# -*- coding: us-ascii -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' require 'tempfile' if Process.euid == 0 ok = true elsif (sudo = ENV["SUDO"]) and !sudo.empty? and (`#{sudo} echo ok` rescue false) ok = true else ok = false end if ok case RUBY_PLATFORM when /darwin/i begin require 'pty' rescue LoadError ok = false end end end ok &= (`dtrace -V` rescue false) module DTrace class TestCase < Test::Unit::TestCase INCLUDE = File.expand_path('..', File.dirname(__FILE__)) case RUBY_PLATFORM when /solaris/i # increase bufsize to 8m (default 4m on Solaris) DTRACE_CMD = %w[dtrace -b 8m] when /darwin/i READ_PROBES = proc do |cmd| lines = nil PTY.spawn(*cmd) do |io, _, pid| lines = io.readlines.each {|line| line.sub!(/\r$/, "")} Process.wait(pid) end lines end end DTRACE_CMD ||= %w[dtrace] READ_PROBES ||= proc do |cmd| IO.popen(cmd, err: [:child, :out], &:readlines) end exeext = Regexp.quote(RbConfig::CONFIG["EXEEXT"]) RUBYBIN = EnvUtil.rubybin.sub(/\/ruby-runner(?=#{exeext}\z)/, '/miniruby') def trap_probe d_program, ruby_program d = Tempfile.new(%w'probe .d') d.write d_program d.flush rb = Tempfile.new(%w'probed .rb') rb.write ruby_program rb.flush d_path = d.path rb_path = rb.path cmd = [*DTRACE_CMD, "-q", "-s", d_path, "-c", "#{RUBYBIN} -I#{INCLUDE} #{rb_path}"] if sudo = @@sudo [RbConfig::CONFIG["LIBPATHENV"], "RUBY", "RUBYOPT"].each do |name| if name and val = ENV[name] cmd.unshift("#{name}=#{val}") end end cmd.unshift(sudo) end probes = READ_PROBES.(cmd) d.close(true) rb.close(true) yield(d_path, rb_path, probes) end end end if ok if ok DTrace::TestCase.class_variable_set(:@@sudo, sudo) end