# frozen_string_literal: false require_relative "../helper" class TestCSVInterfaceRead < Test::Unit::TestCase extend DifferentOFS def setup super @data = "" @data << "1\t2\t3\r\n" @data << "4\t5\r\n" @input = Tempfile.new(["interface-read", ".csv"], binmode: true) @input << @data @input.rewind @rows = [ ["1", "2", "3"], ["4", "5"], ] end def teardown @input.close(true) super end def test_foreach rows = [] CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").each do |row| rows << row end assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_foreach_mode rows = [] CSV.foreach(@input.path, "r", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").each do |row| rows << row end assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_foreach_enumurator rows = CSV.foreach(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").to_a assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_closed? csv = CSV.open(@input.path, "r+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") assert_not_predicate(csv, :closed?) csv.close assert_predicate(csv, :closed?) end def test_open_auto_close csv = nil CSV.open(@input.path) do |_csv| csv = _csv end assert_predicate(csv, :closed?) end def test_open_closed csv = nil CSV.open(@input.path) do |_csv| csv = _csv csv.close end assert_predicate(csv, :closed?) end def test_open_block_return_value return_value = CSV.open(@input.path) do "Return value." end assert_equal("Return value.", return_value) end def test_open_encoding_valid # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE # U+1F601 GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES File.open(@input.path, "w") do |file| file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}" end CSV.open(@input.path, encoding: "utf-8") do |csv| assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]], csv.to_a) end end def test_open_encoding_invalid # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE # U+1F601 GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES File.open(@input.path, "w") do |file| file << "\u{1F600},\u{1F601}" end CSV.open(@input.path, encoding: "EUC-JP") do |csv| error = assert_raise(CSV::MalformedCSVError) do csv.shift end assert_equal("Invalid byte sequence in EUC-JP in line 1.", error.message) end end def test_open_encoding_nonexistent _output, error = capture_output do CSV.open(@input.path, encoding: "nonexistent") do end end assert_equal("path:0: warning: Unsupported encoding nonexistent ignored\n", error.gsub(/\A.+:\d+: /, "path:0: ")) end def test_open_encoding_utf_8_with_bom # U+FEFF ZERO WIDTH NO-BREAK SPACE, BOM # U+1F600 GRINNING FACE # U+1F601 GRINNING FACE WITH SMILING EYES File.open(@input.path, "w") do |file| file << "\u{FEFF}\u{1F600},\u{1F601}" end CSV.open(@input.path, encoding: "bom|utf-8") do |csv| assert_equal([["\u{1F600}", "\u{1F601}"]], csv.to_a) end end def test_parse assert_equal(@rows, CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")) end def test_parse_block rows = [] CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |row| rows << row end assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_parse_enumerator rows = CSV.parse(@data, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n").to_a assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_parse_headers_only table = CSV.parse("a,b,c", headers: true) assert_equal([ ["a", "b", "c"], [], ], [ table.headers, table.each.to_a, ]) end def test_parse_line assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], CSV.parse_line("1;2;3", col_sep: ";")) end def test_parse_line_shortcut assert_equal(["1", "2", "3"], "1;2;3".parse_csv(col_sep: ";")) end def test_parse_line_empty assert_equal(nil, CSV.parse_line("")) # to signal eof end def test_parse_line_empty_line assert_equal([], CSV.parse_line("\n1,2,3")) end def test_read assert_equal(@rows, CSV.read(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")) end def test_readlines assert_equal(@rows, CSV.readlines(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n")) end def test_open_read rows = CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| csv.read end assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_open_readlines rows = CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| csv.readlines end assert_equal(@rows, rows) end def test_table table = CSV.table(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") assert_equal(CSV::Table.new([ CSV::Row.new([:"1", :"2", :"3"], [4, 5, nil]), ]), table) end def test_shift # aliased as gets() and readline() CSV.open(@input.path, "rb+", col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| rows = [ csv.shift, csv.shift, csv.shift, ] assert_equal(@rows + [nil], rows) end end def test_enumerator CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| assert_equal(@rows, csv.each.to_a) end end def test_shift_and_each CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| rows = [] rows << csv.shift rows.concat(csv.each.to_a) assert_equal(@rows, rows) end end def test_each_twice CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| assert_equal([ @rows, [], ], [ csv.each.to_a, csv.each.to_a, ]) end end def test_eof? eofs = [] CSV.open(@input.path, col_sep: "\t", row_sep: "\r\n") do |csv| eofs << csv.eof? csv.shift eofs << csv.eof? csv.shift eofs << csv.eof? end assert_equal([false, false, true], eofs) end def test_new_nil assert_raise_with_message ArgumentError, "Cannot parse nil as CSV" do CSV.new(nil) end end def test_options_not_modified options = {}.freeze CSV.foreach(@input.path, **options) CSV.open(@input.path, **options) {} CSV.parse("", **options) CSV.parse_line("", **options) CSV.read(@input.path, **options) CSV.readlines(@input.path, **options) CSV.table(@input.path, **options) end end