require 'test/unit' module DidYouMean module TestHelper class << self attr_reader :root def ractor_compatible? defined?(Ractor) && RUBY_VERSION >= "3.1.0" end end if File.file?(File.expand_path('../lib/did_you_mean.rb', __dir__)) # In this case we're being run from inside the gem, so we just want to # require the root of the library @root = File.expand_path('../lib/did_you_mean', __dir__) require_relative @root else # In this case we're being run from inside ruby core, and we want to # include the experimental features in the test suite @root = File.expand_path('../../lib/did_you_mean', __dir__) require_relative @root # We are excluding experimental features for now. # require_relative File.join(@root, 'experimental') end def assert_correction(expected, array) assert_equal Array(expected), array, "Expected #{array.inspect} to only include #{expected.inspect}" end def get_message(err) if err.respond_to?(:detailed_message) err.detailed_message(highlight: false) else err.to_s end end module_function :get_message end end