# frozen_string_literal: true begin require_relative 'helper' rescue LoadError end module Fiddle class TestFunction < Fiddle::TestCase def setup super Fiddle.last_error = nil if WINDOWS Fiddle.win32_last_error = nil Fiddle.win32_last_socket_error = nil end end def teardown # Ensure freeing all closures. # See https://github.com/ruby/fiddle/issues/102#issuecomment-1241763091 . not_freed_closures = [] ObjectSpace.each_object(Fiddle::Closure) do |closure| not_freed_closures << closure unless closure.freed? end assert_equal([], not_freed_closures) end def test_default_abi func = Function.new(@libm['sin'], [TYPE_DOUBLE], TYPE_DOUBLE) assert_equal Function::DEFAULT, func.abi end def test_name func = Function.new(@libm['sin'], [TYPE_DOUBLE], TYPE_DOUBLE, name: 'sin') assert_equal 'sin', func.name end def test_need_gvl? libruby = Fiddle.dlopen(nil) rb_str_dup = Function.new(libruby['rb_str_dup'], [:voidp], :voidp, need_gvl: true) assert(rb_str_dup.need_gvl?) assert_equal('Hello', Fiddle.dlunwrap(rb_str_dup.call(Fiddle.dlwrap('Hello')))) end def test_argument_errors assert_raise(TypeError) do Function.new(@libm['sin'], TYPE_DOUBLE, TYPE_DOUBLE) end assert_raise(TypeError) do Function.new(@libm['sin'], ['foo'], TYPE_DOUBLE) end assert_raise(TypeError) do Function.new(@libm['sin'], [TYPE_DOUBLE], 'foo') end end def test_argument_type_conversion type = Struct.new(:int, :call_count) do def initialize(int) super(int, 0) end def to_int raise "exhausted" if (self.call_count += 1) > 1 self.int end end type_arg = type.new(TYPE_DOUBLE) type_result = type.new(TYPE_DOUBLE) assert_nothing_raised(RuntimeError) do Function.new(@libm['sin'], [type_arg], type_result) end assert_equal(1, type_arg.call_count) assert_equal(1, type_result.call_count) end def test_call func = Function.new(@libm['sin'], [TYPE_DOUBLE], TYPE_DOUBLE) assert_in_delta 1.0, func.call(90 * Math::PI / 180), 0.0001 end def test_argument_count closure_class = Class.new(Closure) do def call one 10 + one end end closure_class.create(TYPE_INT, [TYPE_INT]) do |closure| func = Function.new(closure, [TYPE_INT], TYPE_INT) assert_raise(ArgumentError) do func.call(1,2,3) end assert_raise(ArgumentError) do func.call end end end def test_last_error func = Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP) assert_nil Fiddle.last_error func.call(+"000", "123") refute_nil Fiddle.last_error end if WINDOWS def test_win32_last_error kernel32 = Fiddle.dlopen("kernel32") args = [kernel32["SetLastError"], [-TYPE_LONG], TYPE_VOID] args << Function::STDCALL if Function.const_defined?(:STDCALL) set_last_error = Function.new(*args) assert_nil(Fiddle.win32_last_error) n = 1 << 29 | 1 set_last_error.call(n) assert_equal(n, Fiddle.win32_last_error) end def test_win32_last_socket_error ws2_32 = Fiddle.dlopen("ws2_32") args = [ws2_32["WSASetLastError"], [TYPE_INT], TYPE_VOID] args << Function::STDCALL if Function.const_defined?(:STDCALL) wsa_set_last_error = Function.new(*args) assert_nil(Fiddle.win32_last_socket_error) n = 1 << 29 | 1 wsa_set_last_error.call(n) assert_equal(n, Fiddle.win32_last_socket_error) end end def test_strcpy f = Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP) buff = +"000" str = f.call(buff, "123") assert_equal("123", buff) assert_equal("123", str.to_s) end def call_proc(string_to_copy) buff = +"000" str = yield(buff, string_to_copy) [buff, str] end def test_function_as_proc f = Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP) buff, str = call_proc("123", &f) assert_equal("123", buff) assert_equal("123", str.to_s) end def test_function_as_method f = Function.new(@libc['strcpy'], [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_VOIDP], TYPE_VOIDP) klass = Class.new do define_singleton_method(:strcpy, &f) end buff = +"000" str = klass.strcpy(buff, "123") assert_equal("123", buff) assert_equal("123", str.to_s) end def test_nogvl_poll # XXX hack to quiet down CI errors on EINTR from r64353 # [ruby-core:88360] [Misc #14937] # Making pipes (and sockets) non-blocking by default would allow # us to get rid of POSIX timers / timer pthread # https://bugs.ruby-lang.org/issues/14968 IO.pipe { |r,w| IO.select([r], [w]) } begin poll = @libc['poll'] rescue Fiddle::DLError omit 'poll(2) not available' end f = Function.new(poll, [TYPE_VOIDP, TYPE_INT, TYPE_INT], TYPE_INT) msec = 200 t0 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :millisecond) th = Thread.new { f.call(nil, 0, msec) } n1 = f.call(nil, 0, msec) n2 = th.value t1 = Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC, :millisecond) assert_in_delta(msec, t1 - t0, 180, 'slept amount of time') assert_equal(0, n1, perror("poll(2) in main-thread")) assert_equal(0, n2, perror("poll(2) in sub-thread")) end def test_no_memory_leak if respond_to?(:assert_nothing_leaked_memory) rb_obj_frozen_p_symbol = Fiddle.dlopen(nil)["rb_obj_frozen_p"] rb_obj_frozen_p = Fiddle::Function.new(rb_obj_frozen_p_symbol, [Fiddle::TYPE_UINTPTR_T], Fiddle::TYPE_UINTPTR_T) a = "a" n_tries = 100_000 n_tries.times do begin a + 1 rescue TypeError end end n_arguments = 1 sizeof_fiddle_generic = Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP # Rough size_per_try = (sizeof_fiddle_generic * n_arguments) + (Fiddle::SIZEOF_VOIDP * (n_arguments + 1)) assert_nothing_leaked_memory(size_per_try * n_tries) do n_tries.times do begin rb_obj_frozen_p.call(a) rescue TypeError end end end else prep = 'r = Fiddle::Function.new(Fiddle.dlopen(nil)["rb_obj_frozen_p"], [Fiddle::TYPE_UINTPTR_T], Fiddle::TYPE_UINTPTR_T); a = "a"' code = 'begin r.call(a); rescue TypeError; end' assert_no_memory_leak(%w[-W0 -rfiddle], "#{prep}\n1000.times{#{code}}", "10_000.times {#{code}}", limit: 1.2) end end private def perror(m) proc do if e = Fiddle.last_error m = "#{m}: #{SystemCallError.new(e).message}" end m end end end end if defined?(Fiddle)