module JITSupport JIT_TIMEOUT = 600 # 10min for each... JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX = 'JIT success \(\d+\.\dms\)' SUPPORTED_COMPILERS = [ 'gcc', 'clang', ] def self.check_support # Experimental. If you want to ensure JIT is working with this test, please set this for now. if ENV.key?('RUBY_FORCE_TEST_JIT') return true end # Very pessimistic check. With this check, we can't ensure JIT is working. begin _, err = JITSupport.eval_with_jit('proc {}.call', verbose: 1, min_calls: 1, timeout: 10) rescue Timeout::Error $stderr.puts "TestJIT: #jit_supported? check timed out" false else err.match?(JIT_SUCCESS_PREFIX).tap do |success| unless success $stderr.puts "TestJIT.check_support stderr:\n```\n#{err}\n```\n" end end end end module_function def eval_with_jit(env = nil, script, verbose: 0, min_calls: 5, save_temps: false, timeout: JIT_TIMEOUT) args = ['--disable-gems', '--jit-wait', "--jit-verbose=#{verbose}", "--jit-min-calls=#{min_calls}"] args << '--jit-save-temps' if save_temps args << '-e' << script args.unshift(env) if env EnvUtil.invoke_ruby(args, '', true, true, timeout: timeout, ) end def supported? return @supported if defined?(@supported) @supported = JITSupport.check_support.tap do |supported| unless supported warn "JIT tests are skipped since JIT seems not working. Set RUBY_FORCE_TEST_JIT=1 to let it fail.", uplevel: 1 end end end def remove_mjit_logs(stderr) if RubyVM::MJIT.enabled? stderr.gsub(/^MJIT warning: Skipped to compile unsupported instruction: \w+\n/m, '') else stderr end end end