# frozen_string_literal: false require 'tempfile' require 'irb' require 'rubygems' if defined?(Gem) require_relative "helper" module TestIRB class TestContext < TestCase def setup IRB.init_config(nil) IRB.conf[:USE_SINGLELINE] = false IRB.conf[:VERBOSE] = false workspace = IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new) @context = IRB::Context.new(nil, workspace, TestInputMethod.new) @get_screen_size = Reline.method(:get_screen_size) Reline.instance_eval { undef :get_screen_size } def Reline.get_screen_size [36, 80] end save_encodings end def teardown Reline.instance_eval { undef :get_screen_size } Reline.define_singleton_method(:get_screen_size, @get_screen_size) restore_encodings end def test_last_value assert_nil(@context.last_value) assert_nil(@context.evaluate('_', 1)) obj = Object.new @context.set_last_value(obj) assert_same(obj, @context.last_value) assert_same(obj, @context.evaluate('_', 1)) end def test_evaluate_with_exception assert_nil(@context.evaluate("$!", 1)) e = assert_raise_with_message(RuntimeError, 'foo') { @context.evaluate("raise 'foo'", 1) } assert_equal('foo', e.message) assert_same(e, @context.evaluate('$!', 1, exception: e)) e = assert_raise(SyntaxError) { @context.evaluate("1,2,3", 1, exception: e) } assert_match(/\A\(irb\):1:/, e.message) assert_not_match(/rescue _\.class/, e.message) end def test_evaluate_with_encoding_error_without_lineno assert_raise_with_message(EncodingError, /invalid symbol/) { @context.evaluate(%q[:"\xAE"], 1) # The backtrace of this invalid encoding hash doesn't contain lineno. } end def test_evaluate_still_emits_warning assert_warning("(irb):1: warning: END in method; use at_exit\n") do @context.evaluate(%q[def foo; END {}; end], 1) end end def test_eval_input verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil input = TestInputMethod.new([ "raise 'Foo'\n", "_\n", "0\n", "_\n", ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_pattern_list([:*, /\(irb\):1:in `
': Foo \(RuntimeError\)\n/, :*, /#\n/, :*, /0$/, :*, /0$/, /\s*/], out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_eval_input_raise2x input = TestInputMethod.new([ "raise 'Foo'\n", "raise 'Bar'\n", "_\n", ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_pattern_list([ :*, /\(irb\):1:in `
': Foo \(RuntimeError\)\n/, :*, /\(irb\):2:in `
': Bar \(RuntimeError\)\n/, :*, /#\n/, ], out) end def test_output_to_pipe require 'stringio' input = TestInputMethod.new(["n=1"]) input.instance_variable_set(:@stdout, StringIO.new) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate irb.context.prompt_mode = :DEFAULT out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal "=> 1\n", out end { successful: [ [false, "class Foo < Struct.new(:bar); end; Foo.new(123)\n", /#/], [:p, "class Foo < Struct.new(:bar); end; Foo.new(123)\n", /#/], [true, "class Foo < Struct.new(:bar); end; Foo.new(123)\n", /#::Foo bar=123>/], [:yaml, "123", /--- 123\n/], [:marshal, "123", Marshal.dump(123)], ], failed: [ [false, "BasicObject.new", /#/, out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_object_inspection_falls_back_to_kernel_inspect_when_errored verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil main = Object.new main.singleton_class.module_eval <<~RUBY class Foo def inspect raise "foo" end end RUBY irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), TestInputMethod.new(["Foo.new"])) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_match(/An error occurred when inspecting the object: #/, out) assert_match(/Result of Kernel#inspect: #<#::Foo:/, out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_object_inspection_prints_useful_info_when_kernel_inspect_also_errored omit if RUBY_VERSION < '2.7' verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil main = Object.new main.singleton_class.module_eval <<~RUBY class Foo def initialize # Kernel#inspect goes through instance variables with #inspect # So this will cause Kernel#inspect to fail @foo = BasicObject.new end def inspect raise "foo" end end RUBY irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), TestInputMethod.new(["Foo.new"])) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_match(/An error occurred when inspecting the object: #/, out) assert_match(/An error occurred when running Kernel#inspect: # 1\n=> 2\n=> 3\n=> 4\n", out) # Everything is output, like before echo_on_assignment was introduced input.reset irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> 1\n=> 1\n=> [2, 3]\n=> 2\n=> 3\n=> 4\n=> 4\n", out) # Nothing is output when echo is false input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) # Nothing is output when echo is false even if echo_on_assignment is true input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) end def test_omit_on_assignment input = TestInputMethod.new([ "a = [1] * 100\n", "a\n", ]) value = [1] * 100 irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n" irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \n#{value.pretty_inspect}", out) input.reset irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \n#{value.pretty_inspect[0..3]}...\n=> \n#{value.pretty_inspect}", out) input.reset irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \n#{value.pretty_inspect}=> \n#{value.pretty_inspect}", out) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) end def test_omit_multiline_on_assignment without_colorize do input = TestInputMethod.new([ "class A; def inspect; ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\\n}); end; end; a = A.new\n", "a\n" ]) value = ([?* * 1000] * 3).join(%{\n}) value_first_line = (?* * 1000).to_s irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n" irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) input.reset irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> #{value_first_line[0..(input.winsize.last - 9)]}...\n=> \n#{value}\n", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) input.reset irb.context.echo = true irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \n#{value}\n=> \n#{value}\n", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = :truncate out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) input.reset irb.context.echo = false irb.context.echo_on_assignment = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("", out) irb.context.evaluate('A.remove_method(:inspect)', 0) end end def test_echo_on_assignment_conf # Default IRB.conf[:ECHO] = nil IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = nil without_colorize do input = TestInputMethod.new() irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default") assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default") # Explicitly set :ECHO to false IRB.conf[:ECHO] = false irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) refute(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO] is set to false") assert_equal(:truncate, irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be :truncate by default") # Explicitly set :ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT to true IRB.conf[:ECHO] = nil IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] = false irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) assert(irb.context.echo?, "echo? should be true by default") refute(irb.context.echo_on_assignment?, "echo_on_assignment? should be false when IRB.conf[:ECHO_ON_ASSIGNMENT] is set to false") end end def test_multiline_output_on_default_inspector main = Object.new def main.inspect "abc\ndef" end without_colorize do input = TestInputMethod.new([ "self" ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), input) irb.context.return_format = "=> %s\n" # The default irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = true out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> \nabc\ndef\n", out) # No newline before multiline output input.reset irb.context.newline_before_multiline_output = false out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("=> abc\ndef\n", out) end end def test_default_return_format IRB.conf[:PROMPT][:MY_PROMPT] = { :PROMPT_I => "%03n> ", :PROMPT_N => "%03n> ", :PROMPT_S => "%03n> ", :PROMPT_C => "%03n> " # without :RETURN # :RETURN => "%s\n" } IRB.conf[:PROMPT_MODE] = :MY_PROMPT input = TestInputMethod.new([ "3" ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_equal("3\n", out) end def test_eval_input_with_exception pend if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil input = TestInputMethod.new([ "def hoge() fuga; end; def fuga() raise; end; hoge\n", ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err if RUBY_VERSION < '3.0.0' && STDOUT.tty? expected = [ :*, /Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n/, :*, /\t 2: from \(irb\):1:in `
'\n/, :*, /\t 1: from \(irb\):1:in `hoge'\n/, :*, /\(irb\):1:in `fuga': unhandled exception\n/, ] else expected = [ :*, /\(irb\):1:in `fuga': unhandled exception\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `hoge'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `
'\n/, :* ] end assert_pattern_list(expected, out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_eval_input_with_invalid_byte_sequence_exception verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil input = TestInputMethod.new([ %Q{def hoge() fuga; end; def fuga() raise "A\\xF3B"; end; hoge\n}, ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err if RUBY_VERSION < '3.0.0' && STDOUT.tty? expected = [ :*, /Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n/, :*, /\t 2: from \(irb\):1:in `
'\n/, :*, /\t 1: from \(irb\):1:in `hoge'\n/, :*, /\(irb\):1:in `fuga': A\\xF3B \(RuntimeError\)\n/, ] else expected = [ :*, /\(irb\):1:in `fuga': A\\xF3B \(RuntimeError\)\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `hoge'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `
'\n/, :* ] end assert_pattern_list(expected, out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_eval_input_with_long_exception pend if RUBY_ENGINE == 'truffleruby' verbose, $VERBOSE = $VERBOSE, nil nesting = 20 generated_code = '' nesting.times do |i| generated_code << "def a#{i}() a#{i + 1}; end; " end generated_code << "def a#{nesting}() raise; end; a0\n" input = TestInputMethod.new([ generated_code ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err if RUBY_VERSION < '3.0.0' && STDOUT.tty? expected = [ :*, /Traceback \(most recent call last\):\n/, :*, /\t... \d+ levels...\n/, :*, /\t16: from \(irb\):1:in `a4'\n/, :*, /\t15: from \(irb\):1:in `a5'\n/, :*, /\t14: from \(irb\):1:in `a6'\n/, :*, /\t13: from \(irb\):1:in `a7'\n/, :*, /\t12: from \(irb\):1:in `a8'\n/, :*, /\t11: from \(irb\):1:in `a9'\n/, :*, /\t10: from \(irb\):1:in `a10'\n/, :*, /\t 9: from \(irb\):1:in `a11'\n/, :*, /\t 8: from \(irb\):1:in `a12'\n/, :*, /\t 7: from \(irb\):1:in `a13'\n/, :*, /\t 6: from \(irb\):1:in `a14'\n/, :*, /\t 5: from \(irb\):1:in `a15'\n/, :*, /\t 4: from \(irb\):1:in `a16'\n/, :*, /\t 3: from \(irb\):1:in `a17'\n/, :*, /\t 2: from \(irb\):1:in `a18'\n/, :*, /\t 1: from \(irb\):1:in `a19'\n/, :*, /\(irb\):1:in `a20': unhandled exception\n/, ] else expected = [ :*, /\(irb\):1:in `a20': unhandled exception\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a19'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a18'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a17'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a16'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a15'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a14'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a13'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a12'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a11'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a10'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a9'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a8'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a7'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a6'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a5'\n/, :*, /\tfrom \(irb\):1:in `a4'\n/, :*, /\t... \d+ levels...\n/, ] end assert_pattern_list(expected, out) ensure $VERBOSE = verbose end def test_prompt_main_escape main = Struct.new(:to_s).new("main\a\t\r\n") irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), TestInputMethod.new) assert_equal("irb(main )>", irb.prompt('irb(%m)>', nil, 1, 1)) end def test_prompt_main_inspect_escape main = Struct.new(:inspect).new("main\\n\nmain") irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), TestInputMethod.new) assert_equal("irb(main\\n main)>", irb.prompt('irb(%M)>', nil, 1, 1)) end def test_prompt_main_truncate main = Struct.new(:to_s).new("a" * 100) def main.inspect; to_s.inspect; end irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(main), TestInputMethod.new) assert_equal('irb(aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...)>', irb.prompt('irb(%m)>', nil, 1, 1)) assert_equal('irb("aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...)>', irb.prompt('irb(%M)>', nil, 1, 1)) end def test_lineno input = TestInputMethod.new([ "\n", "__LINE__\n", "__LINE__\n", "\n", "\n", "__LINE__\n", ]) irb = IRB::Irb.new(IRB::WorkSpace.new(Object.new), input) out, err = capture_output do irb.eval_input end assert_empty err assert_pattern_list([ :*, /\b2\n/, :*, /\b3\n/, :*, /\b6\n/, ], out) end private def without_colorize original_value = IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = false yield ensure IRB.conf[:USE_COLORIZE] = original_value end end end