# frozen_string_literal: false require 'test/unit' class TestFuncall < Test::Unit::TestCase module Relay def self.target(*args, **kw, &block) yield(*args, **kw) if block end end require '-test-/funcall' def test_with_funcall2 ok = nil Relay.with_funcall2("feature#4504") {|arg| ok = arg || true} assert_nil(ok) end def test_with_funcall_passing_block ok = nil Relay.with_funcall_passing_block("feature#4504") {|arg| ok = arg || true} assert_equal("feature#4504", ok) end def test_with_funcall_passing_block_kw block = ->(*a, **kw) { [a, kw] } assert_equal([[1], {}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(0, 1, &block)) assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(1, a: 1, &block)) assert_equal([[1], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(1, 1, a: 1, &block)) assert_equal([[{}], {}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(2, {}, **{}, &block)) assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(3, a: 1, &block)) assert_equal([[{a: 1}], {}], Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(3, {a: 1}, **{}, &block)) assert_warn(/warning: The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.*for method/m) do assert_equal({}, Relay.with_funcall_passing_block_kw(3, **{}, &->(a){a})) end end def test_with_funcallv_public_kw o = Object.new def o.foo(*args, **kw) [args, kw] end def o.bar(*args, **kw) [args, kw] end o.singleton_class.send(:private, :bar) def o.baz(arg) arg end assert_equal([[1], {}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 0, 1)) assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 1, a: 1)) assert_equal([[1], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 1, 1, a: 1)) assert_equal([[{}], {}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 2, {}, **{})) assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 3, a: 1)) assert_equal([[{a: 1}], {}], Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :foo, 3, {a: 1}, **{})) assert_raise(NoMethodError) { Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :bar, 3, {a: 1}, **{}) } assert_warn(/warning: The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter.*for `baz'/m) do assert_equal({}, Relay.with_funcallv_public_kw(o, :baz, 3, **{})) end end def test_with_yield_splat_kw block = ->(*a, **kw) { [a, kw] } assert_equal([[1], {}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(0, [1], &block)) assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(1, [{a: 1}], &block)) assert_equal([[1], {a: 1}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(1, [1, {a: 1}], &block)) assert_equal([[{}], {}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(2, [{}], **{}, &block)) assert_warn(/warning: The last argument is used as the keyword parameter.*for method/m) do assert_equal([[], {a: 1}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(3, [{a: 1}], &block)) end assert_equal([[{a: 1}], {}], Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(3, [{a: 1}], **{}, &block)) assert_warn(/warning: The keyword argument is passed as the last hash parameter/) do assert_equal({}, Relay.with_yield_splat_kw(3, [], **{}, &->(a){a})) end end end