# frozen_string_literal: true # This is an example and simplified scheduler for test purposes. # - It is not efficient for a large number of file descriptors as it uses # IO.select(). # - It does not correctly handle multiple calls to `wait` with the same file # descriptor and overlapping events. # - Production fiber schedulers should use epoll/kqueue/etc. Consider using the # [`io-event`](https://github.com/socketry/io-event) gem instead of this # scheduler if you want something simple to build on. require 'fiber' require 'socket' begin require 'io/nonblock' rescue LoadError # Ignore. end class Scheduler experimental = Warning[:experimental] begin Warning[:experimental] = false IO::Buffer.new(0) ensure Warning[:experimental] = experimental end def initialize @readable = {} @writable = {} @waiting = {} @closed = false @lock = Thread::Mutex.new @blocking = Hash.new.compare_by_identity @ready = [] @urgent = IO.pipe end attr :readable attr :writable attr :waiting def next_timeout _fiber, timeout = @waiting.min_by{|key, value| value} if timeout offset = timeout - current_time if offset < 0 return 0 else return offset end end end def run # $stderr.puts [__method__, Fiber.current].inspect while @readable.any? or @writable.any? or @waiting.any? or @blocking.any? # May only handle file descriptors up to 1024... readable, writable = IO.select(@readable.keys + [@urgent.first], @writable.keys, [], next_timeout) # puts "readable: #{readable}" if readable&.any? # puts "writable: #{writable}" if writable&.any? selected = {} readable&.each do |io| if fiber = @readable.delete(io) @writable.delete(io) if @writable[io] == fiber selected[fiber] = IO::READABLE elsif io == @urgent.first @urgent.first.read_nonblock(1024) end end writable&.each do |io| if fiber = @writable.delete(io) @readable.delete(io) if @readable[io] == fiber selected[fiber] = selected.fetch(fiber, 0) | IO::WRITABLE end end selected.each do |fiber, events| fiber.resume(events) end if @waiting.any? time = current_time waiting, @waiting = @waiting, {} waiting.each do |fiber, timeout| if fiber.alive? if timeout <= time fiber.resume else @waiting[fiber] = timeout end end end end if @ready.any? ready = nil @lock.synchronize do ready, @ready = @ready, [] end ready.each do |fiber| fiber.resume end end end end # A fiber scheduler hook, invoked when the scheduler goes out of scope. def scheduler_close close(true) end # If the `scheduler_close` hook does not exist, this method `close` will be # invoked instead when the fiber scheduler goes out of scope. This is legacy # behaviour, you should almost certainly use `scheduler_close`. The reason for # this, is `scheduler_close` is called when the scheduler goes out of scope, # while `close` may be called by the user. def close(internal = false) # $stderr.puts [__method__, Fiber.current].inspect unless internal if Fiber.scheduler == self return Fiber.set_scheduler(nil) end end if @closed raise "Scheduler already closed!" end self.run ensure if @urgent @urgent.each(&:close) @urgent = nil end @closed ||= true # We freeze to detect any unintended modifications after the scheduler is closed: self.freeze end def closed? @closed end def current_time Process.clock_gettime(Process::CLOCK_MONOTONIC) end # This hook is invoked by `Timeout.timeout` and related code. def timeout_after(duration, klass, message, &block) fiber = Fiber.current self.fiber do sleep(duration) if fiber&.alive? fiber.raise(klass, message) end end begin yield(duration) ensure fiber = nil end end # This hook is invoked by `Process.wait`, `system`, and backticks. def process_wait(pid, flags) # $stderr.puts [__method__, pid, flags, Fiber.current].inspect # This is a very simple way to implement a non-blocking wait: Thread.new do Process::Status.wait(pid, flags) end.value end # This hook is invoked by `IO#read` and `IO#write` in the case that `io_read` # and `io_write` hooks are not available. This implementation is not # completely general, in the sense that calling `io_wait` multiple times with # the same `io` and `events` will not work, which is okay for tests but not # for real code. Correct fiber schedulers should not have this limitation. def io_wait(io, events, duration) # $stderr.puts [__method__, io, events, duration, Fiber.current].inspect fiber = Fiber.current unless (events & IO::READABLE).zero? @readable[io] = fiber readable = true end unless (events & IO::WRITABLE).zero? @writable[io] = fiber writable = true end if duration @waiting[fiber] = current_time + duration end Fiber.yield ensure @waiting.delete(fiber) if duration @readable.delete(io) if readable @writable.delete(io) if writable end # This hook is invoked by `IO.select`. Using a thread ensures that the # operation does not block the fiber scheduler. def io_select(...) # Emulate the operation using a non-blocking thread: Thread.new do IO.select(...) end.value end # This hook is invoked by `Kernel#sleep` and `Thread::Mutex#sleep`. def kernel_sleep(duration = nil) # $stderr.puts [__method__, duration, Fiber.current].inspect self.block(:sleep, duration) return true end # This hook is invoked by blocking options such as `Thread::Mutex#lock`, # `Thread::Queue#pop` and `Thread::SizedQueue#push`, which are unblocked by # other threads/fibers. To unblock a blocked fiber, you should call `unblock` # with the same `blocker` and `fiber` arguments. def block(blocker, timeout = nil) # $stderr.puts [__method__, blocker, timeout].inspect fiber = Fiber.current if timeout @waiting[fiber] = current_time + timeout begin Fiber.yield ensure # Remove from @waiting in the case #unblock was called before the timeout expired: @waiting.delete(fiber) end else @blocking[fiber] = true begin Fiber.yield ensure @blocking.delete(fiber) end end end # This method is invoked from a thread or fiber to unblock a fiber that is # blocked by `block`. It is expected to be thread safe. def unblock(blocker, fiber) # $stderr.puts [__method__, blocker, fiber].inspect # $stderr.puts blocker.backtrace.inspect # $stderr.puts fiber.backtrace.inspect @lock.synchronize do @ready << fiber end io = @urgent.last io.write_nonblock('.') end # This hook is invoked by `Fiber.schedule`. Strictly speaking, you should use # it to create scheduled fibers, but it is not required in practice; # `Fiber.new` is usually sufficient. def fiber(&block) fiber = Fiber.new(blocking: false, &block) fiber.resume return fiber end # This hook is invoked by `Addrinfo.getaddrinfo`. Using a thread ensures that # the operation does not block the fiber scheduler, since `getaddrinfo` is # usually provided by `libc` and is blocking. def address_resolve(hostname) Thread.new do Addrinfo.getaddrinfo(hostname, nil).map(&:ip_address).uniq end.value end end # This scheduler class implements `io_read` and `io_write` hooks which require # `IO::Buffer`. class IOBufferScheduler < Scheduler EAGAIN = -Errno::EAGAIN::Errno def io_read(io, buffer, length, offset) total = 0 io.nonblock = true while true maximum_size = buffer.size - offset result = blocking{buffer.read(io, maximum_size, offset)} if result > 0 total += result offset += result break if total >= length elsif result == 0 break elsif result == EAGAIN if length > 0 self.io_wait(io, IO::READABLE, nil) else return result end elsif result < 0 return result end end return total end def io_write(io, buffer, length, offset) total = 0 io.nonblock = true while true maximum_size = buffer.size - offset result = blocking{buffer.write(io, maximum_size, offset)} if result > 0 total += result offset += result break if total >= length elsif result == 0 break elsif result == EAGAIN if length > 0 self.io_wait(io, IO::WRITABLE, nil) else return result end elsif result < 0 return result end end return total end def blocking(&block) Fiber.blocking(&block) end end # This scheduler has a broken implementation of `unblock`` in the sense that it # raises an exception. This is used to test the behavior of the scheduler when # unblock raises an exception. class BrokenUnblockScheduler < Scheduler def unblock(blocker, fiber) super raise "Broken unblock!" end end # This scheduler has a broken implementation of `unblock` in the sense that it # sleeps. This is used to test the behavior of the scheduler when unblock # messes with the internal thread state in an unexpected way. class SleepingUnblockScheduler < Scheduler # This method is invoked when the thread is exiting. def unblock(blocker, fiber) super # This changes the current thread state to `THREAD_RUNNING` which causes `thread_join_sleep` to hang. sleep(0.1) end end # This scheduler has a broken implementation of `kernel_sleep` in the sense that # it invokes a blocking sleep which can cause a deadlock in some cases. class SleepingBlockingScheduler < Scheduler def kernel_sleep(duration = nil) # Deliberaly sleep in a blocking state which can trigger a deadlock if the implementation is not correct. Fiber.blocking{sleep 0.0001} self.block(:sleep, duration) return true end end