# coding: US-ASCII # frozen_string_literal: false require_relative 'helper' require 'tempfile' require 'tmpdir' class TestLogDevice < Test::Unit::TestCase class LogExcnRaiser def write(*arg) raise 'disk is full' end def close end def stat Object.new end end def setup @tempfile = Tempfile.new("logger") @tempfile.close @filename = @tempfile.path File.unlink(@filename) end def teardown @tempfile.close(true) end def d(log, opt = {}) Logger::LogDevice.new(log, **opt) end def test_initialize logdev = d(STDERR) assert_equal(STDERR, logdev.dev) assert_nil(logdev.filename) assert_raise(TypeError) do d(nil) end # logdev = d(@filename) begin assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_predicate(logdev.dev, :sync) refute_predicate(logdev.dev, :binmode?) assert_equal(@filename, logdev.filename) logdev.write('hello') ensure logdev.close end # create logfile whitch is already exist. logdev = d(@filename) begin assert_predicate(logdev.dev, :sync) refute_predicate(logdev.dev, :binmode?) logdev.write('world') logfile = File.read(@filename) assert_equal(2, logfile.split(/\n/).size) assert_match(/^helloworld$/, logfile) ensure logdev.close end # logfile object with path tempfile = Tempfile.new("logger") tempfile.sync = true logdev = d(tempfile) begin logdev.write('world') logfile = File.read(tempfile.path) assert_equal(1, logfile.split(/\n/).size) assert_match(/^world$/, logfile) assert_equal(tempfile.path, logdev.filename) ensure logdev.close File.unlink(tempfile) tempfile.close(true) end end def test_write r, w = IO.pipe logdev = d(w) logdev.write("msg2\n\n") IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1) w.close msg = r.read r.close assert_equal("msg2\n\n", msg) # logdev = d(LogExcnRaiser.new) class << (stderr = '') alias write concat end $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr begin assert_nothing_raised do logdev.write('hello') end ensure logdev.close $stderr, stderr = stderr, $stderr end assert_equal "log writing failed. disk is full\n", stderr end def test_close r, w = IO.pipe logdev = d(w) logdev.write("msg2\n\n") IO.select([r], nil, nil, 0.1) assert_not_predicate(w, :closed?) logdev.close assert_predicate(w, :closed?) r.close end def test_reopen_io logdev = d(STDERR) old_dev = logdev.dev logdev.reopen assert_equal(STDERR, logdev.dev) assert_not_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) end def test_reopen_io_by_io logdev = d(STDERR) old_dev = logdev.dev logdev.reopen(STDOUT) assert_equal(STDOUT, logdev.dev) assert_not_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) end def test_reopen_io_by_file logdev = d(STDERR) old_dev = logdev.dev logdev.reopen(@filename) begin assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_equal(@filename, logdev.filename) assert_not_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) ensure logdev.close end end def test_reopen_file logdev = d(@filename) old_dev = logdev.dev logdev.reopen begin assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_equal(@filename, logdev.filename) assert_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) ensure logdev.close end end def test_reopen_file_by_io logdev = d(@filename) old_dev = logdev.dev logdev.reopen(STDOUT) assert_equal(STDOUT, logdev.dev) assert_nil(logdev.filename) assert_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) end def test_reopen_file_by_file logdev = d(@filename) old_dev = logdev.dev tempfile2 = Tempfile.new("logger") tempfile2.close filename2 = tempfile2.path File.unlink(filename2) logdev.reopen(filename2) begin assert_file.exist?(filename2) assert_equal(filename2, logdev.filename) assert_predicate(old_dev, :closed?) ensure logdev.close tempfile2.close(true) end end def test_shifting_size tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log']) logfile = tmpfile.path logfile0 = logfile + '.0' logfile1 = logfile + '.1' logfile2 = logfile + '.2' logfile3 = logfile + '.3' tmpfile.close(true) File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile) File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0) File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1) File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2) logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 100) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile0) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile0) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile1) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile1) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile2) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile2) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.close File.unlink(logfile) File.unlink(logfile0) File.unlink(logfile1) File.unlink(logfile2) tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_2.log']) logfile = tmpfile.path logfile0 = logfile + '.0' logfile1 = logfile + '.1' logfile2 = logfile + '.2' logfile3 = logfile + '.3' tmpfile.close(true) logger = Logger.new(logfile, 4, 150) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile0) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile0) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile0) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile1) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile1) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile1) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile2) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile2) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(logfile2) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.not_exist?(logfile3) logger.close File.unlink(logfile) File.unlink(logfile0) File.unlink(logfile1) File.unlink(logfile2) end def test_shifting_age_variants logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'daily') logger.info('daily') logger.close logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'weekly') logger.info('weekly') logger.close logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'monthly') logger.info('monthly') logger.close end def test_shifting_age # shift_age other than 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly' means 'everytime' yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d") filename1 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}" filename2 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.1" filename3 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.2" begin logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'now') assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_file.not_exist?(filename1) assert_file.not_exist?(filename2) assert_file.not_exist?(filename3) logger.info("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_file.exist?(filename1) assert_file.not_exist?(filename2) assert_file.not_exist?(filename3) logger.warn("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_file.exist?(filename1) assert_file.exist?(filename2) assert_file.not_exist?(filename3) logger.error("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_file.exist?(filename1) assert_file.exist?(filename2) assert_file.exist?(filename3) ensure logger.close if logger [filename1, filename2, filename3].each do |filename| File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end def test_shifting_period_suffix # shift_age other than 'daily', 'weekly', and 'monthly' means 'everytime' ['%Y%m%d', '%Y-%m-%d', '%Y'].each do |format| if format == '%Y%m%d' # default logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'now', 1048576) else # config logger = Logger.new(@filename, 'now', 1048576, shift_period_suffix: format) end begin yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime(format) filename1 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}" filename2 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.1" filename3 = @filename + ".#{yyyymmdd}.2" logger.info("0" * 15) logger.info("0" * 15) logger.info("0" * 15) assert_file.exist?(@filename) assert_file.exist?(filename1) assert_file.exist?(filename2) assert_file.exist?(filename3) ensure logger.close if logger [filename1, filename2, filename3].each do |filename| File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end end def test_shifting_size_in_multiprocess tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log']) logfile = tmpfile.path logfile0 = logfile + '.0' logfile1 = logfile + '.1' logfile2 = logfile + '.2' tmpfile.close(true) File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile) File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0) File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1) File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2) begin stderr = run_children(2, [logfile], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 4, 10) 10.times do logger.info '0' * 15 end end; assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr) assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr) assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr) ensure File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile) File.unlink(logfile0) if File.exist?(logfile0) File.unlink(logfile1) if File.exist?(logfile1) File.unlink(logfile2) if File.exist?(logfile2) end end def test_shifting_age_in_multiprocess yyyymmdd = Time.now.strftime("%Y%m%d") begin stderr = run_children(2, [@filename], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; logger = Logger.new(ARGV[0], 'now') 10.times do logger.info '0' * 15 end end; assert_no_match(/log shifting failed/, stderr) assert_no_match(/log writing failed/, stderr) assert_no_match(/log rotation inter-process lock failed/, stderr) ensure Dir.glob("#{@filename}.#{yyyymmdd}{,.[1-9]*}") do |filename| File.unlink(filename) if File.exist?(filename) end end end def test_open_logfile_in_multiprocess tmpfile = Tempfile.new([File.basename(__FILE__, '.*'), '_1.log']) logfile = tmpfile.path tmpfile.close(true) begin 20.times do run_children(2, [logfile], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; logfile = ARGV[0] logdev = Logger::LogDevice.new(logfile) logdev.send(:open_logfile, logfile) end; assert_equal(1, File.readlines(logfile).grep(/# Logfile created on/).size) File.unlink(logfile) end ensure File.unlink(logfile) if File.exist?(logfile) end end def test_shifting_size_not_rotate_too_much logdev0 = d(@filename) logdev0.__send__(:add_log_header, @tempfile) header_size = @tempfile.size message = "*" * 99 + "\n" shift_size = header_size + message.size * 3 - 1 opt = {shift_age: 1, shift_size: shift_size} Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| begin log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") logdev1 = d(log, opt) logdev2 = d(log, opt) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev) 3.times{logdev1.write(message)} assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev) logdev1.write(message) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev) assert_file.identical?(log + ".0", logdev2.dev) logdev2.write(message) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev) logdev1.write(message) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev1.dev) assert_file.identical?(log, logdev2.dev) ensure logdev1.close if logdev1 logdev2.close if logdev2 end end ensure logdev0.close end unless /mswin|mingw/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM def test_shifting_midnight Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([*%W"--disable=gems -rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} File.utime(*[Time.mktime(2014, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)]*2, log) Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 1, 2, 23, 59, 59, 999000) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new(log, shift_age: 'daily') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close end end; bug = '[GH-539]' log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_file.for(bug).exist?(log+".20140102") assert_match(/hello-1/, File.read(log+".20140102"), bug) end end env_tz_works = /linux|darwin|freebsd/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # borrow from test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb def test_shifting_weekly Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([{"TZ"=>"UTC"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 14, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'weekly') Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 19, 12, 34, 56) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 20, 0, 1, 1) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) log = Dir.glob(log+".*") assert_equal(1, log.size) log, = *log cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_equal("2015-12-19", cont[/^[-\d]+/]) assert_equal("20151219", log[/\d+\z/]) end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_monthly Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([{"TZ"=>"UTC"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 14, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'monthly') Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 31, 12, 34, 56) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) log = Dir.glob(log+".*") assert_equal(1, log.size) log, = *log cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_equal("2015-12-31", cont[/^[-\d]+/]) assert_equal("20151231", log[/\d+\z/]) end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_dst_change Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([{"TZ"=>"Europe/London"}, *%W"--disable=gems -rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 3, 30, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new(log, shift_age: 'daily') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(*[Time.mktime(2014, 3, 30, 0, 2, 3)]*2, log) Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 3, 31, 0, 1, 1) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_file.exist?(log+".20140330") end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_weekly_dst_change Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_separately([{"TZ"=>"Europe/London"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.mktime(2015, 10, 25, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'weekly') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_monthly_dst_change Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_separately([{"TZ"=>"Europe/London"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 9, 1, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'monthly') Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 10, 9, 8, 7, 7) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-3\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) log = Dir.glob(log+".*") assert_equal(1, log.size) log, = *log cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_equal("2016-09-08", cont[/^[-\d]+/]) assert_equal("20160930", log[/\d+\z/]) end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_midnight_exist_file Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([*%W"--disable=gems -rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} File.utime(*[Time.mktime(2014, 1, 2, 0, 0, 0)]*2, log) Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 1, 2, 23, 59, 59, 999000) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new(log, shift_age: 'daily') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") dev.close File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.mktime(2014, 1, 3, 1, 1, 1) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new(log, shift_age: 'daily') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close end end; bug = '[GH-539]' log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_file.for(bug).exist?(log+".20140102") assert_match(/hello-1/, File.read(log+".20140102"), bug) end end env_tz_works = /linux|darwin|freebsd/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM # borrow from test/ruby/test_time_tz.rb def test_shifting_weekly_exist_file Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([{"TZ"=>"UTC"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 14, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'weekly') Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 19, 12, 34, 56) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") dev.close File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 20, 0, 1, 1) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'weekly') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) log = Dir.glob(log+".*") assert_equal(1, log.size) log, = *log cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_equal("2015-12-19", cont[/^[-\d]+/]) assert_equal("20151219", log[/\d+\z/]) end end if env_tz_works def test_shifting_monthly_exist_file Dir.mktmpdir do |tmpdir| assert_in_out_err([{"TZ"=>"UTC"}, *%W"-rlogger -C#{tmpdir} -"], "#{<<-"begin;"}\n#{<<-'end;'}") begin; begin module FakeTime attr_accessor :now end class << Time prepend FakeTime end log = "log" File.open(log, "w") {} Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 14, 0, 1, 1) File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'monthly') Time.now = Time.utc(2015, 12, 31, 12, 34, 56) dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-1\n") dev.close File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) Time.now = Time.utc(2016, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1) dev = Logger::LogDevice.new("log", shift_age: 'monthly') dev.write("#{Time.now} hello-2\n") File.utime(Time.now, Time.now, log) ensure dev.close if dev end end; log = File.join(tmpdir, "log") cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-2/, cont) assert_not_match(/hello-1/, cont) log = Dir.glob(log+".*") assert_equal(1, log.size) log, = *log cont = File.read(log) assert_match(/hello-1/, cont) assert_equal("2015-12-31", cont[/^[-\d]+/]) assert_equal("20151231", log[/\d+\z/]) end end if env_tz_works private def run_children(n, args, src) r, w = IO.pipe [w, *(1..n).map do f = IO.popen([EnvUtil.rubybin, *%w[--disable=gems -rlogger -], *args], "w", err: w) f.puts(src) f end].each(&:close) stderr = r.read r.close stderr end end