%# -*- c -*- #include "ruby/ruby.h" <% class String def tr_cpp strip.upcase.tr_s("^A-Z0-9_*", "_").tr_s("*", "P") end end headers = Hash.new {[]} sizes = {} types = ARGF.grep(/^\s*RUBY_CHECK_SIZEOF\((\w[^\[\],#]*)[^#]*\)| ^\s*RUBY_DEFINT\((\w[^\[\],#]*)[^#]*\)| ^\s*have_type\('(.+?)'(?:,\s*%w\[(.+)\])?\)/x) do sizes[type = $3] = true hdrs = $4 and hdrs.split.each {|h| headers[h] <<= type} type || $+ end conditions = { "long long" => 'defined(HAVE_TRUE_LONG_LONG)', } %> % headers.each do |h, type| #if <%= type.map {|t| "defined(HAVE_TYPE_#{t.tr_cpp})"}.join(' || ') %> # include <<%= h %>> #endif % end void Init_sizeof(void) { extern void Init_limits(); VALUE s = rb_hash_new(); rb_define_const(rb_define_module("RbConfig"), "SIZEOF", s); #define DEFINE(type, size) rb_hash_aset(s, rb_str_new_cstr(#type), INT2FIX(SIZEOF_##size)) #define DEFINE_SIZE(type) rb_hash_aset(s, rb_str_new_cstr(#type), INT2FIX(sizeof(type))) % types.each do |type| % if sizes[type] #ifdef HAVE_TYPE_<%= type.tr_cpp %> DEFINE_SIZE(<%= type %>); #endif % next % end % cond = conditions[type] #if SIZEOF_<%= type.tr_cpp %> != 0<%= " && #{cond}" if cond %> DEFINE(<%= type %>, <%= type.tr_cpp %>); #endif % end OBJ_FREEZE(s); #undef DEFINE Init_limits(); } /option> The Ruby Programming Language
path: root/doc/ChangeLog-2.4.0
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2021-11-02Fix typos in ChangeLog files [ci skip]Nobuyoshi Nakada
2018-02-01Fixed duplicated typo for `the the`.hsbt