# frozen_string_literal: true begin require_relative 'helper' rescue LoadError end class TestFiddle < Fiddle::TestCase def test_nil_true_etc assert_equal Fiddle::Qtrue, Fiddle.dlwrap(true) assert_equal Fiddle::Qfalse, Fiddle.dlwrap(false) assert_equal Fiddle::Qnil, Fiddle.dlwrap(nil) assert Fiddle::Qundef end def test_windows_constant require 'rbconfig' if RbConfig::CONFIG['host_os'] =~ /mswin|mingw/ assert Fiddle::WINDOWS, "Fiddle::WINDOWS should be 'true' on Windows platforms" else refute Fiddle::WINDOWS, "Fiddle::WINDOWS should be 'false' on non-Windows platforms" end end def test_dlopen_linker_script_input_linux omit("This is only for Linux") unless RUBY_PLATFORM.match?("linux") if Dir.glob("/usr/lib/*/libncurses.so").empty? omit("libncurses.so is needed") end # libncurses.so uses INPUT() on Debian GNU/Linux # $ cat /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libncurses.so # INPUT(libncurses.so.6 -ltinfo) handle = Fiddle.dlopen("libncurses.so") begin assert_equal("libncurses.so", File.basename(handle.file_name, ".*")) ensure handle.close end end def test_dlopen_linker_script_group_linux omit("This is only for Linux") unless RUBY_PLATFORM.match?("linux") # libc.so uses GROUP() on Debian GNU/Linux # $ cat /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so # /* GNU ld script # Use the shared library, but some functions are only in # the static library, so try that secondarily. */ # OUTPUT_FORMAT(elf64-x86-64) # GROUP ( /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc_nonshared.a AS_NEEDED ( /lib64/ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 ) ) handle = Fiddle.dlopen("libc.so") begin assert_equal("libc.so", File.basename(handle.file_name, ".*")) ensure handle.close end end end if defined?(Fiddle)