require_relative '../helper' # These tests were originally written by Jian Weihang (簡煒航) as part of his work # on the jaro_winkler gem. The original code could be found here: # # # Copyright (c) 2014 Jian Weihang class JaroWinklerTest < Test::Unit::TestCase def test_jaro_winkler_distance assert_distance 0.9667, 'henka', 'henkan' assert_distance 1.0, 'al', 'al' assert_distance 0.9611, 'martha', 'marhta' assert_distance 0.8324, 'jones', 'johnson' assert_distance 0.9167, 'abcvwxyz', 'zabcvwxy' assert_distance 0.9583, 'abcvwxyz', 'cabvwxyz' assert_distance 0.84, 'dwayne', 'duane' assert_distance 0.8133, 'dixon', 'dicksonx' assert_distance 0.0, 'fvie', 'ten' assert_distance 0.9067, 'does_exist', 'doesnt_exist' assert_distance 1.0, 'x', 'x' end def test_jarowinkler_distance_with_utf8_strings assert_distance 0.9818, '變形金剛4:絕跡重生', '變形金剛4: 絕跡重生' assert_distance 0.8222, '連勝文', '連勝丼' assert_distance 0.8222, '馬英九', '馬英丸' assert_distance 0.6667, '良い', 'いい' end private def assert_distance(score, str1, str2) assert_equal score, DidYouMean::JaroWinkler.distance(str1, str2).round(4) end end