# frozen_string_literal: false begin require_relative 'helper' rescue LoadError end module Fiddle class TestPointer < TestCase def dlwrap arg Fiddle.dlwrap arg end def test_cptr_to_int null = Fiddle::NULL assert_equal(null.to_i, null.to_int) end def test_malloc_free_func_int free = Fiddle::Function.new(Fiddle::RUBY_FREE, [TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOID) assert_equal free.to_i, Fiddle::RUBY_FREE.to_i ptr = Pointer.malloc(10, free.to_i) assert_equal 10, ptr.size assert_equal free.to_i, ptr.free.to_i end def test_malloc_free_func free = Fiddle::Function.new(Fiddle::RUBY_FREE, [TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOID) ptr = Pointer.malloc(10, free) assert_equal 10, ptr.size assert_equal free.to_i, ptr.free.to_i end def test_to_str str = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump("hello world")) ptr = Pointer[str] assert_equal 3, ptr.to_str(3).length assert_equal str, ptr.to_str ptr[5] = 0 assert_equal "hello\0world", ptr.to_str end def test_to_s str = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump("hello world")) ptr = Pointer[str] assert_equal 3, ptr.to_s(3).length assert_equal str, ptr.to_s ptr[5] = 0 assert_equal 'hello', ptr.to_s end def test_minus str = "hello world" ptr = Pointer[str] assert_equal ptr.to_s, (ptr + 3 - 3).to_s end # TODO: what if the pointer size is 0? raise an exception? do we care? def test_plus str = "hello world" ptr = Pointer[str] new_str = ptr + 3 assert_equal 'lo world', new_str.to_s end def test_inspect ptr = Pointer.new(0) inspect = ptr.inspect assert_match(/size=#{ptr.size}/, inspect) assert_match(/free=#{sprintf("%#x", ptr.free.to_i)}/, inspect) assert_match(/ptr=#{sprintf("%#x", ptr.to_i)}/, inspect) end def test_to_ptr_string str = "hello world" ptr = Pointer[str] assert ptr.tainted?, 'pointer should be tainted' assert_equal str.length, ptr.size assert_equal 'hello', ptr[0,5] end def test_to_ptr_io buf = Pointer.malloc(10) File.open(__FILE__, 'r') do |f| ptr = Pointer.to_ptr f fread = Function.new(@libc['fread'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_INT) fread.call(buf.to_i, Fiddle::SIZEOF_CHAR, buf.size - 1, ptr.to_i) end File.open(__FILE__, 'r') do |f| assert_equal f.read(9), buf.to_s end end def test_to_ptr_with_ptr ptr = Pointer.new 0 ptr2 = Pointer.to_ptr Struct.new(:to_ptr).new(ptr) assert_equal ptr, ptr2 assert_raise(Fiddle::DLError) do Pointer.to_ptr Struct.new(:to_ptr).new(nil) end end def test_to_ptr_with_num ptr = Pointer.new 0 assert_equal ptr, Pointer[0] end def test_equals ptr = Pointer.new 0 ptr2 = Pointer.new 0 assert_equal ptr2, ptr end def test_not_equals ptr = Pointer.new 0 refute_equal 10, ptr, '10 should not equal the pointer' end def test_cmp ptr = Pointer.new 0 assert_nil(ptr <=> 10, '10 should not be comparable') end def test_ref_ptr ary = [0,1,2,4,5] addr = Pointer.new(dlwrap(ary)) assert_equal addr.to_i, addr.ref.ptr.to_i assert_equal addr.to_i, (+ (- addr)).to_i end def test_to_value ary = [0,1,2,4,5] addr = Pointer.new(dlwrap(ary)) assert_equal ary, addr.to_value end def test_free ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) assert_nil ptr.free end def test_free= assert_normal_exit(<<-"End", '[ruby-dev:39269]') require 'fiddle' Fiddle::LIBC_SO = #{Fiddle::LIBC_SO.dump} Fiddle::LIBM_SO = #{Fiddle::LIBM_SO.dump} include Fiddle @libc = dlopen(LIBC_SO) @libm = dlopen(LIBM_SO) free = Fiddle::Function.new(Fiddle::RUBY_FREE, [TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOID) ptr = Fiddle::Pointer.malloc(4) ptr.free = free free.ptr ptr.free.ptr End free = Function.new(Fiddle::RUBY_FREE, [TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOID) ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) ptr.free = free assert_equal free.ptr, ptr.free.ptr end def test_null? ptr = Pointer.new(0) assert ptr.null? end def test_size ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) assert_equal 4, ptr.size Fiddle.free ptr.to_i end def test_size= ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) ptr.size = 10 assert_equal 10, ptr.size Fiddle.free ptr.to_i end def test_aref_aset check = Proc.new{|str,ptr| assert_equal(str.size(), ptr.size()) assert_equal(str, ptr.to_s()) assert_equal(str[0,2], ptr.to_s(2)) assert_equal(str[0,2], ptr[0,2]) assert_equal(str[1,2], ptr[1,2]) assert_equal(str[1,0], ptr[1,0]) assert_equal(str[0].ord, ptr[0]) assert_equal(str[1].ord, ptr[1]) } str = Marshal.load(Marshal.dump('abc')) ptr = Pointer[str] check.call(str, ptr) str[0] = "c" assert_equal 'c'.ord, ptr[0] = "c".ord check.call(str, ptr) str[0,2] = "aa" assert_equal 'aa', ptr[0,2] = "aa" check.call(str, ptr) ptr2 = Pointer['cdeeee'] str[0,2] = "cd" assert_equal ptr2, ptr[0,2] = ptr2 check.call(str, ptr) ptr3 = Pointer['vvvv'] str[0,2] = "vv" assert_equal ptr3.to_i, ptr[0,2] = ptr3.to_i check.call(str, ptr) end def test_null_pointer nullpo = Pointer.new(0) assert_raise(DLError) {nullpo[0]} assert_raise(DLError) {nullpo[0] = 1} end def test_no_memory_leak assert_no_memory_leak(%w[-W0 -rfiddle.so], '', '100_000.times {Fiddle::Pointer.allocate}', rss: true) end end end if defined?(Fiddle)