default'], c.sections) } end def test_s_parse_config ret = OpenSSL::Config.parse_config(@it.to_s) assert_equal(@it.sections.sort, ret.keys.sort) assert_equal(@it["default"], ret["default"]) end def test_initialize c = OpenSSL::Config.new assert_equal("", c.to_s) assert_equal([], c.sections) end def test_initialize_with_empty_file Tempfile.create("openssl.cnf") {|file| file.close c = OpenSSL::Config.new(file.path) assert_equal("[ default ]\n\n", c.to_s) assert_equal(['default'], c.sections) } end def test_initialize_with_example_file assert_equal(['CA_default', 'ca', 'default'], @it.sections.sort) end def test_get_value assert_equal('CA_default', @it.get_value('ca', 'default_ca')) assert_equal(nil, @it.get_value('ca', 'no such key')) assert_equal(nil, @it.get_value('no such section', 'no such key')) assert_equal('.', @it.get_value('', 'HOME')) assert_raise(TypeError) do @it.get_value(nil, 'HOME') # not allowed unlike Config#value end # fallback to 'default' ugly... assert_equal('.', @it.get_value('unknown', 'HOME')) end def test_get_value_ENV # LibreSSL removed support for NCONF_get_string(conf, "ENV", str) return if libressl? key = ENV.keys.first assert_not_nil(key) # make sure we have at least one ENV var. assert_equal(ENV[key], @it.get_value('ENV', key)) end def test_aref assert_equal({'HOME' => '.'}, @it['default']) assert_equal({'dir' => './demoCA', 'certs' => './certs'}, @it['CA_default']) assert_equal({}, @it['no_such_section']) assert_equal({}, @it['']) end def test_sections assert_equal(['CA_default', 'ca', 'default'], @it.sections.sort) Tempfile.create("openssl.cnf") { |f| f.write File.read(@tmpfile.path) f.puts "[ new_section ]" f.puts "foo = bar" f.puts "[ empty_section ]" f.close c = OpenSSL::Config.new(f.path) assert_equal(['CA_default', 'ca', 'default', 'empty_section', 'new_section'], c.sections.sort) } end def test_each # each returns [section, key, value] array. ary = @it.map { |e| e }.sort { |a, b| a[0] <=> b[0] } assert_equal(4, ary.size) assert_equal('CA_default', ary[0][0]) assert_equal('CA_default', ary[1][0]) assert_equal(["ca", "default_ca", "CA_default"], ary[2]) assert_equal(["default", "HOME", "."], ary[3]) end def test_to_s c = OpenSSL::Config.parse("[empty]\n") assert_equal("[ default ]\n\n[ empty ]\n\n", c.to_s) end def test_inspect assert_match(/#/, @it.inspect) end def test_dup assert_equal(['CA_default', 'ca', 'default'], @it.sections.sort) c1 = @it.dup assert_equal(@it.sections.sort, c1.sections.sort) c2 = @it.clone assert_equal(@it.sections.sort, c2.sections.sort) end private def in_tmpdir(*args) Dir.mktmpdir(*args) do |dir| dir = File.realpath(dir) Dir.chdir(dir) do yield dir end end end end end