# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "../helper" class TestCSVParseStrip < Test::Unit::TestCase extend DifferentOFS def test_both assert_equal(["a", "b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a , b }, strip: true)) end def test_left assert_equal(["a", "b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a, b}, strip: true)) end def test_right assert_equal(["a", "b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{a ,b }, strip: true)) end def test_middle assert_equal(["a b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{a b}, strip: true)) end def test_quoted assert_equal([" a ", " b "], CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a "," b "}, strip: true)) end def test_liberal_parsing assert_equal([" a ", "b", " c ", " d "], CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a ", b , " c "," d " }, strip: true, liberal_parsing: true)) end def test_string assert_equal(["a", " b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{ a , " b" }, strip: " ")) end def test_no_quote assert_equal([" a ", " b "], CSV.parse_line(%Q{" a ", b }, strip: %Q{"}, quote_char: nil)) end def test_do_not_strip_cr assert_equal([ ["a", "b "], ["a", "b "], ], CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \r} + %Q{"a" ,"b " \r}, strip: true)) end def test_do_not_strip_lf assert_equal([ ["a", "b "], ["a", "b "], ], CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \n} + %Q{"a" ,"b " \n}, strip: true)) end def test_do_not_strip_crlf assert_equal([ ["a", "b "], ["a", "b "], ], CSV.parse(%Q{"a" ,"b " \r\n} + %Q{"a" ,"b " \r\n}, strip: true)) end def test_col_sep_incompatible_true message = "The provided strip (true) and " \ "col_sep (\\t) options are incompatible." assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, message) do CSV.parse_line(%Q{"a"\t"b"\n}, col_sep: "\t", strip: true) end end def test_col_sep_incompatible_string message = "The provided strip (\\t) and " \ "col_sep (\\t) options are incompatible." assert_raise_with_message(ArgumentError, message) do CSV.parse_line(%Q{"a"\t"b"\n}, col_sep: "\t", strip: "\t") end end def test_col_sep_compatible_string assert_equal( ["a", "b"], CSV.parse_line(%Q{\va\tb\v\n}, col_sep: "\t", strip: "\v") ) end end