# frozen_string_literal: false require "test/unit" begin require 'net/https' require 'stringio' require 'timeout' require File.expand_path("../../openssl/utils", File.dirname(__FILE__)) require File.expand_path("utils", File.dirname(__FILE__)) rescue LoadError # should skip this test end class TestNetHTTPS < Test::Unit::TestCase include TestNetHTTPUtils subject = OpenSSL::X509::Name.parse("/DC=org/DC=ruby-lang/CN=localhost") exts = [ ["keyUsage", "keyEncipherment,digitalSignature", true], ] key = OpenSSL::TestUtils::TEST_KEY_RSA1024 cert = OpenSSL::TestUtils.issue_cert( subject, key, 1, Time.now, Time.now + 3600, exts, nil, nil, OpenSSL::Digest::SHA1.new ) CONFIG = { 'host' => '', 'proxy_host' => nil, 'proxy_port' => nil, 'ssl_enable' => true, 'ssl_certificate' => cert, 'ssl_private_key' => key, } def test_get http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_callback = Proc.new do |preverify_ok, store_ctx| store_ctx.current_cert.to_der == config('ssl_certificate').to_der end http.request_get("/") {|res| assert_equal($test_net_http_data, res.body) } rescue SystemCallError skip $! end def test_post http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_callback = Proc.new do |preverify_ok, store_ctx| store_ctx.current_cert.to_der == config('ssl_certificate').to_der end data = config('ssl_private_key').to_der http.request_post("/", data, {'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'}) {|res| assert_equal(data, res.body) } rescue SystemCallError skip $! end def test_session_reuse http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_callback = Proc.new do |preverify_ok, store_ctx| store_ctx.current_cert.to_der == config('ssl_certificate').to_der end http.start http.get("/") http.finish http.start http.get("/") http.finish # three times due to possible bug in OpenSSL 0.9.8 sid = http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_session).id http.start http.get("/") socket = http.instance_variable_get(:@socket).io assert socket.session_reused? assert_equal sid, http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_session).id http.finish rescue SystemCallError skip $! end def test_session_reuse_but_expire http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_callback = Proc.new do |preverify_ok, store_ctx| store_ctx.current_cert.to_der == config('ssl_certificate').to_der end http.ssl_timeout = -1 http.start http.get("/") http.finish sid = http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_session).id http.start http.get("/") socket = http.instance_variable_get(:@socket).io assert_equal false, socket.session_reused? assert_not_equal sid, http.instance_variable_get(:@ssl_session).id http.finish rescue SystemCallError skip $! end if ENV["RUBY_OPENSSL_TEST_ALL"] def test_verify http = Net::HTTP.new("ssl.netlab.jp", 443) http.use_ssl = true assert( (http.request_head("/"){|res| } rescue false), "The system may not have default CA certificate store." ) end end def test_verify_none http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_NONE http.request_get("/") {|res| assert_equal($test_net_http_data, res.body) } rescue SystemCallError skip $! end def test_certificate_verify_failure http = Net::HTTP.new("localhost", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true ex = assert_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError){ begin http.request_get("/") {|res| } rescue SystemCallError skip $! end } assert_match(/certificate verify failed/, ex.message) unless /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # on Windows, Errno::ECONNRESET will be raised, and it'll be eaten by # WEBrick @log_tester = lambda {|log| assert_equal(1, log.length) assert_match(/ERROR OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError:/, log[0]) } end end def test_identity_verify_failure http = Net::HTTP.new("", config("port")) http.use_ssl = true http.verify_callback = Proc.new do |preverify_ok, store_ctx| store_ctx.current_cert.to_der == config('ssl_certificate').to_der end ex = assert_raise(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError){ http.request_get("/") {|res| } } assert_match(/hostname \"\" does not match/, ex.message) end def test_timeout_during_SSL_handshake bug4246 = "expected the SSL connection to have timed out but have not. [ruby-core:34203]" # listen for connections... but deliberately do not complete SSL handshake TCPServer.open('localhost', 0) {|server| port = server.addr[1] conn = Net::HTTP.new('localhost', port) conn.use_ssl = true conn.read_timeout = 0.01 conn.open_timeout = 0.01 th = Thread.new do assert_raise(Net::OpenTimeout) { conn.get('/') } end assert th.join(10), bug4246 } end end if defined?(OpenSSL::TestUtils)