#!/usr/bin/env ruby -w # encoding: UTF-8 # frozen_string_literal: false # tc_features.rb # # Created by James Edward Gray II on 2005-10-31. begin require "zlib" rescue LoadError end require_relative "base" require "tempfile" class TestCSV::Features < TestCSV extend DifferentOFS TEST_CASES = [ [%Q{a,b}, ["a", "b"]], [%Q{a,"""b"""}, ["a", "\"b\""]], [%Q{a,"""b"}, ["a", "\"b"]], [%Q{a,"b"""}, ["a", "b\""]], [%Q{a,"\nb"""}, ["a", "\nb\""]], [%Q{a,"""\nb"}, ["a", "\"\nb"]], [%Q{a,"""\nb\n"""}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\""]], [%Q{a,"""\nb\n""",\nc}, ["a", "\"\nb\n\"", nil]], [%Q{a,,,}, ["a", nil, nil, nil]], [%Q{,}, [nil, nil]], [%Q{"",""}, ["", ""]], [%Q{""""}, ["\""]], [%Q{"""",""}, ["\"",""]], [%Q{,""}, [nil,""]], [%Q{,"\r"}, [nil,"\r"]], [%Q{"\r\n,"}, ["\r\n,"]], [%Q{"\r\n,",}, ["\r\n,", nil]] ] def setup super @sample_data = <<-CSV line,1,abc line,2,"def\nghi" line,4,jkl CSV @csv = CSV.new(@sample_data) end def test_col_sep [";", "\t"].each do |sep| TEST_CASES.each do |test_case| assert_equal( test_case.last.map { |t| t.tr(",", sep) unless t.nil? }, CSV.parse_line( test_case.first.tr(",", sep), col_sep: sep ) ) end end assert_equal([",,,", nil], CSV.parse_line(",,,;", col_sep: ";")) end def test_row_sep error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do CSV.parse_line("1,2,3\n,4,5\r\n", row_sep: "\r\n") end assert_equal("Unquoted fields do not allow \\r or \\n in line 1.", error.message) assert_equal( ["1", "2", "3\n", "4", "5"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{1,2,"3\n",4,5\r\n}, row_sep: "\r\n")) end def test_quote_char TEST_CASES.each do |test_case| assert_equal(test_case.last.map {|t| t.tr('"', "'") unless t.nil?}, CSV.parse_line(test_case.first.tr('"', "'"), quote_char: "'" )) end end def test_quote_char_special_regexp_char TEST_CASES.each do |test_case| assert_equal(test_case.last.map {|t| t.tr('"', "|") unless t.nil?}, CSV.parse_line(test_case.first.tr('"', "|"), quote_char: "|")) end end def test_quote_char_special_regexp_char_liberal_parsing TEST_CASES.each do |test_case| assert_equal(test_case.last.map {|t| t.tr('"', "|") unless t.nil?}, CSV.parse_line(test_case.first.tr('"', "|"), quote_char: "|", liberal_parsing: true)) end end def test_csv_char_readers %w[col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |reader| csv = CSV.new("abc,def", reader.to_sym => "|") assert_equal("|", csv.send(reader)) end end def test_row_sep_auto_discovery ["\r\n", "\n", "\r"].each do |line_end| data = "1,2,3#{line_end}4,5#{line_end}" discovered = CSV.new(data).row_sep assert_equal(line_end, discovered) end assert_equal("\n", CSV.new("\n\r\n\r").row_sep) assert_equal($/, CSV.new("").row_sep) assert_equal($/, CSV.new(STDERR).row_sep) end def test_line lines = [ %Q(abc,def\n), %Q(abc,"d\nef"\n), %Q(abc,"d\r\nef"\n), %Q(abc,"d\ref") ] csv = CSV.new(lines.join('')) lines.each do |line| csv.shift assert_equal(line, csv.line) end end def test_lineno assert_equal(5, @sample_data.lines.to_a.size) 4.times do |line_count| assert_equal(line_count, @csv.lineno) assert_not_nil(@csv.shift) assert_equal(line_count + 1, @csv.lineno) end assert_nil(@csv.shift) end def test_readline test_lineno @csv.rewind test_lineno end def test_unknown_options assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/) { CSV.new(@sample_data, unknown: :error) } assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /unknown keyword/) { CSV.new(@sample_data, universal_newline: true) } end def test_skip_blanks assert_equal(4, @csv.to_a.size) @csv = CSV.new(@sample_data, skip_blanks: true) count = 0 @csv.each do |row| count += 1 assert_equal("line", row.first) end assert_equal(3, count) end def test_liberal_parsing_middle_quote_start input = '"Johnson, Dwayne",Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson' error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do CSV.parse_line(input) end assert_equal("Illegal quoting in line 1.", error.message) assert_equal(["Johnson, Dwayne", 'Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson'], CSV.parse_line(input, liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_liberal_parsing_middle_quote_end input = '"quoted" field' error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do CSV.parse_line(input) end assert_equal("Do not allow except col_sep_split_separator " + "after quoted fields in line 1.", error.message) assert_equal(['"quoted" field'], CSV.parse_line(input, liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_liberal_parsing_quote_after_column_separator error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do CSV.parse_line('is,this "three," or four,fields', liberal_parsing: true) end assert_equal("Unclosed quoted field in line 1.", error.message) end def test_liberal_parsing_quote_before_column_separator assert_equal(["is", 'this "three', ' or four"', "fields"], CSV.parse_line('is,this "three, or four",fields', liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_liberal_parsing_backslash_quote assert_equal([ "1", "\"Hamlet says, \\\"Seems", "\\\" madam! Nay it is; I know not \\\"seems.\\\"\"", ], CSV.parse_line('1,' + '"Hamlet says, \"Seems,' + '\" madam! Nay it is; I know not \"seems.\""', liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_liberal_parsing_space_quote input = <<~CSV Los Angeles, 34°03'N, 118°15'W New York City, 40°42'46"N, 74°00'21"W Paris, 48°51'24"N, 2°21'03"E CSV assert_equal( [ ["Los Angeles", " 34°03'N", " 118°15'W"], ["New York City", " 40°42'46\"N", " 74°00'21\"W"], ["Paris", " 48°51'24\"N", " 2°21'03\"E"], ], CSV.parse(input, liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_csv_behavior_readers %w[ unconverted_fields return_headers write_headers skip_blanks force_quotes ].each do |behavior| assert_not_predicate(CSV.new("abc,def"), "#{behavior}?", "Behavior defaulted to on.") csv = CSV.new("abc,def", behavior.to_sym => true) assert_predicate(csv, "#{behavior}?", "Behavior change now registered.") end end def test_converters_reader # no change assert_equal( [:integer], CSV.new("abc,def", converters: [:integer]).converters ) # just one assert_equal( [:integer], CSV.new("abc,def", converters: :integer).converters ) # expanded assert_equal( [:integer, :float], CSV.new("abc,def", converters: :numeric).converters ) # custom csv = CSV.new("abc,def", converters: [:integer, lambda { }]) assert_equal(2, csv.converters.size) assert_equal(:integer, csv.converters.first) assert_instance_of(Proc, csv.converters.last) end def test_header_converters_reader # no change hc = :header_converters assert_equal([:downcase], CSV.new("abc,def", hc => [:downcase]).send(hc)) # just one assert_equal([:downcase], CSV.new("abc,def", hc => :downcase).send(hc)) # custom csv = CSV.new("abc,def", hc => [:symbol, lambda { }]) assert_equal(2, csv.send(hc).size) assert_equal(:symbol, csv.send(hc).first) assert_instance_of(Proc, csv.send(hc).last) end # reported by Kev Jackson def test_failing_to_escape_col_sep assert_nothing_raised(Exception) { CSV.new(String.new, col_sep: "|") } end # reported by Chris Roos def test_failing_to_reset_headers_in_rewind csv = CSV.new("forename,surname", headers: true, return_headers: true) csv.each {|row| assert_predicate row, :header_row?} csv.rewind csv.each {|row| assert_predicate row, :header_row?} end # reported by Dave Burt def test_leading_empty_fields_with_multibyte_col_sep data = <<-CSV <=><=>A<=>B<=>C 1<=>2<=>3 CSV parsed = CSV.parse(data, col_sep: "<=>") assert_equal([[nil, nil, "A", "B", "C"], ["1", "2", "3"]], parsed) end def test_gzip_reader zipped = nil assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) do zipped = CSV.new( Zlib::GzipReader.open( File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), "line_endings.gz") ) ) end assert_equal("\r\n", zipped.row_sep) ensure zipped.close end if defined?(Zlib::GzipReader) def test_gzip_writer Tempfile.create(%w"temp .gz") {|tempfile| tempfile.close file = tempfile.path zipped = nil assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) do zipped = CSV.new(Zlib::GzipWriter.open(file)) end zipped << %w[one two three] zipped << [1, 2, 3] zipped.close assert_include(Zlib::GzipReader.open(file) {|f| f.read}, $INPUT_RECORD_SEPARATOR, "@row_sep did not default") } end if defined?(Zlib::GzipWriter) def test_inspect_is_smart_about_io_types str = CSV.new("string,data").inspect assert_include(str, "io_type:StringIO", "IO type not detected.") str = CSV.new($stderr).inspect assert_include(str, "io_type:$stderr", "IO type not detected.") Tempfile.create(%w"temp .csv") {|tempfile| tempfile.close path = tempfile.path File.open(path, "w") { |csv| csv << "one,two,three\n1,2,3\n" } str = CSV.open(path) { |csv| csv.inspect } assert_include(str, "io_type:File", "IO type not detected.") } end def test_inspect_shows_key_attributes str = @csv.inspect %w[lineno col_sep row_sep quote_char].each do |attr_name| assert_match(/\b#{attr_name}:[^\s>]+/, str) end end def test_inspect_shows_headers_when_available csv = CSV.new("one,two,three\n1,2,3\n", headers: true) assert_include(csv.inspect, "headers:true", "Header hint not shown.") csv.shift # load headers assert_match(/headers:\[[^\]]+\]/, csv.inspect) end def test_inspect_encoding_is_ascii_compatible csv = CSV.new("one,two,three\n1,2,3\n".encode("UTF-16BE")) assert_send([Encoding, :compatible?, Encoding.find("US-ASCII"), csv.inspect.encoding], "inspect() was not ASCII compatible.") end def test_version assert_not_nil(CSV::VERSION) assert_instance_of(String, CSV::VERSION) assert_predicate(CSV::VERSION, :frozen?) assert_match(/\A\d\.\d\.\d\z/, CSV::VERSION) end def test_accepts_comment_skip_lines_option assert_nothing_raised(ArgumentError) do CSV.new(@sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/) end end def test_accepts_comment_defaults_to_nil c = CSV.new(@sample_data) assert_nil(c.skip_lines) end class RegexStub end def test_requires_skip_lines_to_call_match regex_stub = RegexStub.new csv = CSV.new(@sample_data, :skip_lines => regex_stub) assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, /skip_lines/) do csv.shift end end class Matchable def initialize(pattern) @pattern = pattern end def match(line) @pattern.match(line) end end def test_skip_lines_match csv = <<-CSV.chomp 1 # 2 3 # 4 CSV assert_equal([["1"], ["3"]], CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => Matchable.new(/\A#/))) end def test_comment_rows_are_ignored sample_data = "line,1,a\n#not,a,line\nline,2,b\n #also,no,line" c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/ assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a end def test_comment_rows_are_ignored_with_heredoc sample_data = <<~EOL 1,foo .2,bar 3,baz EOL c = CSV.new(sample_data, skip_lines: ".") assert_equal [["1", "foo"], ["3", "baz"]], c.each.to_a end def test_quoted_skip_line_markers_are_ignored sample_data = "line,1,a\n\"#not\",a,line\nline,2,b" c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/ assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["#not", "a", "line"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a end def test_string_works_like_a_regexp sample_data = "line,1,a\n#(not,a,line\nline,2,b\n also,#no,line" c = CSV.new sample_data, :skip_lines => "#" assert_equal [["line", "1", "a"], ["line", "2", "b"]], c.each.to_a end def test_table_nil_equality assert_nothing_raised(NoMethodError) { CSV.parse("test", headers: true) == nil } end # non-seekable input stream for testing https://github.com/ruby/csv/issues/44 class DummyIO extend Forwardable def_delegators :@io, :gets, :read, :pos, :eof? # no seek or rewind! def initialize(data) @io = StringIO.new(data) end end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_lf c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new("one,two,three\nfoo,bar,baz\n")) assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_cr c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new("one,two,three\rfoo,bar,baz\r")) assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_cr_lf c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new("one,two,three\r\nfoo,bar,baz\r\n")) assert_equal [["one", "two", "three"], ["foo", "bar", "baz"]], c.each.to_a end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_1024_over_lf table = (1..10).map { |row| (1..200).map { |col| "row#{row}col#{col}" }.to_a }.to_a input = table.map { |line| line.join(",") }.join("\n") c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new(input)) assert_equal table, c.each.to_a end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_1024_over_cr_lf table = (1..10).map { |row| (1..200).map { |col| "row#{row}col#{col}" }.to_a }.to_a input = table.map { |line| line.join(",") }.join("\r\n") c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new(input)) assert_equal table, c.each.to_a end def test_line_separator_autodetection_for_non_seekable_input_many_cr_only # input with lots of CRs (to make sure no bytes are lost due to look-ahead) c = CSV.new(DummyIO.new("foo\r" + "\r" * 9999 + "bar\r")) assert_equal [["foo"]] + [[]] * 9999 + [["bar"]], c.each.to_a end end