# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "../helper" class TestCSVParseSkipLines < Test::Unit::TestCase extend DifferentOFS include Helper def test_default csv = CSV.new("a,b,c\n") assert_nil(csv.skip_lines) end def test_regexp csv = <<-CSV 1 #2 #3 4 CSV assert_equal([ ["1"], ["4"], ], CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/)) end def test_regexp_quoted csv = <<-CSV 1 #2 "#3" 4 CSV assert_equal([ ["1"], ["#3"], ["4"], ], CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => /\A\s*#/)) end def test_string csv = <<-CSV 1 .2 3. 4 CSV assert_equal([ ["1"], ["4"], ], CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => ".")) end class RegexStub end def test_not_matchable regex_stub = RegexStub.new csv = CSV.new("1\n", :skip_lines => regex_stub) error = assert_raise(ArgumentError) do csv.shift end assert_equal(":skip_lines has to respond to #match: #{regex_stub.inspect}", error.message) end class Matchable def initialize(pattern) @pattern = pattern end def match(line) @pattern.match(line) end end def test_matchable csv = <<-CSV 1 # 2 3 # 4 CSV assert_equal([ ["1"], ["3"], ], CSV.parse(csv, :skip_lines => Matchable.new(/\A#/))) end def test_multibyte_data # U+3042 HIRAGANA LETTER A # U+3044 HIRAGANA LETTER I # U+3046 HIRAGANA LETTER U value = "\u3042\u3044\u3046" with_chunk_size("5") do assert_equal([[value], [value]], CSV.parse("#{value}\n#{value}\n", :skip_lines => /\A#/)) end end def test_empty_line_and_liberal_parsing assert_equal([["a", "b"]], CSV.parse("a,b\n", :liberal_parsing => true, :skip_lines => /^$/)) end end