# $Id$ require 'fileutils' require 'fileasserts' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' require 'test/unit' class TestFileUtils < Test::Unit::TestCase TMPROOT = "#{Dir.tmpdir}/fileutils.rb.#{$$}" end prevdir = Dir.pwd tmproot = TestFileUtils::TMPROOT Dir.mkdir tmproot unless File.directory?(tmproot) Dir.chdir tmproot def have_drive_letter? /djgpp|mswin(?!ce)|mingw|bcc|emx/ =~ RUBY_PLATFORM end def have_file_perm? /djgpp|mswin|mingw|bcc|wince|emx/ !~ RUBY_PLATFORM end $fileutils_rb_have_symlink = nil def have_symlink? if $fileutils_rb_have_symlink == nil $fileutils_rb_have_symlink = check_have_symlink? end $fileutils_rb_have_symlink end def check_have_symlink? File.symlink nil, nil rescue NotImplementedError return false rescue return true end $fileutils_rb_have_hardlink = nil def have_hardlink? if $fileutils_rb_have_hardlink == nil $fileutils_rb_have_hardlink = check_have_hardlink? end $fileutils_rb_have_hardlink end def check_have_hardlink? File.link nil, nil rescue NotImplementedError return false rescue return true end begin Dir.mkdir("\n") Dir.rmdir("\n") def lf_in_path_allowed? true end rescue def lf_in_path_allowed? false end end Dir.chdir prevdir Dir.rmdir tmproot class TestFileUtils include FileUtils def my_rm_rf(path) if File.exist?('/bin/rm') system %Q[/bin/rm -rf "#{path}"] else FileUtils.rm_rf path end end def mymkdir(path) Dir.mkdir path File.chown nil, Process.gid, path if have_file_perm? end def setup @prevdir = Dir.pwd tmproot = TMPROOT mymkdir tmproot unless File.directory?(tmproot) Dir.chdir tmproot my_rm_rf 'data'; mymkdir 'data' my_rm_rf 'tmp'; mymkdir 'tmp' prepare_data_file end def teardown tmproot = Dir.pwd Dir.chdir @prevdir my_rm_rf tmproot end TARGETS = %w( data/a data/all data/random data/zero ) def prepare_data_file File.open('data/a', 'w') {|f| 32.times do f.puts 'a' * 50 end } all_chars = (0..255).map {|n| n.chr }.join('') File.open('data/all', 'w') {|f| 32.times do f.puts all_chars end } random_chars = (0...50).map { rand(256).chr }.join('') File.open('data/random', 'w') {|f| 32.times do f.puts random_chars end } File.open('data/zero', 'w') {|f| ; } end BIGFILE = 'data/big' def prepare_big_file File.open('data/big', 'w') {|f| (4 * 1024 * 1024 / 256).times do # 4MB f.print "aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa aaaa\n" end } end def prepare_time_data File.open('data/old', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('data/newer', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('data/newest', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } t = Time.now File.utime t-8, t-8, 'data/old' File.utime t-4, t-4, 'data/newer' end def each_srcdest TARGETS.each do |path| yield path, "tmp/#{File.basename(path)}" end end # # Test Cases # def test_pwd assert_equal Dir.pwd, pwd() cwd = Dir.pwd if have_drive_letter? cd('C:/') { assert_equal 'C:/', pwd() } assert_equal cwd, pwd() else cd('/') { assert_equal '/', pwd() } assert_equal cwd, pwd() end end def test_cmp TARGETS.each do |fname| assert cmp(fname, fname), 'not same?' end assert_raises(ArgumentError) { cmp TARGETS[0], TARGETS[0], :undefinedoption => true } # pathname touch 'tmp/cmptmp' assert_nothing_raised { cmp Pathname.new('tmp/cmptmp'), 'tmp/cmptmp' cmp 'tmp/cmptmp', Pathname.new('tmp/cmptmp') cmp Pathname.new('tmp/cmptmp'), Pathname.new('tmp/cmptmp') } end def test_cp each_srcdest do |srcpath, destpath| cp srcpath, destpath assert_same_file srcpath, destpath cp srcpath, File.dirname(destpath) assert_same_file srcpath, destpath cp srcpath, File.dirname(destpath) + '/' assert_same_file srcpath, destpath cp srcpath, destpath, :preserve => true assert_same_file srcpath, destpath assert_same_entry srcpath, destpath end # src==dest (1) same path touch 'tmp/cptmp' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { cp 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp' } if have_symlink? # src==dest (2) symlink and its target File.symlink 'cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { cp 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { cp 'tmp/cptmp_symlink', 'tmp/cptmp' } # src==dest (3) looped symlink File.symlink 'symlink', 'tmp/symlink' assert_raises(Errno::ELOOP) { cp 'tmp/symlink', 'tmp/symlink' } end # pathname assert_nothing_raised { cp 'tmp/cptmp', Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdest') cp Pathname.new('tmp/cptmp'), 'tmp/tmpdest' cp Pathname.new('tmp/cptmp'), Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdest') mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' cp ['tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/tmpdest'], Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdir') } end def test_cp_r cp_r 'data', 'tmp' TARGETS.each do |fname| assert_same_file fname, "tmp/#{fname}" end cp_r 'data', 'tmp2', :preserve => true TARGETS.each do |fname| assert_same_entry fname, "tmp2/#{File.basename(fname)}" assert_same_file fname, "tmp2/#{File.basename(fname)}" end # a/* -> b/* mkdir 'tmp/cpr_src' mkdir 'tmp/cpr_dest' File.open('tmp/cpr_src/a', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'a' } File.open('tmp/cpr_src/b', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'b' } File.open('tmp/cpr_src/c', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'c' } mkdir 'tmp/cpr_src/d' cp_r 'tmp/cpr_src/.', 'tmp/cpr_dest' assert_same_file 'tmp/cpr_src/a', 'tmp/cpr_dest/a' assert_same_file 'tmp/cpr_src/b', 'tmp/cpr_dest/b' assert_same_file 'tmp/cpr_src/c', 'tmp/cpr_dest/c' assert_directory 'tmp/cpr_dest/d' my_rm_rf 'tmp/cpr_src' my_rm_rf 'tmp/cpr_dest' if have_symlink? # symlink in a directory mkdir 'tmp/cpr_src' ln_s 'SLdest', 'tmp/cpr_src/symlink' cp_r 'tmp/cpr_src', 'tmp/cpr_dest' assert_symlink 'tmp/cpr_dest/symlink' assert_equal 'SLdest', File.readlink('tmp/cpr_dest/symlink') # root is a symlink ln_s 'cpr_src', 'tmp/cpr_src2' cp_r 'tmp/cpr_src2', 'tmp/cpr_dest2' assert_directory 'tmp/cpr_dest2' #assert_not_symlink 'tmp/cpr_dest2' assert_symlink 'tmp/cpr_dest2' # 2005-05-26: feature change assert_symlink 'tmp/cpr_dest2/symlink' assert_equal 'SLdest', File.readlink('tmp/cpr_dest2/symlink') end # pathname touch 'tmp/cprtmp' assert_nothing_raised { cp_r Pathname.new('tmp/cprtmp'), 'tmp/tmpdest' cp_r 'tmp/cprtmp', Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdest') cp_r Pathname.new('tmp/cprtmp'), Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdest') } end def test_mv mkdir 'tmp/dest' TARGETS.each do |fname| cp fname, 'tmp/mvsrc' mv 'tmp/mvsrc', 'tmp/mvdest' assert_same_file fname, 'tmp/mvdest' mv 'tmp/mvdest', 'tmp/dest/' assert_same_file fname, 'tmp/dest/mvdest' mv 'tmp/dest/mvdest', 'tmp' assert_same_file fname, 'tmp/mvdest' end # [ruby-talk:124368] mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' mkdir_p 'tmp/dest2/tmpdir' assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) { mv 'tmp/tmpdir', 'tmp/dest2' } mkdir 'tmp/dest2/tmpdir/junk' assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) { mv 'tmp/tmpdir', 'tmp/dest2' } # src==dest (1) same path touch 'tmp/cptmp' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { mv 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp' } if have_symlink? # src==dest (2) symlink and its target File.symlink 'cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { mv 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { mv 'tmp/cptmp_symlink', 'tmp/cptmp' } # src==dest (3) looped symlink File.symlink 'symlink', 'tmp/symlink' assert_raises(Errno::ELOOP) { mv 'tmp/symlink', 'tmp/symlink' } end # pathname assert_nothing_raised { touch 'tmp/mvtmpsrc' mv Pathname.new('tmp/mvtmpsrc'), 'tmp/mvtmpdest' touch 'tmp/mvtmpsrc' mv 'tmp/mvtmpsrc', Pathname.new('tmp/mvtmpdest') touch 'tmp/mvtmpsrc' mv Pathname.new('tmp/mvtmpsrc'), Pathname.new('tmp/mvtmpdest') } end def test_rm TARGETS.each do |fname| cp fname, 'tmp/rmsrc' rm 'tmp/rmsrc' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmsrc' end # pathname touch 'tmp/rmtmp1' touch 'tmp/rmtmp2' touch 'tmp/rmtmp3' assert_nothing_raised { rm Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp1') rm [Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp2'), Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp3')] } assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp1' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp2' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp3' end def test_rm_f TARGETS.each do |fname| cp fname, 'tmp/rmsrc' rm_f 'tmp/rmsrc' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmsrc' end if have_symlink? File.open('tmp/lnf_symlink_src', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.symlink 'tmp/lnf_symlink_src', 'tmp/lnf_symlink_dest' rm_f 'tmp/lnf_symlink_dest' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/lnf_symlink_dest' assert_file_exist 'tmp/lnf_symlink_src' end rm_f 'notexistdatafile' rm_f 'tmp/notexistdatafile' my_rm_rf 'tmpdatadir' Dir.mkdir 'tmpdatadir' # rm_f 'tmpdatadir' Dir.rmdir 'tmpdatadir' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' File.open('tmp/tmpdir/a', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('tmp/tmpdir/c', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } rm_f ['tmp/tmpdir/a', 'tmp/tmpdir/b', 'tmp/tmpdir/c'] assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir/a' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir/c' Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmpdir' # pathname touch 'tmp/rmtmp1' touch 'tmp/rmtmp2' touch 'tmp/rmtmp3' touch 'tmp/rmtmp4' assert_nothing_raised { rm_f Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp1') rm_f [Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp2'), Pathname.new('tmp/rmtmp3')] } assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp1' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp2' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/rmtmp3' assert_file_exist 'tmp/rmtmp4' end def test_rm_r my_rm_rf 'tmpdatadir' Dir.mkdir 'tmpdatadir' rm_r 'tmpdatadir' assert_file_not_exist 'tmpdatadir' Dir.mkdir 'tmpdatadir' rm_r 'tmpdatadir/' assert_file_not_exist 'tmpdatadir' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' rm_r 'tmp/tmpdir/' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_exist 'tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' rm_r 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_exist 'tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' File.open('tmp/tmpdir/a', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('tmp/tmpdir/b', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('tmp/tmpdir/c', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } rm_r 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_exist 'tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' File.open('tmp/tmpdir/a', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.open('tmp/tmpdir/c', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } rm_r ['tmp/tmpdir/a', 'tmp/tmpdir/b', 'tmp/tmpdir/c'], :force => true assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir/a' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir/c' Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmpdir' if have_symlink? # [ruby-talk:94635] a symlink to the directory Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir' File.symlink '..', 'tmp/tmpdir/symlink_to_dir' rm_r 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir' assert_file_exist 'tmp' end # pathname Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir1'; touch 'tmp/tmpdir1/tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir2'; touch 'tmp/tmpdir2/tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp/tmpdir3'; touch 'tmp/tmpdir3/tmp' assert_nothing_raised { rm_r Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdir1') rm_r [Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdir2'), Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdir3')] } assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir1' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir2' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/tmpdir3' end def test_with_big_file prepare_big_file cp BIGFILE, 'tmp/cpdest' assert_same_file BIGFILE, 'tmp/cpdest' assert cmp(BIGFILE, 'tmp/cpdest'), 'orig != copied' mv 'tmp/cpdest', 'tmp/mvdest' assert_same_file BIGFILE, 'tmp/mvdest' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/cpdest' rm 'tmp/mvdest' assert_file_not_exist 'tmp/mvdest' end if have_hardlink? def test_ln TARGETS.each do |fname| ln fname, 'tmp/lndest' assert_same_file fname, 'tmp/lndest' File.unlink 'tmp/lndest' end ln TARGETS, 'tmp' TARGETS.each do |fname| assert_same_file fname, 'tmp/' + File.basename(fname) end TARGETS.each do |fname| File.unlink 'tmp/' + File.basename(fname) end # src==dest (1) same path touch 'tmp/cptmp' assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) { ln 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp' } if have_symlink? # src==dest (2) symlink and its target File.symlink 'cptmp', 'tmp/symlink' assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) { ln 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/symlink' # normal file -> symlink } assert_raises(Errno::EEXIST) { ln 'tmp/symlink', 'tmp/cptmp' # symlink -> normal file } # src==dest (3) looped symlink File.symlink 'cptmp_symlink', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' begin ln 'tmp/cptmp_symlink', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' rescue => err assert_kind_of SystemCallError, err end end # pathname touch 'tmp/lntmp' assert_nothing_raised { ln Pathname.new('tmp/lntmp'), 'tmp/lndesttmp1' ln 'tmp/lntmp', Pathname.new('tmp/lndesttmp2') ln Pathname.new('tmp/lntmp'), Pathname.new('tmp/lndesttmp3') } end end if have_symlink? def test_ln_s TARGETS.each do |fname| ln_s fname, 'tmp/lnsdest' assert FileTest.symlink?('tmp/lnsdest'), 'not symlink' assert_equal fname, File.readlink('tmp/lnsdest') rm_f 'tmp/lnsdest' end assert_nothing_raised { ln_s 'symlink', 'tmp/symlink' } assert_symlink 'tmp/symlink' # pathname touch 'tmp/lnsdest' assert_nothing_raised { ln_s Pathname.new('lnsdest'), 'tmp/symlink_tmp1' ln_s 'lnsdest', Pathname.new('tmp/symlink_tmp2') ln_s Pathname.new('lnsdest'), Pathname.new('tmp/symlink_tmp3') } end end if have_symlink? def test_ln_sf TARGETS.each do |fname| ln_sf fname, 'tmp/lnsdest' assert FileTest.symlink?('tmp/lnsdest'), 'not symlink' assert_equal fname, File.readlink('tmp/lnsdest') ln_sf fname, 'tmp/lnsdest' ln_sf fname, 'tmp/lnsdest' end assert_nothing_raised { ln_sf 'symlink', 'tmp/symlink' } # pathname touch 'tmp/lns_dest' assert_nothing_raised { ln_sf Pathname.new('lns_dest'), 'tmp/symlink_tmp1' ln_sf 'lns_dest', Pathname.new('tmp/symlink_tmp2') ln_sf Pathname.new('lns_dest'), Pathname.new('tmp/symlink_tmp3') } end end def test_mkdir my_rm_rf 'tmpdatadir' mkdir 'tmpdatadir' assert_directory 'tmpdatadir' Dir.rmdir 'tmpdatadir' mkdir 'tmpdatadir/' assert_directory 'tmpdatadir' Dir.rmdir 'tmpdatadir' mkdir 'tmp/mkdirdest' assert_directory 'tmp/mkdirdest' Dir.rmdir 'tmp/mkdirdest' mkdir 'tmp/tmp', :mode => 0700 assert_directory 'tmp/tmp' assert_equal 0700, (File.stat('tmp/tmp').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmp' if have_file_perm? mkdir 'tmp/tmp', :mode => 07777 assert_directory 'tmp/tmp' assert_equal 07777, (File.stat('tmp/tmp').mode & 07777) Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmp' end if lf_in_path_allowed? mkdir "tmp-first-line\ntmp-second-line" assert_directory "tmp-first-line\ntmp-second-line" Dir.rmdir "tmp-first-line\ntmp-second-line" end # pathname assert_nothing_raised { mkdir Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdirtmp') mkdir [Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdirtmp2'), Pathname.new('tmp/tmpdirtmp3')] } end def test_mkdir_p dirs = %w( tmpdir/dir/ tmpdir/dir/./ tmpdir/dir/./.././dir/ tmpdir/a tmpdir/a/ tmpdir/a/b tmpdir/a/b/ tmpdir/a/b/c/ tmpdir/a/b/c tmpdir/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a/a tmpdir/a/a ) my_rm_rf 'tmpdir' dirs.each do |d| mkdir_p d assert_directory d assert_file_not_exist "#{d}/a" assert_file_not_exist "#{d}/b" assert_file_not_exist "#{d}/c" my_rm_rf 'tmpdir' end dirs.each do |d| mkdir_p d assert_directory d end rm_rf 'tmpdir' dirs.each do |d| mkdir_p "#{Dir.pwd}/#{d}" assert_directory d end rm_rf 'tmpdir' mkdir_p 'tmp/tmp/tmp', :mode => 0700 assert_directory 'tmp/tmp' assert_directory 'tmp/tmp/tmp' assert_equal 0700, (File.stat('tmp/tmp').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? assert_equal 0700, (File.stat('tmp/tmp/tmp').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? rm_rf 'tmp/tmp' mkdir_p 'tmp/tmp', :mode => 0 assert_directory 'tmp/tmp' assert_equal 0, (File.stat('tmp/tmp').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? # DO NOT USE rm_rf here. # (rm(1) try to chdir to parent directory, it fails to remove directory.) Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmp' Dir.rmdir 'tmp' if have_file_perm? mkdir_p 'tmp/tmp/tmp', :mode => 07777 assert_directory 'tmp/tmp/tmp' assert_equal 07777, (File.stat('tmp/tmp/tmp').mode & 07777) Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmp/tmp' Dir.rmdir 'tmp/tmp' end # pathname assert_nothing_raised { mkdir_p Pathname.new('tmp/tmp/tmp') } end def test_install File.open('tmp/aaa', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'aaa' } File.open('tmp/bbb', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'bbb' } install 'tmp/aaa', 'tmp/bbb', :mode => 0600 assert_equal "aaa\n", File.read('tmp/bbb') assert_equal 0600, (File.stat('tmp/bbb').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? t = File.mtime('tmp/bbb') install 'tmp/aaa', 'tmp/bbb' assert_equal "aaa\n", File.read('tmp/bbb') assert_equal 0600, (File.stat('tmp/bbb').mode & 0777) if have_file_perm? assert_equal t, File.mtime('tmp/bbb') File.unlink 'tmp/aaa' File.unlink 'tmp/bbb' # src==dest (1) same path touch 'tmp/cptmp' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { install 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp' } if have_symlink? # src==dest (2) symlink and its target File.symlink 'cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' assert_raises(ArgumentError) { install 'tmp/cptmp', 'tmp/cptmp_symlink' } assert_raises(ArgumentError) { install 'tmp/cptmp_symlink', 'tmp/cptmp' } # src==dest (3) looped symlink File.symlink 'symlink', 'tmp/symlink' assert_raises(Errno::ELOOP) { # File#install invokes open(2), always ELOOP must be raised install 'tmp/symlink', 'tmp/symlink' } end # pathname assert_nothing_raised { rm_f 'tmp/a'; touch 'tmp/a' install 'tmp/a', Pathname.new('tmp/b') rm_f 'tmp/a'; touch 'tmp/a' install Pathname.new('tmp/a'), 'tmp/b' rm_f 'tmp/a'; touch 'tmp/a' install Pathname.new('tmp/a'), Pathname.new('tmp/b') rm_f 'tmp/a' touch 'tmp/a' touch 'tmp/b' mkdir 'tmp/dest' install [Pathname.new('tmp/a'), Pathname.new('tmp/b')], 'tmp/dest' my_rm_rf 'tmp/dest' mkdir 'tmp/dest' install [Pathname.new('tmp/a'), Pathname.new('tmp/b')], Pathname.new('tmp/dest') } end if have_file_perm? def test_chmod touch 'tmp/a' chmod 0700, 'tmp/a' assert_equal 0700, File.stat('tmp/a').mode & 0777 chmod 0500, 'tmp/a' assert_equal 0500, File.stat('tmp/a').mode & 0777 end def test_chmod_R mkdir_p 'tmp/dir/dir' touch %w( tmp/dir/file tmp/dir/dir/file ) chmod_R 0700, 'tmp/dir' assert_equal 0700, File.stat('tmp/dir').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0700, File.stat('tmp/dir/file').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0700, File.stat('tmp/dir/dir').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0700, File.stat('tmp/dir/dir/file').mode & 0777 chmod_R 0500, 'tmp/dir' assert_equal 0500, File.stat('tmp/dir').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0500, File.stat('tmp/dir/file').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0500, File.stat('tmp/dir/dir').mode & 0777 assert_equal 0500, File.stat('tmp/dir/dir/file').mode & 0777 chmod_R 0700, 'tmp/dir' # to remove end # FIXME: How can I test this method? def test_chown end # FIXME: How can I test this method? def test_chown_R end end def test_copy_entry each_srcdest do |srcpath, destpath| copy_entry srcpath, destpath assert_same_file srcpath, destpath assert_equal File.stat(srcpath).ftype, File.stat(destpath).ftype end if have_symlink? # root is a symlink File.symlink 'somewhere', 'tmp/symsrc' copy_entry 'tmp/symsrc', 'tmp/symdest' assert_symlink 'tmp/symdest' assert_equal 'somewhere', File.readlink('tmp/symdest') # content is a symlink mkdir 'tmp/dir' File.symlink 'somewhere', 'tmp/dir/sym' copy_entry 'tmp/dir', 'tmp/dirdest' assert_directory 'tmp/dirdest' assert_not_symlink 'tmp/dirdest' assert_symlink 'tmp/dirdest/sym' assert_equal 'somewhere', File.readlink('tmp/dirdest/sym') end end def test_copy_file each_srcdest do |srcpath, destpath| copy_file srcpath, destpath assert_same_file srcpath, destpath end end def test_copy_stream # IO each_srcdest do |srcpath, destpath| File.open(srcpath) {|src| File.open(destpath, 'w') {|dest| copy_stream src, dest } } assert_same_file srcpath, destpath end # duck typing test [ruby-dev:25369] my_rm_rf 'tmp' Dir.mkdir 'tmp' each_srcdest do |srcpath, destpath| File.open(srcpath) {|src| File.open(destpath, 'w') {|dest| copy_stream Stream.new(src), Stream.new(dest) } } assert_same_file srcpath, destpath end end def test_remove_file File.open('data/tmp', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } remove_file 'data/tmp' assert_file_not_exist 'data/tmp' if have_file_perm? File.open('data/tmp', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } File.chmod 0, 'data/tmp' remove_file 'data/tmp' assert_file_not_exist 'data/tmp' end end def test_remove_dir Dir.mkdir 'data/tmpdir' File.open('data/tmpdir/a', 'w') {|f| f.puts 'dummy' } remove_dir 'data/tmpdir' assert_file_not_exist 'data/tmpdir' if have_file_perm? Dir.mkdir 'data/tmpdir' File.chmod 0555, 'data/tmpdir' remove_dir 'data/tmpdir' assert_file_not_exist 'data/tmpdir' end end def test_compare_file # FIXME end def test_compare_stream # FIXME end class Stream def initialize(f) @f = f end def read(n) @f.read(n) end def write(str) @f.write str end end def test_uptodate? prepare_time_data Dir.chdir('data') { assert( uptodate?('newest', %w(old newer notexist)) ) assert( ! uptodate?('newer', %w(old newest notexist)) ) assert( ! uptodate?('notexist', %w(old newest newer)) ) } # pathname touch 'tmp/a' touch 'tmp/b' touch 'tmp/c' assert_nothing_raised { uptodate? Pathname.new('tmp/a'), ['tmp/b', 'tmp/c'] uptodate? 'tmp/a', [Pathname.new('tmp/b'), 'tmp/c'] uptodate? 'tmp/a', ['tmp/b', Pathname.new('tmp/c')] uptodate? Pathname.new('tmp/a'), [Pathname.new('tmp/b'), Pathname.new('tmp/c')] } end end