###################################################################### # This file is imported from the minitest project. # DO NOT make modifications in this repo. They _will_ be reverted! # File a patch instead and assign it to Ryan Davis. ###################################################################### require 'minitest/autorun' require 'stringio' class MiniSpecA < MiniTest::Spec; end class MiniSpecB < MiniTest::Spec; end class ExampleA; end class ExampleB < ExampleA; end describe MiniTest::Spec do before do @assertion_count = 4 end after do self._assertions.must_equal @assertion_count end # TODO: figure out how the hell to write a test for this # it "will skip if there is no block" it "needs to have all methods named well" do @assertion_count = 2 methods = Object.public_instance_methods.find_all { |n| n =~ /^must|^wont/ } methods.map! { |m| m.to_s } if Symbol === methods.first musts, wonts = methods.sort.partition { |m| m =~ /^must/ } expected_musts = %w(must_be must_be_close_to must_be_empty must_be_instance_of must_be_kind_of must_be_nil must_be_same_as must_be_silent must_be_within_delta must_be_within_epsilon must_equal must_include must_match must_output must_raise must_respond_to must_send must_throw) bad = %w[not raise throw send output be_silent] expected_wonts = expected_musts.map { |m| m.sub(/^must/, 'wont') } expected_wonts.reject! { |m| m =~ /wont_#{Regexp.union(*bad)}/ } musts.must_equal expected_musts wonts.must_equal expected_wonts end it "needs to verify equality" do (6 * 7).must_equal(42).must_equal true proc { (6 * 9).must_equal(42) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify floats within a delta" do (6.0 * 7).must_be_close_to(42.0).must_equal true proc { 42.002.must_be_close_to 42.0 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify types of objects" do (6 * 7).must_be_instance_of(Fixnum).must_equal true proc { (6 * 7).must_be_instance_of String }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify kinds of objects" do @assertion_count = 6 (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of(Fixnum).must_equal true (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of(Numeric).must_equal true proc { (6 * 7).must_be_kind_of String }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify regexp matches" do @assertion_count = 6 "blah".must_match(/\w+/).must_equal true proc { "blah".must_match(/\d+/) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify nil" do nil.must_be_nil.must_equal true proc { 42.must_be_nil }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify using any binary operator" do 41.must_be(:<, 42).must_equal true proc { 42.must_be(:<, 41) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify using any predicate" do "".must_be(:empty?).must_equal true proc { "blah".must_be(:empty?) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to catch an expected exception" do @assertion_count = 2 proc { raise "blah" }.must_raise RuntimeError proc { raise MiniTest::Assertion }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to catch an unexpected exception" do @assertion_count = 2 proc { proc { raise MiniTest::Assertion }.must_raise(RuntimeError) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs raise if an expected exception is not raised" do @assertion_count = 2 proc { proc { 42 }.must_raise(RuntimeError) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to be able to catch a MiniTest::Assertion exception" do @assertion_count = 2 proc { 1.wont_equal 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify using respond_to" do 42.must_respond_to(:+).must_equal true proc { 42.must_respond_to(:clear) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify identity" do 1.must_be_same_as(1).must_equal true proc { 1.must_be_same_as 2 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify throw" do @assertion_count = 6 proc { throw :blah }.must_throw(:blah).must_equal true proc { proc { }.must_throw(:blah) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion proc { proc { throw :xxx }.must_throw(:blah) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify inequality" do 42.wont_equal(6 * 9).must_equal false proc { 1.wont_equal 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify mismatch" do @assertion_count = 6 "blah".wont_match(/\d+/).must_equal false proc { "blah".wont_match(/\w+/) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify using any (negative) predicate" do "blah".wont_be(:empty?).must_equal false proc { "".wont_be(:empty?) }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify non-nil" do 42.wont_be_nil.must_equal false proc { nil.wont_be_nil }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify non-identity" do 1.wont_be_same_as(2).must_equal false proc { 1.wont_be_same_as 1 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify output in stdout" do proc { print "blah" }.must_output("blah").must_equal true proc { proc { print "xxx" }.must_output("blah") }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to verify output in stderr" do proc { $stderr.print "blah" }.must_output(nil, "blah").must_equal true proc { proc { $stderr.print "xxx" }.must_output(nil, "blah") }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to ensure silence" do @assertion_count = 5 proc { }.must_be_silent.must_equal true proc { proc { print "xxx" }.must_be_silent }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to be sensible about must_include order" do @assertion_count = 6 [1, 2, 3].must_include(2).must_equal true proc { [1, 2, 3].must_include 5 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end it "needs to be sensible about wont_include order" do @assertion_count = 6 [1, 2, 3].wont_include(5).must_equal false proc { [1, 2, 3].wont_include 2 }.must_raise MiniTest::Assertion end end describe MiniTest::Spec, :let do i_suck_and_my_tests_are_order_dependent! def _count $let_count ||= 0 end let :count do $let_count += 1 $let_count end it "is evaluated once per example" do _count.must_equal 0 count.must_equal 1 count.must_equal 1 _count.must_equal 1 end it "is REALLY evaluated once per example" do _count.must_equal 1 count.must_equal 2 count.must_equal 2 _count.must_equal 2 end end describe MiniTest::Spec, :subject do attr_reader :subject_evaluation_count subject do @subject_evaluation_count ||= 0 @subject_evaluation_count += 1 @subject_evaluation_count end it "is evaluated once per example" do subject.must_equal 1 subject.must_equal 1 subject_evaluation_count.must_equal 1 end end class TestMeta < MiniTest::Unit::TestCase def test_setup srand 42 MiniTest::Unit::TestCase.reset end def util_structure x = y = z = nil before_list = [] after_list = [] x = describe "top-level thingy" do before { before_list << 1 } after { after_list << 1 } it "top-level-it" do end y = describe "inner thingy" do before { before_list << 2 } after { after_list << 2 } it "inner-it" do end z = describe "very inner thingy" do before { before_list << 3 } after { after_list << 3 } it "inner-it" do end it {} # ignore me specify {} # anonymous it end end end return x, y, z, before_list, after_list end def test_register_spec_type original_types = MiniTest::Spec::TYPES.dup assert_equal [[//, MiniTest::Spec]], MiniTest::Spec::TYPES MiniTest::Spec.register_spec_type(/woot/, TestMeta) p = lambda do |x| true end MiniTest::Spec.register_spec_type TestMeta, &p keys = MiniTest::Spec::TYPES.map(&:first) assert_includes keys, /woot/ assert_includes keys, p ensure MiniTest::Spec::TYPES.replace original_types end def test_spec_type original_types = MiniTest::Spec::TYPES.dup MiniTest::Spec.register_spec_type(/A$/, MiniSpecA) MiniTest::Spec.register_spec_type MiniSpecB do |desc| desc.superclass == ExampleA end assert_equal MiniSpecA, MiniTest::Spec.spec_type(ExampleA) assert_equal MiniSpecB, MiniTest::Spec.spec_type(ExampleB) ensure MiniTest::Spec::TYPES.replace original_types end def test_structure x, y, z, * = util_structure assert_equal "top-level thingy", x.to_s assert_equal "top-level thingy::inner thingy", y.to_s assert_equal "top-level thingy::inner thingy::very inner thingy", z.to_s assert_equal "top-level thingy", x.desc assert_equal "inner thingy", y.desc assert_equal "very inner thingy", z.desc top_methods = %w(test_0001_top_level_it) inner_methods1 = %w(test_0001_inner_it) inner_methods2 = inner_methods1 + %w(test_0002_anonymous test_0003_anonymous) assert_equal top_methods, x.instance_methods(false).sort.map(&:to_s) assert_equal inner_methods1, y.instance_methods(false).sort.map(&:to_s) assert_equal inner_methods2, z.instance_methods(false).sort.map(&:to_s) end def test_setup_teardown_behavior _, _, z, before_list, after_list = util_structure tc = z.new(nil) tc.run_setup_hooks tc.run_teardown_hooks assert_equal [1, 2, 3], before_list assert_equal [3, 2, 1], after_list end def test_children MiniTest::Spec.children.clear x = y = z = nil x = describe "top-level thingy" do y = describe "first thingy" do end it "top-level-it" do end z = describe "second thingy" do end end assert_equal [x], MiniTest::Spec.children assert_equal [y, z], x.children assert_equal [], y.children assert_equal [], z.children end def test_describe_first_structure x = y = z = nil x = describe "top-level thingy" do y = describe "first thingy" do end it "top-level-it" do end z = describe "second thingy" do end end assert_equal ['test_0001_top_level_it'], x.instance_methods.grep(/^test/).map {|o| o.to_s} assert_equal [], y.instance_methods.grep(/^test/) assert_equal [], z.instance_methods.grep(/^test/) end def test_structure_subclasses z = nil x = Class.new MiniTest::Spec do def xyz; end end y = Class.new x do z = describe("inner") {} end assert_respond_to x.new(nil), "xyz" assert_respond_to y.new(nil), "xyz" assert_respond_to z.new(nil), "xyz" end end