require 'test/unit' begin require 'iconv' rescue LoadError end class TestIConv < Test::Unit::TestCase ASCII = "ascii" def test_simple c =, ASCII) ref = '[ruby-core:17092]' rescue return else assert_equal("abc", c.iconv("abc")) assert_equal("c", c.iconv("abc", 2), "#{ref}: with start") assert_equal("c", c.iconv("abc", 2, 1), "#{ref}: with start, length") assert_equal("c", c.iconv("abc", 2, 5), "#{ref}: with start, longer length") assert_equal("bc", c.iconv("abc", -2), "#{ref}: with nagative start") assert_equal("b", c.iconv("abc", -2, 1), "#{ref}: with nagative start, length") assert_equal("bc", c.iconv("abc", -2, 5), "#{ref}: with nagative start, longer length") assert_equal("", c.iconv("abc", 5), "#{ref}: with OOB") assert_equal("", c.iconv("abc", 5, 2), "#{ref}: with OOB, length") ensure c.close if c end end if defined?(::Iconv)